- Step Functions address limitations of Lambda product
- A Lambda function has an execution time of maximum 15 minutes
- Lambda functions can be chained together, but it is considered to be an anti-patterns and it can get messy. Lambda runtime environments are stateless
- Step Functions is service which lets us create state machines
- States can do things, can decide things, can take in data, modify data and output data
- Maximum duration for state machine execution is 1 year
- Step Functions can represent 2 different type of workflow:
- Standard workflow: is the default and it has 1 year execution limit
- Express workflow: designed for high volume event processing (IoT, streaming data processing and transformations), which can run up to 5 minutes
- Step Functions can be initiated with API Gateway, IoT Rules, EventBridge, Lambda or even manually
- State machines for Step Functions can be created with Amazon State Language (ASL) JSON templates
- Type of states available:
: will wait for a certain period or time or until a dateCHOICE
: allows a state machine to take a different path depending on an inputPARALLEL
: allows to create parallel branches in a state machineMAP
: expects a list of things, for each it will perform a certain set of thingsTASK
: represents a single unit of work performed by a state machine. It can be integrated with: Lambda, Batch, DynamoDB, ECS, SNS, SQS, Glue, SageMaker, EMR, other Step Functions, etc.