/** An Electrum model of the Hybrid ERTMS/ETCS Level 3 Concept (HL3) based on version 1C of the "Principles" document at https://www.southampton.ac.uk/abz2018/information/case-study.page, launched as part of the ABZ 2018 call for case study contributions. A technical report describing the model and its development can be found at http://haslab.github.io/TRUST/papers/sttt19.pdf. This model is available at https://github.com/haslab/Electrum2/wiki/Models/ertms_1C.ele and its visualizer theme at https://github.com/haslab/Electrum2/wiki/Models/ertms_1C.thm. A similar Alloy encoding can be found at https://github.com/haslab/Electrum2/wiki/Models/ertms_1A.als. @author: Nuno Macedo **/ module ERTMS -- there is a single straight track (ASM1) open util/ordering[TTD] as D -- ASM1,2 open util/ordering[VSS] as V -- ASM3 /** Environment components of the HL3 model, including the track configurations and train state, and the reporting of TTD and PTD information. **/ -- virtual sub-sections of the track, totally ordered. sig VSS {} -- trackside train detection sections, totally ordered. -- each divided into VSSs (§, ASM3). sig TTD { start : one VSS, -- first VSS of the TTD end : one VSS -- last VSS of the TTD } { end.gte[start] } -- all VSSs that comprise a TTD (ASM3). fun VSSs[t:TTD] : set VSS { t.start.*V/next & t.end.*(~V/next) } -- the parent TTD of a VSS (ASM3). fun parent[v:VSS] : one TTD { max[(v.*prev).~start] } -- enforce total partition of the track into TDDs/VSSs (ASM1,2). fact trackSections { all ttd:TTD-D/last | ttd.end.V/next = (ttd.D/next).start D/first.start = V/first D/last.end= V/last } -- whether the TTD state is occupied in each instant. -- models communication delays (§ var sig Reports in TTD {} -- limits delays to one tick to avoid trace length explosions. fact TTDReports { always all t:TTD | t not in Reports implies t in Reports' } -- the set of TTDs considered as occupied in each instant (ASM4). -- the TTD information is considered safe (§, ASM5), although communication may have delays (§ fun occupied : set TTD { {t:TTD | t in Reports implies some VSSs[t] & Train.pos else before some VSSs[t] & Train.pos } } -- available trains, always positioned in the track. -- the granurality is the VSS (§ abstract sig Train { var pos_front : one VSS, -- actual front end position, unknown to trackside var pos_rear : one VSS, -- actual rear end position, unknown to trackside var EoA : lone VSS, -- current MA (§, ASM16) assigned to the train by the trackside } fun pos : Train -> VSS { pos_rear + pos_front } -- whether each train is currently on a mission, as entailed by SoM/EoM events (§ -- this is not the same as disconnected (§, that has either ended a mission or mute timer expired. -- additionally, the trackside may be unaware of the train at all (for the reference, typically during splits) var sig MissionStarted,MissionEnded,UnknownTrain in Train {} fact { always { no MissionStarted & MissionEnded no MissionStarted & UnknownTrain no MissionEnded & UnknownTrain } } -- whether each train report PTD information in each instant, which always contain front end information (§ -- models possible delays on PTD reports, but not yet necessarily represents a disconnected train (§ var sig Reporting in MissionStarted {} -- whether each train reports PTD rear information (§§ -- trains may report integrity confirmed (§3.3.3) or integrity lost (§3.5) (for simplicity, will also represent "changed -- train length" events (§3.5) (see Scenario 2)). -- outside these are trains not reporting any integrity information, not yet necessarily treated as non-integer (§ var sig IntegrityConfirmed,IntegrityLost in Reporting {} fact { always no IntegrityConfirmed & IntegrityLost } -- the model assumes that front and rear information may be received simultaneously, although -- even in such cases the front report should be processed before the rear one (§ -- when relevant, this behaviour can be simulated by forcing a front report without a rear one (eventually -- this could be always forced but would considerably increase trace lengths). -- see Scenarios 7, 8 and 9. -- encodes valid train movement. -- movement is limited one VSS at a time, and the front and rear end must not be more than a VSS away. -- this allows the train to occupy at most two VSSs. -- note that this doesn't mean that the trackside will not detect jumps (Scenario 8) due to communication delays. -- not assumed to follow MAs (§ pred move [tr:Train] { -- train movement tr.pos_front' in tr.pos_front.(iden+next) tr.pos_rear' in tr.pos_front'.(iden+prev) tr.pos_rear' in tr.pos_rear.(iden+next) -- frame condition tr in MissionStarted iff tr in MissionStarted' tr in MissionEnded iff tr in MissionEnded' } -- start of mission event. pred som[tr:Train] { tr in MissionStarted' - MissionStarted -- frame conditions tr.pos_front' = tr.pos_front tr.pos_rear' = tr.pos_rear } -- end of mission event. pred eom[tr:Train] { tr in MissionEnded' - MissionEnded tr in MissionStarted - MissionStarted' -- frame conditions tr.pos_front' = tr.pos_front tr.pos_rear' = tr.pos_rear } -- encodes the notion of two carriages being the same integral train: historically have the same state. pred integral[t1,t2:Train] { historically { t2.EoA = t1.EoA t2.pos = t1.pos t2 in MissionEnded iff t1 in MissionEnded t2 in MissionStarted iff t1 in MissionStarted t2 in Reporting iff t1 in Reporting t2 in IntegrityConfirmed iff t1 in IntegrityConfirmed t2 in IntegrityLost iff t1 in IntegrityLost } } -- encodes the splitting up of a two-carriage train into two. -- front one to report lost integrity, rear one stays disconnecetd. pred split [t1,t2:Train] { integral[t1,t2] t1.pos_front' = t1.pos_front t2.pos_front' = t2.pos_front t1.pos_rear' = t1.pos_rear t2.pos_rear' = t2.pos_rear t1 in MissionStarted => t1 in IntegrityLost' t2 in UnknownTrain' - UnknownTrain t1 in MissionStarted' iff t1 in MissionStarted t1 in MissionEnded' iff t1 in MissionEnded } -- enforce the behavior of trains, mainly based on the inspection of operational scenarios fact trainEvolution { always all tr:Train | move[tr] or som[tr] or eom[tr] or some tr1:Train | split[tr,tr1] or split[tr1,tr] } -- all VSSs comprising the MA of a train, from the rear location or memorised if none (§ -- since memorised = located when the train is connected, memorised suffices fun MAs[tr:Train] : set VSS { memorisedRear[tr].*V/next & (tr.EoA).