1.Neural Light Field Estimation for Street Scenes with Differentiable Virtual Object Insertion ⬇️
We consider the challenging problem of outdoor lighting estimation for the goal of photorealistic virtual object insertion into photographs. Existing works on outdoor lighting estimation typically simplify the scene lighting into an environment map which cannot capture the spatially-varying lighting effects in outdoor scenes. In this work, we propose a neural approach that estimates the 5D HDR light field from a single image, and a differentiable object insertion formulation that enables end-to-end training with image-based losses that encourage realism. Specifically, we design a hybrid lighting representation tailored to outdoor scenes, which contains an HDR sky dome that handles the extreme intensity of the sun, and a volumetric lighting representation that models the spatially-varying appearance of the surrounding scene. With the estimated lighting, our shadow-aware object insertion is fully differentiable, which enables adversarial training over the composited image to provide additional supervisory signal to the lighting prediction. We experimentally demonstrate that our hybrid lighting representation is more performant than existing outdoor lighting estimation methods. We further show the benefits of our AR object insertion in an autonomous driving application, where we obtain performance gains for a 3D object detector when trained on our augmented data.
2.Temporal View Synthesis of Dynamic Scenes through 3D Object Motion Estimation with Multi-Plane Images ⬇️
The challenge of graphically rendering high frame-rate videos on low compute devices can be addressed through periodic prediction of future frames to enhance the user experience in virtual reality applications. This is studied through the problem of temporal view synthesis (TVS), where the goal is to predict the next frames of a video given the previous frames and the head poses of the previous and the next frames. In this work, we consider the TVS of dynamic scenes in which both the user and objects are moving. We design a framework that decouples the motion into user and object motion to effectively use the available user motion while predicting the next frames. We predict the motion of objects by isolating and estimating the 3D object motion in the past frames and then extrapolating it. We employ multi-plane images (MPI) as a 3D representation of the scenes and model the object motion as the 3D displacement between the corresponding points in the MPI representation. In order to handle the sparsity in MPIs while estimating the motion, we incorporate partial convolutions and masked correlation layers to estimate corresponding points. The predicted object motion is then integrated with the given user or camera motion to generate the next frame. Using a disocclusion infilling module, we synthesize the regions uncovered due to the camera and object motion. We develop a new synthetic dataset for TVS of dynamic scenes consisting of 800 videos at full HD resolution. We show through experiments on our dataset and the MPI Sintel dataset that our model outperforms all the competing methods in the literature.
3.Guided-deconvolution for Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy ⬇️
Correlative light and electron microscopy is a powerful tool to study the internal structure of cells. It combines the mutual benefit of correlating light (LM) and electron (EM) microscopy information. However, the classical approach of overlaying LM onto EM images to assign functional to structural information is hampered by the large discrepancy in structural detail visible in the LM images. This paper aims at investigating an optimized approach which we call EM-guided deconvolution. It attempts to automatically assign fluorescence-labelled structures to details visible in the EM image to bridge the gaps in both resolution and specificity between the two imaging modes.
4.MonoPCNS: Monocular 3D Object Detection via Point Cloud Network Simulation ⬇️
Monocular 3D object detection is a fundamental but very important task to many applications including autonomous driving, robotic grasping and augmented reality. Existing leading methods tend to estimate the depth of the input image first, and detect the 3D object based on point cloud. This routine suffers from the inherent gap between depth estimation and object detection. Besides, the prediction error accumulation would also affect the performance. In this paper, a novel method named MonoPCNS is proposed. The insight behind introducing MonoPCNS is that we propose to simulate the feature learning behavior of a point cloud based detector for monocular detector during the training period. Hence, during inference period, the learned features and prediction would be similar to the point cloud based detector as possible. To achieve it, we propose one scene-level simulation module, one RoI-level simulation module and one response-level simulation module, which are progressively used for the detector's full feature learning and prediction pipeline. We apply our method to the famous M3D-RPN detector and CaDDN detector, conducting extensive experiments on KITTI and Waymo Open dataset. Results show that our method consistently improves the performance of different monocular detectors for a large margin without changing their network architectures. Our method finally achieves state-of-the-art performance.
5.Curbing Task Interference using Representation Similarity-Guided Multi-Task Feature Sharing ⬇️
Multi-task learning of dense prediction tasks, by sharing both the encoder and decoder, as opposed to sharing only the encoder, provides an attractive front to increase both accuracy and computational efficiency. When the tasks are similar, sharing the decoder serves as an additional inductive bias providing more room for tasks to share complementary information among themselves. However, increased sharing exposes more parameters to task interference which likely hinders both generalization and robustness. Effective ways to curb this interference while exploiting the inductive bias of sharing the decoder remains an open challenge. To address this challenge, we propose Progressive Decoder Fusion (PDF) to progressively combine task decoders based on inter-task representation similarity. We show that this procedure leads to a multi-task network with better generalization to in-distribution and out-of-distribution data and improved robustness to adversarial attacks. Additionally, we observe that the predictions of different tasks of this multi-task network are more consistent with each other.
6.Hierarchical Compositional Representations for Few-shot Action Recognition ⬇️
Recently action recognition has received more and more attention for its comprehensive and practical applications in intelligent surveillance and human-computer interaction. However, few-shot action recognition has not been well explored and remains challenging because of data scarcity. In this paper, we propose a novel hierarchical compositional representations (HCR) learning approach for few-shot action recognition. Specifically, we divide a complicated action into several sub-actions by carefully designed hierarchical clustering and further decompose the sub-actions into more fine-grained spatially attentional sub-actions (SAS-actions). Although there exist large differences between base classes and novel classes, they can share similar patterns in sub-actions or SAS-actions. Furthermore, we adopt the Earth Mover's Distance in the transportation problem to measure the similarity between video samples in terms of sub-action representations. It computes the optimal matching flows between sub-actions as distance metric, which is favorable for comparing fine-grained patterns. Extensive experiments show our method achieves the state-of-the-art results on HMDB51, UCF101 and Kinetics datasets.
