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ArXiv cs.CV --Wed, 3 Aug 2022

1.UnrealEgo: A New Dataset for Robust Egocentric 3D Human Motion Capture ⬇️

We present UnrealEgo, i.e., a new large-scale naturalistic dataset for egocentric 3D human pose estimation. UnrealEgo is based on an advanced concept of eyeglasses equipped with two fisheye cameras that can be used in unconstrained environments. We design their virtual prototype and attach them to 3D human models for stereo view capture. We next generate a large corpus of human motions. As a consequence, UnrealEgo is the first dataset to provide in-the-wild stereo images with the largest variety of motions among existing egocentric datasets. Furthermore, we propose a new benchmark method with a simple but effective idea of devising a 2D keypoint estimation module for stereo inputs to improve 3D human pose estimation. The extensive experiments show that our approach outperforms the previous state-of-the-art methods qualitatively and quantitatively. UnrealEgo and our source codes are available on our project web page.

2.Prompt-to-Prompt Image Editing with Cross Attention Control ⬇️

Recent large-scale text-driven synthesis models have attracted much attention thanks to their remarkable capabilities of generating highly diverse images that follow given text prompts. Such text-based synthesis methods are particularly appealing to humans who are used to verbally describe their intent. Therefore, it is only natural to extend the text-driven image synthesis to text-driven image editing. Editing is challenging for these generative models, since an innate property of an editing technique is to preserve most of the original image, while in the text-based models, even a small modification of the text prompt often leads to a completely different outcome. State-of-the-art methods mitigate this by requiring the users to provide a spatial mask to localize the edit, hence, ignoring the original structure and content within the masked region. In this paper, we pursue an intuitive prompt-to-prompt editing framework, where the edits are controlled by text only. To this end, we analyze a text-conditioned model in depth and observe that the cross-attention layers are the key to controlling the relation between the spatial layout of the image to each word in the prompt. With this observation, we present several applications which monitor the image synthesis by editing the textual prompt only. This includes localized editing by replacing a word, global editing by adding a specification, and even delicately controlling the extent to which a word is reflected in the image. We present our results over diverse images and prompts, demonstrating high-quality synthesis and fidelity to the edited prompts.

3.An Image is Worth One Word: Personalizing Text-to-Image Generation using Textual Inversion ⬇️

Text-to-image models offer unprecedented freedom to guide creation through natural language. Yet, it is unclear how such freedom can be exercised to generate images of specific unique concepts, modify their appearance, or compose them in new roles and novel scenes. In other words, we ask: how can we use language-guided models to turn our cat into a painting, or imagine a new product based on our favorite toy? Here we present a simple approach that allows such creative freedom. Using only 3-5 images of a user-provided concept, like an object or a style, we learn to represent it through new "words" in the embedding space of a frozen text-to-image model. These "words" can be composed into natural language sentences, guiding personalized creation in an intuitive way. Notably, we find evidence that a single word embedding is sufficient for capturing unique and varied concepts. We compare our approach to a wide range of baselines, and demonstrate that it can more faithfully portray the concepts across a range of applications and tasks.
Our code, data and new words will be available at: this https URL

4.Learning to Incorporate Texture Saliency Adaptive Attention to Image Cartoonization ⬇️

Image cartoonization is recently dominated by generative adversarial networks (GANs) from the perspective of unsupervised image-to-image translation, in which an inherent challenge is to precisely capture and sufficiently transfer characteristic cartoon styles (e.g., clear edges, smooth color shading, abstract fine structures, etc.). Existing advanced models try to enhance cartoonization effect by learning to promote edges adversarially, introducing style transfer loss, or learning to align style from multiple representation space. This paper demonstrates that more distinct and vivid cartoonization effect could be easily achieved with only basic adversarial loss. Observing that cartoon style is more evident in cartoon-texture-salient local image regions, we build a region-level adversarial learning branch in parallel with the normal image-level one, which constrains adversarial learning on cartoon-texture-salient local patches for better perceiving and transferring cartoon texture features. To this end, a novel cartoon-texture-saliency-sampler (CTSS) module is proposed to dynamically sample cartoon-texture-salient patches from training data. With extensive experiments, we demonstrate that texture saliency adaptive attention in adversarial learning, as a missing ingredient of related methods in image cartoonization, is of significant importance in facilitating and enhancing image cartoon stylization, especially for high-resolution input pictures.

5.ViP3D: End-to-end Visual Trajectory Prediction via 3D Agent Queries ⬇️

Existing autonomous driving pipelines separate the perception module from the prediction module. The two modules communicate via hand-picked features such as agent boxes and trajectories as interfaces. Due to this separation, the prediction module only receives partial information from the perception module. Even worse, errors from the perception modules can propagate and accumulate, adversely affecting the prediction results. In this work, we propose ViP3D, a visual trajectory prediction pipeline that leverages the rich information from raw videos to predict future trajectories of agents in a scene. ViP3D employs sparse agent queries throughout the pipeline, making it fully differentiable and interpretable. Furthermore, we propose an evaluation metric for this novel end-to-end visual trajectory prediction task. Extensive experimental results on the nuScenes dataset show the strong performance of ViP3D over traditional pipelines and previous end-to-end models.