*V/prev } -- all trains whose MA includes the VSS. fun MAs[vss:set VSS] : set Train { { tr:Train | some vss & MAs[tr] } } -- all trains whose MA includes the TTD. fun MAs[ttd:TTD] : set Train { MAs[VSSs[ttd]] } -- updates the MAs assigned to a train according to VSS state and PTD information. -- the MA policy is not defined in HL3, so it is loosely defined. fact MAAssignment { let Off=Disconnected+UnknownTrain { all tr:Train | no tr.EoA implies tr in Off always { -- the MAs of trains are always disjoint (ASM17), except when they are the same train or acting in OS all disj tr1,tr2:Train | not (integral[tr1,tr2] or OSMA[tr1] or OSMA[tr2]) implies no MAs[tr1] & MAs[tr2] -- trains may (but not necessarily, Scenario 6) have their MA deleted if disconnected (§ all tr:Train | no tr.EoA' implies (tr in Off' or no tr.EoA) -- if a train is connected, changes assign FS MA to a free VSS in front of the train (§ / § / §, -- or assign OS MA (§ all tr:Train-Off' | tr.EoA != tr.EoA' implies (((memorisedFront[tr].^next&tr.EoA'.*prev).state in Free or after OSMA[tr])) } } } -- assigns OS MA (§ to a train by allowing free movement up to the last VSS. pred OSMA[tr:Train] { tr.EoA = last } /** VSS management system components, including VSS state and timer components. **/ -- the states that can be assigned to each VSS (§ enum State { Unknown, Free, Ambiguous, Occupied } -- the information issued by the VSS management system of the trackside one sig VSS_manager { var state : VSS -> one State, -- the current state of each VSS (§ var loc_front : Train -> one VSS, -- train front end location (§3.3), known to trackside var loc_rear : Train -> one VSS, -- train rear end location (§3.3), known to trackside var jumping : VSS -> lone Train, -- detected jumping trains (§ } -- an abbreviation for states since there is a single VSS manager fun state : VSS -> State { VSS_manager.state } -- the definition of train location (§3.3), the granularity is the VSS (§ -- registers the position of the train when PTD reports are received. -- an exception is when jumping trains are detected, which overrides PTD reports (§ / § -- reports without integrity confirmed do not update the rear location (§ -- note that this does not model the deletion of location when the train is disconnected (§, -- which is modeled by the respective predicates "located" and "memorised" (§ fact memoryUpdate { let front = VSS_manager.loc_front, rear = VSS_manager.loc_rear { always all tr:Train { tr in Reporting' => tr.front' = tr.pos_front' else tr not in Disconnected' => tr.front' = max[VSS_manager.jumping'.tr+tr.front] else tr.front' = tr.front tr in IntegrityConfirmed' => tr.rear' = tr.pos_rear' else tr not in Disconnected' => tr.rear' = max[VSS_manager.jumping'.tr+tr.rear] else tr.rear' = tr.rear } } } -- force the detection of jumping trains (§ / § -- only calculated for connected trains (ie, uses located and not memorised). -- see Scenarios 1, 2, 8 and 9 fact jumpingTrain { always VSS_manager.jumping' = { v:TTD.start,tr:Train { tr not in IntegrityConfirmed' tr in located[parent[v].prev] parent[v].prev in occupied - occupied' parent[v] in occupied' } } } -- the set of disconnected trains (§, either EoM or mute timer expired. -- NOTE 1C: this leaves trains without any information (UnknownTrain) out. fun Disconnected : set Train { MuteExpired + MissionEnded } -- the set of trains treated as non-integer (§, ie, those whose wait integrity timer -- expired or that reported intregrity lost. -- reports of changed train lengths are abstracted as "integrity lost" reports. fun NonInteger : set Train { IntegrityLost + WaitIntegrityExpired } -- retrieve the front end of the train location (§3.3.2). -- empty if train is disconnected (§, otherwise last reported front information. fun locatedFront[tr:Train] : one VSS { tr in Disconnected+UnknownTrain => none else tr.(VSS_manager.loc_front) } -- retrieve the confirmed rear end of the train location (§3.3.3). -- empty if train is disconnected (§, otherwise last reported rear information. fun locatedRear[tr:Train] : one VSS { tr in Disconnected+UnknownTrain => none else tr.(VSS_manager.loc_rear) } -- retrieve the train location, ie, the VSSs occupied by the train in the perspective of -- the trackside (§3.3). -- every VSS between the rear and front end locations (§ fun located[tr:Train] : set VSS { locatedRear[tr].*V/next & locatedFront[tr].*~V/next } -- retrieve the trains located (§3.3) in a set of VSSs. fun located[vss:set VSS] : set Train { {tr:Train | some vss & located[tr]} } -- retrieve the trains located (§3.3) in a TTD. fun located[ttd:TTD] : set Train { located[VSSs[ttd]] } -- retrieve the assumed rear end of the train location (§3.3.4) for non-integer trains. -- only used to decide when ambiguous VVSs switch to unknown (#10A). -- NOTE 1C: should be calculated from the train length, but this is abstracted in this model; assumed -- the same VSS as the front, will lead to unknown VSS states sooner. -- see Scenarios 5 and 9 fun assumedRear[tr:Train] : one VSS { tr in NonInteger => locatedFront[tr] else locatedRear[tr] -- NOTE 1C: using the front.prev breaks S9 at the last state } -- retrieve the memorised front end of the train location (§3.3.2), ie, the last reported front information. fun memorisedFront[tr:Train] : one VSS { tr.(VSS_manager.loc_front) } -- retrieve the memorised rear end of the train location (§3.3.3), ie, the last reported rear information. fun memorisedRear[tr:Train] : one VSS { tr.(VSS_manager.loc_rear) } -- retrieve the memorised train location, ie, the VSSs occupied by the train in the perspective of the trackside -- before the train disconnected (§ -- every VSS between rear and front end memorised locations. fun memorised[tr:Train] : set VSS { memorisedRear[tr].*V/next & memorisedFront[tr].*~V/next } -- retrieve the memorised trains located (§3.3) in a set of VSSs. fun memorised[vss:set VSS] : set Train { VSS_manager.