7.Aspect-based Sentiment Classification with Sequential Cross-modal Semantic Graph ⬇️
Multi-modal aspect-based sentiment classification (MABSC) is an emerging classification task that aims to classify the sentiment of a given target such as a mentioned entity in data with different modalities. In typical multi-modal data with text and image, previous approaches do not make full use of the fine-grained semantics of the image, especially in conjunction with the semantics of the text and do not fully consider modeling the relationship between fine-grained image information and target, which leads to insufficient use of image and inadequate to identify fine-grained aspects and opinions. To tackle these limitations, we propose a new framework SeqCSG including a method to construct sequential cross-modal semantic graphs and an encoder-decoder model. Specifically, we extract fine-grained information from the original image, image caption, and scene graph, and regard them as elements of the cross-modal semantic graph as well as tokens from texts. The cross-modal semantic graph is represented as a sequence with a multi-modal visible matrix indicating relationships between elements. In order to effectively utilize the cross-modal semantic graph, we propose an encoder-decoder method with a target prompt template. Experimental results show that our approach outperforms existing methods and achieves the state-of-the-art on two standard datasets MABSC. Further analysis demonstrates the effectiveness of each component and our model can implicitly learn the correlation between the target and fine-grained information of the image.
8.ModSelect: Automatic Modality Selection for Synthetic-to-Real Domain Generalization ⬇️
Modality selection is an important step when designing multimodal systems, especially in the case of cross-domain activity recognition as certain modalities are more robust to domain shift than others. However, selecting only the modalities which have a positive contribution requires a systematic approach. We tackle this problem by proposing an unsupervised modality selection method (ModSelect), which does not require any ground-truth labels. We determine the correlation between the predictions of multiple unimodal classifiers and the domain discrepancy between their embeddings. Then, we systematically compute modality selection thresholds, which select only modalities with a high correlation and low domain discrepancy. We show in our experiments that our method ModSelect chooses only modalities with positive contributions and consistently improves the performance on a Synthetic-to-Real domain adaptation benchmark, narrowing the domain gap.
9.Wildfire Forecasting with Satellite Images and Deep Generative Model ⬇️
Wildfire forecasting has been one of the most critical tasks that humanities want to thrive. It plays a vital role in protecting human life. Wildfire prediction, on the other hand, is difficult because of its stochastic and chaotic properties. We tackled the problem by interpreting a series of wildfire images as a video and used it to anticipate how the fire would behave in the future. However, creating video prediction models that account for the inherent uncertainty of the future is challenging. The bulk of published attempts is based on stochastic image-autoregressive recurrent networks, which raises various performance and application difficulties, such as computational cost and limited efficiency on massive datasets. Another possibility is to use entirely latent temporal models that combine frame synthesis and temporal dynamics. However, due to design and training issues, no such model for stochastic video prediction has yet been proposed in the literature. This paper addresses these issues by introducing a novel stochastic temporal model whose dynamics are driven in a latent space. It naturally predicts video dynamics by allowing our lighter, more interpretable latent model to beat previous state-of-the-art approaches on the GOES-16 dataset. Results will be compared towards various benchmarking models.
10.PersDet: Monocular 3D Detection in Perspective Bird's-Eye-View ⬇️
Currently, detecting 3D objects in Bird's-Eye-View (BEV) is superior to other 3D detectors for autonomous driving and robotics. However, transforming image features into BEV necessitates special operators to conduct feature sampling. These operators are not supported on many edge devices, bringing extra obstacles when deploying detectors. To address this problem, we revisit the generation of BEV representation and propose detecting objects in perspective BEV -- a new BEV representation that does not require feature sampling. We demonstrate that perspective BEV features can likewise enjoy the benefits of the BEV paradigm. Moreover, the perspective BEV improves detection performance by addressing issues caused by feature sampling. We propose PersDet for high-performance object detection in perspective BEV space based on this discovery. While implementing a simple and memory-efficient structure, PersDet outperforms existing state-of-the-art monocular methods on the nuScenes benchmark, reaching 34.6% mAP and 40.8% NDS when using ResNet-50 as the backbone.
11.Cold Diffusion: Inverting Arbitrary Image Transforms Without Noise ⬇️
Standard diffusion models involve an image transform -- adding Gaussian noise -- and an image restoration operator that inverts this degradation. We observe that the generative behavior of diffusion models is not strongly dependent on the choice of image degradation, and in fact an entire family of generative models can be constructed by varying this choice. Even when using completely deterministic degradations (e.g., blur, masking, and more), the training and test-time update rules that underlie diffusion models can be easily generalized to create generative models. The success of these fully deterministic models calls into question the community's understanding of diffusion models, which relies on noise in either gradient Langevin dynamics or variational inference, and paves the way for generalized diffusion models that invert arbitrary processes. Our code is available at this https URL
12.VLMAE: Vision-Language Masked Autoencoder ⬇️
Image and language modeling is of crucial importance for vision-language pre-training (VLP), which aims to learn multi-modal representations from large-scale paired image-text data. However, we observe that most existing VLP methods focus on modeling the interactions between image and text features while neglecting the information disparity between image and text, thus suffering from focal bias. To address this problem, we propose a vision-language masked autoencoder framework (VLMAE). VLMAE employs visual generative learning, facilitating the model to acquire fine-grained and unbiased features. Unlike the previous works, VLMAE pays attention to almost all critical patches in an image, providing more comprehensive understanding. Extensive experiments demonstrate that VLMAE achieves better performance in various vision-language downstream tasks, including visual question answering, image-text retrieval and visual grounding, even with up to 20% pre-training speedup.
13.IPNET:Influential Prototypical Networks for Few Shot Learning ⬇️
Prototypical network (PN) is a simple yet effective few shot learning strategy. It is a metric-based meta-learning technique where classification is performed by computing Euclidean distances to prototypical representations of each class. Conventional PN attributes equal importance to all samples and generates prototypes by simply averaging the support sample embeddings belonging to each class. In this work, we propose a novel version of PN that attributes weights to support samples corresponding to their influence on the support sample distribution. Influence weights of samples are calculated based on maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) between the mean embeddings of sample distributions including and excluding the sample. Further, the influence factor of a sample is measured using MMD based on the shift in the distribution in the absence of that sample.
