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# Skills & Abilities Lists

The Skill lists are used to pick skills earned as advances. Your warrior is restricted to specific Skill lists depending upon his warband type and what kind of warrior he is. Each warband entry includes a list of skills available to the Heroes of that particular warband.

All warbands have their own strengths and weaknesses which relate to the skills available to them. For example, the Possessed are good fighters and very strong, but they are not all that interested in the use of ranged weapons.

Some warbands also have access to a unique Skill list, which is indicated in their entry.

Common Skills

The common skills are generic abilities that are available to every Hero, irrespective of warband type.

Beast Companion

A Hero or Warrior with this skill may buy an attack animal. The attack animal must be set up with the owning model within 3" but is free to move around once the battle begins. Attack animals behave like any other animal henchman, except that they may use the Hero's Leadership if they are within 6" as if they had the Leader ability. If the Hero is ever Incapacitated or taken Out of Action the animal gains Frenzy.

Mark of Chaos

Few who travel to Mordheim do so with good intentions. Indeed many see the calamitous destruction of Sigmar's followers as a sign that the site is clearly of great interest to the Chaos Gods. Eager to prove themselves to their new masters they may dedicate themselves to their worship.

Heroes from Neutral / Chaotic or Chaotic warbands (Humans warbands only) may immediately choose one Mark of Chaos. Due to the brashness, arrogance, boastfulness, and self-importance instilled universally within any Chaos worshipper who recieves a visible gift of their patron god you must pay 5gc after each game to afford their foibles. If you cannot pay (or refuse to pay) then the Warrior leaves your warband in outrage. If the leader has any other mark then Undivided then no other marks may be present within the warband. Marks are chosen from the following list:

Mark of Chaos Undivided

For each different type of Mark of Chaos in the warband, a warrior with a Mark of Chaos Undivided gains +1 Leadership. This may take them above 10, so keep track of its Leadership bonus seperately.

Mark of Khorne

Heroes bearing the Mark of Khorne gain Frenzy, and a 5+ ward save against the effects of spells. A Warband containing one or more of this mark may never form Formal Alliances.

Mark of Nurgle

The Model gains +1 Toughness, +1 Wound, but loses 1 point of Movement and 1 point of Initiative. They are now immune to the after-battle effects of Plague Victims. These bonuses also apply to any mount the rider may have, though it will lose 2 points of movement rather than 1 as it has to contend with its own decrepitude as well as the increased weight of its rider.

Mark of Slaanesh

Enemy models that wish to charge a character with the Mark of Slaanesh must first pass a successful Leadership test or the charge is failed. Enemies are additionally at -1 to hit in melee. The character gains Stupidity.

Mark of Tzeentch

The hero immediately learns all spells from Chaos Rituals and may cast spells in armour. Any roll of a double will miscast.

Medical Knowledge

If you have a warrior in your warband with this skill you may re-roll a result on the Serious Injury table, so long as the model with this skill was not taken out of action in the same game.


Musicians are important to a warband both during and after a battle. They can sing and tell tales to raise extra income, play inspirational ballards during battle to embolden the troops, and rally the warband in times of crisis.

Warriors with this skill may on future skill advances choose skills from the Musicians Skills list.

Mob Mentality

If a model with this skill is within 3” of at least three other models from their warband, then they grant all of the models in that area, including themself, immunity to fear and +1 Initiative. If the model with Mob Mentality is taken out of action while giving bonuses then all models who are benefiting from the effects will have to take an immediate All Alone test.

Money Maker

The model with this skill utilizes their talents and wares to try and make extra money after each adventure. If the model is not taken out of action, they may roll an additional die during the exploration phase. There may not be more than one character with the Money Maker skill in your warband. There's just not enough money to go round!



This skill is vital if a rider wishes to ride an animal into combat. Warband members who have mounts in their equipment lists are assumed to already have the Ride skill.

Taking this skill once will allow a Warrior to ride any War Beast class mount.

Taking this skill twice will allow a Warrior to ride any Monstrous Mount.

Taking this skill a third time will allow a Warrior to ride Monsters.

The mount options available to each Warrior must be appropriate to their race however, so an Orc could not ride a Wolf (as Wolves are for Goblins!)

Warriors with this skill can choose skills from the Cavalry Skills list.


All enemy models halve their Initiative range when trying to detect this model it is Hidden.

Drive Chariot

Taking this skill will allow a Hero ride a Chariot.

Magic Item

Warriors taking the Magic Item skill are capable of equipping up to 25 points worth of magic items from their Warhammer Army Book. This skill may be taken up to four times for a total of 100 points of magic items.

Note that the magic items still have to be paid for, as described later in the Hammerheim section.

Combat Skills

Strike to Injure

The warrior can land their blows with uncanny accuracy. Add +1 to all injury rolls caused by the model in hand-to- hand combat.

Combat Master

The warrior is able to take on several opponents at once. As long as they are fighting two or more opponents who are not incapacitated they gain +1 Attack. In addition, the warrior is immune to ‘All Alone’ tests.

Weapons Training

A warrior with this skill is adept at using many different weapons. They may use any hand-to-hand combat weapon they come across, not just those in their equipment options.

Flashy Fighting

Few can match the ability of this warrior. They fight with great skill and flair, weaving a web of steel around them. The model gains +2 to all their rolls on Critical Hit tables in hand-to-hand combat.

Expert Swordsman

This warrior has been expertly trained in the art of swordsmanship. In the first round of any Close Combat they may, for the duration of that combat phase, re-roll all failed parry and to-hit rolls.

Note that this only applies when they are armed with normal swords or weeping blades, and not with double-handed swords or magic items.

Step Aside:

The warrior has a natural ability to avoid injury in combat, predicting strikes and weaving out of the way. The warrior gains a 5+ Ward Save against wounds inflicted by hand-to-hand combat.

Expert Axeman

Any axe the warrior uses gains the Parry special rule, and their attacks ignore an additional point of armour. (A strength 3 attack with an axe will therefore modify an opponent's armour save by -2).

Master Axeman

The warrior may re-roll all failed To Hit rolls with single-handed axes in the combat phase of the turn they charge.

Finishing Move

The warrior may opt to forgo their usual number of attacks and make a single attack at an additional +2 Strength to their normal strength. This can be used in conjunction with Mighty Blow, Weapon Bonuses, and any other Strength enhancing abilities. The blow is resolved last after 2 Handed Weapons, but before Stomps. Useful for taking out Knocked Down models with high Toughness.


If a warrior charges and in that same combat phase manages to put every opponent in base contact Out of Action they may make an additional charge move of up to 2". They may fight their new opponent in the same combat phase that they used Follow-Through. A Warrior may not Follow-Through more than once per turn, and will be at -1 Strength until their next Recovery Phase.


