- Basic framework
- Mobile robot movement
- collision check
- gif generation
- multi robots mode (collision)
- sensor lidar
- env res
- collision check with discrete samples
- omni directional robots
- Add custom robot model
- Add sensor: gps, odometry
- Add noise (diff)
- line obstacle
- Add subplot
- Add collision mode
- map obstacle
- Add functions to access obstacles with different types
- Add draw points
- reformulate obstacles and robots by Object class
- Add the env logger
- private and public methods and parameters in class
- Add regular event for other obstacles or robots
- Rearrange the framework of obstacles
- Add function to construct obstacle and robot
- Attribute of the obstacles and robots
- robot description
- Construct the object base class for the robot and obstacles
- All the rotation and translation can be represented by the homogeneous transformation matrix
- transfer the function from the previous version
- real robot size (LIMO, BYD)
- Using decorator to update
- code annotation for main class
- Add the data monitor
- Add the interface with gym
- Support the feature of adding or eliminating obstacles by functions
- Add functions to access obstacles with different types
- Add more key functions for keyboard control
- Develop Tools for tackling Data
- 3D visualization
- check whether the object is convex
- Add synchronization and asynchronization mode
- Add tf (similar like ROS tf)
- pytest
- record and replay path
- Plot velocity and acceleration
- Some judgment functions for control
- Add example yaml files
- Add some data structure for plot
- Check the dimension of various values and fix the input error, such as state dim, velocity dim.
- Test Scenario for the different robot models and planners: pursue and evade, follow, etc.
- LLM integration
- organize the functions to calculate A, b, G, h
- Reformulate the behavior library
- Add comments for the functions
- rewrite some lib functions by using c++ to improve the efficiency
- Academic Color
- default yaml name (same as python file)
- draw error band (uncertainty) https://matplotlib.org/stable/gallery/lines_bars_and_markers/curve_error_band.html#sphx-glr-gallery-lines-bars-and-markers-curve-error-band-py
- Provide polygon shape robot
- develop a lib for configuration of the shape, refer to rviz marker
- Add make_scenarios to generate some common scenarios to test, such as car_racing, maze, traffic. ( Maze generator)
- Make the dependency of the package optional
- 3D rigid body
- Documentation
- robotics arm support
- assign robot goals by mouse click
- Add wrapper for ORCA algorithm
- Reorganize the structure of the readme demonstration
- argument type hint
- Doc Noise world
- Doc path manager and change the path
- Use scipy convex hull to generate G and h
- Analyze the performance (jerks, acceleration, etc.)
- Interface with ROS
- Interface with Pybullet or Gazebo