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ESPHome Component

README | Documentation | Installation | Configuration | Panels | FAQ

The NSPanel is operating on a ESP32. To provide access to the NSPanel via HomeAssistant, ESPHome and MQTT is being used.

  • Uses the ESPHome and the nextion display component
  • Provides scripts and services for communication with the display
  • Responsible for handling the device functionality

For the communication between the device and the server MQTT is being used.


See device/install.yaml for the installation configuration. This file is going to be installed on the device. See device/nspanel_haui.yaml for the esphome configuration file. This file contains all ESPHome functionality.

Copy the secrets from device/secrets.yaml and add them in ESPHome by pressing the Secrets Link in the right corner. This step is not neccessary if you add the secrets directly in the config file.

To install ESPHome on the device use the config from device/install.yaml. Edit the substitution values and install the device.

If the device shows up in Home Assistant you can manually install the TFT file by pressing the Upload Display button. The TFT file will automatically be installed when the device connects to the AppDaemon app.

See Nextion for more details about the display.


An overview of all configuration variables defined in the ESPHome yaml file.

  • heartbeat_interval (5)
  • name (nspanel-haui)
  • friendly_name (NSPanel HAUI)
  • mqtt_name (nspanel_haui)
  • mqtt_ip (!secret mqtt_ip)
  • mqtt_username (!secret mqtt_username)
  • mqtt_password (!secret mqtt_password)
  • topic_prefix (nspanel_haui/nspanel_haui)
  • topic_cmd ($topic_prefix/cmd)
  • topic_recv ($topic_prefix/recv)
  • ota_password (!secret ota_password)
  • api_encryption_key (!secret api_encryption_key)
  • web_username (!secret web_username)
  • web_password (!secret web_password)
  • wifi_ssid (!secret wifi_ssid)
  • wifi_password (!secret wifi_password)
  • tft_update_url (


The name of the configuration for this functionality is device/dev/communication.yaml

A description of events being used for communication between ESP and AppDaemon.

  • heartbeat Heartbeat Event:

    Will be published every 5 seconds (can be changed in config) Value: string (alive)

    The client will get an heartbeat timeout after heartbeat_interval * 2 (can be changed in the config) and will reset to system page.

  • req_connection Connection Request

  • res_connection Connection Response

  • ad_heartbeat Appdaemon server Heartbeat Response

  • ad_connection_initialized Appdaemon server Response

  • ad_connection_closed Appdaemon server Response


These events will get a response.

  • req_device_info Device Info Request
  • req_device_state Device State Request
  • req_reconnect Reconnect Request
  • req_val Number Request
  • req_txt Text Request


These responses will be sent after a request.

  • res_device_state Device State Event:

    Will be published after sending request req_device_state Value: json encoded string

  • res_device_info Device Info Event:

    Will be published after sending request req_device_info Value: json encoded string

  • res_val Number Response

  • res_txt Text Response


These are commands that are being executed on the ESP.

  • send_command Sends a command to the nextion display
  • send_commandsSends multiple commands to the nextion display
  • goto_page Sets the active page on display


Different ESP device events.

  • connected Connected Event:

    Will be sent after connection was established

  • sleep Sleep Event:

    Display went to sleep

  • wakeup Wakeup Event:

    Display woke up

  • page Page Change Event:

    A new page was opened Value: page_id

  • brightness Brightness Change Event:

    The brightness was changed Value: brightness

  • component Component Press Event:

    The component was pressed

  • touch_start Touch Pressed Event:

    The touch screen was pressed Value: -

  • touch Touch Event:

    The touch screen is active Value: touch_x,touch_y

  • touch_end Touch Released Event:

    The touch screen was released Value: start_x,start_y,end_x,end_y

  • gesture Touch Gesture Event:

    The gesture was recognized on the screen Value: gesture_str

  • button_left Left Physical Button Pressed Event:

    The left physical button was pressed Value: state (1 or 0)

  • button_right Right Physical Button Pressed Event:

    The right physical button was pressed Value: state (1 or 0)

  • relay_left Relay Switched Event:

    The left relay was switched Value: state (1 or 0)

  • relay_right Relay Switched Event:

    The right relay was switched Value: state (1 or 0)

  • timeout Timeout Event:

    An internal timeout happened (dim, page, sleep) Value: timeout type (string)

  • display_state Display State Event:

    Current display state (on, off, dim) Value: state type (string)


This services below are defined on the ESP. The communication between the AppDaemon server and the ESP is using these.