6.DSR -- A dual subspace re-projection network for surface anomaly detection ⬇️

The state-of-the-art in discriminative unsupervised surface anomaly detection relies on external datasets for synthesizing anomaly-augmented training images. Such approaches are prone to failure on near-in-distribution anomalies since these are difficult to be synthesized realistically due to their similarity to anomaly-free regions. We propose an architecture based on quantized feature space representation with dual decoders, DSR, that avoids the image-level anomaly synthesis requirement. Without making any assumptions about the visual properties of anomalies, DSR generates the anomalies at the feature level by sampling the learned quantized feature space, which allows a controlled generation of near-in-distribution anomalies. DSR achieves state-of-the-art results on the KSDD2 and MVTec anomaly detection datasets. The experiments on the challenging real-world KSDD2 dataset show that DSR significantly outperforms other unsupervised surface anomaly detection methods, improving the previous top-performing methods by 10% AP in anomaly detection and 35% AP in anomaly localization.

7.A Multi-body Tracking Framework -- From Rigid Objects to Kinematic Structures ⬇️

Kinematic structures are very common in the real world. They range from simple articulated objects to complex mechanical systems. However, despite their relevance, most model-based 3D tracking methods only consider rigid objects. To overcome this limitation, we propose a flexible framework that allows the extension of existing 6DoF algorithms to kinematic structures. Our approach focuses on methods that employ Newton-like optimization techniques, which are widely used in object tracking. The framework considers both tree-like and closed kinematic structures and allows a flexible configuration of joints and constraints. To project equations from individual rigid bodies to a multi-body system, Jacobians are used. For closed kinematic chains, a novel formulation that features Lagrange multipliers is developed. In a detailed mathematical proof, we show that our constraint formulation leads to an exact kinematic solution and converges in a single iteration. Based on the proposed framework, we extend ICG, which is a state-of-the-art rigid object tracking algorithm, to multi-body tracking. For the evaluation, we create a highly-realistic synthetic dataset that features a large number of sequences and various robots. Based on this dataset, we conduct a wide variety of experiments that demonstrate the excellent performance of the developed framework and our multi-body tracker.

8.Deconstructing Self-Supervised Monocular Reconstruction: The Design Decisions that Matter ⬇️

This paper presents an open and comprehensive framework to systematically evaluate state-of-the-art contributions to self-supervised monocular depth estimation. This includes pretraining, backbone, architectural design choices and loss functions. Many papers in this field claim novelty in either architecture design or loss formulation. However, simply updating the backbone of historical systems results in relative improvements of 25%, allowing them to outperform the majority of existing systems. A systematic evaluation of papers in this field was not straightforward. The need to compare like-with-like in previous papers means that longstanding errors in the evaluation protocol are ubiquitous in the field. It is likely that many papers were not only optimized for particular datasets, but also for errors in the data and evaluation criteria. To aid future research in this area, we release a modular codebase, allowing for easy evaluation of alternate design decisions against corrected data and evaluation criteria. We re-implement, validate and re-evaluate 16 state-of-the-art contributions and introduce a new dataset (SYNS-Patches) containing dense outdoor depth maps in a variety of both natural and urban scenes. This allows for the computation of informative metrics in complex regions such as depth boundaries.

9.Connection Reduction Is All You Need ⬇️

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) increase depth by stacking convolutional layers, and deeper network models perform better in image recognition. Empirical research shows that simply stacking convolutional layers does not make the network train better, and skip connection (residual learning) can improve network model performance. For the image classification task, models with global densely connected architectures perform well in large datasets like ImageNet, but are not suitable for small datasets such as CIFAR-10 and SVHN. Different from dense connections, we propose two new algorithms to connect layers. Baseline is a densely connected network, and the networks connected by the two new algorithms are named ShortNet1 and ShortNet2 respectively. The experimental results of image classification on CIFAR-10 and SVHN show that ShortNet1 has a 5% lower test error rate and 25% faster inference time than Baseline. ShortNet2 speeds up inference time by 40% with less loss in test accuracy.

10.T4DT: Tensorizing Time for Learning Temporal 3D Visual Data ⬇️

Unlike 2D raster images, there is no single dominant representation for 3D visual data processing. Different formats like point clouds, meshes, or implicit functions each have their strengths and weaknesses. Still, grid representations such as signed distance functions have attractive properties also in 3D. In particular, they offer constant-time random access and are eminently suitable for modern machine learning. Unfortunately, the storage size of a grid grows exponentially with its dimension. Hence they often exceed memory limits even at moderate resolution. This work explores various low-rank tensor formats, including the Tucker, tensor train, and quantics tensor train decompositions, to compress time-varying 3D data. Our method iteratively computes, voxelizes, and compresses each frame's truncated signed distance function and applies tensor rank truncation to condense all frames into a single, compressed tensor that represents the entire 4D scene. We show that low-rank tensor compression is extremely compact to store and query time-varying signed distance functions. It significantly reduces the memory footprint of 4D scenes while surprisingly preserving their geometric quality. Unlike existing iterative learning-based approaches like DeepSDF and NeRF, our method uses a closed-form algorithm with theoretical guarantees.

