08:03:07 Okay, there will set up. 08:03:11 All right, back to screen share. 08:03:15 Okay, so. 08:03:28 Alright, so see we've got 08:03:36 listed. 08:03:41 Okay, but you didn't update the. You didn't update this stuff with just this one. 08:03:48 This one subset of, of, gather issues. 08:03:54 It still has all the numbers for the from the previous guide trackers I'm trying to track, I'm trying to make a track or just for the ones that are that are different type of issue. 08:04:08 So there's two sets of God up examples right so there's only two of them. 08:04:19 Yes. 08:04:19 Okay, so, so I wrote right here make this spreadsheet just track the sub issues that have been made for gathering examples, not the issues that are labeled gather examples, the issues that are specifically just gathering examples, and there are two of 08:04:34 them, and the two of them are the ones I teach held here, these two. 08:04:41 Okay, so I shouldn't include the audacious justice delicious. 08:04:46 Right. 08:04:48 All right. 08:04:49 I just added the number because they were initially 65 for product management, and so I added that to the number. 08:05:01 I know, I'm just saying I want to create a tracker just for these types of issues where it's a subset of. It's an additional issue, in addition to the, to the guide itself, just for gathering assets. 08:05:16 Yeah. 08:05:18 So okay so you'll, you'll revise this so it's just that. 08:05:25 I'm trying to see if I can do quickly. 08:05:28 Okay, well, what else what else did we have on your on your list of things to do so with that. 08:05:35 So, I'm okay. 08:05:51 BM well and for the rest the 08:05:47 UI UX on specified your bills issues. we haven't addressed to sunset so 08:05:56 I think we see how in this. You mean this thing. Yeah, I have to read every single one of these texts like it takes like 45 minutes per issue. 08:06:06 Yeah, unfortunately there's not been very quick so I have to just do it when I have time, like this one, creating on the get rid of all the controls are annoying, creating a guide displaying your subject open source volunteer experience on LinkedIn. 08:06:23 So, this one. 08:06:28 This is in UI UX know this is a product management. 08:06:35 Now this is a product management. Create guide bullets site, actually a resume content tool, and then I wrote a note on here that says. 08:06:45 This has been replaced by the LinkedIn back. So, it's still I have to sort it out because we've made a deck for the thing we're not doing a guide for this for this thing, but we might do a guide, we might do a guide in addition to it I don't know, It's 08:07:01 just kind of like on hold right now because I haven't been making any changes to the LinkedIn yet, so I don't know, I don't really know what to do with this yet, I don't. 08:07:12 The other ones I've made it like on these I made a determination on what to do specifically. 08:07:17 But I saw like all these, where I made this change. I added an additional issue but I still fixed this issue. Right, so these are corrected. 08:07:27 So now, wait on gather actually examples, I have not finished them yet. 08:07:36 Yeah, I have to. I have to wait for you guys get oh sorry I'm looking at the one thing on this one. 08:07:46 Okay, so this one is the new issue for this. So on these two, it's been corrected I just made a secondary issue. So after you finish fixing this spreadsheet so it only tracks and only tracks the like 2223 and let me see which one. 08:08:12 Yeah, so these, these two. 08:08:15 Let's just double check that. so if I got that right. 08:08:18 Now it's the other way around. Okay, hold on one second, it's not clear. So this is 22. So this is on Edit, to 77, to 77, to seven seven. 08:08:42 And then this will be 08:08:47 on, let's. 08:08:51 This is not clear, sorry it's not clear, I apologize. 08:09:20 Me revise the wording. 08:09:23 This is. 08:09:26 Okay. We talked about it. 08:09:47 Now two issues. 08:09:51 Number. 23 is, is the 08:09:59 one sec. 08:10:03 God delivered cover today one second. 08:10:05 Well. 08:11:01 Okay, sorry, they were calling to tell me between two and 6pm pm. 08:11:06 Okay. They're now two issues to 77, which, which has the standard guide format 08:11:23 and 23, which, which is the Gather, Gather. 