Releases: hallard/WeMos-Matrix-Shield
Releases · hallard/WeMos-Matrix-Shield
Wemos-Matrix-Shield V1.6
- added experimetal support for ESP32 boards with WeMos Mini D1 wiring called ESP32 Mini Kit or ESP32 Wemos, or ESP32 MH-ET Live.
- PCB board has been extented to fit this ESP32 Mini module but also backward compatible with WeMos Mini D1 ESP8266.
WeMos-Matrix-Shield V1.5
New in V1.5
- changed power connector spacing to fit the same than Matrix one's #4
- added space for smaller Matrix power connector #4
- generated gerbers files
WeMos-Matrix-Shield V1.4
- Added DS18B20 footprint + 4K7 PullUp resistor (DS18B20 DQ connected to GPIO0/D7)
- Removed E connection to add DS18B20 (DQ PIN), added solder jumper if needed this connection back.
- added space for barrel DC connector if connector input connector is top soldered see #3
- Changed LDR orientation
WeMos-Matrix-Shield V1.3
New in V1.3
- Fixed missing trace missing beetwen Input and Output connector G1. That was cutted by accident when creating V1.2 from V1.1.
- Added footprint for a Photoresistor (LDR) + Resistor to be able to adjust luminosity with ambiant light
WeMos-Matrix-Shield V1.1
New in V1.1
- Power, added big connector 3.5mm spaced to put the supplied power cable
- Changed 3.5mm Phoenix connector by a 5mm one allowing the stronger power cable to fit info
- Moved output connector to the right you can use the supplied flat band connector
- Output connector can go straight to output connector of Matrix, allowing to use a 6 PIN ISP Arduino Like ribbon cable.
- Increased PCB traces width for 5V power
- Added some wiring info on bottom silk