11.GaitGL: Learning Discriminative Global-Local Feature Representations for Gait Recognition ⬇️

Existing gait recognition methods either directly establish Global Feature Representation (GFR) from original gait sequences or generate Local Feature Representation (LFR) from several local parts. However, GFR tends to neglect local details of human postures as the receptive fields become larger in the deeper network layers. Although LFR allows the network to focus on the detailed posture information of each local region, it neglects the relations among different local parts and thus only exploits limited local information of several specific regions. To solve these issues, we propose a global-local based gait recognition network, named GaitGL, to generate more discriminative feature representations. To be specific, a novel Global and Local Convolutional Layer (GLCL) is developed to take full advantage of both global visual information and local region details in each layer. GLCL is a dual-branch structure that consists of a GFR extractor and a mask-based LFR extractor. GFR extractor aims to extract contextual information, e.g., the relationship among various body parts, and the mask-based LFR extractor is presented to exploit the detailed posture changes of local regions. In addition, we introduce a novel mask-based strategy to improve the local feature extraction capability. Specifically, we design pairs of complementary masks to randomly occlude feature maps, and then train our mask-based LFR extractor on various occluded feature maps. In this manner, the LFR extractor will learn to fully exploit local information. Extensive experiments demonstrate that GaitGL achieves better performance than state-of-the-art gait recognition methods. The average rank-1 accuracy on CASIA-B, OU-MVLP, GREW and Gait3D is 93.6%, 98.7%, 68.0% and 63.8%, respectively, significantly outperforming the competing methods. The proposed method has won the first prize in two competitions: HID 2020 and HID 2021.

12.The Face of Affective Disorders ⬇️

We study the statistical properties of facial behaviour altered by the regulation of brain arousal in the clinical domain of psychiatry. The underlying mechanism is linked to the empirical interpretation of the vigilance continuum as behavioral surrogate measurement for certain states of mind. We name the presented measurement in the sense of the classical scalp based obtrusive sensors Opto Electronic Encephalography (OEG) which relies solely on modern camera based real-time signal processing and computer vision. Based upon a stochastic representation as coherence of the face dynamics, reflecting the hemifacial asymmetry in emotion expressions, we demonstrate an almost flawless distinction between patients and healthy controls as well as between the mental disorders depression and schizophrenia and the symptom severity. In contrast to the standard diagnostic process, which is time-consuming, subjective and does not incorporate neurobiological data such as real-time face dynamics, the objective stochastic modeling of the affective responsiveness only requires a few minutes of video-based facial recordings. We also highlight the potential of the methodology as a causal inference model in transdiagnostic analysis to predict the outcome of pharmacological treatment. All results are obtained on a clinical longitudinal data collection with an amount of 100 patients and 50 controls.

13.Unified Normalization for Accelerating and Stabilizing Transformers ⬇️

Solid results from Transformers have made them prevailing architectures in various natural language and vision tasks. As a default component in Transformers, Layer Normalization (LN) normalizes activations within each token to boost the robustness. However, LN requires on-the-fly statistics calculation in inference as well as division and square root operations, leading to inefficiency on hardware. What is more, replacing LN with other hardware-efficient normalization schemes (e.g., Batch Normalization) results in inferior performance, even collapse in training. We find that this dilemma is caused by abnormal behaviors of activation statistics, including large fluctuations over iterations and extreme outliers across layers. To tackle these issues, we propose Unified Normalization (UN), which can speed up the inference by being fused with other linear operations and achieve comparable performance on par with LN. UN strives to boost performance by calibrating the activation and gradient statistics with a tailored fluctuation smoothing strategy. Meanwhile, an adaptive outlier filtration strategy is applied to avoid collapse in training whose effectiveness is theoretically proved and experimentally verified in this paper. We demonstrate that UN can be an efficient drop-in alternative to LN by conducting extensive experiments on language and vision tasks. Besides, we evaluate the efficiency of our method on GPU. Transformers equipped with UN enjoy about 31% inference speedup and nearly 18% memory reduction. Code will be released at this https URL.

14.Overlooked Poses Actually Make Sense: Distilling Privileged Knowledge for Human Motion Prediction ⬇️

Previous works on human motion prediction follow the pattern of building a mapping relation between the sequence observed and the one to be predicted. However, due to the inherent complexity of multivariate time series data, it still remains a challenge to find the extrapolation relation between motion sequences. In this paper, we present a new prediction pattern, which introduces previously overlooked human poses, to implement the prediction task from the view of interpolation. These poses exist after the predicted sequence, and form the privileged sequence. To be specific, we first propose an InTerPolation learning Network (ITP-Network) that encodes both the observed sequence and the privileged sequence to interpolate the in-between predicted sequence, wherein the embedded Privileged-sequence-Encoder (Priv-Encoder) learns the privileged knowledge (PK) simultaneously. Then, we propose a Final Prediction Network (FP-Network) for which the privileged sequence is not observable, but is equipped with a novel PK-Simulator that distills PK learned from the previous network. This simulator takes as input the observed sequence, but approximates the behavior of Priv-Encoder, enabling FP-Network to imitate the interpolation process. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that our prediction pattern achieves state-of-the-art performance on benchmarked H3.6M, CMU-Mocap and 3DPW datasets in both short-term and long-term predictions.