08:11:35 Examples Examples subset. 08:11:39 Okay. 08:11:43 There you go. 08:11:47 You say that. 08:11:49 Okay, let me just make sure that that is hundred percent right. Oh, just Unlimited, didn't I might shoot. 08:12:09 Hold on, wait. Shoot. 08:12:04 Sorry, wait on me copy this copy that one copy this, sorry, one sec I didn't want to get rid of that, we go backwards. Sorry forwards forwards words. Come on, or 08:12:23 not I lost it. 08:12:25 I won't go forward now. I started. I'm 08:12:40 here at night great format for this 08:12:43 to 77, which is the, which is the standard standard guide issue. 08:13:00 23, which is the, which is the gather. 08:13:11 Examples Examples subset subset issue. 08:13:17 And then I do 23. 08:13:57 Okay, that's clear. 08:13:51 Now I'm just doing the same on the other one. 08:14:04 Okay, 22, and 278 to seven, eight. 08:14:13 I go get a copy of that. 08:14:22 Okay. 08:14:26 So that should be working right so let's just double check that so 23, sorry, 27, to 77 is the standard issue. Yes. And 22 is the standard issue. 08:14:45 So, and thanks to those who have got a exam poorly very it or not. 08:14:52 Yeah, they don't have the right label, they don't, they have to be labeled and stuff but they have the right format of the issue, the internal part of the issue itself is is is correct. 08:15:03 And they have the dependencies, they need a couple labels they needed a dependency label dependency. 08:15:10 And so it's an icebox, and then it needs a Gather, Gather it well we'll need to gather examples label because that'll have been done as soon as the check thing is checked off. 08:15:25 As soon as the dependency is released it will, it will go straight to it will go straight to draft template. 08:15:37 But it's in the icebox, so it doesn't it's not, it's not have it hasn't happened yet at all. 08:15:47 I think you're right. I think with the Gather, Gather, Gather, it'll be clear on gather examples, it'll be clear, it's a little weird because it's got a different format so I got it sorted out but dependency draft template. 08:15:59 Okay, So then that's that one that was 22, and then to 77 was on you said you did additional labels to right so it's got gather examples. Oh, the other one was missing documentation, let's get future guide creation. 08:16:15 So do they all have documentation or do some of them not have documentation. 08:16:19 No, they don't hold on to the. 08:16:24 Why do some have some don't. 08:16:27 It's unclear why they have feature guide creation so they don't need documentation, they don't need the documentation label, that's just that's just an extra it's not doing anything. 08:16:37 It's not really accomplishing anything so I'm going to clear that off the documentation Michael 08:16:47 just extra, it's not it's not adding any value. I'm saying it's loading. 08:16:53 So James okay so labels now, right, like why is 08:17:03 it taking out sorry it's, it added it to the ones that were missing it so now it's removing it from all of them. 08:17:10 Sorry. 08:17:14 What do you want to say. 08:17:16 Yeah, Jane to now has dropped a liberal liberal, but no feature on vacation liberal. 08:17:26 I'm sorry, which which one. 08:17:33 So I need to issue 22. 08:17:42 Yeah. Got it. 08:17:48 Thank you. 08:17:49 Okay. 08:17:52 It has a dependency label now Okay good. So that's just make sure the other one has a dependency label it does it too Right, yeah, no it doesn't have the dependency label, add that anything in the icebox I said, Oh, it doesn't have, own it doesn't say 08:18:08 dependency okay I gotta fix that to one side of it. 08:18:18 Edit. Wait, I'm sorry. 08:18:20 Is this the gather one. Yeah. Wait, this is, yeah this is the full one dependency. 08:18:29 Yeah, because the other ones been made into the so this is not accurate anymore. 08:18:44 It needs a little bit of a rewrite still. Let's say, so sorry, we do yeah. 08:18:47 Now this is right now. I'm satisfied with this. So good okay so update comment. 