Updates the Dynamic DNS (DDNS) record for a given subdomain and domain using the Dynu API
Tested against Windows 10 / Python 3.10 / Anaconda
pip install dynuipv4update
Update the Dynamic DNS (DDNS ) record for a given subdomain and domain using the Dynu API ( https :// www .dynu .com / ).
This function sends a request to the Dynu API to update the IP (v4 only !!) address associated with
the specified subdomain and domain using the provided credentials . It can be used as a
one - time call or as a background thread that periodically updates the IP address .
Args :
apikey (str ): The API key for authentication with the Dynu API .
subdomain (str ): The subdomain to update (e .g ., 'bububaba' in 'bububaba.ddnsfree.com' ).
domain (str ): The domain to update (e .g ., 'ddnsfree.com' ).
password (str ): The password for authentication with Dynu , used to generate a password hash .
as_thread (bool , optional ): If True , run the update as a background thread . Default is True .
frequency (int , optional ): The frequency (in seconds ) at which to update the IP address .
Ignored if as_thread is False . Default is 30 seconds .
print_update (bool , optional ): If True , print updates when the IP address is changed .
Ignored if as_thread is False . Default is True .
Returns :
If as_thread is True , returns a thread object representing the background update task .
If as_thread is False , returns the current IP address for the specified subdomain and domain .
Example :
subdomain = r"bababu"
domain = "ddnsfree.com"
apikey = "xxxxxx"
sleep_ip_update = 30
dyn_password = r"xxxxx"
# one time call
updatedip = update_dynamic_dns (
apikey = apikey ,
subdomain = second_level_domain ,
domain = top_level_domain ,
password = dyn_password ,
as_thread = False ,
frequency = 30 ,
print_update = True ,
print (updatedip )
# as thread
update_dynamic_dns (
apikey = apikey ,
subdomain = second_level_domain ,
domain = top_level_domain ,
password = dyn_password ,
as_thread = True ,
frequency = 30 ,
print_update = True ,
print (
ipconfig .allipscans [f"{ second_level_domain } .{ top_level_domain } " ]
) # ips are stored here when you use as_thread=True