The warrior may treat their bare fists as clubs. They will never count as being Unarmed, and will count as being equipped with clubs equal to their number of arms. Yes, you can be a mutant Pugilist who boxes with their extra tentacles and crab hand.

Shield Smash

The warrior has trained to integrate their shield into his fighting style. When using a Shield or Buckler in Hand-to-Hand they may make a single additional attack resolved at the warriors Strength. The Shield Smash cannot cause critical hits.

Sweeping Blow

The warrior may opt to make a single sweep attack against all the models in base to base contact with them instead of making their normal attacks. Rather than rolling to hit, each foe must take an Initiative test to avoid the blow. Each model failing their test is hit, and the warrior rolls to wound each enemy independently as normal.

Whip Master

The hero has mastered the brown hat, and may re-roll all failed to-hit rolls and to-wound rolls with Whipcrack.


Shooting Skills

Quick Shot

The warrior may choose to shoot twice per turn with any mundane ranged weapon that rolls a regular roll to hit (not magic weapons, templates, siege weapons, or thrown weapons). It suffers the usual penalty for Multiple Shots.


The warrior is an expert at using all kinds of pistols, being so comfortable with them that they barely need to aim. A warrior with Gunslinger may fire their pistols even if they ran this turn.

Eagle Eyes

The warrior’s sight is exceptionally keen. They add +6" to the range of any missile weapon they are using.

Ranged Weapons Expert

The warrior has been trained to use some of the more unusual weapons of the known world. They may use any missile weapon they come across, not just the weapons available from their warband’s list.


The warrior may move and fire with weapons that are normally only used if the firer has not moved. This skill cannot be used on war machines, nor can it be combined with the Quick Shot skill.

Trick Shooter

The warrior can shoot through the tiniest gap without it affecting their aim. They ignore all modifiers for cover when using missile weapons.

Action Hero

When using a Brace of Pistols (or any subcatagory) the warrior may fire both pistols when shooting from range, rather than just one. Resolve shots seperately.


The warrior is an unrivalled expert at using lightweight throwing weapons. They can throw a maximum of three of these missiles in their shooting phase and may divide their shots between any targets within range as they wish. This only works with generic throwing weapons, not Javellins


The warrior makes their own arrows and they know precisely how to use them. A warrior with Fletcher gains +1 to injury rolls inflicted using shortbows, bows, longbows, or Elf Bows.

Heavy Pull

The warrior has trained to use a bow with a heavier draw. All attacks made by the warrior with a bow are at +1 Strength.

Academic Skills

Battle Tongue

This skill may only be chosen by a leader. The warrior has drilled their warband to follow short barked commands. This increases the range of their Leader ability by 6". Note that Undead leaders may not use this skill.


This skill may only be taken by Magic Users. A warrior with this skill gains +1 to their rolls to see whether they can cast spells successfully or not.

Common Sense

A surprisingly rare commodity in Mordheim, Common Sense allows a warrior to re-roll all failed Dangerous Terrain tests.


The warrior knows all the tricks of bargaining and haggling. They may deduct 2D6 gold crowns from the price of any single item (to a minimum cost of 1gc) once per post battle sequence.

Warrior Wizard

This skill may only be taken by Magic Users. The mental powers of the wizard allow them to wear armour and cast spells.


The warrior is a natural adept at writing and making scrolls. Any warrior with the ability to cast spells or use prayers may take this skill. It allows them to make a scroll before the battle and inscribe a single spell or prayer upon it that they are versed in. The scroll may be used once per battle just before they are about to cast the spell or prayer and grants the caster +2 to their difficulty roll. Scrolls that are not used may not be saved for later.

Focus Mind

The warrior possesses a great strength of mind which allows them to concentrate beyond the levels of conjurers of cheap tricks. When using a spell or prayer the warrior with this skill may reroll a single dice in their casting attempts once per turn.


Only one warrior per warband may have this skill. The warrior has a great tactical mind and can often find the best positions for their warriors to meet the oncoming attack. In any scenario the player may deploy their Warband 4" further onto the board than usual.


This skill may only be taken by the warband leader. The warrior has an uncanny knack of placing their troops in the right place at the right time, as if they sense danger through instinct alone. The warband leader may position up to 3 Small (i.e. human sized) warriors in any building on the board. The building must not be within 12" of an opposing board edge or enemy model. Hunch also may not be used to position warriors in objective buildings, such as the monster lair in a Monster Hunt or the stash in Race to The Stash.


Magical Aptitude

This skill may only be taken by a Magic User. The warrior has a keen aptitude for magic and can push themself beyond normal limits to produce a storm of spells, allowing them to cast twice per turn. After attempting the first spell, they may take a toughness test. If they pass they may attempt a second spell that turn or even cast the same spell twice. If they fail they must roll on the injury table immediately with no saves of any kind allowed, treating Out Of Action results as Stunned instead.

Nerd Rage

This skill may only be taken by a Magic User. If this skill is taken the Hero will no longer be able to cast spells of any type, but gains +1 Strength and +1 Attack.

Strength Skills

Mighty Blow

The warrior knows how to use put their weight behind their blows. They gain a +1 Strength bonus in close combat.

Pit Fighter

The warrior has learned how to fight in enclosed spaces from their time in the dangerous fighting pits of the Empire. They are an expert at fighting in confined areas and adds +1WS and +1I if they are fighting inside buildings or ruins. It’s a good idea to define which bits of your terrain collection count as ‘buildings or ruins’ at the start of a battle to avoid confusion later.


The warrior is covered in battle scars. They gain +1 Toughness against attacks made in close combat.

Tough as Nails

This model's seen it all, there's nothing under Morsselieb that can faze them any more. The model becomes Immune to Psychology.


The warrior is capable of great feats of strength. They may use a double-handed weapon without the usual penalty of always striking last. Work out order of battle as you would with other weapons.

Bell Ringer

A Warrior with this skill may choose to forgo their usual melee attacks by making a single Bell Ringer attack, usually a vicious uppercut to the jaw. Bell Ringer gains +1 to hit and +1 Strength, ignores usual weapon bonuses, and any results of Knocked Down will automatically stun instead.


When wielding Flails and Morning Stars, the Hero may use the Strength Bonuses in every Hand-to-Hand phase of the game, not just the first round of a Hand-to-Hand engagement.

Strong Legs

The Hero may use Heavy Armour and a Shield without suffering Movement penalties.


If the model confronts an animal (not a mount!) in hand-to-hand combat, then before combat is fought they may attempt to assert control over the animal. The Beastmaster and the animal must each roll a D6 and add their respective Leadership values. If the Beastmaster wins then the animal then comes under control of the Beastmaster's warband. Control of the animal is immediately lost if the Beastmaster either moves more than 8" away or is incapacitated.