08:18:52 Oh, and it's not the prioritize backlogs nice box. 08:19:01 Okay, now this is now these are both fine clothes this one. 08:19:03 We make sure this, I don't need that open. 08:19:07 This one is the gather one which is 23. Let's make sure that's. 08:19:13 Yeah, 23 and this to seven year. So let's look at 23 and see if it has the right label. So it's in the prioritize backlog, it has died Krishna gather example so that's good. 08:19:24 And then it needs, it needs something else which is. 08:19:31 I guess it. 08:19:34 Let's see. 08:19:36 Okay. 08:19:40 Do seven eight that was one we just want to. 08:19:43 That's when we were just on. 08:19:45 That's 23 we're just on a chill one. Okay, so that's okay so then. 08:19:53 Let's see what they said that design system team. 08:20:00 design system. Um. Did they say anything. 08:20:10 So, They may respond to this at all. 08:20:16 They didn't take my message at all. 08:20:23 Okay. So, somebody is going to have to go to there, somebody's gonna have to go to the meeting, I can't go it's always at a time that I can't go and you can't go because it's too late at night in the middle of the night for you. 08:20:34 And again, same thing for growth and I think it's, it happens that it happens that, as you said Monday night but then they on to when it when it happens, it happens on Monday night at. 08:20:52 Oh, it happens on Monday at 3pm. 08:20:58 So that is wait homepage design No, that's not what time does it happen. 08:21:09 I don't understand I posted that to them on Monday and nobody responded, I don't understand what's going on with that, um, let me reach out to me reach out to. 08:21:22 What is his name UI UX. 08:21:42 Kevin Wang. 08:21:49 Actually, you know what, forget that hold on let me just go look at let me go look up there. 08:21:54 Let me go look and see who is there. 08:21:57 Let's see design system actually design. No. 08:22:10 Design dash system on design dash system. I don't know if they have. 08:22:11 If they have a universal design system. 08:22:18 who's on their team. 08:22:20 Okay, I'm getting past. 08:22:23 Okay, Anna. Anna. 08:22:28 Please set up a time for me, when you get back, via the admin via that admin channel admin channel. I have been trying to get information from the team, but no one responds, respond response to the messages left, and the channel. 08:23:15 There, I am no idea I had no idea where the roster is 08:23:13 teams must be structured structured, a specific specific way, or they or the or loses the ability, ability to get timely time timely information from them, 08:23:37 which creates, which creates on necessary friction. 08:23:45 I would have the person who needs needs the info contact people on the team on the team but given that we have no visibility visibility into its structure. 08:24:09 into. and to that teams structure. 08:24:13 I can't, I can't, can't do that. I can't do that. 08:24:21 Which, which is causing unnecessary on set, sorry work on other teams for half. 08:24:33 On the other team. On the other team. 08:24:41 I'm 08:24:41 not on that on 08:24:47 unnecessary on on us falling right. 08:24:56 I know we can work it out, we just need to get together to gather g g h er, so that I can help you set up the standard standard methodology method, all the G's 08:25:23 standard hack for lay for la. 08:25:29 La methodology. 08:25:32 Okay, uh, let me go to her challenge. GitHub hack for a design systems design systems. 08:25:46 Okay, that's when their weekly meeting is at 6:30pm. 08:25:55 We add this to their agenda, 08:26:01 say their agenda. 08:26:03 Why is I'm not seeing their agenda. 08:26:07 Okay, so this is the week of 08:26:12 who's responding. 08:26:15 Yeah. 08:26:18 Okay. 08:26:19 Where is the agenda for this week's meeting meeting harsh mark to around. 08:26:31 This week's meeting 08:26:36 Rushmore. Please, please add this to the agenda for next meeting our next meeting. 08:26:49 I go back to the channel design systems. 08:27:10 Okay, this is onboarding info to send questions and review. And now we're going to go back to say to master. 08:27:23 Okay, this is the only way closing that out. 08:27:28 A project added to website project inventory. Yeah, I'm 08:27:35 just icebox. Okay, so let's try this. Instead, let's do an adding a column to the issue. 08:27:43 One sec sorry, so sorry, new issue approval. 