14.Dispersed Pixel Perturbation-based Imperceptible Backdoor Trigger for Image Classifier Models ⬇️
Typical deep neural network (DNN) backdoor attacks are based on triggers embedded in inputs. Existing imperceptible triggers are computationally expensive or low in attack success. In this paper, we propose a new backdoor trigger, which is easy to generate, imperceptible, and highly effective. The new trigger is a uniformly randomly generated three-dimensional (3D) binary pattern that can be horizontally and/or vertically repeated and mirrored and superposed onto three-channel images for training a backdoored DNN model. Dispersed throughout an image, the new trigger produces weak perturbation to individual pixels, but collectively holds a strong recognizable pattern to train and activate the backdoor of the DNN. We also analytically reveal that the trigger is increasingly effective with the improving resolution of the images. Experiments are conducted using the ResNet-18 and MLP models on the MNIST, CIFAR-10, and BTSR datasets. In terms of imperceptibility, the new trigger outperforms existing triggers, such as BadNets, Trojaned NN, and Hidden Backdoor, by over an order of magnitude. The new trigger achieves an almost 100% attack success rate, only reduces the classification accuracy by less than 0.7%-2.4%, and invalidates the state-of-the-art defense techniques.
15.Low-light Enhancement Method Based on Attention Map Net ⬇️
Low-light image enhancement is a crucial preprocessing task for some complex vision tasks. Target detection, image segmentation, and image recognition outcomes are all directly impacted by the impact of image enhancement. However, the majority of the currently used image enhancement techniques do not produce satisfactory outcomes, and these enhanced networks have relatively weak robustness. We suggest an improved network called BrightenNet that uses U-Net as its primary structure and incorporates a number of different attention mechanisms as a solution to this issue. In a specific application, we employ the network as the generator and LSGAN as the training framework to achieve better enhancement results. We demonstrate the validity of the proposed network BrightenNet in the experiments that follow in this paper. The results it produced can both preserve image details and conform to human vision standards.
16.Self-Supervised Visual Place Recognition by Mining Temporal and Feature Neighborhoods ⬇️
Visual place recognition (VPR) using deep networks has achieved state-of-the-art performance. However, most of them require a training set with ground truth sensor poses to obtain positive and negative samples of each observation's spatial neighborhood for supervised learning. When such information is unavailable, temporal neighborhoods from a sequentially collected data stream could be exploited for self-supervised training, although we find its performance suboptimal. Inspired by noisy label learning, we propose a novel self-supervised framework named \textit{TF-VPR} that uses temporal neighborhoods and learnable feature neighborhoods to discover unknown spatial neighborhoods. Our method follows an iterative training paradigm which alternates between: (1) representation learning with data augmentation, (2) positive set expansion to include the current feature space neighbors, and (3) positive set contraction via geometric verification. We conduct comprehensive experiments on both simulated and real datasets, with either RGB images or point clouds as inputs. The results show that our method outperforms our baselines in recall rate, robustness, and heading diversity, a novel metric we propose for VPR. Our code and datasets can be found at this https URL.
17.Background Invariance Testing According to Semantic Proximity ⬇️
In many applications, machine learned (ML) models are required to hold some invariance qualities, such as rotation, size, intensity, and background invariance. Unlike many types of variance, the variants of background scenes cannot be ordered easily, which makes it difficult to analyze the robustness and biases of the models concerned. In this work, we present a technical solution for ordering background scenes according to their semantic proximity to a target image that contains a foreground object being tested. We make use of the results of object recognition as the semantic description of each image, and construct an ontology for storing knowledge about relationships among different objects using association analysis. This ontology enables (i) efficient and meaningful search for background scenes of different semantic distances to a target image, (ii) quantitative control of the distribution and sparsity of the sampled background scenes, and (iii) quality assurance using visual representations of invariance testing results (referred to as variance matrices). In this paper, we also report the training of an ML4ML assessor to evaluate the invariance quality of ML models automatically.
18.Shadows Aren't So Dangerous After All: A Fast and Robust Defense Against Shadow-Based Adversarial Attacks ⬇️
Robust classification is essential in tasks like autonomous vehicle sign recognition, where the downsides of misclassification can be grave. Adversarial attacks threaten the robustness of neural network classifiers, causing them to consistently and confidently misidentify road signs. One such class of attack, shadow-based attacks, causes misidentifications by applying a natural-looking shadow to input images, resulting in road signs that appear natural to a human observer but confusing for these classifiers. Current defenses against such attacks use a simple adversarial training procedure to achieve a rather low 25% and 40% robustness on the GTSRB and LISA test sets, respectively. In this paper, we propose a robust, fast, and generalizable method, designed to defend against shadow attacks in the context of road sign recognition, that augments source images with binary adaptive threshold and edge maps. We empirically show its robustness against shadow attacks, and reformulate the problem to show its similarity
$\varepsilon$ perturbation-based attacks. Experimental results show that our edge defense results in 78% robustness while maintaining 98% benign test accuracy on the GTSRB test set, with similar results from our threshold defense. Link to our code is in the paper.
19.Reproducibility Report: Contrastive Learning of Socially-aware Motion Representations ⬇️
The following paper is a reproducibility report for "Social NCE: Contrastive Learning of Socially-aware Motion Representations" {\cite{liu2020snce}} published in ICCV 2021 as part of the ML Reproducibility Challenge 2021. The original code was made available by the author \footnote{\href{this https URL}{this https URL}}. We attempted to verify the results claimed by the authors and reimplemented their code in PyTorch Lightning.