Speed Skills

Speed skills represent a warrior's own personal agility, and therefore they may not use any of these skills while they are mounted.


The warrior may leap up to D6" in the movement phase immediately after their normal movement. They may move and leap, run and leap, or just leap, but they can only leap once per turn. A leaping warrior may jump over opposing man-sized models, including enemies, and obstacles 1" high, without penalty. This may not be used if the warrior is in combat.

The leap may also be used to leap over gaps, but in this case you must commit the warrior to making the leap before rolling the dice to see how far they jump. If they fail to make it all the way across they fall through the gap as if they had attempted to jump down and failed their Initiative test.


The warrior may triple their Movement rate when they run or charge, rather than doubling it as normal.


The warrior is incredibly supple and agile. They may fall or jump from a height of up to 10" without taking any damage if they pass a single Initiative test, and can re-roll failed Diving Charge rolls.

Lightning Reflexes

The Warrior negates the 'strikes first' bonus of any model that charges them.

Get Down Mister President!

Sometimes you've got to put your own life on the line to protect your leaders. Exactly as one would perform an Intercept to block a charging foe, a Warrior with this skill may perform an Intercept to move into the path of a missile or Magic Missile that would hit an ally.

The Warrior must pass a Leadership test in order to perform this manouvre, but if successful they will move into the path of the projectile and take the hit instead of the intended target. Damage is then resolved normally.

Jump Up

The warrior can regain their footing in an instant, springing to their feet immediately if they are Knocked Down. The warrior may ignore Knocked Down results when rolling for injuries, unless they are Knocked Down because of a successful save from wearing a helmet or because they have the No Pain special rule.



A warrior with this skill is nimble and as fast as quicksilver. They gain a 5+ Ward Save against all missiles and Magic Missiles.

Scale Sheer Surfaces

A warrior with this skill can scale even the highest wall or fence with ease. They no longer require Initiative tests for climbing. (Jumping down still requires them).

Dodge Roll

The warrior is well accustomed to facing large creatures and has learned to adopt an evasive style of combat. Warriors with Dodge Roll may never be wounded by Impact Hits, Stomps, or Thunderstomps.

Fleet Footed

The warrior gains +1 to their base Movement.

Assassin Special Skills


The assassin specializes in attacking their targets when their back is turned. If an assassin charges a foe from outside of line of sight (therefore needing an Initiative Test to do so) they surprise their opponent and receive a +1 to hit with all attacks and any Injury Rolls are at +1.

This bonus lasts for the first round of combat only, as their opponent will swiftly recover their wits if they survive the initial assault.

Silent Takedown

If an assassin manages to incapacitate or put a target Out of Action within the same round of combat as they charged it they may make an immediate free movement of up to 4". Assuming this movement would put them into a position to do so, they may then go into hiding. This move may not take them into combat with a new enemy, and may not be used if they are still in combat with another non-incapacitated enemy.

Opportunistic Killer

An assassin's preferred foe is an oblivious one. If an assassin completes a diving charge against an unengaged foe they gain the Killing Blow special rule for that round of combat.

Master of Poisons

The assassin is an expert in all things poisonous, and knows how to maximise their efficiency. A hero with this skill's poisons now last for the whole battle rather than just one turn.

Master of Disguise

Paranoia is rewarded in Mordheim, and warriors quickly learn to watch the shadows and remember to look up. In the chaos of a skirmish however innovative thinking can turn even a direct assault into a surprise!

Before the start of a game the assassin's owner may choose to have the assassin replace a henchman in either their own or a Formal Ally's warbands. Secretly make a note of which henchman has been replaced. The disguised assassin gains the equipment and stats of that henchman until they are revealed. An assassin is automatically revealed if they are charged, or they be revealed at the start of their owning player's turn. Once an assassin is revealed they immediately recover their own gear and behave as normal. Assassins may not disguise themselves as Monstrous Infantry, no amount of low-brimmed hats and hunching will make an Elf look like a convincing Ogre.


The assassin is a master of acting natural and hiding in plain sight, allowing them to go into Hiding even if in the open and in line of sight of an enemy. This ability ceases to work for the rest of the battle if the assassin ever attacks an enemy or attempts to pick up loot.


The assassin with this skill is always placed on the battlefield after the opposing warband and can be placed anywhere on the table as long as it is out of sight of the opposing warband and more than 12" away from any enemy model. If both players have models which infiltrate, roll a D6 for each, and the lowest roll sets up first.

Beastmen Raiders Special Skills

Shaggy Hide

The Beastman’s massively shaggy hide acts as armour, deflecting sword strokes and protecting him from harm. The model gains a 6+ Armour Save that can be combined with other armour as normal.


The Beastman gains a Random Mutation.

Constantly Screaming

Enemies within 4" of this Warrior are at -1 Leadership.

Giant Horns

The Beastman gains Impact Hits (1)

Bellowing Roar

Only the Beastman Chief may have this skill. He may re-roll any failed Rout tests.

Hateful Bloody Goat

Gains Hatred of everyone.


Beastmen henchmen within 8" of a Hero with this skill will not have to test for Infighting.


The Hero now suffers from Infighting!


Blessings of Nurgle

Those that worship at the fetid altar of the Lord of Decay suffer from terrible diseases and decay, which are known as Blessings of Nurgle. Blessings of Nurgle may be bought for Tainted Ones only when they are recruited; you may not buy new Blessings for a model after recruitment. Any Tainted may have one or more Blessings. The first Blessing is bought at the price indicated, but second and subsequent Blessings cost double.

Stream of Corruption

The Tainted One can spew forth a grotesque stream of maggots, entrails and filth. This attack uses the flame template and is resolved at Strength 2 with no saves for armour.
Cost: 50 Gold Crowns

Cloud of Flies

The Tainted One is surrounded by a cloud of flies, which buzz around him and his combat opponent. They do not affect the Tainted One but distract foes by buzzing into eyes, nostrils and mouths. The Tainted One’s close combat opponent suffers a -1 to hit modifier on all attacks.
Cost: 25 Gold Crowns

Bloated Foulness

The Tainted One is a huge, disgusting mass of diseased, flabby folds. It gains +1 Wound and +1 Toughness but has its Movement reduced by -1.
Cost: 40 Gold Crowns

Cromulence of Nurgle

The Tainted One is burned with the great mark of Nurgle, the three spheres, that weep foul pus constantly. It gains +1 Wound and is immune to all poisons.
Cost: 35 Gold Crowns

Corpulence of Nurgle

The Tainted One has no conscious control over their body's constant production of all manner of putrid, miscoloured fluids, parts of its mass bursting like a popped baloon whenever struck. Enemies that wound the Tainted One in close combat must take a Toughness test or suffer a wound with no armour saves allowed.
Cost: 50 Gold Crowns

Blood Dragon’s Bloodline Abilities

Red Fury

The vampire falls into a horrible blood-rage, unstoppable for his enemies. He gains one additional Attack to his profile.