(loc_front+loc_rear).vss } /** Timers start and stop events definition. No particular duration imposed, only possibility of expiration is encoded. Expired timers do not remain so indefinitely as this would break, e.g., Scenario 9. **/ -- models the timers assigned to each train currently in MissionStarted (out of MissionStarted trains have no timers) -- whether the mute timer of each train has expired var sig MuteExpired in Train {} -- whether the integrity timer of each train has expired var sig WaitIntegrityExpired in Train {} -- whether the disconnect propagation timer of each VSS has started/expired var sig DisconnectPropRunning, DisconnectPropExpired in VSS {} -- whether the integrity loss propagation timer of each VSS has started/expired var sig IntegrityLossPropRunning, IntegrityLossPropExpired in VSS {} -- whether the shadow timer A of each TTD has started/expired var sig ShadowARunning, ShadowAExpired in TTD {} -- whether the shadow timer B of each TTD has started/expired var sig ShadowBRunning, ShadowBExpired in TTD {} -- whether the ghost train propagation timer of each TTD has started/expired var sig GhostTrainPropRunning, GhostTrainPropExpired in TTD {} -- the mute timers are reset every time PTD information is reported (§ -- the stop event (§ is the train being disconnected, so only trains in MissionStarted are considered -- (cannot use the notion of Disconnected directly since it relies on the mute timer being expired -- for simplicity, which would be a circular dependency) -- the abstraction simply states that it may expire for non-reporting trains -- § / § / § pred setMuteTimer { MuteExpired in (MissionStarted-Reporting) } -- the wait integrity timers are reset every time rear PTD information is reported (§ -- the stop events (§ is the train already being considered non-integer, so only integer trains are considered -- (cannot use the notion of NonInteger directly since it relies on the wait integrity timer being expired -- for simplicity, which would be a circular dependency) -- the abstraction simply states that it may expire for integer trains non reporting integrity -- § / § / § pred setWaitIntegrityTimer { WaitIntegrityExpired in (Reporting-IntegrityConfirmed) } -- the shadow timer A of a TTD may expire if start conditions were once met -- shadow timer A start event conditions (§ -- a shadow timer A keeps running if it once met the start event conditions, and stops if expired; it will -- start again if start conditions are met again (§ pred setShadowATimer { ShadowAExpired in ShadowARunning ShadowARunning' = (ShadowARunning+ShadowAStart)-ShadowAExpired } fun ShadowAStart : set TTD { { ttd:TTD { ttd in occupied-occupied' ttd.end.state = Ambiguous } } } -- the shadow timer B of a TTD may expire if start conditions were once met -- shadow timer B start event conditions (§ -- a shadow timer B keeps running if it once met the start event conditions, and stops if expired; it will -- start again if start conditions are met again (§ pred setShadowBTimer { ShadowBExpired in ShadowBRunning ShadowBRunning' = (ShadowBRunning+ShadowBStart)-ShadowBExpired } fun ShadowBStart : set TTD { { ttd:TTD { ttd.end.state = Ambiguous ttd.end.state' = Unknown some tr:located[ttd] { tr not in (located[ttd])' tr not in NonInteger' } } } } -- the disconnect propagation timer of a VSS may expire if start conditions were once met -- after expiration is processed, it is stopped (§ pred setDisconnectPropTimer { DisconnectPropExpired in DisconnectPropRunning no DisconnectPropExpired & DisconnectPropExpired' DisconnectPropRunning' = (DisconnectPropRunning-DisconnectPropExpired-DisconnectPropStop)+DisconnectPropStart } -- § fun DisconnectPropStart : set VSS { { v:VSS | some t : Train { (v in MAs[t] and t in MuteExpired'-MuteExpired and v.state' = Unknown) or (v in located[t] and eom[t]) or (v in located[t] and t not in MuteExpired and t in MuteExpired') } } } fun DisconnectPropStop : set VSS { { v:VSS | (all t : Train | once { -- this works ok (v in MAs[t] and t not in MuteExpired and t in MuteExpired' and v.state' = Unknown) or (v in located[t] and eom[t]) or (v in located[t] and t not in MuteExpired and t in MuteExpired') } implies t not in Disconnected') -- or (v.state' != v.state and v.state' in Occupied+Ambiguous+Free) -- this breaks S6 as the timer stops! } } -- the integrity loss propagation timer of a VSS may expire if start conditions were once met -- after expiration is processed, it is stopped (§ pred setIntegrityLossPropTimer { IntegrityLossPropExpired in IntegrityLossPropRunning no IntegrityLossPropExpired & IntegrityLossPropExpired' IntegrityLossPropRunning' = (IntegrityLossPropRunning-IntegrityLossPropExpired-IntegrityLossPropStop)+IntegrityLossPropStart } -- § fun IntegrityLossPropStart : set VSS { { vss:VSS { vss.state' in Occupied+Ambiguous some t : (located[vss])' | t in NonInteger' and (once t not in NonInteger and t in located[vss]) } } } fun IntegrityLossPropStop : set VSS { { v:VSS { -- (all t : (located[v])' | t not in NonInteger') or -- this is as defined, but breaks all relevant scenarios (2,3,5) -- (all t : Train | -- this is adapted, fixes some scenarios but still breaks 2 -- (once (t in located[v] and t in NonInteger)) implies t not in NonInteger') or (v.state' != v.state and v.state' in Occupied+Ambiguous+Free) -- this works ok } } } -- the ghost train propagation timer of a TTD may expire if start conditions were once met -- after expiration is processed, it is stopped (§ pred setGhostTrainPropTimer { GhostTrainPropExpired in GhostTrainPropRunning no GhostTrainPropExpired & GhostTrainPropExpired' GhostTrainPropRunning' = (GhostTrainPropRunning+GhostTrainPropStart)-GhostTrainPropExpired } -- § fun GhostTrainPropStart : set TTD { { t:TTD { t in occupied'-occupied no (located[t])' no (MAs[t])' } } } -- enforce all timer expiration conditions fact setTimers { no GhostTrainPropRunning+IntegrityLossPropRunning+ DisconnectPropRunning+ShadowARunning+ShadowBRunning always { setMuteTimer setWaitIntegrityTimer setShadowATimer setShadowBTimer setIntegrityLossPropTimer setGhostTrainPropTimer setDisconnectPropTimer } } /** Trackside system evolution, including the VSS state machine and the assignment of MAs. **/ -- VSS state transition #1 from Free to Unknown pred n01 [v:VSS] { v.state = Free -- TTD is occupied, common to all #1 parent[v] in occupied' n01A[v] or n01B[v] or n01C[v] or n01D[v] or n01E[v] or n01F[v] } pred n01A [v:VSS] { -- TTD becomes occupied, was not previously parent[v] not in occupied -- no FS MA issued or no train on TTD after (all t: MAs[parent[v]] | OSMA[t] && no located[parent[v]]) } pred n01B [v:VSS] { -- VSS part of MA sent to a train for which mute timer expired after some tr: MAs[v] & MuteExpired | -- VSS is located after the VSS where train last reported v in memorised[tr].nexts } pred n01C [v:VSS] { after some vss:DisconnectPropExpired { -- only free or unknown VSS between here and a VSS with disconnect propagation timer (vss.^next & v.^prev).state in Free+Unknown -- VSS on the same TTD as the one with timer parent[vss] = parent[v] } } pred n01D [v:VSS] { after some vss:DisconnectPropExpired { -- only free or unknown VSS between here and a VSS with disconnect propagation timer all x : (vss.^next & v.^prev) | x.state in Free+Unknown -- TTD up to VSS occupied all x : (vss.^next & v.^prev) | parent[x] in occupied -- VSS not on the same TTD as the one with timer parent[vss] != parent[v] -- VSS not part of an MA no MAs[v] } } pred n01E [v:VSS] { after some vss:IntegrityLossPropExpired { -- only free or unknown VSS between here and a VSS with integrity loss propagation timer (vss.