20.Diagnose Like a Radiologist: Hybrid Neuro-Probabilistic Reasoning for Attribute-Based Medical Image Diagnosis ⬇️
During clinical practice, radiologists often use attributes, e.g. morphological and appearance characteristics of a lesion, to aid disease diagnosis. Effectively modeling attributes as well as all relationships involving attributes could boost the generalization ability and verifiability of medical image diagnosis algorithms. In this paper, we introduce a hybrid neuro-probabilistic reasoning algorithm for verifiable attribute-based medical image diagnosis. There are two parallel branches in our hybrid algorithm, a Bayesian network branch performing probabilistic causal relationship reasoning and a graph convolutional network branch performing more generic relational modeling and reasoning using a feature representation. Tight coupling between these two branches is achieved via a cross-network attention mechanism and the fusion of their classification results. We have successfully applied our hybrid reasoning algorithm to two challenging medical image diagnosis tasks. On the LIDC-IDRI benchmark dataset for benign-malignant classification of pulmonary nodules in CT images, our method achieves a new state-of-the-art accuracy of 95.36% and an AUC of 96.54%. Our method also achieves a 3.24% accuracy improvement on an in-house chest X-ray image dataset for tuberculosis diagnosis. Our ablation study indicates that our hybrid algorithm achieves a much better generalization performance than a pure neural network architecture under very limited training data.
21.Diverse Video Captioning by Adaptive Spatio-temporal Attention ⬇️
To generate proper captions for videos, the inference needs to identify relevant concepts and pay attention to the spatial relationships between them as well as to the temporal development in the clip. Our end-to-end encoder-decoder video captioning framework incorporates two transformer-based architectures, an adapted transformer for a single joint spatio-temporal video analysis as well as a self-attention-based decoder for advanced text generation. Furthermore, we introduce an adaptive frame selection scheme to reduce the number of required incoming frames while maintaining the relevant content when training both transformers. Additionally, we estimate semantic concepts relevant for video captioning by aggregating all ground truth captions of each sample. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art results on the MSVD, as well as on the large-scale MSR-VTT and the VATEX benchmark datasets considering multiple Natural Language Generation (NLG) metrics. Additional evaluations on diversity scores highlight the expressiveness and diversity in the structure of our generated captions.
22.Shift Variance in Scene Text Detection ⬇️
Theory of convolutional neural networks suggests the property of shift equivariance, i.e., that a shifted input causes an equally shifted output. In practice, however, this is not always the case. This poses a great problem for scene text detection for which a consistent spatial response is crucial, irrespective of the position of the text in the scene.
Using a simple synthetic experiment, we demonstrate the inherent shift variance of a state-of-the-art fully convolutional text detector. Furthermore, using the same experimental setting, we show how small architectural changes can lead to an improved shift equivariance and less variation of the detector output. We validate the synthetic results using a real-world training schedule on the text detection network. To quantify the amount of shift variability, we propose a metric based on well-established text detection benchmarks.
While the proposed architectural changes are not able to fully recover shift equivariance, adding smoothing filters can substantially improve shift consistency on common text datasets. Considering the potentially large impact of small shifts, we propose to extend the commonly used text detection metrics by the metric described in this work, in order to be able to quantify the consistency of text detectors.
23.SoMoFormer: Social-Aware Motion Transformer for Multi-Person Motion Prediction ⬇️
Multi-person motion prediction remains a challenging problem, especially in the joint representation learning of individual motion and social interactions. Most prior methods only involve learning local pose dynamics for individual motion (without global body trajectory) and also struggle to capture complex interaction dependencies for social interactions. In this paper, we propose a novel Social-Aware Motion Transformer (SoMoFormer) to effectively model individual motion and social interactions in a joint manner. Specifically, SoMoFormer extracts motion features from sub-sequences in displacement trajectory space to effectively learn both local and global pose dynamics for each individual. In addition, we devise a novel social-aware motion attention mechanism in SoMoFormer to further optimize dynamics representations and capture interaction dependencies simultaneously via motion similarity calculation across time and social dimensions. On both short- and long-term horizons, we empirically evaluate our framework on multi-person motion datasets and demonstrate that our method greatly outperforms state-of-the-art methods of single- and multi-person motion prediction. Code will be made publicly available upon acceptance.
24.Booster-SHOT: Boosting Stacked Homography Transformations for Multiview Pedestrian Detection with Attention ⬇️
Improving multi-view aggregation is integral for multi-view pedestrian detection, which aims to obtain a bird's-eye-view pedestrian occupancy map from images captured through a set of calibrated cameras. Inspired by the success of attention modules for deep neural networks, we first propose a Homography Attention Module (HAM) which is shown to boost the performance of existing end-to-end multiview detection approaches by utilizing a novel channel gate and spatial gate. Additionally, we propose Booster-SHOT, an end-to-end convolutional approach to multiview pedestrian detection incorporating our proposed HAM as well as elements from previous approaches such as view-coherent augmentation or stacked homography transformations. Booster-SHOT achieves 92.9% and 94.2% for MODA on Wildtrack and MultiviewX respectively, outperforming the state-of-the-art by 1.4% on Wildtrack and 0.5% on MultiviewX, achieving state-of-the-art performance overall for standard evaluation metrics used in multi-view pedestrian detection.
25.Towards Efficient Capsule Networks ⬇️
From the moment Neural Networks dominated the scene for image processing, the computational complexity needed to solve the targeted tasks skyrocketed: against such an unsustainable trend, many strategies have been developed, ambitiously targeting performance's preservation. Promoting sparse topologies, for example, allows the deployment of deep neural networks models on embedded, resource-constrained devices. Recently, Capsule Networks were introduced to enhance explainability of a model, where each capsule is an explicit representation of an object or its parts. These models show promising results on toy datasets, but their low scalability prevents deployment on more complex tasks. In this work, we explore sparsity besides capsule representations to improve their computational efficiency by reducing the number of capsules. We show how pruning with Capsule Network achieves high generalization with less memory requirements, computational effort, and inference and training time.