While the vampire has little interest in fighting the chaff, worthy challengers ignite The Thirst within them. Against any foe of Leadership 9 or higher the Blood Dragon gains the Killing Blow special rule.

Curse Of Undeath

The vampire is one of the ever-living and is extraordinarily difficult to kill. The vampire gains a 5+ Ward save.

Strength of the Dragon

The vampire is extremely strong. He gains a +1 Strength bonus and suffers no movement penalties for wearing heavy armour and shield.

Bretonnian Knights Special Skills

Virtue of Purity

The Knight gains Magic Resistance (2).

Virtue of Valour

The Knight may re-roll any missed To Hit rolls against enemies of higher strength (before weapon bonuses and skills modifiers such as Mighty Blow).

Virtue of Discipline

As long as the Knight is not incapacitated their warband may re-roll failed Rout tests.

Virtue of Noble Disdain

The Knight is subject to Hatred of all enemies armed with shooting weapons.

Virtue of the Impetuous

The Knight gains an additional 6" range to whatever their usual charging distance is, after other modifiers.

Cavalry Skills

Cavalry Commander

Mounted heroes are an impressive sight. With a good vantage point, they can see (and be seen) far more readily than if they were on foot. If the warband's leader has this skill and is mounted, they may add an extra 6" to the distance within which other warriors in the warband may use their Leadership. This is in addition to any other bonuses that increase the range of the leader’s influence.

Trick Riding

By athletically hanging off the side of their mount, a rider makes themself harder to hit. While a rider is trick riding all missile attacks against them suffer -1 to hit. Only riders capable of gaining Speed skills may learn this skill, and it may not be used if the rider either cast a spell or fired a missile weapon in that turn.

Combat Riding

The rider has trained their mount to use its bulk to trample any unmounted enemy before them. The mount of a warrior with this skill gains Impact Hits (1) against anything smaller than it.


Charging Dismount

The Warrior has learned a bizarre form of combat where at the last moment before impact they swerve their mount away and leap from the saddle directly atop their opponents!

A Warrior that charges into combat may declare that they are attempting a Charging Dismount. Move the model into base contact as normal, then make an Initiative test as if the model had attempted a Diving Charge from 2". Resolve this Diving Charge as you normally would. Whether passed or failed the Warrior must fight the rest of the battle without their mount. They will have to go and retrieve it later!

Mounted Combat Master.

The rider is especially skilled in combat against a mounted opponent. The model may re-roll failed 'to hit' rolls in combat against mounted opponents.

Clan Eshin Special Skills

Black Hunger

The Skaven can draw upon the dreaded Black Hunger, the fighting frenzy which gives them unnatural strength and speed but can ravage them from inside. The Skaven Hero may declare at the beginning of his turn that they are using this skill. For the duration of that turn the Skaven gains +1 Strength and +1 Attack. At the end of their turn they take D3 automatic Strength 4 hits, ignoring armour saves.

Tail Fighting

The Skaven may wield an additional one-handed weapon with their tail.

Wall Runner

The Skaven may use their running distance when traversing walls rather than their base movement. They may also attempt to climb laterally, needing Initiative tests for every 2" of movement.


A Skaven with this skill is always placed on the battlefield after the opposing warband and can be placed anywhere on the table as long as it is out of sight of the opposing warband and more than 12" away from any enemy model. If both players have models which infiltrate, roll a D6 for each, and the lowest roll sets up first.

Art of Silent Death

The Skaven has patiently mastered the deadly art of open-hand fighting, as taught by the mystics of Cathay in the temples of the far East. The Skaven suffers no penalties for fighting unarmed, and either unarmed or with Fighting Claws they will score Critical Hits on a To Wound roll of a 5-6.

Play Dead

Sometimes strange things happen when people have the misfortune of running into Skaven. A clearly dead corpse is not there anymore after the fight is over, or dropped weapons or treasures have disappeared. As well as being taught to roll with the blows, these characters are taught to feign death. When avoiding the full effects of a potentially lethal blow they play dead so they can escape undetected later. The character may re-roll a result on the serious injury table.

Clan Moulder Special Skills

Black Hunger

The Skaven can draw upon the dreaded Black Hunger, the fighting frenzy which gives them unnatural strength and speed but can ravage them from inside. The Skaven Hero may declare at the beginning of his turn that they are using this skill. For the duration of that turn the Skaven gains +1 Strength and +1 Attack. At the end of their turn they take D3 automatic Strength 4 hits, ignoring armour saves.

Tail Fighting

The Skaven may wield an additional one-handed weapon with their tail.

Wall Runner

The Skaven may use their running distance when traversing walls rather than their base movement. They may also attempt to climb laterally, needing Initiative tests for every 2" of movement.


A Skaven with this skill is always placed on the battlefield after the opposing warband and can be placed anywhere on the table as long as it is out of sight of the opposing warband and more than 12" away from any enemy model. If both players have models which infiltrate, roll a D6 for each, and the lowest roll sets up first.


The Skaven gains a Random Mutation.

Clan Moulder Mutations

Corrosive Blood

If the model loses a wound in close combat, anyone in base contact with the model suffers an automatic Strength 3 hit from the spurting, corrosive blood.

Cost: 30 gold crowns .

Extra Arm

The mutant gains an extra arm in which they can hold any single-handed weapon normally available to them.

Cost: 40 gold crowns.

Great Claw

One of the mutant’s arms ends in a great, crab-like claw. They may carry no weapons with this arm, but gain an extra attack in hand-to-hand combat with a +1 Strength bonus.

Cost: 50 gold crowns.

Hidden Quills

Any models in base contact with the mutant suffers an automatic Strength 1 hit at the beginning of each close combat phase from the porcupine quills concealed in the Skaven’s fur.

Cost: 35 gold crowns.

Long Legs

The mutant gains +1 Movement.

Cost: 40 gold crowns.


Poisoned Barb

The mutant has a long, poisoned stinger at the end of its tail. This allows them to make an extra Strength 5 attack in each hand-to-hand combat phase. If the model hit is immune to poison the Strength of the hit is reduced to 2. May not be combined with the Tail Fighting skill.

Cost: 40 gold crowns.