^next & v.^prev).state in Free+Unknown -- VSS on same TDD as the VSS for which integrity loss propagation timer parent[vss] = parent[v] } } pred n01F [v:VSS] { after some ttd:GhostTrainPropExpired { -- only free or unknown VSS between here and a VSS with ghost train propagation timer (ttd.end.nexts & v.prevs).state in Free+Unknown -- VSS not on the same TTD as the one with timer ttd != parent[v] } } -- VSS state transition #2 from Free to Occupied pred n02 [v:VSS] { v.state = Free n02A[v] } pred n02A [v:VSS] { parent[v] in occupied' -- there is a train on the VSS some tr:Train { v in (located[tr])' -- the VSS of the front was occupied after the position report Occupied = located[tr].state } } -- VSS state transition #3 from Free to Ambiguous pred n03 [v:VSS] { v.state = Free n03A[v] } pred n03A [v:VSS] { parent[v] in occupied' after -- train reported on VSS some tr:Train | v in located[tr] } -- VSS state transition #4 from Unknown to Free pred n04 [v:VSS] { v.state = Unknown n04A[v] or n04B[v] } pred n04A [v:VSS] { -- TDD free parent[v] not in occupied' } pred n04B [v:VSS] { -- train reconnects for which VSS is in MA some tr:(MAs[v])' { after not OSMA[tr] tr in Disconnected-Disconnected' -- VSS is in advance of the VSS where the reconnected train is located v in (locatedFront[tr])'.nexts -- NOTE 1C: MA should be valid? } } -- VSS state transition #5 from Unknown to Ambiguous pred n05 [v:VSS] { v.state = Unknown n05A[v] } pred n05A [v:VSS] { after -- train on VSS some tr:Train | v in located[tr] } -- VSS state transition #6 from Occupied to Free pred n06 [v:VSS] { v.state = Occupied n06A[v] } pred n06A [v:VSS] { -- a train was on the VSS and was reported leaving some tr:Train { -- integer train tr not in NonInteger' some (located[tr])' v not in (located[tr])' v in located[tr] } } -- VSS state transition #7 from Occupied to Unknown pred n07 [v:VSS] { v.state = Occupied n07A[v] } pred n07A [v:VSS] { -- train with mute timer expired or EoM -- train on VSS some tr:(memorised[v])' | tr in Disconnected' } -- VSS state transition #8 from Occupied to Ambiguous pred n08 [v:VSS] { v.state = Occupied n08A[v] or n08B[v] or n08C[v] } pred n08A [v:VSS] { after -- train on VSS some tr:NonInteger | v in located[tr] } pred n08B [v:VSS] { after -- train on VSS some tr:located[v] { -- rear VSS is unknown some locatedRear[tr].prev (locatedRear[tr].prev.state = Unknown or locatedRear[tr].prev in DisconnectPropExpired+IntegrityLossPropExpired+GhostTrainPropExpired) -- NOTE 1C: imposes the transition that gave rise to Unknown state } } pred n08C [v:VSS] { -- trains on VSS after some tr:located[v] | some vss:located[tr] | some tr1:located[vss] | tr1 != tr -- some disj tr1,tr2: knownTrain[v] | not integral[tr1,tr2] -- NOTE 1C: at least one VSS overlapping, not necessarily 'v' } -- VSS state transition #9 from Ambiguous to Free pred n09 [v:VSS] { v.state = Ambiguous n09A[v] } pred n09A [v:VSS] { -- TDD free after parent[v] not in occupied } -- VSS state transition #10 from Ambiguous to Unknown pred n10 [v:VSS] { v.state = Ambiguous n10A[v] or n10B[v] } pred n10A [v:VSS] { -- all trains reported leaving once some tr:Train | v in assumedRear[tr] no tr:Train | tr in MissionStarted' && v in (assumedRear[tr])' } pred n10B [v:VSS] { -- train on VSS and mute timer expired some tr : (memorised[v])' | tr in Disconnected' after one MissionStarted&located[v] } -- VSS state transition #11 from Ambiguous to Occupied pred n11 [v:VSS] { v.state = Ambiguous n11A[v] or n11B[v] } pred n11A [v:VSS] { some parent[v].D/prev some tr : (located[v]-NonInteger)' { -- shadow train timer A of the TTD in rear was not expired when last report after (tr not in Reporting since (tr in Reporting and parent[v].D/prev in ShadowARunning-ShadowAExpired)) } one (located[v])' -- NOTE: ignores about min-safe-rear-end } pred n11B [v:VSS] { some parent[v].D/prev -- TTD in rear is free after parent[v].D/prev not in occupied -- integer train located on the VSS some (located[v]-NonInteger)' -- the “shadow train timer B” of the TTD in rear for this direction was not expired at the -- moment of the time stamp in the position report after parent[v].D/prev not in ShadowBExpired after parent[v].D/prev in ShadowBRunning after one located[v] } -- VSS state transition #12 from Unknown to Occupied pred n12 [v:VSS] { v.state = Unknown n12A[v] or n12B[v] } pred n12A [v:VSS] { -- train located on the VSS some tr: (located[v])' { -- reconnects within same session tr in MuteExpired tr not in MuteExpired' -- integer train tr not in NonInteger' -- In rear of this VSS and subsequent VSS(s) that had become “unknown” because of the lost -- connection of this train is a “free” VSS on an “occupied” TTD let v0 = max[(v.prevs)&state.(State-Unknown)] { v0.state = Free parent[v0] in occupied all v1 : v0.nexts&((memorisedRear[tr])'.prevs) | v1.state = Unknown since v.state = Unknown } } after one located[v] -- NOTE 1C: MA should be valid? } pred n12B [v:VSS] { -- train located on the VSS some tr: (located[v])' { -- the VSS of the front was occupied after the position report Occupied = located[tr].state -- the train is not re-connecting, i.e. the mute timer was not expired tr not in MuteExpired after one located[v] } } -- encodes the VSS state machine according to the defined priorities (§Table 2) fact stateMachine { always all v:VSS | v.state' = ( n01[v] => Unknown else n02[v] => Occupied else -- priority over n03 n03[v] => Ambiguous else n04[v] => Free else -- priority over n05 and n12 n12[v] => Occupied else -- priority over n05 n05[v] => Ambiguous else n07[v] => Unknown else -- priority over n08 and n06 n06[v] => Free else n08[v] => Ambiguous else n09[v] => Free else n10[v] => Unknown else n11[v] => Occupied else v.state ) } /** Operational scenarios of the HL3 concept. **/ -- Scenario 1 - Normal running of a single train with integrity confirmed by external device pred S1 { let v11 = V/first, v12 = v11.next, v21 = v12.next, v22 = v21.next, v23 = v22.next, v31 = v23.next, v32 = v31.next, v33 = v32.next { v12 in parent[first].end v31 in parent[last].start always Reports = TTD some tr:Train { -- initial state v11.state = Occupied v11.nexts.state = Free no jumping VSS_manager.loc_front = pos_front and VSS_manager.loc_rear = pos_rear -- train physical positions tr.pos = v11;tr.pos = v12; tr.pos = v12;tr.pos = v21; tr.pos = v21;tr.pos = v22; tr.pos = v23;tr.pos = v31 -- train PTD communication always tr in Reporting always no IntegrityLost tr in IntegrityConfirmed;tr not in IntegrityConfirmed;tr in IntegrityConfirmed;tr not in IntegrityConfirmed; tr in IntegrityConfirmed;tr not in IntegrityConfirmed;always