08:27:49 Okay. 08:27:53 Do newly added. 08:27:57 Yep, right column. 08:28:01 This is getting moved. 08:28:45 Okay, sir. 08:28:56 Yep. Okay. 08:29:14 I'm 08:29:19 are not complete. 08:29:23 The issues, complete and ready to release to prioritize prioritized backlog. 08:29:37 It's not complete radio backlog. 08:29:40 not complete radio backlog. They might need labeling labeling or the adding of dependency dependencies capacities and would slash placing placing and icebox 08:30:04 Bonnie will give a lesson on this on this 2pm. 08:30:15 Okay, there we go. 08:30:27 Um, I get a hold on analogy real quick. 08:30:24 I'm emoji chair 08:30:33 announcement announcement. 08:30:45 I know I have a microphone microphone on 08:30:44 me like important urgent. 08:30:49 I want a little, little gap cheerleader thing. 08:30:53 I want that megaphone. That's all I want. Copy. 08:30:59 All right, go where to go. 08:31:01 just had the issue open. 08:31:04 Gosh darn it, or to go 08:31:08 Is it here. 08:31:11 Was I on there. 08:31:13 No. 08:31:21 That's weird. 08:31:21 saw that 08:31:21 literally just kind of open, but I can't find it. 08:31:25 Here we go. 08:31:36 Okay, done. Okay, I'll close that now I don't need that. OK, 08:31:41 All right. 08:31:44 Okay, I'm back to what we were doing. Sorry. 08:31:49 And just we're just never going to get an answer for one if we don't get on their agenda so I had to be done. 08:31:55 Okay, so we're gonna blah blah blah so we're just leaving that yeah so what I was saying about these is, each one of these takes like a bunch of time for me to figure out what to do because they are non standard is not just putting in the is not just 08:32:10 putting in the, in the template and then, and then calling it. 08:32:15 I have to look at why we did things that were in a non standard way and after remain that way. 08:32:22 It's only when I looked at I haven't looked at this one. 08:32:25 Finding the new to me just make sure my calendar. 08:32:30 Okay, yeah, internship stand up doesn't start till. 08:32:33 Sorry, we on Monday starts Wednesday night. 08:32:37 Yeah, I'm just want to make sure you're finding the TC from keep finding the TC TMC from TdnN TMC. 08:32:49 I know what the TMC is I wrote this condition. 08:32:53 Oh, thank you so much. We need to jump oh yeah of course just finished in the template from terms of conditions document projects to use product existing edit the existing Terms and Conditions 08:33:08 template in Google Docs to general generic size and create subsection to be what is appropriate as well size application piloted terms. Okay, so this is in the icebox terms and conditions. 08:33:22 Yeah, Okay. 08:33:27 So, 08:33:27 this is. 08:33:37 Yeah, there's only the one, so this could have the same format as the other ones I just need to do it right so I just have to do it, these ones. These ones are ready for you to add to the spreadsheet, these two are ready for you that spreadsheet This 08:33:51 is waiting on response, right. So, this is add to sheet 08:34:03 to sheet so you can change those, you know, the thing. And again, you're going to make two of them appear on here and the rest of them. The other two will appear on here. 08:34:08 And then on this one. I have to look at it. 08:34:19 Or, hold on, bonnie, bonnie needs to review needs to review this one. 08:34:30 Bonnie needs to convert Bonnie needs needs to find asset asset and convert at asset. 08:34:40 Convert convert your standard template standard template and add labels. Okay. 08:34:51 This 124. 08:34:56 Why is it not loading it because I can click on it. 08:35:01 Because I can click on it. I'm product managers designers and developers need a style guide to make sure the website is created is consistent. This is very much related to other issue. 08:35:14 Yeah, this is totally related to the other issue. This is nice box I'm going to say that this one and this 120 and. 08:35:27 Oh I already put a link to it right here. Yeah, so there's a oh no 2024 week. 08:35:33 Oh that's, yeah, nevermind. Okay, I'm just gonna say same as 24. 08:35:40 Same as 20. Same as number 20. 