Prehensile Tail

The mutant’s tail has been lengthened and strengthened until is a frightening addition to their physical makeup. They may grapple their opponent in close combat to reduce their attacks by 1, down to a minimum of 1.

Cost: 35 gold crowns.

Clan Pestilens Special Skills

Black Hunger

The Skaven can draw upon the dreaded Black Hunger, the fighting frenzy which gives them unnatural strength and speed but can ravage them from inside. The Skaven Hero may declare at the beginning of his turn that they are using this skill. For the duration of that turn the Skaven gains +1 Strength and +1 Attack. At the end of their turn they take D3 automatic Strength 4 hits, ignoring armour saves.

Censer Bearer

Only a Clan Pestilens member with the Black Hunger special skill may choose the Censer Bearer special skill. A Clan Pestilens member with this skill is called Censer Bearer. He gains the special rule Frenzy and the only weapon he may use in close combat is a censer.


Only a Clan Pestilens member with the Rotten Body special skill may choose the Contagious special skill. A model who inflicts a wound against a Contagious hero must take a Toughness test or also suffer a wound with no armour saves allowed.

Diseased Visage

The follower of the Plagued Ones with this attribute has obtained a body and face covered in oozing sores and lesions so horrible, that the model causes fear.

Ignore Pain

Only a Clan Pestilens member with the Resilient strength skill may choose the Ignore Pain special skill. A Clan Pestilens member with this skill treats "Stunned" injuries as "Knocked Down".

Rotten Body

A Clan Pestilens member with this skill has grown accustomed to poisons, diseases and the fog of death emanated by censers. He is now immune to poisons and diseases and, if taken out of combat because of a failed test for wielding a censer, he will not have to roll for injuries at the end of the battle, recovering automatically.

Unholy Chant

As long as the Hero is not incapacitated their warband may re-roll all failed rout tests.

Clan Skryre Special Skills

Black Hunger

The Skaven can draw upon the dreaded Black Hunger, the fighting frenzy which gives them unnatural strength and speed but can ravage them from inside. The Skaven Hero may declare at the beginning of his turn that they are using this skill. For the duration of that turn the Skaven gains +1 Strength and +1 Attack. At the end of their turn they take D3 automatic Strength 4 hits, ignoring armour saves.

Tail Fighting

The Skaven may wield an additional one-handed weapon with their tail.

Wall Runner

The Skaven may use their running distance when traversing walls rather than their base movement. They may also attempt to climb laterally, needing Initiative tests for every 2" of movement.


A Skaven with this skill is always placed on the battlefield after the opposing warband and can be placed anywhere on the table as long as it is out of sight of the opposing warband and more than 12" away from any enemy model. If both players have models which infiltrate, roll a D6 for each, and the lowest roll sets up first.

Excellent Engineer

The Skryre Engineer with this skill is constantly working on the black powder and Warplock weapons of the warband. Any black powder or Warplock weapons owned by the Skaven in the warband have their range increased by +6”.


(Engineers only).

If the Hero is ever struck by lightning (such as by a Random Happening, or more likely by casting Warp Lightning and something going wrong) and somehow survive they gain Frenzy, +2 Strength, and +2 attacks.

Dark Elf Special Skills

Draich Master

The hero has chosen the aspect of the Executioner as their primary focus. The hero can wield a double-handed sword without the usual penalty of striking last, and is allowed to wear Heavy or Ithilmar armour (note that he may not wear Gromril armour; what kind of Elf would wear Dwarf-made armour, anyways?).

Fey Quickness

Few can ever hope to match an Elf ’s inhuman quickness and agility. An Elf with Fey Quickness can avoid melee or missile attacks on a roll of 6. If the Elf also has Step Aside or Dodge this will increase to a 4+ in the relevant area. For example, an Elf with Fey Quickness and Step Aside avoids melee attacks on a 4+ and missile attacks on a 6. \page


The Dark Elf with this skill is always placed on the battlefield after the opposing warband and can be placed anywhere on the table as long as it is out of sight of the opposing warband and more than 12" away from any enemy model. If both players have models which infiltrate, roll a D6 for each, and the lowest roll sets up first.

Master of Poisons

The Dark Elf is an expert in all things poisonous, and knows how to maximise their efficiency. A hero with this skill's poisons now last for the whole battle rather than just one turn.

Powerful Build

The warrior is strongly built for an Elf and is capable of feats of strength. A warrior with this skill may choose skills from the Strength table. No more than two warriors in the warband may take this skill at any one time.


The Dark Elf may always choose to attack incapacitated foes even if there are standing foes in combat with them.

Dwarf Special Skills

Master of Blades

This Dwarf’s martial skills surpass those of a normal warrior; they have fought unscathed against hordes of Orcs and Goblins. When using a weapon that has a Parry special rule, this hero parries successfully if they beat or match their opponent's highest ‘to hit’ roll, not just if he beats the roll.

In addition, if this warrior is using two weapons that have the Parry special rule, they are allowed to parry two attacks (if his two dice match or beat the two highest Attack dice against him) instead of the normal maximum of one.

Note that if this Dwarf has two Dwarf axes (as detailed above) they can re-roll any failed parries.

Extra Tough

This Dwarf is notorious for walking away from wounds that would kill a lesser being. When rolling on the Heroes Serious Injury chart for this Hero after a game in which they have been taken Out Of Action, the dice may be re-rolled once. The result of this second dice roll must be accepted, even if it is a worse result.

Resource Hunter

This Dwarf is especially good at locating valuable resources. When rolling on the Exploration chart at the end of a game, the Hero may modify one dice roll by +1/-1.

True Grit

Dwarfs are hardy individuals and this Hero is hardy even for a Dwarf! When rolling on the Injury table for this Hero, a roll of 1-2 is treated as Knocked Down, 3-5 as Stunned, and 6 as Out Of Action.

Thick Skull

The Hero has a thick skull, even for a Dwarf. They have a 4+ save on a D6 to avoid being Stunned. If the save is made, treat a Stunned result as Knocked Down instead. If the Dwarf also wears a helmet, this save is 2+ instead of 4+ (this takes the place of the normal Helmet special rule).


The Dwarf never suffers from Hatred.

Halfling Special Skills

Quiet as a Mouse

The Halfling is as adept at staying as quiet as a mouse whilst hiding. Enemy initiative values are halved when trying to detect a Hero with this skill who is hidden.

Crude Belch

Having eaten a meal or six, this Halfling may release a withering belch to distract their enemies. Once per battle a Hero with this skill may unleash their belch against all enemies in base contact in their combat phase. Each effected enemy must pass a Leadership test else they will be unable to attack in that combat phase. Does not effect enemies who are Immune to Psychology.