15.Multiview Regenerative Morphing with Dual Flows ⬇️

This paper aims to address a new task of image morphing under a multiview setting, which takes two sets of multiview images as the input and generates intermediate renderings that not only exhibit smooth transitions between the two input sets but also ensure visual consistency across different views at any transition state. To achieve this goal, we propose a novel approach called Multiview Regenerative Morphing that formulates the morphing process as an optimization to solve for rigid transformation and optimal-transport interpolation. Given the multiview input images of the source and target scenes, we first learn a volumetric representation that models the geometry and appearance for each scene to enable the rendering of novel views. Then, the morphing between the two scenes is obtained by solving optimal transport between the two volumetric representations in Wasserstein metrics. Our approach does not rely on user-specified correspondences or 2D/3D input meshes, and we do not assume any predefined categories of the source and target scenes. The proposed view-consistent interpolation scheme directly works on multiview images to yield a novel and visually plausible effect of multiview free-form morphing.

16.In-Hand Pose Estimation and Pin Inspection for Insertion of Through-Hole Components ⬇️

The insertion of through-hole components is a difficult task. As the tolerances of the holes are very small, minor errors in the insertion will result in failures. These failures can damage components and will require manual intervention for recovery. Errors can occur both from imprecise object grasps and bent pins. Therefore, it is important that a system can accurately determine the object's position and reject components with bent pins. By utilizing the constraints inherent in the object grasp a method using template matching is able to obtain very precise pose estimates. Methods for pin-checking are also implemented, compared, and a successful method is shown. The set-up is performed automatically, with two novel contributions. A deep learning segmentation of the pins is performed and the inspection pose is found by simulation. From the inspection pose and the segmented pins, the templates for pose estimation and pin check are then generated. To train the deep learning method a dataset of segmented through-hole components is created. The network shows a 97.3 % accuracy on the test set. The pin-segmentation network is also tested on the insertion CAD models and successfully segment the pins. The complete system is tested on three different objects, and experiments show that the system is able to insert all objects successfully. Both by correcting in-hand grasp errors and rejecting objects with bent pins.

17.Explicit Use of Fourier Spectrum in Generative Adversarial Networks ⬇️

Generative Adversarial Networks have got the researchers' attention due to their state-of-the-art performance in generating new images with only a dataset of the target distribution. It has been shown that there is a dissimilarity between the spectrum of authentic images and fake ones. Since the Fourier transform is a bijective mapping, saying that the model has a significant problem in learning the original distribution is a fair conclusion. In this work, we investigate the possible reasons for the mentioned drawback in the architecture and mathematical theory of the current GANs. Then we propose a new model to reduce the discrepancies between the spectrum of the actual and fake images. To that end, we design a brand new architecture for the frequency domain using the blueprint of geometric deep learning. Then, we experimentally show promising improvements in the quality of the generated images by considering the Fourier domain representation of the original data as a principal feature in the training process.

18.A Robust Morphological Approach for Semantic Segmentation of Very High Resolution Images ⬇️

State-of-the-art methods for semantic segmentation of images involve computationally intensive neural network architectures. Most of these methods are not adaptable to high-resolution image segmentation due to memory and other computational issues. Typical approaches in literature involve design of neural network architectures that can fuse global information from low-resolution images and local information from the high-resolution counterparts. However, architectures designed for processing high resolution images are unnecessarily complex and involve a lot of hyper parameters that can be difficult to tune. Also, most of these architectures require ground truth annotations of the high resolution images to train, which can be hard to obtain. In this article, we develop a robust pipeline based on mathematical morphological (MM) operators that can seamlessly extend any existing semantic segmentation algorithm to high resolution images. Our method does not require the ground truth annotations of the high resolution images. It is based on efficiently utilizing information from the low-resolution counterparts, and gradient information on the high-resolution images. We obtain high quality seeds from the inferred labels on low-resolution images using traditional morphological operators and propagate seed labels using a random walker to refine the semantic labels at the boundaries. We show that the semantic segmentation results obtained by our method beat the existing state-of-the-art algorithms on high-resolution images. We empirically prove the robustness of our approach to the hyper parameters used in our pipeline. Further, we characterize some necessary conditions under which our pipeline is applicable and provide an in-depth analysis of the proposed approach.

19.A Novel Transformer Network with Shifted Window Cross-Attention for Spatiotemporal Weather Forecasting ⬇️

Earth Observatory is a growing research area that can capitalize on the powers of AI for short time forecasting, a Now-casting scenario. In this work, we tackle the challenge of weather forecasting using a video transformer network. Vision transformer architectures have been explored in various applications, with major constraints being the computational complexity of Attention and the data hungry training. To address these issues, we propose the use of Video Swin-Transformer, coupled with a dedicated augmentation scheme. Moreover, we employ gradual spatial reduction on the encoder side and cross-attention on the decoder. The proposed approach is tested on the Weather4Cast2021 weather forecasting challenge data, which requires the prediction of 8 hours ahead future frames (4 per hour) from an hourly weather product sequence. The dataset was normalized to 0-1 to facilitate using the evaluation metrics across different datasets. The model results in an MSE score of 0.4750 when provided with training data, and 0.4420 during transfer learning without using training data, respectively.