08:35:43 So when I get an answer from this one and I'll talk to them about this one to let me, let me put a link to that same like, get rid of this, they put a link to this one in the same issue as the other one as the same note as the other one. 08:36:04 So let me go back to their deck on again sorry there, they're starting out their deck their, their board design system projects one 08:36:16 questions and review. 08:36:20 Okay, I'm 08:36:24 at it. 08:36:45 There you go. 08:36:38 That's done. I don't need that again. 08:36:42 Only God again. 08:36:43 Okay so that I don't need because I need to look at it right now. 08:36:47 And then because we might actually just end up deleting those issues or closing them UI UX number of guides, create a template for making composite images in our hack for like guides, can you practice volunteers in progress, or making guys in a template 08:37:03 for all use of all screenshot. 08:37:06 So make a slide deck create the following elements headers. 08:37:11 As another issue for that. 08:37:36 Another example to consider. Okay I don't star stand. 08:37:40 So who is working on this. So Danielle. 08:37:46 Danielle. 08:37:49 Is that the one she's on. 08:37:53 Yes, she's got two handles, so I check in. 08:37:56 Can you help me close out this issue, question mark. 08:38:05 All right, let me send this to her in a slack message. 08:38:08 Danielle. 08:38:11 I think this issue is done so I don't want to have to clean it up. 08:38:16 Can you help me close, close out this issue. 08:38:24 Okay. 08:38:44 Picking the work you do ad hoc for lay yeah solidifying, making guides, communicating your cheer project leads Do you want my challenge choose a project two spaces right for you need you need a portfolio item, this topic of project actually important 08:38:59 your career. 08:39:03 Um, I don't know what this is. I mean, it's not a guide. 08:39:09 Guess, hold on, let me see if there's another issue thats related. 08:39:14 So 08:39:19 do we have, we don't have a tracker for all the, we don't have a track. Oh, I'm gonna go you wanna go. 08:39:26 Hold on. Yeah, let's go to UI UX templates guide tracker but this is empty, right, this guy choppers empty. 08:39:34 I can click on feature guide creation, but does that have a link to to it. 08:39:40 Yeah, it does. Okay, so I can click on that and that'll take me to all. So there's 41, okay so UX research cross research client usability testing how Inspect Element auto layout design systems. 08:40:03 part of analysis. 08:39:58 Free testing card sorting 08:40:03 diary study. I don't know what a diary study is but all that I couldn't give him a composite images and hacker like I typography theory synthesizing research participant recruitment AV testing UX okay that might be the same thing to have a favorite concert 08:40:22 zero Hi, picking the work that your hospital is the one we're on right now for two practices for developers effective practices for the developers. 08:40:31 Okay, there's another one. Designers toolkit on openness one present your work. Present your work design, researchers toolkit. 08:40:41 I'll go design recruit that says yeah okay that's that's that's maybe a duplicate accessibility templates and guides as charter big way for teens frame your hack for like experience. 08:40:53 Yep, that's more about your resume to vote, but I want to check it anyway. 08:41:00 Developing get over designers, creating a unique survey template defining hack relay identity is big, effectively on open source volunteer teams. Okay, so now let's look at these diary study this. 08:41:15 I don't know what a diary study is, what is a diary study on diary, study. 08:41:30 Okay, got it does nothing to do with this what we're talking about so I can close that one. Okay. 08:41:36 We need to create a guide for UX experience profile so members can use it to track the course of hacker lay. 08:41:43 Okay, so. 08:41:49 After reviewing the community guy needs to be modified with the heck build a template. 08:41:55 But where is it, there was an off topic one show topic. 08:42:02 Okay. So why is all this stuff checked off and it's not it's not there's no guide to check. Okay, it's in in progress tan only mentioned him at tan. 08:42:16 It looks it looks like, like, like this issue says, says all the things above are done. But there is no link. There's no link to any resources, resources. 