Skilled Huntsman

The Halfling has been hunting things ever since they were young (the more food they have, the better!) and has become well adapted to firing as silently and discreetly as possible. To represent this a Halfling may try and fire a ranged weapon and remain hidden. When shooting from hiding roll D6. On a 3+ the Halfling has managed to keep his actions inconspicuous to the eye of the enemy and may remain hidden that turn. Note this skill may not be combined with black powder weapons, as they are just too noisy!

Layers of Fat

The Halfling has gained mountains of flab during their vast experience of eating fine foods and their thick bulk could swallow a sword whole! The Halfling gains a bonus point towards whatever their Ward Save would normally be.


The Halfling has long-been skulking in the shadows, avoiding unwanted attention. So nimble are they that they may surprise even those who believe they've got them dead-to-rights. When charged the Halfling gains an immediate free bonus attack against their charger that is resolved before any other blows are struck in the same way as Whipcrack.

Wily Thief

A Halfling with this skill that puts an enemy Out of Action in combat may choose to flee the board as if they had a shard of wyrdstone by moving off of any board edge. If they succeed they will grant their warband a shard of wyrdstone after the game.

Sneaky Little B--

The Halfling can hide even after running, and can hide within 4" of an enemy.


High Elf Special Skills


Augment spells gain an additional +2 to their casting attempts when targetted against a warrior with this skill. May not be combined with Disharmony.


Hex, Direct Damage, and Magic Missiles suffer a -2 to their casting attempts when targetted against a warrior with this skill. May not be combined with Attunement.

Fey Quickness

Few can ever hope to match an Elf ’s inhuman quickness and agility. An Elf with Fey Quickness can avoid melee or missile attacks on a roll of 6. If the Elf also has Step Aside or Dodge this will increase to a 4+ in the relevant area. For example, an Elf with Fey Quickness and Step Aside avoids melee attacks on a 4+ and missile attacks on a 6.

Martial Prowess

Warriors with Martial Prowess gain +1 Strength and +1 Initiative when using an Ithilmar Weapon in hand-to-hand.


When face-to-face with a High Elf of this calibre, suddenly one's confidence and impetus grows weak - you truly are an inferior being. Models that are not Immune to Psychology may not use skills (eg. Mighty Blow, Step Aside) when in combat with a warrior who has Supremacy.

Lahmian Special Skills


When moving the vampire may run but counts as having moved normally for all purposes, such as for shooting, hiding, or proximity to enemies.


At the start of your combat phase, one enemy model in base contact must take a Leadership test. If the test is failed, the model may not attack that turn and all attacks against it gain an additional +1 to hit. Has no effect against models that are Immune to Psychology.


The Vampire's unnaturally sharp reflexes allow it to make split-second decisions that a human could not. The Vampire gains an additional point towards whatever Ward Save it already has.

Innocence Lost

The feigning of innocence and playing to the cliché of the damsel in distress is a tried and tested strategy for any Lahmian. Quick as they are they need only a moment's hesitation in their foe in order to capitalise with a lethal betrayal. The Lahmian will always strike first in the first round of any close combat, even if their opponent charged. This skill is ineffective against models immune to psychology, and is cancelled out by effects that would make her 'always strike last', such as the effect of Double Handed weapons.


At the start of each of your combat phases the Hero may attempt to seduce an enemy in base contact. The Hero and their target must both roll a D6 and add their Leadership values. If the Hero wins the target falls under their thralldom, and is now controlled by the Lahmian player.

In each of the target's owning player's Recovery Phases they must take a Leadership test on their own unmodified Leadership. If they fail they remain under the control of the Lahmian player - if passed they snap to their senses and will behave as normal.

This skill has no effect on models that are Immune to Psychology.

Musicians Skills


The musician is a masterful tale-teller and gains extra income for the warband. If the Musician was not taken out of action they may earn an additional 2d6 gold after the game.


The musician has mastered energetic music that stirs the blood of any who listen, inspiring them to feats of courage that would normally rattle them if they had time to think about it. Warriors within 12" become Immune to Psychology.


Even the most crestfallen Warriors will take heart when gathered around a motivated and uplifting bard. For each allied Warrior within 6" of the Musician their warband may add +1 Leadership when taking Rout Tests.

Marching Tune

If the Musician forms a unit with five or more allies they may all add 1 to their base movement as long as they remain together.

Deafening Racket

An unengaged musician may choose to make a deafening racket in each of their shooting phases. If they choose to do so then until their next shooting phase all non-Musicians friend or foe within 8" reduce their Leadership by 1. This effect stacks.



Those who dwell in Mordheim soon develop horrible mutations, and the Cult of the Possessed seem to be especially susceptible. In addition, Mordheim attracts mutants from all over the Empire, who are always quick to join the Chaos covens. Most mutations are simply inconvenient or hideous, but some make their bearers extremely dangerous in combat. Mutations may be bought for a Mutant or a Possessed warrior only when they are recruited; you may not buy new mutations for a model after recruitment. Any Mutant or Possessed may have one or more mutations. The first mutation is bought at the price indicated, but second and subsequent mutations bought for the same model cost double.

Daemon soul

A Daemon lives within the mutant’s soul. This gives them Magic Resistance (2).

Cost: 20 gold crowns.

Great claw

One of the mutant’s arms ends in a great, crab-like claw. They may carry no weapons in this arm, but gain an extra attack in hand-to-hand combat with a +1 Strength bonus.

Cost: 30 gold crowns.

Cloven hoofs

The warrior gains +1 Movement.

Cost: 20 gold crowns


One of the mutant’s arms ends in a tentacle. They may grapple their opponent in close combat to reduce their attacks by 1, down to a minimum of 1.

Cost: 35 gold crowns


If the model loses a wound in close combat, anyone in base contact with the model suffers a Strength 3 hit from the spurting corrosive blood.

Cost: 30 gold crowns


Any model in base contact with the mutant suffers an automatic Strength 1 hit at the beginning of each close combat phase.

Cost: 35 gold crowns

Scorpion tail

The mutant has a long barbed tail with a venomed tip, allowing them to make an extra Strength 5 attack in each hand-to-hand combat phase. If the model hit by the tail is immune to poison, the Strength of the hit is reduced to 2.

Cost: 40 gold crowns

Extra arm

The mutant gains an extra arm in which they may carry any single-handed equipment normally available to them.

Cost: 40 gold crowns

Norse Special Skill

Shield Master

Norse warriors begin training with shields when they are still children, and quickly learn that waiting to catch enemy blows is a misuse of their shields. They learn to use the protective properties of a shield as an attacking boon, advancing behind their shields to pressure and bludgeon their foes. Shield Masters gain Impact Hits (1) when using a Shield.