26.TTT-UCDR: Test-time Training for Universal Cross-Domain Retrieval ⬇️
Image retrieval is a niche problem in computer vision curated towards finding similar images in a database using a query. In this work, for the first time in literature, we employ test-time training techniques for adapting to distribution shifts under Universal Cross-Domain Retrieval (UCDR). Test-time training has previously been shown to reduce generalization error for image classification, domain adaptation, semantic segmentation, and zero-shot sketch-based image retrieval (ZS-SBIR). In UCDR, in addition to the semantic shift of unknown categories present in ZS-SBIR, the presence of unknown domains leads to even higher distribution shifts. To bridge this domain gap, we use self-supervision through 3 different losses - Barlow Twins, Jigsaw Puzzle and RotNet on a pretrained network at test-time. This simple approach leads to improvements on UCDR benchmarks and also improves model robustness under a challenging cross-dataset generalization setting.
27.EAA-Net: Rethinking the Autoencoder Architecture with Intra-class Features for Medical Image Segmentation ⬇️
Automatic image segmentation technology is critical to the visual analysis. The autoencoder architecture has satisfying performance in various image segmentation tasks. However, autoencoders based on convolutional neural networks (CNN) seem to encounter a bottleneck in improving the accuracy of semantic segmentation. Increasing the inter-class distance between foreground and background is an inherent characteristic of the segmentation network. However, segmentation networks pay too much attention to the main visual difference between foreground and background, and ignores the detailed edge information, which leads to a reduction in the accuracy of edge segmentation. In this paper, we propose a light-weight end-to-end segmentation framework based on multi-task learning, termed Edge Attention autoencoder Network (EAA-Net), to improve edge segmentation ability. Our approach not only utilizes the segmentation network to obtain inter-class features, but also applies the reconstruction network to extract intra-class features among the foregrounds. We further design a intra-class and inter-class features fusion module -- I2 fusion module. The I2 fusion module is used to merge intra-class and inter-class features, and use a soft attention mechanism to remove invalid background information. Experimental results show that our method performs well in medical image segmentation tasks. EAA-Net is easy to implement and has small calculation cost.
28.Real-Time Robust Video Object Detection System Against Physical-World Adversarial Attacks ⬇️
DNN-based video object detection (VOD) powers autonomous driving and video surveillance industries with rising importance and promising opportunities. However, adversarial patch attack yields huge concern in live vision tasks because of its practicality, feasibility, and powerful attack effectiveness. This work proposes Themis, a software/hardware system to defend against adversarial patches for real-time robust video object detection. We observe that adversarial patches exhibit extremely localized superficial feature importance in a small region with non-robust predictions, and thus propose the adversarial region detection algorithm for adversarial effect elimination. Themis also proposes a systematic design to efficiently support the algorithm by eliminating redundant computations and memory traffics. Experimental results show that the proposed methodology can effectively recover the system from the adversarial attack with negligible hardware overhead.
29.Synthetic Data in Human Analysis: A Survey ⬇️
Deep neural networks have become prevalent in human analysis, boosting the performance of applications, such as biometric recognition, action recognition, as well as person re-identification. However, the performance of such networks scales with the available training data. In human analysis, the demand for large-scale datasets poses a severe challenge, as data collection is tedious, time-expensive, costly and must comply with data protection laws. Current research investigates the generation of \textit{synthetic data} as an efficient and privacy-ensuring alternative to collecting real data in the field. This survey introduces the basic definitions and methodologies, essential when generating and employing synthetic data for human analysis. We conduct a survey that summarises current state-of-the-art methods and the main benefits of using synthetic data. We also provide an overview of publicly available synthetic datasets and generation models. Finally, we discuss limitations, as well as open research problems in this field. This survey is intended for researchers and practitioners in the field of human analysis.
30.Improved Image Classification with Token Fusion ⬇️
In this paper, we propose a method using the fusion of CNN and transformer structure to improve image classification performance. In the case of CNN, information about a local area on an image can be extracted well, but there is a limit to the extraction of global information. On the other hand, the transformer has an advantage in relatively global extraction, but has a disadvantage in that it requires a lot of memory for local feature value extraction. In the case of an image, it is converted into a feature map through CNN, and each feature map's pixel is considered a token. At the same time, the image is divided into patch areas and then fused with the transformer method that views them as tokens. For the fusion of tokens with two different characteristics, we propose three methods: (1) late token fusion with parallel structure, (2) early token fusion, (3) token fusion in a layer by layer. In an experiment using ImageNet 1k, the proposed method shows the best classification performance.
31.Crafting Monocular Cues and Velocity Guidance for Self-Supervised Multi-Frame Depth Learning ⬇️
Self-supervised monocular methods can efficiently learn depth information of weakly textured surfaces or reflective objects. However, the depth accuracy is limited due to the inherent ambiguity in monocular geometric modeling. In contrast, multi-frame depth estimation methods improve the depth accuracy thanks to the success of Multi-View Stereo (MVS), which directly makes use of geometric constraints. Unfortunately, MVS often suffers from texture-less regions, non-Lambertian surfaces, and moving objects, especially in real-world video sequences without known camera motion and depth supervision. Therefore, we propose MOVEDepth, which exploits the MOnocular cues and VElocity guidance to improve multi-frame Depth learning. Unlike existing methods that enforce consistency between MVS depth and monocular depth, MOVEDepth boosts multi-frame depth learning by directly addressing the inherent problems of MVS. The key of our approach is to utilize monocular depth as a geometric priority to construct MVS cost volume, and adjust depth candidates of cost volume under the guidance of predicted camera velocity. We further fuse monocular depth and MVS depth by learning uncertainty in the cost volume, which results in a robust depth estimation against ambiguity in multi-view geometry. Extensive experiments show MOVEDepth achieves state-of-the-art performance: Compared with Monodepth2 and PackNet, our method relatively improves the depth accuracy by 20% and 19.8% on the KITTI benchmark. MOVEDepth also generalizes to the more challenging DDAD benchmark, relatively outperforming ManyDepth by 7.2%. The code is available at this https URL.