tr in IntegrityConfirmed -- MA assignments always tr.EoA = v33 -- timer expirations always no WaitIntegrityExpired + MuteExpired + IntegrityLossPropExpired + DisconnectPropExpired + GhostTrainPropExpired + ShadowAExpired + ShadowBExpired } } } pred S1ok { let v11 = V/first, v12 = v11.next, v21 = v12.next, v22 = v21.next, v23 = v22.next, v31 = v23.next { eventually always { v31.state = Occupied (VSS-v31).state = Free } } } -- Scenario 2 - Splitting of a composite train with integrity confirmed by external device -- NOTE 1C: shadow timer B is being launched although not described in the scenario (doesn't seem to affect) pred S2 { let v11 = V/first, v12 = v11.next, v21 = v12.next, v22 = v21.next, v23 = v22.next, v31 = v23.next, v32 = v31.next, v33 = v32.next { v12 in parent[first].end v31 in parent[last].start always Reports = TTD some disj tr1,tr2:Train { -- initial state v11.state = Free v12.state = Occupied v12.nexts.state = Free no jumping VSS_manager.loc_front = pos_front and VSS_manager.loc_rear = pos_rear -- train physical positions tr1.pos = v12;tr1.pos = v12; tr1.pos = v21;tr1.pos = v22; tr1.pos = v23;tr1.pos = v31+v23; tr1.pos = v31;tr1.pos = v31 always tr2.pos = v12 -- train PTD communication tr1+tr2 in MissionStarted;always tr1 = MissionStarted split[tr1,tr2] after after after after after historically tr1 in Reporting after after after after after after tr1 not in Reporting after after after after after after after always tr1 in Reporting tr1 in IntegrityConfirmed;tr1 not in IntegrityConfirmed;tr1 in IntegrityConfirmed;tr1 in IntegrityConfirmed; tr1 in IntegrityConfirmed;tr1 in IntegrityConfirmed;tr1 not in IntegrityConfirmed;tr1 in IntegrityConfirmed tr2 in IntegrityConfirmed -- MA assignments tr1.EoA = v12;tr1.EoA = v12;always tr1.EoA = v33 tr2.EoA = v12;always no tr2.EoA -- timer expirations after after after historically no IntegrityLossPropExpired after after after after v12 = IntegrityLossPropExpired always no GhostTrainPropExpired + ShadowAExpired + ShadowBExpired + DisconnectPropExpired + MuteExpired + WaitIntegrityExpired } } } pred S2ok { let v11 = V/first, v12 = v11.next, v21 = v12.next, v22 = v21.next, v23 = v22.next, v31 = v23.next, v32 = v31.next, v33 = v32.next { eventually always { (v11+v12).state = Unknown v31.state = Occupied (v21+v22+v23+v32+v33).state = Free } after (v12 = IntegrityLossPropRunning;v12 = IntegrityLossPropRunning) after after after after after after D/first.next = ShadowARunning } } pred S2a { let v11 = V/first, v12 = v11.next, v21 = v12.next, v22 = v21.next, v23 = v22.next, v31 = v23.next, v32 = v31.next, v33 = v32.next { v12 in parent[first].end v31 in parent[last].start always Reports = TTD some disj tr1,tr2:Train { -- initial state v11.state = Free v12.state = Occupied v12.nexts.state = Free no jumping VSS_manager.loc_front = pos_front and VSS_manager.loc_rear = pos_rear -- train physical positions tr1.pos = v12;tr1.pos = v12; tr1.pos = v12;tr1.pos = v12; tr1.pos = v21;tr1.pos = v22; tr1.pos = v23;tr1.pos = v31+v23; tr1.pos = v31;tr1.pos = v31 always tr2.pos = v12 -- train PTD communication tr1+tr2 in MissionStarted;no MissionStarted;no MissionStarted;always tr1 = MissionStarted eom[tr1] eom[tr2] after split[tr1,tr2] after after som[tr1] no none;no none;no none;tr1 in Reporting;tr1 in Reporting;tr1 in Reporting; tr1 in Reporting;tr1 in Reporting;tr1 not in Reporting;always tr1 in Reporting tr1 in IntegrityConfirmed;tr1 not in IntegrityConfirmed;tr1 not in IntegrityConfirmed;tr1 in IntegrityConfirmed; tr1 in IntegrityConfirmed;tr1 in IntegrityConfirmed;tr1 in IntegrityConfirmed; tr1 in IntegrityConfirmed;tr1 not in IntegrityConfirmed;tr1 in IntegrityConfirmed tr2 in IntegrityConfirmed -- MA assignments tr1.EoA = v12;tr1.EoA = v12;tr1.EoA = v12;tr1.EoA = v12;always tr1.EoA = v33 tr2.EoA = v12;tr2.EoA = v12;always no tr2.EoA -- timer expirations no DisconnectPropExpired;no DisconnectPropExpired;v12 = DisconnectPropExpired always no GhostTrainPropExpired + ShadowAExpired + ShadowBExpired + MuteExpired + WaitIntegrityExpired + IntegrityLossPropExpired } } } pred S2aok { let v11 = V/first, v12 = v11.next, v21 = v12.next, v22 = v21.next, v23 = v22.next, v31 = v23.next, v32 = v31.next, v33 = v32.next { eventually always { (v11+v12).state = Unknown v31.state = Occupied (v21+v22+v23+v32+v33).state = Free } after (v12 = DisconnectPropRunning; v12 = DisconnectPropRunning) after after after after after after after after D/first.next = ShadowARunning } } -- Scenario 3 - Shadow train -- NOTE 1C: there is a change from Ambiguous to Occupied due to a shadow timer B starting, -- which according to the operational scenario should not start, but that according to 1C should -- NOTE 1C: the operational scenario states that the shadow timer A should start at TTD2, but -- according to it shouldn't -- NOTE 1C: this required tweaking the #11 transitions, which would trigger for VSS23 at step 5 pred S3 { let v11 = V/first, v12 = v11.next, v21 = v12.next, v22 = v21.next, v23 = v22.next, v31 = v23.next, v32 = v31.next, v33 = v32.next { v12 in parent[first].end v31 in parent[last].start always Reports = TTD some disj tr1,tr2:Train { -- initial state (can't start ahead because forcing no timers in the initial state) v11.state = Free v12.state = Occupied v12.nexts.state = Free no jumping VSS_manager.loc_front = pos_front and VSS_manager.loc_rear = pos_rear -- train physical positions tr1.pos = v12;tr1.pos = v12;tr1.pos = v12; tr1.pos = v21;tr1.pos = v22;tr1.pos = v23; tr1.pos = v31;tr1.pos = (v31+v32);tr1.pos = v32; tr1.pos = v32 tr2.pos = v12;tr2.pos = v12;tr2.pos = v12; tr2.pos = v12;tr2.pos = v12;tr2.pos = v21; tr2.pos = v22;tr2.pos = v23;tr2.pos = v31; tr2.pos = v31 -- train PTD communication tr1+tr2 in MissionStarted;always tr1 = MissionStarted split[tr1,tr2] tr1 in Reporting;tr1 in Reporting;tr1 in Reporting;tr1 in Reporting; tr1 in Reporting;tr1 in Reporting;tr1 not in Reporting;always tr1 in Reporting tr1 in IntegrityConfirmed;tr1 not in IntegrityConfirmed;tr1 in IntegrityConfirmed;tr1 in IntegrityConfirmed; tr1 in IntegrityConfirmed;tr1 in IntegrityConfirmed;tr1 not in IntegrityConfirmed;always tr1 in IntegrityConfirmed tr2 in IntegrityConfirmed;always tr2 not in Reporting -- MA assignments after always tr1.EoA = v33 -- timer expirations after v12 = IntegrityLossPropExpired after after after after D/first = ShadowBExpired always no GhostTrainPropExpired + ShadowAExpired + DisconnectPropExpired + MuteExpired + WaitIntegrityExpired } } } pred S3ok { let v11 = V/first, v12 = v11.next, v21 = v12.next, v22 = v21.next, v23 = v22.next, v31 = v23.next, v32 = v31.next { eventually always { v31.state = Unknown