  • send_command Service to send a command

    This will send a command to the nextion display

  • upload_tft Service to update a TFT file

    This will update the nextion display with the tft file

  • upload_tft_url Service to update a TFT file from URL

  • set_brightness Service to change the brightness of the display

  • goto_page Service to change the page of the display

  • play_rtttl Service to play a song for RTTTL strings

    RTTTL Strings


    Other sounds from different sources:

    two short:d=4,o=5,b=100:16e6,16e6
  • play_sound Service to play a named sound

  • publish_event Service to publish an event

  • reset_last_interaction Service to reset the last interaction value

    This will update the last interaction value to now

  • reset_last_interaction_offset Service to reset the last interaction value adding an offset


These events will be sent out when the device have some page related events.

  • page (0 - 255) The page that is being displayed

  • timeout_page (0 - 3600)

    Page switch timeout, will be restored on reboot

    Value > 0 activates the timeout

  • After Page Timeout: page goes to sleep_page (default if not set)


The name of the configuration for this functionality is device/dev/interaction.yaml

When tracking the last interaction with the device, two input methods are possible: Touchscreen and Buttons. It's possible to disable button as an interaction source by switching off use_button_interaction.

Interaction Sensors

The ESP provides some interaction related events. See below for a overview of all sensors. Some sensors are set to internal to not pollute HA.

  • touch (button)

    Touch State, the state is being set based on the touch_x and touch_y values

  • touch_x (0 - 480=display width)

    Current touch x coordinates (0 when released)

  • touch_y (0 - 320=display height)

    Current touch y coordinates (0 when released)

  • button_left (physical button left)

    Physical button left state

  • button_right (physical button right)

    Physical button right state

  • use_button_interaction (switch)

    Should buttons be used for updating last interaction time.

  • use_auto_dimming (switch)

    Should display be automatically dimmed.

  • use_auto_page (switch)

    Should page be automatically switched.

  • use_auto_sleeping (switch)

    Should display be automatically go to sleep.

  • relay_left (relay switch)

  • relay_right (relay switch)

  • use_relay_left (switch)

    Defines if the physical button left should use the internal relay

  • use_relay_right (switch)

    Defines if the physical button right should use the internal relay

  • last_interaction (millis()/1000)

    Last time when a interaction happened with the display

Brightness and Dimming

The name of the configuration for this functionality is device/dev/dimming.yaml

The display has 3 states: on, off and dimmed

The whole brightness and dimming functionality is implemented on the ESPHome device.

The brightness change process is processed this way:

  • Within Dimming Timeout: full brightness is being used (State on)

  • After Dimming Timeout: dimmed brightness is being used, duration is defined by dimming duration (State dimmed)

  • After Sleep Timeout: brightness goes to 0 if sleep mode is activated, duration is defined by dimming duration (State off)

Brightness Sensors

Brightness related sensors.

  • brightness (0 - 100)

    Current brightness, taken from nextion var

  • brightness_full (1 - 100)

    Full brightness, will be restored on reboot

  • brightness_dim (0 - 100)

    Dimmed brightness, will be restored on reboot

  • duration_dim (0.0 - 10.0)

    Dimming duration, will be restored on reboot

  • timeout_dim (0 - 3600)

    Dimming timeout after last interaction, will be restored on reboot Value > 0 activates the timeout

  • timeout_sleep (0 - 3600)

    Sleeping mode timeout, will be restored on reboot Value > 0 activates the timeout


Temperature related sensor.

  • temperature (in celsius)

    Temperature sensor reading

  • temperature_correction (-10.0 - 10.0)

    Correction for sensor reading


Buttons provided by the ESP.

  • upload_tft

    This button uploads the tft from a configured url to nextion

  • restart

    Restarts the device

  • restart_display

    Restarts the display

  • factory_reset

    Resets the device


Diagnostics related sensors.

  • YAML-Version: display_yaml_version Version of YAML files
  • TFT-Version: display_tft_version Version of TFT File
  • WIFI Info: Different values from wifi
  • Uptime: Device uptime


For number and text retrieval following sensors are being used internally:

  • req_txt_component
  • req_val_component
  • res_txt
  • res_val

these sensors make it possible to get values from the display without adding sensors for every single value to retrieve.