08:42:42 Eg G. 08:42:42 What should be, what should be in, and the issue is. 08:42:58 what should be in the issue is, gather other communities. Communities of Practice, practice templates. 08:43:11 So gather other communities practice of templates 08:43:17 product has one product has one. 08:43:21 And then 08:43:27 create a guide for you experience profile. 08:43:39 Are we okay, second link to resources, 08:43:49 for instance. 08:43:54 Okay. 08:43:54 is this issue really a guide, or is it a template issue. 08:44:04 One. 08:44:11 Right click open issue new issue UX experience profile. 08:44:21 Okay wait code. 08:44:24 github issue template. 08:44:26 Yes. Is it this, 08:44:41 if it's if it's not a guide. I'm just a template. 08:45:27 And you are using it, and it's been signed off on, let's let's let's annotate annotate the upper part with the details, with the links and close this issue out, please reach out to 08:45:18 reach out to boot up on on what is you're going to have no. Okay. 08:45:24 She, she is working. 08:45:27 Why 08:45:29 she is. 08:45:31 Yeah. 08:45:33 No, actually just have it as bookie, no I don't mean you're getting a handle. I mean, I'll reach out to buki on slack. 08:45:42 With change to the status on this. 08:45:47 She is on the guides team, the guides team. 08:46:02 The Slack channel, all his guides, 08:46:03 so that she can update the tracker. 08:46:20 Now I'm going to go to tan, I'm going to go to UI UX at messaged him in the channel at tan. 08:46:31 Okay. 08:46:35 Okay that's done. Um, so now I'm going to put a. Okay, I don't need to look at the rest of these i don't think so, just double check your okay that I don't need designers cool tool kit. 08:46:46 Yep, how to frame. 08:46:50 Yeah that's different. Okay, cool. 08:46:52 Alright so now back to this, I can say sent tan, a message to Clean up, clean up issue and get back to buki with changes. 08:47:09 Okay. 08:47:11 12. 08:47:14 We need to turn these slides into a guided screenshots, how to set a big that your team's fault instructions. 08:47:21 Okay, let me ask Olivia if this is out of date now. I think it's out of date now at Olivia. 08:47:32 Is this out of date. 08:47:35 And, and, and what we should do with the issue. 08:47:45 Close it. 08:47:48 Close it. or 08:47:51 are we using it to make a new version. 08:47:56 The new version of the instructions. 08:48:01 Question mark. 08:48:04 Okay, well may take Oscar off of this and add a whole. It's UI UX, it's. Oh, yeah. 08:48:19 They've been on hold. 08:48:21 icebox, you know why they have an awful That's weird. that's what the icebox is for. 08:48:26 Let me. 08:48:29 I'm just going to move it to the memory to transfer issue to choose repository product, product management transfer issue. 08:48:41 Okay, so I moved this issue to product management. I'm going to assign Olivia to it, and I'm going to put it and I've run the project board, and I'm going to put it in the wrong board sorry templates and guides board. 08:49:01 Yeah, sorry, not product management. I'm sorry, taking off project management and putting it in the. 08:49:10 Come on. 08:49:18 Olivia, and then. 08:49:37 Okay, I'm okay so that one is been moved. 08:49:42 moved to a pm, pm and waiting and waiting for Olivia to respond. 08:49:54 Oh I know what she says. 40. 08:49:59 We need to guard for designers and have really to encourage efficient use of team structure and their time. 08:50:09 This to me is like exactly it's another one of these issues where 08:50:17 this is yeah page design from beginning to end. 08:50:22 This is should be part of this thing on the GitHub design system. 08:50:55 Okay, on and closing that not okay. 08:51:03 So, same thing here. 08:51:08 Same as 20. 08:51:12 Same as 20 on product. 08:51:23 Same as 20 on product on product. 08:51:25 28. We might get through these mostly today okay that's useless. 08:51:31 How to write a donor acknowledgement. 08:51:33 Okay. 08:51:41 Okay so this one's good. 08:51:43 Okay so hold on one second. Um, let's actually let's see here. 08:51:48 Um, yeah sweet. Okay, got it. 08:51:53 So this one just needs a. 08:51:56 This is easy. 08:51:58 This is very easy. 08:51:59 Let me go grab the. Let me go grab the template from from product, 08:52:08 product communities of practice product 08:52:16 issue new issue. 