v32.state = Ambiguous (VSS-(v31+v32)).state = Free } after v12 = IntegrityLossPropRunning after after after D/first = ShadowBRunning -- NOTE 1C: fails, scenario description inconsistent with start event § -- after after after after after after after D/first.next not in ShadowBRunning } } -- Scenario 4 - Start of MissionStarted / End of MissionStarted pred S4 { let v11 = V/first, v12 = v11.next, v21 = v12.next, v22 = v21.next, v23 = v22.next, v31 = v23.next { v12 in parent[first].end v31 in parent[last].start always Reports = TTD some tr:Train { -- initial state (v11+v12).state = Unknown v12.nexts.state = Free no jumping VSS_manager.loc_front = pos_front and VSS_manager.loc_rear = pos_rear -- train physical positions tr.pos = v11;tr.pos = v11;tr.pos = v12; tr.pos = v21;tr.pos = v21; always tr.pos = v22 -- train PTD communication tr not in MissionStarted;tr in MissionStarted;tr in MissionStarted;tr in MissionStarted; tr in MissionStarted;tr in MissionStarted;tr not in MissionStarted;always tr not in MissionStarted tr not in Reporting;after tr in Reporting;tr in Reporting; tr in Reporting;tr in Reporting;tr in Reporting; always tr not in Reporting tr not in IntegrityConfirmed;tr in IntegrityConfirmed;tr in IntegrityConfirmed;tr in IntegrityConfirmed; tr in IntegrityConfirmed;tr in IntegrityConfirmed;always tr not in IntegrityConfirmed -- MA assignments -- NOTE 1C: FS MA with optional OS protected by ATAF, needed OS otherwise would pass over unknown vss no tr.EoA;v11=tr.EoA;always OSMA[tr] -- timer expirations after after after after after after after v22 = DisconnectPropExpired always no GhostTrainPropExpired + ShadowAExpired + ShadowBExpired + WaitIntegrityExpired + MuteExpired } } } pred S4ok { let v11 = V/first, v12 = v11.next, v21 = v12.next, v22 = v21.next, v23 = v22.next, v31 = v23.next, v32 = v31.next, v33 = v32.next { eventually always { (v21+v22+v23).state = Unknown (v11+v12+v31+v32+v33).state = Free } after after after after after after v22 = DisconnectPropRunning -- shadow A running for TTD1 } } -- Scenario 5 - Integrity lost pred S5 { let v11 = V/first, v12 = v11.next, v21 = v12.next, v22 = v21.next, v23 = v22.next, v31 = v23.next, v32 = v31.next, v33 = v32.next { v12 in parent[first].end v31 in parent[last].start Reports = TTD;Reports = TTD;Reports = TTD;Reports = TTD;Reports = TTD; Reports = TTD;Reports = D/first + D/last;Reports = TTD;Reports = TTD some disj tr1,tr2:Train { -- initial state v11.state = Free v12.state = Occupied v12.nexts.state = Free no jumping VSS_manager.loc_front = pos_front and VSS_manager.loc_rear = pos_rear -- train physical positions tr1.pos = v12;tr1.pos = v12;tr1.pos = v21; tr1.pos = v22;tr1.pos = v23;tr1.pos = v23+v31; always tr1.pos = v31 always tr2.pos = v12 -- train PTD communication tr1+tr2 in MissionStarted;always tr1 = MissionStarted split[tr1,tr2] always tr1 in Reporting tr1 in IntegrityConfirmed;tr1 not in IntegrityConfirmed;tr1 not in IntegrityConfirmed; tr1 not in IntegrityConfirmed;always tr1 in IntegrityConfirmed tr2 in IntegrityConfirmed; always tr2 not in Reporting -- MA assignments tr1.EoA = v12;tr1.EoA = v12;always tr1.EoA = v33 tr2.EoA = v12;always no tr2.EoA -- timer expirations no IntegrityLossPropExpired;no IntegrityLossPropExpired; no IntegrityLossPropExpired;v12 = IntegrityLossPropExpired always no GhostTrainPropExpired + ShadowAExpired + ShadowBExpired + DisconnectPropExpired + MuteExpired } } } pred S5ok { let v11 = V/first, v12 = v11.next, v21 = v12.next, v22 = v21.next, v23 = v22.next, v31 = v23.next, v32 = v31.next, v33 = v32.next { eventually always { (v11+v12).state = Unknown v31.state = Occupied (v21+v22+v23+v32+v33).state = Free } after (v12 = IntegrityLossPropRunning;v12 = IntegrityLossPropRunning) after after after after after after D/first.next in ShadowBRunning -- TTD1 also running } } pred S5a { let v11 = V/first, v12 = v11.next, v21 = v12.next, v22 = v21.next, v23 = v22.next, v31 = v23.next, v32 = v31.next, v33 = v32.next { v12 in parent[first].end v31 in parent[last].start Reports = TTD;Reports = TTD;Reports = TTD;Reports = TTD;Reports = TTD; Reports = TTD;Reports = D/first + D/last;Reports = TTD;Reports = TTD some disj tr1,tr2:Train { -- initial state v11.state = Free v12.state = Occupied v12.nexts.state = Free no jumping VSS_manager.loc_front = pos_front and VSS_manager.loc_rear = pos_rear -- train physical positions tr1.pos = v12;tr1.pos = v12;tr1.pos = v21; tr1.pos = v22;tr1.pos = v23;tr1.pos = v23+v31; always tr1.pos = v31 always tr2.pos = v12 -- train PTD communication tr1+tr2 in MissionStarted;always tr1 = MissionStarted split[tr1,tr2] always tr1 in Reporting tr1 in IntegrityConfirmed;always tr1 in IntegrityLost tr2 in IntegrityConfirmed; always tr2 not in Reporting -- MA assignments tr1.EoA = v12;tr1.EoA = v12;always tr1.EoA = v33 tr2.EoA = v12;always no tr2.EoA -- timer expirations no IntegrityLossPropExpired;no IntegrityLossPropExpired; no IntegrityLossPropExpired;v12 = IntegrityLossPropExpired;always no IntegrityLossPropExpired always no GhostTrainPropExpired + ShadowAExpired + ShadowBExpired + DisconnectPropExpired + MuteExpired } } } pred S5aok { let v11 = V/first, v12 = v11.next, v21 = v12.next, v22 = v21.next, v23 = v22.next, v31 = v23.next, v32 = v31.next, v33 = v32.next { eventually always { (v11+v12).state = Unknown v31.state = Ambiguous (v21+v22+v23+v32+v33).state = Free } after (v12 = IntegrityLossPropRunning;v12 = IntegrityLossPropRunning) -- apparently not in this variation -- after after after after after after D/first.next in ShadowBRunning } } -- Scenario 6 - Connection lost and reconnect within session pred S6 { let v11 = V/first, v12 = v11.next, v21 = v12.next, v22 = v21.next, v23 = v22.next, v31 = v23.next, v32 = v31.next, v33 = v32.next { v12 in parent[first].end v31 in parent[last].start always Reports = TTD some disj tr1:Train { -- initial state v11.state = Free v12.state = Occupied v12.nexts.state = Free no jumping VSS_manager.loc_front = pos_front and VSS_manager.loc_rear = pos_rear -- train physical positions tr1.pos = v12;tr1.pos = v12;tr1.pos = v12; tr1.pos = v21;tr1.pos = v22;tr1.pos = v22; tr1.pos = v23;tr1.pos = v31 -- train PTD communication always tr1 in MissionStarted tr1 in IntegrityConfirmed;tr1 not in Reporting;tr1 not in Reporting; tr1 not in Reporting;tr1 not in Reporting;always tr1 in IntegrityConfirmed -- MA assignments tr1.EoA = v33;tr1.EoA = v33;tr1.EoA = v33;tr1.EoA = v22; tr1.EoA = v22;tr1.EoA = v22;always OSMA[tr1] -- timer expirations no MuteExpired;no MuteExpired;some MuteExpired; some MuteExpired;some MuteExpired;no MuteExpired no DisconnectPropExpired;no DisconnectPropExpired;no DisconnectPropExpired; no