32.Part-aware Prototypical Graph Network for One-shot Skeleton-based Action Recognition ⬇️
In this paper, we study the problem of one-shot skeleton-based action recognition, which poses unique challenges in learning transferable representation from base classes to novel classes, particularly for fine-grained actions. Existing meta-learning frameworks typically rely on the body-level representations in spatial dimension, which limits the generalisation to capture subtle visual differences in the fine-grained label space. To overcome the above limitation, we propose a part-aware prototypical representation for one-shot skeleton-based action recognition. Our method captures skeleton motion patterns at two distinctive spatial levels, one for global contexts among all body joints, referred to as body level, and the other attends to local spatial regions of body parts, referred to as the part level. We also devise a class-agnostic attention mechanism to highlight important parts for each action class. Specifically, we develop a part-aware prototypical graph network consisting of three modules: a cascaded embedding module for our dual-level modelling, an attention-based part fusion module to fuse parts and generate part-aware prototypes, and a matching module to perform classification with the part-aware representations. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on two public skeleton-based action recognition datasets: NTU RGB+D 120 and NW-UCLA.
33.Vector Quantized Diffusion Model with CodeUnet for Text-to-Sign Pose Sequences Generation ⬇️
Sign Language Production (SLP) aims to translate spoken languages into sign sequences automatically. The core process of SLP is to transform sign gloss sequences into their corresponding sign pose sequences (G2P). Most existing G2P models usually perform this conditional long-range generation in an autoregressive manner, which inevitably leads to an accumulation of errors. To address this issue, we propose a vector quantized diffusion method for conditional pose sequences generation, called PoseVQ-Diffusion, which is an iterative non-autoregressive method. Specifically, we first introduce a vector quantized variational autoencoder (Pose-VQVAE) model to represent a pose sequence as a sequence of latent codes. Then we model the latent discrete space by an extension of the recently developed diffusion architecture. To better leverage the spatial-temporal information, we introduce a novel architecture, namely CodeUnet, to generate higher quality pose sequence in the discrete space. Moreover, taking advantage of the learned codes, we develop a novel sequential k-nearest-neighbours method to predict the variable lengths of pose sequences for corresponding gloss sequences. Consequently, compared with the autoregressive G2P models, our model has a faster sampling speed and produces significantly better results. Compared with previous non-autoregressive G2P methods, PoseVQ-Diffusion improves the predicted results with iterative refinements, thus achieving state-of-the-art results on the SLP evaluation benchmark.
34.Video Interpolation by Event-driven Anisotropic Adjustment of Optical Flow ⬇️
Video frame interpolation is a challenging task due to the ever-changing real-world scene. Previous methods often calculate the bi-directional optical flows and then predict the intermediate optical flows under the linear motion assumptions, leading to isotropic intermediate flow generation. Follow-up research obtained anisotropic adjustment through estimated higher-order motion information with extra frames. Based on the motion assumptions, their methods are hard to model the complicated motion in real scenes. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end training method A^2OF for video frame interpolation with event-driven Anisotropic Adjustment of Optical Flows. Specifically, we use events to generate optical flow distribution masks for the intermediate optical flow, which can model the complicated motion between two frames. Our proposed method outperforms the previous methods in video frame interpolation, taking supervised event-based video interpolation to a higher stage.
35.Towards Unbiased Label Distribution Learning for Facial Pose Estimation Using Anisotropic Spherical Gaussian ⬇️
Facial pose estimation refers to the task of predicting face orientation from a single RGB image. It is an important research topic with a wide range of applications in computer vision. Label distribution learning (LDL) based methods have been recently proposed for facial pose estimation, which achieve promising results. However, there are two major issues in existing LDL methods. First, the expectations of label distributions are biased, leading to a biased pose estimation. Second, fixed distribution parameters are applied for all learning samples, severely limiting the model capability. In this paper, we propose an Anisotropic Spherical Gaussian (ASG)-based LDL approach for facial pose estimation. In particular, our approach adopts the spherical Gaussian distribution on a unit sphere which constantly generates unbiased expectation. Meanwhile, we introduce a new loss function that allows the network to learn the distribution parameter for each learning sample flexibly. Extensive experimental results show that our method sets new state-of-the-art records on AFLW2000 and BIWI datasets.
36.Single-Stage Open-world Instance Segmentation with Cross-task Consistency Regularization ⬇️
Open-world instance segmentation (OWIS) aims to segment class-agnostic instances from images, which has a wide range of real-world applications such as autonomous driving. Most existing approaches follow a two-stage pipeline: performing class-agnostic detection first and then class-specific mask segmentation. In contrast, this paper proposes a single-stage framework to produce a mask for each instance directly. Also, instance mask annotations could be noisy in the existing datasets; to overcome this issue, we introduce a new regularization loss. Specifically, we first train an extra branch to perform an auxiliary task of predicting foreground regions (i.e. regions belonging to any object instance), and then encourage the prediction from the auxiliary branch to be consistent with the predictions of the instance masks. The key insight is that such a cross-task consistency loss could act as an error-correcting mechanism to combat the errors in annotations. Further, we discover that the proposed cross-task consistency loss can be applied to images without any annotation, lending itself to a semi-supervised learning method. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that the proposed method can achieve impressive results in both fully-supervised and semi-supervised settings. Compared to SOTA methods, the proposed method significantly improves the
$AP_{100}$ score by 4.75% in UVO$\rightarrow$UVO setting and 4.05% in COCO$\rightarrow$UVO setting. In the case of semi-supervised learning, our model learned with only 30% labeled data, even outperforms its fully-supervised counterpart with 50% labeled data. The code will be released soon.