08:52:27 Copy that. 08:52:39 Oh, I don't want to copy that I want to copy this, okay, control a control see. 08:52:35 There we go. That goes there. 08:52:42 That's none of that is that, oops, none of that is is related. 08:52:49 This will be, this will be the wrong link. 08:52:57 Let's see where we go, creative global blah preview. 08:52:59 Okay. 08:53:03 Copy Link address. 08:53:05 I can put the whole link here. Copy that. 08:53:09 There we go. 08:53:11 So let's say we need to create a guide for music guide to making donor acknowledgement. 08:53:23 So that 08:53:27 we, so that project projects can thank donors donors Quickly, quickly without having to get approval for each 08:53:47 letter. 08:53:50 Say org approval without having without having to get org approval or approval for each letter. 08:53:58 So, update the comment. 08:54:03 So I don't know, I'll have to go through. She's, she's off the project for. 08:54:10 Melissa is taking two weeks off, so I can't ask her to do it. So I'll still have to go through and like read the guide and see what might be missing and make my notes and stuff like that. 08:54:20 Um, so let me do, let me just add that note. 08:54:25 So, I'm Bonnie to go through and update issue. 08:54:34 After. After reviewing guide. 08:54:38 Okay. So that one is done. 08:54:48 And then, 27. 08:54:52 Create a guide identify grant areas keywords for project using keywords and repository. 08:54:58 Review the template and make a copy. 08:55:01 Okay, when there's going to be a dependency on this one. 08:55:06 So that's one thing you probably need to add to the spreadsheet rookie is a. And this is another section here for once I have a dependency. 08:55:17 Right, you'll add another like dependency is a label. 08:55:39 Okay, so, Japan. 08:55:39 See, and the dependency on this one is, is all projects, having selected, having selected keywords keywords for their repo repo, which itself itself has a dependency of the, the, what's it called the. 08:55:59 The Civic civic tech index project. 08:56:07 Finishing finishing their semantic index project finishing their tag generator will be done with this another week 08:56:18 should be tagged generator tg should should be done by the dates should be done by Sunday the eight by eight, eight, okay, I've been flooded. 08:56:40 Yeah, exactly. They're almost done. They said by the end of the week when I met with them earlier. 08:56:47 Then it will take about a week to get all projects to use, use the tag generator tag generator generator. Okay. 08:57:04 Okay. Um, so dependency and see a towel stick. 08:57:12 Okay, I'm overview. 08:57:16 So, this one needs the. 08:57:20 This one needs the, the format the the product management format. GitHub, but I can do that real quick so hack relay, because it's already ready to go on this one I know exactly where we are with it. 08:57:34 So, product management issues, new issue, and project management guide thing template for making guide cockiness control a control C 08:57:50 control See, put that in here, edit. 08:57:56 Okay, uh, it's going to go here. 08:58:04 A bunch of spaces so I can see where it is ok so we need to create a guide so a guide 08:58:15 guide. 08:58:17 Identify grant areas and keywords. We need to create a guide to to identify identifying brand areas and keywords, keywords, of projects. So that, so that we can find appropriate appropriate funders funders funders. 08:58:49 Okay, so that's out action I showed you the template and make a copy in the folder for our community. I don't know what that means right some guidance yeah that's useless. 08:59:00 Okay. 08:59:02 All that's a dependency okay so then resources do we have to resources. Yeah, so this one I need to go back to this preview, grab this, the full link. 08:59:14 copy link address. 08:59:17 That is for this. 08:59:18 This is their tracker which we don't have a tracker for this yet. 08:59:32 Okay, let's see what else, um, they don't have any of these labels though I've mentioned the labels, but they don't actually have the labels, which is one of the challenges. 