DisconnectPropExpired;v12 = DisconnectPropExpired always no GhostTrainPropExpired + ShadowAExpired + ShadowBExpired + IntegrityLossPropExpired + WaitIntegrityExpired } } } pred S6ok { let v11 = V/first, v12 = v11.next, v21 = v12.next, v22 = v21.next, v23 = v22.next, v31 = v23.next { eventually always { v31.state = Occupied (VSS-v31).state = Free } after after (v12 = DisconnectPropRunning;v12 = DisconnectPropRunning) -- breaks if disconnect prop timer stop events after after after after after after after D/first.next = ShadowARunning } } -- Scenario 7 - Connection lost and reconnect within session with release of VSS -- NOTE 1C: scenario describes a VSS22 change into occupied (12A) then free, due to memorised -- location, but 12A at state machine does not mention memoraized, just located -- actually, this is due to the PTD update process: in a reconnection, before processing the front/rear -- report the memorised location is put into the located; fixed for this scenario -- NOTE 1C: forbid rear_reports after reconnection to naturally cover such scenarios pred S7 { let v11 = V/first, v12 = v11.next, v21 = v12.next, v22 = v21.next, v23 = v22.next, v31 = v23.next, v32 = v31.next, v33 = v32.next { v12 in parent[first].end v31 in parent[last].start always Reports = TTD some tr:Train { -- initial state (v11+v12).state = Free v21.state = Occupied v21.nexts.state = Free no jumping VSS_manager.loc_front = pos_front and VSS_manager.loc_rear = pos_rear -- train physical positions tr.pos = v21;tr.pos = v22; tr.pos = v22;tr.pos = v23; tr.pos = v23+v31;tr.pos = v23+v31; tr.pos = v23+v31;tr.pos = v31; tr.pos = v32 -- train PTD communication always tr in MissionStarted tr in IntegrityConfirmed;tr in IntegrityConfirmed;tr not in Reporting;tr not in Reporting; tr not in Reporting;(tr in Reporting && tr not in IntegrityConfirmed+IntegrityLost); always tr in IntegrityConfirmed -- MA assignments tr.EoA = v33;tr.EoA = v33;tr.EoA = v33;tr.EoA = v33;always tr.EoA = v32 -- timer expirations tr not in MuteExpired;tr not in MuteExpired;tr not in MuteExpired; tr in MuteExpired;tr in MuteExpired;always tr not in MuteExpired always no GhostTrainPropExpired + ShadowAExpired + ShadowBExpired + IntegrityLossPropExpired + DisconnectPropExpired + WaitIntegrityExpired } } } pred S7ok { let v11 = V/first, v12 = v11.next, v21 = v12.next, v22 = v21.next, v23 = v22.next, v31 = v23.next, v32 = v31.next { eventually always { v32.state = Occupied (VSS-v32).state = Free } after after after v22 in DisconnectPropRunning -- also v23! } } -- Scenario 8 – Sweeping, jumping and two trains in a VSS -- NOTE: trains can't enter or leave the track, modelled with "dummy" TTD pred S8 { let v11 = V/first, v12 = v11.next, v21 = v12.next, v22 = v21.next, v23 = v22.next, v31 = v23.next, v32 = v31.next, v33 = v32.next, v4 = v33.next { v12 in parent[v11].end v31 in parent[v33].start v4 in TTD.start always Reports = TTD some disj tr1,tr2:Train { -- initial state v12.nexts.state = Free (v11+v12).state = Occupied no jumping VSS_manager.loc_front = pos_front and VSS_manager.loc_rear = pos_rear -- train physical positions tr1.pos = v12;tr1.pos = v12;tr1.pos = v21; tr1.pos = v22;tr1.pos = v23;tr1.pos = v31; tr1.pos = v32;tr1.pos = v33;tr1.pos = v4 tr2.pos = v11;tr2.pos = v11+v12;tr2.pos = v12; tr2.pos = v12;tr2.pos = v12+v21;tr2.pos = v21; tr2.pos = v22;tr2.pos = v23;tr2.pos = v23; tr2.pos = v31 -- train PTD communication always tr1 in IntegrityConfirmed always tr1 in Reporting always tr2 in MissionStarted tr2 in IntegrityConfirmed;tr2 in IntegrityConfirmed;tr2 in IntegrityConfirmed; tr2 in IntegrityConfirmed;tr2 in IntegrityConfirmed;tr2 in IntegrityConfirmed; tr2 not in IntegrityConfirmed+IntegrityLost;tr2 not in IntegrityConfirmed+IntegrityLost; tr2 in IntegrityConfirmed;always tr2 not in IntegrityConfirmed+IntegrityLost after after after after after after after after ((historically tr2 in Reporting);(always tr2 not in Reporting)) -- MA assignments tr1.EoA = v12;tr1.EoA = v12;tr1.EoA = v12;tr1.EoA = v12;always tr1.EoA = V/last -- NOTE 1C: did not implement "OS MA until VSS*", only global OS MA after (OSMA[tr2];OSMA[tr2];OSMA[tr2];OSMA[tr2]; OSMA[tr2];OSMA[tr2];OSMA[tr2];OSMA[tr2];always tr2.EoA = v33) -- timer expirations always no MuteExpired + GhostTrainPropExpired + ShadowAExpired + ShadowBExpired + IntegrityLossPropExpired + DisconnectPropExpired + WaitIntegrityExpired } } } pred S8ok { let v11 = V/first, v12 = v11.next, v21 = v12.next, v22 = v21.next, v23 = v22.next, v31 = v23.next, v32 = v31.next, v33 = v32.next, v4 = v33.next { eventually always { (v31+v4).state = Occupied (VSS-(v31+v4)).state = Free } after after after after after D/first = ShadowARunning -- shadow B also running for TTD2, and A for TTD3 } } -- Scenario 9 – Ghost train -- NOTE: requires that the front report be processed before the rear report, must be forced -- NOTE: trains can't enter or leave the track, modelled with "dummy" TTD -- NOTE 1C: the 10A transition at the last state requires the "assumed rear end", which seems to -- be calculated from the train length pred S9 { let v0 = V/first, v11 = v0.next, v12 = v11.next, v21 = v12.next, v22 = v21.next, v23 = v22.next, v31 = v23.next, v32 = v31.next, v33 = v32.next { v12 in parent[v12].end v31 in parent[v33].start v0 in TTD.end always Reports = TTD some disj tr1,tr2:Train { -- initial state v23.state = Occupied v0.state = Unknown (VSS-(v23+v0)).state = Free no jumping VSS_manager.loc_front = pos_front and VSS_manager.loc_rear = pos_rear -- train physical positions tr1.pos = v23;tr1.pos = v23;tr1.pos = v23; tr1.pos = v23+v31;tr1.pos = v31;tr1.pos = v32; tr1.pos = v32;tr1.pos = v32;always tr1.pos = v33 tr2.pos = v0;tr2.pos = v11;tr2.pos = v11; tr2.pos = v12;tr2.pos = v12;tr2.pos = v12; tr2.pos = v12;tr2.pos = v21;tr2.pos = v21; always tr2.pos = v22 -- train PTD communication always tr1 in MissionStarted tr1 in IntegrityConfirmed;tr1 in IntegrityConfirmed;tr1 in IntegrityConfirmed; tr1 in IntegrityConfirmed;tr1 not in Reporting;tr1 not in Reporting; tr1 in Reporting-(IntegrityConfirmed+IntegrityLost); always tr1 in IntegrityConfirmed tr2 not in MissionStarted+IntegrityConfirmed+Reporting;tr2 not in MissionStarted;tr2 not in MissionStarted; tr2 not in MissionStarted;tr2 not in MissionStarted;tr2 not in MissionStarted;always tr2 in MissionStarted&Reporting after after after after after after after after tr2 not in IntegrityConfirmed after after after after after after after after historically tr2 not in IntegrityLost after after after after after after after after after always tr2 in IntegrityLost -- MA assignments always tr1.EoA = V/last no tr2.EoA;no tr2.EoA;no