37.VAuLT: Augmenting the Vision-and-Language Transformer with the Propagation of Deep Language Representations ⬇️
We propose the Vision-and-Augmented-Language Transformer (VAuLT). VAuLT is an extension of the popular Vision-and-Language Transformer (ViLT), and improves performance on vision-and-language tasks that involve more complex text inputs than image captions while having minimal impact on training and inference efficiency. ViLT, importantly, enables efficient training and inference in vision-and-language tasks, achieved by using a shallow image encoder. However, it is pretrained on captioning and similar datasets, where the language input is simple, literal, and descriptive, therefore lacking linguistic diversity. So, when working with multimedia data in the wild, such as multimodal social media data (in our work, Twitter), there is a notable shift from captioning language data, as well as diversity of tasks, and we indeed find evidence that the language capacity of ViLT is lacking instead. The key insight of VAuLT is to propagate the output representations of a large language model like BERT to the language input of ViLT. We show that such a strategy significantly improves over ViLT on vision-and-language tasks involving richer language inputs and affective constructs, such as TWITTER-2015, TWITTER-2017, MVSA-Single and MVSA-Multiple, but lags behind pure reasoning tasks such as the Bloomberg Twitter Text-Image Relationship dataset. We have released the code for all our experiments at this https URL.
38.PrepNet: A Convolutional Auto-Encoder to Homogenize CT Scans for Cross-Dataset Medical Image Analysis ⬇️
With the spread of COVID-19 over the world, the need arose for fast and precise automatic triage mechanisms to decelerate the spread of the disease by reducing human efforts e.g. for image-based diagnosis. Although the literature has shown promising efforts in this direction, reported results do not consider the variability of CT scans acquired under varying circumstances, thus rendering resulting models unfit for use on data acquired using e.g. different scanner technologies. While COVID-19 diagnosis can now be done efficiently using PCR tests, this use case exemplifies the need for a methodology to overcome data variability issues in order to make medical image analysis models more widely applicable. In this paper, we explicitly address the variability issue using the example of COVID-19 diagnosis and propose a novel generative approach that aims at erasing the differences induced by e.g. the imaging technology while simultaneously introducing minimal changes to the CT scans through leveraging the idea of deep auto-encoders. The proposed prepossessing architecture (PrepNet) (i) is jointly trained on multiple CT scan datasets and (ii) is capable of extracting improved discriminative features for improved diagnosis. Experimental results on three public datasets (SARS-COVID-2, UCSD COVID-CT, MosMed) show that our model improves cross-dataset generalization by up to
$11.84$ percentage points despite a minor drop in within dataset performance.
39.PyMIC: A deep learning toolkit for annotation-efficient medical image segmentation ⬇️
Background and Objective: Existing deep learning platforms for medical image segmentation mainly focus on fully supervised segmentation that assumes full and accurate pixel-level annotations are available. We aim to develop a new deep learning toolkit to support annotation-efficient learning for medical image segmentation, which can accelerate and simply the development of deep learning models with limited annotation budget, e.g., learning from partial, sparse or noisy annotations.
Methods: Our proposed toolkit named PyMIC is a modular deep learning platform for medical image segmentation tasks. In addition to basic components that support development of high-performance models for fully supervised segmentation, it contains several advanced components that are tailored for learning from imperfect annotations, such as loading annotated and unannounced images, loss functions for unannotated, partially or inaccurately annotated images, and training procedures for co-learning between multiple networks, etc. PyMIC is built on the PyTorch framework and supports development of semi-supervised, weakly supervised and noise-robust learning methods for medical image segmentation.
Results: We present four illustrative medical image segmentation tasks based on PyMIC: (1) Achieving competitive performance on fully supervised learning; (2) Semi-supervised cardiac structure segmentation with only 10% training images annotated; (3) Weakly supervised segmentation using scribble annotations; and (4) Learning from noisy labels for chest radiograph segmentation.
Conclusions: The PyMIC toolkit is easy to use and facilitates efficient development of medical image segmentation models with imperfect annotations. It is modular and flexible, which enables researchers to develop high-performance models with low annotation cost. The source code is available at: this https URL.
40.DCNNV-19: Uma rede neural convolucional profunda para detecção de COVID-19 em tomografias computadorizadas torácicas ⬇️
This technical report proposes the use of a deep convolutional neural network as a preliminary diagnostic method in the analysis of chest computed tomography images from patients with symptoms of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and suspected COVID-19 disease, especially on occasions when the delay of the RT-PCR result and the absence of urgent care could result in serious temporary, long-term, or permanent health damage. The model was trained on 83,391 images, validated on 15,297, and tested on 22,185 figures, achieving an F1-Score of 98%, 97.59% in Cohen's Kappa, 98.4% in Accuracy, and 5.09% in Loss. Attesting a highly accurate automated classification and providing results in less time than the current gold-standard exam, Real-Time reverse-transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR).
O presente relatório técnico propõe a utilização de uma rede neural convolucional profunda como método diagnóstico preliminar na análise de imagens de tomografia computadorizada torácica em pacientes com sintomas de Síndrome Respiratória Aguda Grave (SRAG) e suspeita de COVID-19, principalmente em ocasiões em que a demora do resultado do RT-PCR e a ausência de cuidados urgentes poderia acarretar graves danos temporários, à longo prazo, ou permanentes à saúde. O modelo foi treinado em 83.391 imagens, validado em 15.297, e testado em 22.185 figuras, atingindo pontuação no F1-Score de 98%, 97,59% em Cohen's Kappa, 98,4% de Acurácia e 5,09% de Loss. Atestando uma classificação automatizada rápida e de alta precisão, e fornecendo resultado em tempo menor ao do exame padrão-ouro atual, o Real-Time reverse-transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR).
41.Text to Image Generation: Leaving no Language Behind ⬇️
One of the latest applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is to generate images from natural language descriptions. These generators are now becoming available and achieve impressive results that have been used for example in the front cover of magazines. As the input to the generators is in the form of a natural language text, a question that arises immediately is how these models behave when the input is written in different languages. In this paper we perform an initial exploration of how the performance of three popular text-to-image generators depends on the language. The results show that there is a significant performance degradation when using languages other than English, especially for languages that are not widely used. This observation leads us to discuss different alternatives on how text-to-image generators can be improved so that performance is consistent across different languages. This is fundamental to ensure that this new technology can be used by non-native English speakers and to preserve linguistic diversity.