08:59:42 We need to create God to find grant areas keywords of project so the designer corporate funders. 08:59:49 That's fine action items. Okay, that's the part that's messed up review the template and make a copy in the footnote. Yeah, don't need that. Okay. 09:00:00 template for new guide. Oh, is that the is that the same thing as they 09:00:07 might be that might be the same thing. 09:00:10 Preview, 09:00:17 how to write a guide. Yeah, yeah, nevermind. 09:00:20 Okay, so actually don't need this then edit right preview. So it's actually 09:00:31 template for new guide Yeah, I just do that. Okay. Oh, shoot. 09:00:35 I want to get rid of the word resources. Okay, so that's just extra. 09:00:40 And then update comment. 09:00:43 Okay, so what's missing I think here is issues create issues tab let's say labels. 09:00:51 So we don't have any the tg labels, yet but we can quick one particular one. Yes, good point, we can. 09:01:05 So, gather. 09:01:10 It's not really gather examples. It's. 09:01:14 That's the thing these are a little bit different. It's more like gather information, because, well I guess it might also be gathered on this one it's, it could be gather examples but also it's, it's a, I'm going to say, I'm going to add this a little 09:01:32 bit, and when we make their template will make it a little different. So gather examples, or assets assets from. 09:01:44 Okay we gather examples of how other projects have done or assets. 09:01:55 Adding each. Adding each as a link in the resources section or 09:02:03 any each example, adding each example. 09:02:07 Example. 09:02:10 i, sorry, adding each examples shit. 09:02:16 Each example, each example as a link the resource example or, or a list as a link in the resources section. 09:02:33 Wait, let me think about this, we need to create a guard to identify and grant errs and huge projects that we can kind of help your funders. 09:02:45 Um, 09:02:45 it's just not the same as it's just not the same as the way the other ones work so hold on, let me think about this credit guide identify grant there's a huge project, all projects. 09:02:55 We need to create a guide to identifying grant areas Jewish party so define appropriate funders on. 09:03:02 I think there's actually a good example of. 09:03:06 Oh, I see. Okay. Um, 09:03:11 oh here comes to my people hold on I gotta stop the stop the recording one sec. 09:03:21 I'm gonna need to, I'm going to need to revise this, I'm just gonna put a note for me to say that I'm not finished revising it and I'll put a note in the. 09:03:30 I'll put a note in the spreadsheet that we're working on with by like Bonnie in the middle, middle of making the making the instructions work for this, for the, for this issue. 09:03:51 Say work. Okay. 09:03:52 So we got through all but two of them, the one that the one that I couldn't do. 09:04:00 Where I thought there was one I couldn't do on my own. I mean, I thought, yeah there was there was like I need to review tool one, and I need to, and then I mean some of them I have stuff to do some of them are sent off to other people so I'll try to 09:04:15 do more before our next meeting. Okay. And the one you moved to pm. 09:04:19 Yeah, she's not you should sue at, there's a label on it. 09:04:23 Yeah, I'd lost all the labels. 09:04:33 Yeah, please. So he tweeted to eight zero. Okay, yes. 09:04:41 Okay, you're just sending it to me in the chat. Okay, thanks. I will. Yeah. 09:04:47 So, yeah, so if you right so if you could add this, if you could add this to the spreadsheet, like under pm now. 09:04:55 If you could go yeah I've already added it's. 09:04:59 You did the number. Okay. No, no, no, No, because it doesn't have a little bit. 09:05:04 Yeah, but no I mean no I'm saying, 09:05:09 what I'm saying is if you could add it to this, if you could add it here. Like, under the product management is you could add it here. And then, and then I need to Bonnie to add labels. 09:05:20 That would be good. Okay. Okay. Cool, thanks. 09:05:23 I'll stop. I'll stop recording. 09:05:26 Alright, so stop Okay. 09:05:31 All right. And can you like also look at the the guides, the other one get an issue.