20.Making the Best of Both Worlds: A Domain-Oriented Transformer for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation ⬇️

Extensive studies on Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) have propelled the deployment of deep learning from limited experimental datasets into real-world unconstrained domains. Most UDA approaches align features within a common embedding space and apply a shared classifier for target prediction. However, since a perfectly aligned feature space may not exist when the domain discrepancy is large, these methods suffer from two limitations. First, the coercive domain alignment deteriorates target domain discriminability due to lacking target label supervision. Second, the source-supervised classifier is inevitably biased to source data, thus it may underperform in target domain. To alleviate these issues, we propose to simultaneously conduct feature alignment in two individual spaces focusing on different domains, and create for each space a domain-oriented classifier tailored specifically for that domain. Specifically, we design a Domain-Oriented Transformer (DOT) that has two individual classification tokens to learn different domain-oriented representations, and two classifiers to preserve domain-wise discriminability. Theoretical guaranteed contrastive-based alignment and the source-guided pseudo-label refinement strategy are utilized to explore both domain-invariant and specific information. Comprehensive experiments validate that our method achieves state-of-the-art on several benchmarks.

21.Curved Geometric Networks for Visual Anomaly Recognition ⬇️

Learning a latent embedding to understand the underlying nature of data distribution is often formulated in Euclidean spaces with zero curvature. However, the success of the geometry constraints, posed in the embedding space, indicates that curved spaces might encode more structural information, leading to better discriminative power and hence richer representations. In this work, we investigate benefits of the curved space for analyzing anomalies or out-of-distribution objects in data. This is achieved by considering embeddings via three geometry constraints, namely, spherical geometry (with positive curvature), hyperbolic geometry (with negative curvature) or mixed geometry (with both positive and negative curvatures). Three geometric constraints can be chosen interchangeably in a unified design given the task at hand. Tailored for the embeddings in the curved space, we also formulate functions to compute the anomaly score. Two types of geometric modules (i.e., Geometric-in-One and Geometric-in-Two models) are proposed to plug in the original Euclidean classifier, and anomaly scores are computed from the curved embeddings. We evaluate the resulting designs under a diverse set of visual recognition scenarios, including image detection (multi-class OOD detection and one-class anomaly detection) and segmentation (multi-class anomaly segmentation and one-class anomaly segmentation). The empirical results show the effectiveness of our proposal through the consistent improvement over various scenarios.

22.MV6D: Multi-View 6D Pose Estimation on RGB-D Frames Using a Deep Point-wise Voting Network ⬇️

Estimating 6D poses of objects is an essential computer vision task. However, most conventional approaches rely on camera data from a single perspective and therefore suffer from occlusions. We overcome this issue with our novel multi-view 6D pose estimation method called MV6D which accurately predicts the 6D poses of all objects in a cluttered scene based on RGB-D images from multiple perspectives. We base our approach on the PVN3D network that uses a single RGB-D image to predict keypoints of the target objects. We extend this approach by using a combined point cloud from multiple views and fusing the images from each view with a DenseFusion layer. In contrast to current multi-view pose detection networks such as CosyPose, our MV6D can learn the fusion of multiple perspectives in an end-to-end manner and does not require multiple prediction stages or subsequent fine tuning of the prediction. Furthermore, we present three novel photorealistic datasets of cluttered scenes with heavy occlusions. All of them contain RGB-D images from multiple perspectives and the ground truth for instance semantic segmentation and 6D pose estimation. MV6D significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art in multi-view 6D pose estimation even in cases where the camera poses are known inaccurately. Furthermore, we show that our approach is robust towards dynamic camera setups and that its accuracy increases incrementally with an increasing number of perspectives.

23.Ithaca365: Dataset and Driving Perception under Repeated and Challenging Weather Conditions ⬇️

Advances in perception for self-driving cars have accelerated in recent years due to the availability of large-scale datasets, typically collected at specific locations and under nice weather conditions. Yet, to achieve the high safety requirement, these perceptual systems must operate robustly under a wide variety of weather conditions including snow and rain. In this paper, we present a new dataset to enable robust autonomous driving via a novel data collection process - data is repeatedly recorded along a 15 km route under diverse scene (urban, highway, rural, campus), weather (snow, rain, sun), time (day/night), and traffic conditions (pedestrians, cyclists and cars). The dataset includes images and point clouds from cameras and LiDAR sensors, along with high-precision GPS/INS to establish correspondence across routes. The dataset includes road and object annotations using amodal masks to capture partial occlusions and 3D bounding boxes. We demonstrate the uniqueness of this dataset by analyzing the performance of baselines in amodal segmentation of road and objects, depth estimation, and 3D object detection. The repeated routes opens new research directions in object discovery, continual learning, and anomaly detection. Link to Ithaca365: this https URL

24.Pose Uncertainty Aware Movement Synchrony Estimation via Spatial-Temporal Graph Transformer ⬇️