Berserk Charge

The Norse are very skilled with weapons that many other races see as primitive and savage. When this hero is armed with an axe or double handed weapon, they may re-roll all failed to hit rolls when they charge.

Crushing Blow

While some Norscans rely on aggressive shieldbashes, others rely on such overwhelming power that they crush foes beneath their own shields. Warriors with Crushing Blow may never be parried, and enemies gain no armour bonuses at all from shields or bucklers against them.

Trial by Combat

Norscans live to challenge, both themselves and those around them. While their warbands rest some of the bravest Norscans set out on personal journeys to test themselves.

After deployment but before rolling for first turn a Hero with this skill may send out a challenge to a player of their choice. That player may choose a single hero to battle the Norscan hero. Roll off to see which of the two characters charged first, then resolve the combat until one of them is Out of Action. The victor gains +1 bonus experience for winning the duel.

This is assumed to have happened just before the battle. The winning model is immediately returned to where they were deployed with any remaining wounds and the game continues as normal.

Raider's Rage

True Norse warriors strive to die bravely in battle; they learn to fear nothing and embrace hardship. As long as the Hero has no armour save they cannot be Stunned. Treat all Stunned results as Knocked Down instead.


Orcs Special Skills

’Ard Ead:

The warrior has a thick skull even for an Orc. He has a special 4+ save on a D6 to avoid being Stunned. If the save is made, treat a Stunned result as Knocked Down instead. If the Orc also wears a helmet, this save is 2+ instead of 4+ (this takes the place of the normal helmet special rule).


Orcs are aggressive and impulsive creatures adept at performing shock attacks. The Warrior gains +4" to their charge distance, added after other bonuses.


May only be taken by Orcs with the Waaagh! skill. It confers the benefits of the Waaagh! skill to all allies within 4", not just themselves. This effect does not stack with other Waaagh!s or WAAAAAAGH!s.

’Ere We Go!

Orcs often charge even the most fearsome opponents. The model may ignore Fear and Terror tests when charging.

Da Kunnin’ Plan

Only the Boss may have this skill. The warband may re-roll any failed Rout tests as long as the Boss is not Incapacitated.

Well ’Ard

This Orc is pretty dam tuff! Even near-mortal wounds simply get laughed off with the promise of coming back for more. Warriors with Well 'Ard may reroll any of their serious injury results (but must accept the second option).


Orcs have massive physical strength and some of them even learn to aim their blows at the heads of their opponents, with obvious results. Any Knocked Down results which the Orc causes in hand-to-hand count as Stunned results instead.


You're better off not knowing the details. In any turn in which the warrior stood up after being Knocked Down they gain the Killing Blow special rule until the end of that turn.

Ostlanders Special Skills

Bull Rush

This warrior is huge, even by Ostlander standards, and can use their massive girth to overpower their opponents. When the Hero charges they may attempt to knock down their opponent rather than making their normal attacks. Roll to hit once with a +1 to hit modifier, though no 'To Wound' roll is necessary. This attack may not be parried.

Instead, if the warrior hits with this attack, the opposing model is Knocked Down. Does not work against enemies two degrees or more larger (eg, a Small warrior could knock down a Medium enemy, but not a Large one.)

Foul Odor

Ostlanders are one and all prodigious drinkers and none too hygienic! This warrior rises head and shoulders above the rest. After a lifetime of drinking, liquor has little effect on them any more... not that this stops them from consuming massive quantities!

Their unwashed clothes and sweat reek of alcohol and all living enemies (not Undead or Possessed) are at -1 to hit them in hand-to-hand combat. In addition, the warrior cannot carry any open flames (torch, lantern, etc.) and fire attacks made against them are resolved at +1 Strength as their beer soaked clothing burns readily.


After years of baiting opponents into drunken brawls the Ostlander has learned some of most vile insults in the Empire. During the shooting phase the warrior may choose to taunt one enemy within 12" instead of shooting with a missile weapon or casting a spell resolved with the Sniper special rule.

The enemy must take a Leadership test. If passed nothing happens. If failed the target must attempt to charge the Hero in their turn if possible.

Blood Oath

The leader of an Ostlander Warband sometimes takes a Blood Oath never to leave any of their fallen ‘family’ members behind. Such is their determination to protect their fallen Blood-kin that it is extremely difficult to cause them to Rout from the field. Only the warband leader may have this skill, and all rout tests may be re-rolled as long as they have not been taken Out of Action.

This is an exception to the usual rule of not being able to use the Leader's Leadership if they are Incapacitated. Ostlanders are used to seeing eachother in that state and think nothing of it.


Pit Fighters Special Skills

Force of Will

When the Pit Fighter loses their last wound and is taken Out of Action, they must take a Toughness test. If they succeed they get up and continue to fight, but lose a point of Toughness for the rest of the battle. If they fail a Toughness test in this way they go Out of Action as normal.

Arms Master

The Pit Fighter may now use a Morningstar in either hand.

Body Slam

Instead of making a normal charge the Pit Fighter may attempt to slam their opponent to the ground, burrowing their shoulder deep into their opponent’s stomach.

Instead of making their normal attacks the Pit fighter may make a single attack resolved at +1 to hit, +1 Strength - though without any weapon bonuses.

Grizzled Veteran

The Pit Fighter is used to fighting fearsome monsters and being cornered in the Pit when there's no escape. They have been close to death so many times that they have made their peace and the thought of Death no longer bothers them. The Pit Fighter becomes Immune to Psychology

Sisters of Sigmar Special Skills

Sign of Sigmar

The Sister is favoured by the great god Sigmar. Possessed or Undead opponents in base contact with one or more characters with this skill lose 1 Attack, down to a minimum of 1.

Protection of Sigmar

The Sister has been blessed by the High Matriarch. She gains a 4+ Ward Save against Direct Damage and Magic Missile spells.

Utter Determination

Only the warband leader may have this skill. As long as she is not incapacitated her warband may re-roll all failed rout tests.

Righteous Fury

The Sister feels cold fury and utter contempt towards any evil that pollutes the soil of the holy Empire with its presence. The model hates all warriors from Chaotic warbands.

Absolute Faith

The Sister puts her faith in Sigmar, and faces dangers unflinchingly. She becomes Immune to Psychology.

Troll Slayer Special Skills

Ferocious Charge

The Slayer may double their attacks on the turn that they charge. They will suffer a -1 to hit penalty on that turn.

Monster Slayer

The Slayer always wounds any opponent on a roll of 4+, regardless of Toughness, unless their own Strength would mean that a lower roll is needed.


The Slayer may add +1 to close combat 'To Hit' rolls during the turn which they charge. (may not be used with Ferocious Charge).

Sweeping Strikes

The slayer may make get an extra attack for each enemy model in base contact, if they are engaged by more than 1 model.