42.Ensemble uncertainty as a criterion for dataset expansion in distinct bone segmentation from upper-body CT images ⬇️
Purpose: The localisation and segmentation of individual bones is an important preprocessing step in many planning and navigation applications. It is, however, a time-consuming and repetitive task if done manually. This is true not only for clinical practice but also for the acquisition of training data. We therefore not only present an end-to-end learnt algorithm that is capable of segmenting 125 distinct bones in an upper-body CT, but also provide an ensemble-based uncertainty measure that helps to single out scans to enlarge the training dataset with. Methods We create fully automated end-to-end learnt segmentations using a neural network architecture inspired by the 3D-Unet and fully supervised training. The results are improved using ensembles and inference-time augmentation. We examine the relationship of ensemble-uncertainty to an unlabelled scan's prospective usefulness as part of the training dataset. Results: Our methods are evaluated on an in-house dataset of 16 upper-body CT scans with a resolution of \SI{2}{\milli\meter} per dimension. Taking into account all 125 bones in our label set, our most successful ensemble achieves a median dice score coefficient of 0.83. We find a lack of correlation between a scan's ensemble uncertainty and its prospective influence on the accuracies achieved within an enlarged training set. At the same time, we show that the ensemble uncertainty correlates to the number of voxels that need manual correction after an initial automated segmentation, thus minimising the time required to finalise a new ground truth segmentation. Conclusion: In combination, scans with low ensemble uncertainty need less annotator time while yielding similar future DSC improvements. They are thus ideal candidates to enlarge a training set for upper-body distinct bone segmentation from CT scans. }
43.Towards Daily High-resolution Inundation Observations using Deep Learning and EO ⬇️
Satellite remote sensing presents a cost-effective solution for synoptic flood monitoring, and satellite-derived flood maps provide a computationally efficient alternative to numerical flood inundation models traditionally used. While satellites do offer timely inundation information when they happen to cover an ongoing flood event, they are limited by their spatiotemporal resolution in terms of their ability to dynamically monitor flood evolution at various scales. Constantly improving access to new satellite data sources as well as big data processing capabilities has unlocked an unprecedented number of possibilities in terms of data-driven solutions to this problem. Specifically, the fusion of data from satellites, such as the Copernicus Sentinels, which have high spatial and low temporal resolution, with data from NASA SMAP and GPM missions, which have low spatial but high temporal resolutions could yield high-resolution flood inundation at a daily scale. Here a Convolutional-Neural-Network is trained using flood inundation maps derived from Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar and various hydrological, topographical, and land-use based predictors for the first time, to predict high-resolution probabilistic maps of flood inundation. The performance of UNet and SegNet model architectures for this task is evaluated, using flood masks derived from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2, separately with 95 percent-confidence intervals. The Area under the Curve (AUC) of the Precision Recall Curve (PR-AUC) is used as the main evaluation metric, due to the inherently imbalanced nature of classes in a binary flood mapping problem, with the best model delivering a PR-AUC of 0.85.
44.Out-of-distribution Detection via Frequency-regularized Generative Models ⬇️
Modern deep generative models can assign high likelihood to inputs drawn from outside the training distribution, posing threats to models in open-world deployments. While much research attention has been placed on defining new test-time measures of OOD uncertainty, these methods do not fundamentally change how deep generative models are regularized and optimized in training. In particular, generative models are shown to overly rely on the background information to estimate the likelihood. To address the issue, we propose a novel frequency-regularized learning FRL framework for OOD detection, which incorporates high-frequency information into training and guides the model to focus on semantically relevant features. FRL effectively improves performance on a wide range of generative architectures, including variational auto-encoder, GLOW, and PixelCNN++. On a new large-scale evaluation task, FRL achieves the state-of-the-art performance, outperforming a strong baseline Likelihood Regret by 10.7% (AUROC) while achieving 147$\times$ faster inference speed. Extensive ablations show that FRL improves the OOD detection performance while preserving the image generation quality. Code is available at this https URL.
45.A Multi-Modal Wildfire Prediction and Personalized Early-Warning System Based on a Novel Machine Learning Framework ⬇️
Wildfires are increasingly impacting the environment, human health and safety. Among the top 20 California wildfires, those in 2020-2021 burned more acres than the last century combined. California's 2018 wildfire season caused damages of $148.5 billion. Among millions of impacted people, those living with disabilities (around 15% of the world population) are disproportionately impacted due to inadequate means of alerts. In this project, a multi-modal wildfire prediction and personalized early warning system has been developed based on an advanced machine learning architecture. Sensor data from the Environmental Protection Agency and historical wildfire data from 2012 to 2018 have been compiled to establish a comprehensive wildfire database, the largest of its kind. Next, a novel U-Convolutional-LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) neural network was designed with a special architecture for extracting key spatial and temporal features from contiguous environmental parameters indicative of impending wildfires. Environmental and meteorological factors were incorporated into the database and classified as leading indicators and trailing indicators, correlated to risks of wildfire conception and propagation respectively. Additionally, geological data was used to provide better wildfire risk assessment. This novel spatio-temporal neural network achieved >97% accuracy vs. around 76% using traditional convolutional neural networks, successfully predicting 2018's five most devastating wildfires 5-14 days in advance. Finally, a personalized early warning system, tailored to individuals with sensory disabilities or respiratory exacerbation conditions, was proposed. This technique would enable fire departments to anticipate and prevent wildfires before they strike and provide early warnings for at-risk individuals for better preparation, thereby saving lives and reducing economic damages.
46.Automated Detection of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Subtypes from Microscopic Blood Smear Images using Deep Neural Networks ⬇️
An estimated 300,000 new cases of leukemia are diagnosed each year which is 2.8 percent of all new cancer cases and the prevalence is rising day by day. The most dangerous and deadly type of leukemia is acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), which affects people of all age groups, including children and adults. In this study, we propose an automated system to detect various-shaped ALL blast cells from microscopic blood smears images using Deep Neural Networks (DNN). The system can detect multiple subtypes of ALL cells with an accuracy of 98 percent. Moreover, we have developed a telediagnosis software to provide real-time support to diagnose ALL subtypes from microscopic blood smears images.