Movement synchrony reflects the coordination of body movements between interacting dyads. The estimation of movement synchrony has been automated by powerful deep learning models such as transformer networks. However, instead of designing a specialized network for movement synchrony estimation, previous transformer-based works broadly adopted architectures from other tasks such as human activity recognition. Therefore, this paper proposed a skeleton-based graph transformer for movement synchrony estimation. The proposed model applied ST-GCN, a spatial-temporal graph convolutional neural network for skeleton feature extraction, followed by a spatial transformer for spatial feature generation. The spatial transformer is guided by a uniquely designed joint position embedding shared between the same joints of interacting individuals. Besides, we incorporated a temporal similarity matrix in temporal attention computation considering the periodic intrinsic of body movements. In addition, the confidence score associated with each joint reflects the uncertainty of a pose, while previous works on movement synchrony estimation have not sufficiently emphasized this point. Since transformer networks demand a significant amount of data to train, we constructed a dataset for movement synchrony estimation using Human3.6M, a benchmark dataset for human activity recognition, and pretrained our model on it using contrastive learning. We further applied knowledge distillation to alleviate information loss introduced by pose detector failure in a privacy-preserving way. We compared our method with representative approaches on PT13, a dataset collected from autism therapy interventions. Our method achieved an overall accuracy of 88.98% and surpassed its counterparts by a wide margin while maintaining data privacy.

25.BATMAN: Bilateral Attention Transformer in Motion-Appearance Neighboring Space for Video Object Segmentation ⬇️

Video Object Segmentation (VOS) is fundamental to video understanding. Transformer-based methods show significant performance improvement on semi-supervised VOS. However, existing work faces challenges segmenting visually similar objects in close proximity of each other. In this paper, we propose a novel Bilateral Attention Transformer in Motion-Appearance Neighboring space (BATMAN) for semi-supervised VOS. It captures object motion in the video via a novel optical flow calibration module that fuses the segmentation mask with optical flow estimation to improve within-object optical flow smoothness and reduce noise at object boundaries. This calibrated optical flow is then employed in our novel bilateral attention, which computes the correspondence between the query and reference frames in the neighboring bilateral space considering both motion and appearance. Extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of BATMAN architecture by outperforming all existing state-of-the-art on all four popular VOS benchmarks: Youtube-VOS 2019 (85.0%), Youtube-VOS 2018 (85.3%), DAVIS 2017Val/Testdev (86.2%/82.2%), and DAVIS 2016 (92.5%).

26.A Feasibility Study on Image Inpainting for Non-cleft Lip Generation from Patients with Cleft Lip ⬇️

A Cleft lip is a congenital abnormality requiring surgical repair by a specialist. The surgeon must have extensive experience and theoretical knowledge to perform surgery, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) method has been proposed to guide surgeons in improving surgical outcomes. If AI can be used to predict what a repaired cleft lip would look like, surgeons could use it as an adjunct to adjust their surgical technique and improve results. To explore the feasibility of this idea while protecting patient privacy, we propose a deep learning-based image inpainting method that is capable of covering a cleft lip and generating a lip and nose without a cleft. Our experiments are conducted on two real-world cleft lip datasets and are assessed by expert cleft lip surgeons to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed method.

27.Exploring the GLIDE model for Human Action-effect Prediction ⬇️

We address the following action-effect prediction task. Given an image depicting an initial state of the world and an action expressed in text, predict an image depicting the state of the world following the action. The prediction should have the same scene context as the input image. We explore the use of the recently proposed GLIDE model for performing this task. GLIDE is a generative neural network that can synthesize (inpaint) masked areas of an image, conditioned on a short piece of text. Our idea is to mask-out a region of the input image where the effect of the action is expected to occur. GLIDE is then used to inpaint the masked region conditioned on the required action. In this way, the resulting image has the same background context as the input image, updated to show the effect of the action. We give qualitative results from experiments using the EPIC dataset of ego-centric videos labelled with actions.

28.Dyadic Movement Synchrony Estimation Under Privacy-preserving Conditions ⬇️

Movement synchrony refers to the dynamic temporal connection between the motions of interacting people. The applications of movement synchrony are wide and broad. For example, as a measure of coordination between teammates, synchrony scores are often reported in sports. The autism community also identifies movement synchrony as a key indicator of children's social and developmental achievements. In general, raw video recordings are often used for movement synchrony estimation, with the drawback that they may reveal people's identities. Furthermore, such privacy concern also hinders data sharing, one major roadblock to a fair comparison between different approaches in autism research. To address the issue, this paper proposes an ensemble method for movement synchrony estimation, one of the first deep-learning-based methods for automatic movement synchrony assessment under privacy-preserving conditions. Our method relies entirely on publicly shareable, identity-agnostic secondary data, such as skeleton data and optical flow. We validate our method on two datasets: (1) PT13 dataset collected from autism therapy interventions and (2) TASD-2 dataset collected from synchronized diving competitions. In this context, our method outperforms its counterpart approaches, both deep neural networks and alternatives.

