supply functionality for making a div wrap child elements at responsive breakpoints. It defaults to the bootstrap 5 breakpoints.
This repo is a work in progress and should not be used in production just yet.
- Make it available with NPM
- Testing testing testing
- Test if this works without bootstrap
- build examples for
you can include the distribution files to the page you are working on
<link rel='stylesheet' id='responsive-wrapper' href="./src/js/responsive-wrapper/dist/responsive-wrapper.css"/>
<script src="./src/js/responsive-wrapper/dist/responsive-wrapper.js"></script>
you can apply the functionality by setting some attributes on the wrapper and children you want to change. Its really important that all of the elements that you are using have an id attribute. The script will look for the responsive-wrapper
class. The wrapper will wrap the child elements when the current breakpoint up is in the data-rw-breakpoints
. For the below example the wrapper will wrap the 2 elements when 0 < width < 768px
because xs is 0 - 576 and sm is 577 to 768.
<div id="row-sm" class="responsive-wrapper" data-rw-breakpoints="xs,sm">
<div id="site-identity">Site itentity</div>
<div id="site-controls">Site Controls</div>
todo: add more here descibing grouping without having to use the children of a wrapper
The functions are available with responsiveWrapper
object if you added the scripts and styles to the page.
* create a new ResponsiveWrapperSingle object and return it
* @param {HTMLElement or String} wrapper. if its an HTMLElement
* it is expected that the element is on the page, if it's a string, the element will be created
* @param {Array of HTMLElement} elements that will be wrapped
* @param {Object} options see options for the class in class-responsive-wrapper-single.js
* @returns ResponsiveWrapperSingle
responsiveWrapper.wrap(wrapper, objects, options = [])
* create a new ResponsiveWrapperFactory object and return it.
* This allows you to double wrap things like you have to do with bootstrap
* @param {Array of HTMLElement} wrappers
* @param {Array of HTMLElement} objects
* @param {Object} options
* @returns ResponsiveWrapperFactory
responsiveWrapper.wraps(wrappers, elements, options=[])
you can build the styles with whatever breakpoints you like using the $grid-breakpoints css var like bootstrap 5 does
$grid-breakpoints: (
xs: 0,
sm: 576px,
md: 768px,
lg: 992px,
xl: 1200px,
xxl: 1400px
@import './responsive-wrapper/src/sass/_responsive-wrapper.scss';
you can also import the dist css file into you scss if you are good with the defaults
@import './responsive-wrapper/dist/responsive-wrapper.css';
this adds the responsive breaks points as css variables on the root which is really all that's needed for the library to detect where the breakpoints are set. I'm hoping this can somehow work with the WordPress block editor when breakpoints are added to theme.json
root {
--bs-breakpoint-xs: 0;
--bs-breakpoint-sm: 576px;
--bs-breakpoint-md: 768px;
--bs-breakpoint-lg: 992px;
--bs-breakpoint-xl: 1200px;
--bs-breakpoint-xxl: 1400px;
--bs-breakpoints: xs, sm, md, lg, xl, xxl;
you can use the JavaScript class directly by importing it into you project
import { ResponsiveWrapper } from './responsive-wrapper/responsive-wrapper'
let responsiveWrapper = new ResponsiveWrapper();
if you've linked the distribution files to the page you can skip this part... a new responsiveWrapper
is available at window.responsiveWrapper
if you want to use the scripts directly you should get and verify all your elements on the page
//make sure the dom is loaded
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
//get the elements for wrapping
let el1 = document.querySelector('#element-one');
let el2 = document.querySelector('#element-two');
//make sure the elements exist
if( el1 && el2 ){
//build a wrapper, making a new div with the id #my-new-wrapper using the 2 elements from above
breakpoints: ['md', 'lg', 'xl', 'xxl'],
You can also directly import the different classes and work with the functionality that way
import { ResponsiveWrapperSingle } from './responsive-wrapper/responsive-wrapper';
let rwSingle = new ResponsiveWrapperSingle( wrapper, objects = null, options = [] );
Look to the class files for more explination on using the classes directly. they are documented well
the project is built with @wordpress/scripts because this is ulimatly meant for WordPress and it makes life simple... Just one entry devDependencies and a lite webpack.config.js file.
to build the dist npm install
and then npm run build
. please contribute
...more to come