Tattoos of Grimnir

The Slayer is heavily tattooed by one of the Priests of Grimnir the Brave, the God of Slayers. The model gains +1 to any Ward Save they already have.


The Slayer is destined not to die easily. You may re-roll any result on the Serious Injury table. The second result stands, even if it is worse than the first one.


The warrior may leap up to D6" in the movement phase immediately after their normal movement. They may move and leap, run and leap, or just leap, but they can only leap once per turn. A leaping warrior may jump over opposing man-sized models, including enemies, and obstacles 1" high, without penalty. This may not be used if the warrior is in combat.

The leap may also be used to leap over gaps, but in this case you must commit the warrior to making the leap before rolling the dice to see how far they jump. If they fail to make it all the way across they fall through the gap as if they had attempted to jump down and failed their Initiative test.


Von Carstein Special Skills

Transfixing Gaze:

The Vampire is able to hypnotize a victim using their glowing red eyes. The victim will remain passive and wait for the Vampire to close. In each of the Vampire's turns in their combat phase the gaze may be used on any living model in base contact that is not Immune to Psychology. The victim must pass a Leadership test or be transfixed. A transfixed model may not attack in close combat and all attacks against it gain +1 to hit.

Mist Form

A Vampire's human form is only one of many and some can transform into a thin mist in the recovery phase. While in this state the Vampire has a move of 2D6" per turn and may travel through models, even enemy ones. They may not charge, attack in close combat, shoot with a missile weapon or cast spells and gain no protection from armour. All 'to hit' rolls against the Vampire need a natural '6' to hit and all 'to wound' rolls from non-magical attacks need a natural '6' to wound. Note that this may not be modified by any bonuses as it represents the protection of a non-physical form. In this form the Vampire may freely walk out of combat.

If the Vampire is wounded they immediately revert to their physical form. The Vampire may change back to Vampire form in any subsequent recovery phase by choice.

Ratswarm Form

Some Vampires hold a sway over nature and they can transform into animals such as a wolf, a swarm of rats or a giant bat. A Vampire can change form in the recovery phase regardless of whether the Vampire is Knocked Down or Stunned but suffers all penalties for standing up for example. The Vampire may change back to Vampire form at the start of any subsequent recovery phase.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Ratswarm Form 6 3 0 3 3 * * 4 *
Fields with a * remain the same as pre-transformation.

While in Ratswarm form the Vampire may not use weapons and does not receive any protection from armour. They cannot shoot with a missile weapon or cast spells but can attack in close combat without a penalty for fighting without a weapon. The Vampire should be represented by a Ratswarm base in this form, but due to their tiny induvidual size they are capable of freely moving through walls (though still require Initiative tests to climb or jump).

Bat Form

The small and innocuous bat is a famous and iconic choice for Von Carstein vampires. A Vampire can change form in exactly the same manner as detailed above.

Profile M WS BS S T W I A Ld
Bat Form 10 2 0 2 2 * * 2 *
Fields with a * remain the same as pre-transformation.

Whilst in Bat form the Vampire may fly across all models and terrain. Due to the tiny size of the Bat Form it cannot run, though can charge as normal. The Vampire may not use weapons and does not receive any protection from armour while in this form. They cannot shoot with a missile weapon or cast spells but can attack in close combat without a penalty for fighting without a weapon.

Attacks against a vampire in Bat Form are at -1 to hit.


Spells, skills, items, and effects from other warbands that would normally have bonus effects against Vampires will no longer affect this character. Has no impact on your own abilities, items, and effects however.


Wardancer Skill List

Aerial Fury

Instead of making a normal charge the Wardancer may use the Aerial Fury skill. If the Wardancer passes an initiative test they may jump into combat with the same effects as a diving charge. This attack can be made from ground level and does not have to be made from a higher position as per normal diving charge as the Wardancer simply leaps up and brings death to their foes from above.


The Wardancer spends more time soaring through the air than fixed to the ground, their lissom movements and effortless grace sending them flying through the air in beautiful yet wild and unpredictable patterns.

The Wardancer gains a second use of their Leap skill per turn.

I Fight Who I Please

Warriors may never attempt to intercept a charge by a Hero with this skill as their clumsy efforts to block the Wardancer's progress are met with deft feints and soaring lunges.

Wall Runner

The Wardancer may use their running distance when traversing walls rather than their base movement. They may also attempt to climb laterally, needing Initiative tests for every 2" of movement.

Masquerade of Fools

The Wardancer has mastered the technique known as the Masquerade of Fools, whereby they bait their opponent into striking them only to disappear from view completely - gone from their field of view for a heartbeat. However rather than strike a fatal counterblow, the Wardancer uses this opening to bound freely away, leaving their foe to simmer in rage at how clumsy and foolish they have been made to look.

A Wardancer with this skill may freely leave combats when using their Leap skill.

Wood Elf Special Skills


The Wood Elf is blessed by Lileath, the Elven goddess of luck. Once per game they may re-roll any one of their dice rolls.

Masterful Ricochet

Learning to ricochet arrows is a life's work for even an Elven archer - but learning to do so within the contorted and irregular shapes of Athel Loren is a whole new level of mastery. The range of the Ricochet critical hit effect is increased to 12" and ignores line of sight.

Fey protection

The flow of the forest of Athel Loren is stronger in this warrior and offers a degree of protection against the winds of magic. The Warrior gains a 4+ Ward Save against Direct Damage and Magic Missile spells.

Fey Quickness

Few mortal beings can ever hope it match an Elf's quickness and agility. An Elven warrior with this skill can avoid hand-to-hand combat or missile attacks on a roll of 6. If the warrior also has the Step Aside or Dodge skill this will increase the special save to 4+ in the relevant area (IE a warrior with Step Aside avoids hand-to-hand combat attacks on 4+ and missile attacks on 6+).

Powerful Build

The warrior is strongly built for an Wood Elf, and is capable of feats of strength not often seen among the Wood Elves. A warrior with this skill may choose skills from the Strength skill table from now on, in addition to their other skill tables. There may never be more than two Wood Elves with this skill in the warband at any one time.


A Wood Elf with this skill is always placed on the battlefield after the opposing warband and can be placed anywhere on the table as long as it is out of sight of the opposing warband and more than 12” from any enemy model. If both players have models which infiltrate, roll a D6 for each, and the lowest roll sets up first.

Asrai Archery

The Wood Elf does not suffer -1 penalty for moving and shooting.


Gains the Sniper special rule, allowing them to freely pick their targets when shooting regardless of the proximity of other enemies.

Fiercely Neutral

Gains the Hatred rule of all High Elf and Dark Elf warbands.