29.Lossy compression of multidimensional medical images using sinusoidal activation networks: an evaluation study ⬇️

In this work, we evaluate how neural networks with periodic activation functions can be leveraged to reliably compress large multidimensional medical image datasets, with proof-of-concept application to 4D diffusion-weighted MRI (dMRI). In the medical imaging landscape, multidimensional MRI is a key area of research for developing biomarkers that are both sensitive and specific to the underlying tissue microstructure. However, the high-dimensional nature of these data poses a challenge in terms of both storage and sharing capabilities and associated costs, requiring appropriate algorithms able to represent the information in a low-dimensional space. Recent theoretical developments in deep learning have shown how periodic activation functions are a powerful tool for implicit neural representation of images and can be used for compression of 2D images. Here we extend this approach to 4D images and show how any given 4D dMRI dataset can be accurately represented through the parameters of a sinusoidal activation network, achieving a data compression rate about 10 times higher than the standard DEFLATE algorithm. Our results show that the proposed approach outperforms benchmark ReLU and Tanh activation perceptron architectures in terms of mean squared error, peak signal-to-noise ratio and structural similarity index. Subsequent analyses using the tensor and spherical harmonics representations demonstrate that the proposed lossy compression reproduces accurately the characteristics of the original data, leading to relative errors about 5 to 10 times lower than the benchmark JPEG2000 lossy compression and similar to standard pre-processing steps such as MP-PCA denosing, suggesting a loss of information within the currently accepted levels for clinical application.

30.IterMiUnet: A lightweight architecture for automatic blood vessel segmentation ⬇️

The automatic segmentation of blood vessels in fundus images can help analyze the condition of retinal vasculature, which is crucial for identifying various systemic diseases like hypertension, diabetes, etc. Despite the success of Deep Learning-based models in this segmentation task, most of them are heavily parametrized and thus have limited use in practical applications. This paper proposes IterMiUnet, a new lightweight convolution-based segmentation model that requires significantly fewer parameters and yet delivers performance similar to existing models. The model makes use of the excellent segmentation capabilities of Iternet architecture but overcomes its heavily parametrized nature by incorporating the encoder-decoder structure of MiUnet model within it. Thus, the new model reduces parameters without any compromise with the network's depth, which is necessary to learn abstract hierarchical concepts in deep models. This lightweight segmentation model speeds up training and inference time and is potentially helpful in the medical domain where data is scarce and, therefore, heavily parametrized models tend to overfit. The proposed model was evaluated on three publicly available datasets: DRIVE, STARE, and CHASE-DB1. Further cross-training and inter-rater variability evaluations have also been performed. The proposed model has a lot of potential to be utilized as a tool for the early diagnosis of many diseases.

31.A New Probabilistic V-Net Model with Hierarchical Spatial Feature Transform for Efficient Abdominal Multi-Organ Segmentation ⬇️

Accurate and robust abdominal multi-organ segmentation from CT imaging of different modalities is a challenging task due to complex inter- and intra-organ shape and appearance variations among abdominal organs. In this paper, we propose a probabilistic multi-organ segmentation network with hierarchical spatial-wise feature modulation to capture flexible organ semantic variants and inject the learnt variants into different scales of feature maps for guiding segmentation. More specifically, we design an input decomposition module via a conditional variational auto-encoder to learn organ-specific distributions on the low dimensional latent space and model richer organ semantic variations that is conditioned on input images.Then by integrating these learned variations into the V-Net decoder hierarchically via spatial feature transformation, which has the ability to convert the variations into conditional Affine transformation parameters for spatial-wise feature maps modulating and guiding the fine-scale segmentation. The proposed method is trained on the publicly available AbdomenCT-1K dataset and evaluated on two other open datasets, i.e., 100 challenging/pathological testing patient cases from AbdomenCT-1K fully-supervised abdominal organ segmentation benchmark and 90 cases from TCIA+&BTCV dataset. Highly competitive or superior quantitative segmentation results have been achieved using these datasets for four abdominal organs of liver, kidney, spleen and pancreas with reported Dice scores improved by 7.3% for kidneys and 9.7% for pancreas, while being ~7 times faster than two strong baseline segmentation methods(nnUNet and CoTr).

32.What can we Learn by Predicting Accuracy? ⬇️

This paper seeks to answer the following question: "What can we learn by predicting accuracy?" Indeed, classification is one of the most popular task in machine learning and many loss functions have been developed to maximize this non-differentiable objective. Unlike past work on loss function design, which was mostly guided by intuition and theory before being validated by experimentation, here we propose to approach this problem in the opposite way : we seek to extract knowledge from experiments. This data-driven approach is similar to that used in physics to discover general laws from data. We used a symbolic regression method to automatically find a mathematical expression that is highly correlated with the accuracy of a linear classifier. The formula discovered on more than 260 datasets has a Pearson correlation of 0.96 and a r2 of 0.93. More interestingly, this formula is highly explainable and confirms insights from various previous papers on loss design. We hope this work will open new perspectives in the search for new heuristics leading to a deeper understanding of machine learning theory.

33.Self-Supervised Traversability Prediction by Learning to Reconstruct Safe Terrain ⬇️

Navigating off-road with a fast autonomous vehicle depends on a robust perception system that differentiates traversable from non-traversable terrain. Typically, this depends on a semantic understanding which is based on supervised learning from images annotated by a human expert. This requires a significant investment in human time, assumes correct expert classification, and small details can lead to misclassification. To address these challenges, we propose a method for predicting high- and low-risk terrains from only past vehicle experience in a self-supervised fashion. First, we develop a tool that projects the vehicle trajectory into the front camera image. Second, occlusions in the 3D representation of the terrain are filtered out. Third, an autoencoder trained on masked vehicle trajectory regions identifies low- and high-risk terrains based on the reconstruction error. We evaluated our approach with two models and different bottleneck sizes with two different training and testing sites with a fourwheeled off-road vehicle. Comparison with two independent test sets of semantic labels from similar terrain as training sites demonstrates the ability to separate the ground as low-risk and the vegetation as high-risk with 81.1% and 85.1% accuracy.

34.Making a Spiking Net Work: Robust brain-like unsupervised machine learning ⬇️

The surge in interest in Artificial Intelligence (AI) over the past decade has been driven almost exclusively by advances in Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). While ANNs set state-of-the-art performance for many previously intractable problems, they require large amounts of data and computational resources for training, and since they employ supervised learning they typically need to know the correctly labelled response for every training example, limiting their scalability for real-world domains. Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) are an alternative to ANNs that use more brain-like artificial neurons and can use unsupervised learning to discover recognizable features in the input data without knowing correct responses. SNNs, however, struggle with dynamical stability and cannot match the accuracy of ANNs. Here we show how an SNN can overcome many of the shortcomings that have been identified in the literature, including offering a principled solution to the vanishing spike problem, to outperform all existing shallow SNNs and equal the performance of an ANN. It accomplishes this while using unsupervised learning with unlabeled data and only 1/50th of the training epochs (labelled data is used only for a final simple linear readout layer). This result makes SNNs a viable new method for fast, accurate, efficient, explainable, and re-deployable machine learning with unlabeled datasets.

35.Mitigating Shadows in Lidar Scan Matching using Spherical Voxels ⬇️

In this paper we propose an approach to mitigate shadowing errors in Lidar scan matching, by introducing a preprocessing step based on spherical gridding. Because the grid aligns with the Lidar beam, it is relatively easy to eliminate shadow edges which cause systematic errors in Lidar scan matching. As we show through simulation, our proposed algorithm provides better results than ground-plane removal, the most common existing strategy for shadow mitigation. Unlike ground plane removal, our method applies to arbitrary terrains (e.g. shadows on urban walls, shadows in hilly terrain) while retaining key Lidar points on the ground that are critical for estimating changes in height, pitch, and roll. Our preprocessing algorithm can be used with a range of scan-matching methods; however, for voxel-based scan matching methods, it provides additional benefits by reducing computation costs and more evenly distributing Lidar points among voxels.

36.A knee cannot have lung disease: out-of-distribution detection with in-distribution voting using the medical example of chest X-ray classification ⬇️

Deep learning models are being applied to more and more use cases with astonishing success stories, but how do they perform in the real world? To test a model, a specific cleaned data set is assembled. However, when deployed in the real world, the model will face unexpected, out-of-distribution (OOD) data. In this work, we show that the so-called "radiologist-level" CheXnet model fails to recognize all OOD images and classifies them as having lung disease. To address this issue, we propose in-distribution voting, a novel method to classify out-of-distribution images for multi-label classification. Using independent class-wise in-distribution (ID) predictors trained on ID and OOD data we achieve, on average, 99 % ID classification specificity and 98 % sensitivity, improving the end-to-end performance significantly compared to previous works on the chest X-ray 14 data set. Our method surpasses other output-based OOD detectors even when trained solely with ImageNet as OOD data and tested with X-ray OOD images.

37.Face-to-Face Contrastive Learning for Social Intelligence Question-Answering ⬇️

Creating artificial social intelligence - algorithms that can understand the nuances of multi-person interactions - is an exciting and emerging challenge in processing facial expressions and gestures from multimodal videos. Recent multimodal methods have set the state of the art on many tasks, but have difficulty modeling the complex face-to-face conversational dynamics across speaking turns in social interaction, particularly in a self-supervised setup. In this paper, we propose Face-to-Face Contrastive Learning (F2F-CL), a graph neural network designed to model social interactions using factorization nodes to contextualize the multimodal face-to-face interaction along the boundaries of the speaking turn. With the F2F-CL model, we propose to perform contrastive learning between the factorization nodes of different speaking turns within the same video. We experimentally evaluated the challenging Social-IQ dataset and show state-of-the-art results.

38.Learning to estimate a surrogate respiratory signal from cardiac motion by signal-to-signal translation ⬇️

In this work, we develop a neural network-based method to convert a noisy motion signal generated from segmenting rebinned list-mode cardiac SPECT images, to that of a high-quality surrogate signal, such as those seen from external motion tracking systems (EMTs). This synthetic surrogate will be used as input to our pre-existing motion correction technique developed for EMT surrogate signals. In our method, we test two families of neural networks to translate noisy internal motion to external surrogate: 1) fully connected networks and 2) convolutional neural networks. Our dataset consists of cardiac perfusion SPECT acquisitions for which cardiac motion was estimated (input: center-of-count-mass - COM signals) in conjunction with a respiratory surrogate motion signal acquired using a commercial Vicon Motion Tracking System (GT: EMT signals). We obtained an average R-score of 0.76 between the predicted surrogate and the EMT signal. Our goal is to lay a foundation to guide the optimization of neural networks for respiratory motion correction from SPECT without the need for an EMT.