tr2.EoA after after after after after after after after after always tr2.EoA = v31 -- timer expirations after (no GhostTrainPropExpired;D/first.next = GhostTrainPropExpired;always no GhostTrainPropExpired) always no ShadowAExpired + ShadowBExpired + IntegrityLossPropExpired + DisconnectPropExpired + MuteExpired + WaitIntegrityExpired } } } pred S9ok { let v0 = V/first, v11 = v0.next, v12 = v11.next, v21 = v12.next, v22 = v21.next, v23 = v22.next, v31 = v23.next, v32 = v31.next, v33 = v32.next { eventually { -- does not stabilize at last step! v21.state = Unknown v22.state = Ambiguous v33.state = Occupied (VSS-(v21+v22+v33)).state = Free } after D/first.next = GhostTrainPropRunning after after after after (D/first.next.next = ShadowARunning) after after after after after after after (D/first.next in ShadowARunning) } } run S1run {S1 and S1ok} for exactly 1 Train, exactly 3 TTD, exactly 8 VSS, exactly 8 steps expect 1 run S2run {S2 and S2ok} for exactly 2 Train, exactly 3 TTD, exactly 8 VSS, exactly 8 steps expect 1 run S2arun {S2a and S2aok} for exactly 2 Train, exactly 3 TTD, exactly 8 VSS, exactly 10 steps expect 1 run S3run {S3 and S3ok} for exactly 2 Train, exactly 3 TTD, exactly 8 VSS, exactly 9 steps expect 1 run S4run {S4 and S4ok} for exactly 1 Train, exactly 3 TTD, exactly 8 VSS, exactly 9 steps expect 1 run S5run {S5 and S5ok} for exactly 2 Train, exactly 3 TTD, exactly 8 VSS, exactly 8 steps expect 1 run S5arun {S5a and S5aok} for exactly 2 Train, exactly 3 TTD, exactly 8 VSS, exactly 9 steps expect 1 run S6run {S6 and S6ok} for exactly 1 Train, exactly 3 TTD, exactly 8 VSS, exactly 9 steps expect 1 run S7run {S7 and S7ok} for exactly 1 Train, exactly 3 TTD, exactly 8 VSS, exactly 9 steps expect 1 run S8run {S8 and S8ok} for exactly 2 Train, exactly 4 TTD, exactly 9 VSS, exactly 11 steps expect 1 run S9run {S9 and S9ok} for exactly 2 Train, exactly 4 TTD, exactly 9 VSS, exactly 12 steps expect 1 /* check S1ok {S1 implies S1ok} for exactly 1 Train, exactly 3 TTD, exactly 8 VSS, exactly 8 steps expect 0 check S2ok {S2 implies S2ok} for exactly 2 Train, exactly 3 TTD, exactly 8 VSS, exactly 8 steps expect 0 check S2aok {S2a implies S2aok} for exactly 2 Train, exactly 3 TTD, exactly 8 VSS, exactly 10 steps expect 0 check S3ok {S3 implies S3ok} for exactly 2 Train, exactly 3 TTD, exactly 8 VSS, exactly 9 steps expect 0 check S4ok {S4 implies S4ok} for exactly 1 Train, exactly 3 TTD, exactly 8 VSS, exactly 9 steps expect 0 check S5ok {S5 implies S5ok} for exactly 2 Train, exactly 3 TTD, exactly 8 VSS, exactly 8 steps expect 0 check S5aok {S5a implies S5aok} for exactly 2 Train, exactly 3 TTD, exactly 8 VSS, exactly 9 steps expect 0 check S6ok {S6 implies S6ok} for exactly 1 Train, exactly 3 TTD, exactly 8 VSS, exactly 9 steps expect 0 check S7ok {S7 implies S7ok} for exactly 1 Train, exactly 3 TTD, exactly 8 VSS, exactly 9 steps expect 0 check S8ok {S8 implies S8ok} for exactly 2 Train, exactly 4 TTD, exactly 9 VSS, exactly 11 steps expect 0 check S9ok {S9 implies S9ok} for exactly 2 Train, exactly 4 TTD, exactly 9 VSS, exactly 12 steps expect 0 */ /** Verification of safety properties. **/ -- if all PTD information is consistent and no OS MAs, then only Free and Occupied states are assigned assert trains_ok_states_ok { (init && always (noProblems && strictMove)) => after always VSS.state in Free + Occupied } -- if all PTD information is consistent and no OS MAs, then Free is always correctly assigned (has no train) assert trains_ok_free_ok { (init && always (noProblems && strictMove)) => always (VSS-Train.pos).state = Free } -- if all PTD information is consistent and no OS MAs, then Occupied is always correctly assigned (has train) assert trains_ok_occupied_ok { (init && always (noProblems && strictMove)) => always Train.pos.state in Occupied } -- if all timers expire automatically, no OS MAs and trains don't move outside MAs, -- then VSSs with a train are never Free assert timers_auto_free_ok { (init && (some IntegrityConfirmed') && always (auto_timer && strictMove)) => always all tr:Train | (tr.pos_front).state != Free } -- if all timers expire automatically, no OS MAs and trains don't move outside MAs, -- then Occupied VSSs have at most a train assert timers_auto_occupied_ok { (init && always (auto_timer && strictMAs)) => always all v:VSS | v.state in Occupied => lone (pos_front + pos_rear).v } assert timers_nocollisions { (init && always (auto_timer and strictMAs)) => always no disj tr1,tr2:Train | some tr1.pos & tr2.pos } pred noProblems { Train = IntegrityConfirmed Reports = TTD } pred strictMove { all tr:Train | (some tr.EoA and not OSMA[tr]) implies tr.pos' in MAs[tr] all tr:Train | (no tr.EoA or OSMA[tr]) implies all tt:Train-tr | no tt.pos & tr.pos' } pred strictMAs { strictMove Reports = TTD all tr:Disconnected | no tr.EoA } -- initial predicate, all trains reporting, all VSS states consistent, no expired timers. pred init { no jumping VSS_manager.loc_front = pos_front VSS_manager.loc_rear = pos_rear Train = Reporting no WaitIntegrityExpired+MuteExpired all tr:Train | tr.pos_front = tr.pos_rear && tr.pos.state in Occupied (VSS - (Train.pos)).state = Free all tr:Train | some tr.EoA && tr.EoA in tr.pos_front.*V/next && all t2 : Train-tr | no MAs[tr] & MAs[t2] } -- forces all timers to expire as soon as start event is met pred auto_timer { (MissionStarted-Reporting) in MuteExpired (Reporting-IntegrityConfirmed) in WaitIntegrityExpired ShadowARunning in ShadowAExpired ShadowBRunning in ShadowBExpired GhostTrainPropRunning in GhostTrainPropExpired IntegrityLossPropRunning in IntegrityLossPropExpired DisconnectPropRunning in DisconnectPropExpired } run trains_sanity { init some Train always (noProblems && strictMove) } for 8 VSS, 3 TTD, 2 Train, exactly 10 steps expect 1 check trains_ok_states_ok for 8 VSS, 3 TTD, 3 Train, exactly 8 steps expect 0 check trains_ok_occupied_ok for 6 VSS, 2 TTD, 2 Train, exactly 10 steps expect 0 check trains_ok_occupied_ok for 8 VSS, 3 TTD, 2 Train, exactly 10 steps expect 0 check trains_ok_free_ok for 8 VSS, 3 TTD, 3 Train, exactly 8 steps expect 0 run timers_sanity { init some Train always (strictMAs) eventually some MuteExpired eventually some WaitIntegrityExpired eventually some IntegrityLossPropExpired eventually some DisconnectPropExpired eventually some ShadowAExpired eventually some ShadowBExpired eventually some GhostTrainPropExpired } for 8 VSS, 4 TTD, 2 Train, exactly 10 steps expect 1 check timers_nocollisions for 4 VSS, 2 TTD, 2 Train, exactly 8 steps expect 0 check timers_nocollisions for 8 VSS, 3 TTD, 2 Train, exactly 8 steps expect 0 check timers_nocollisions for 8 VSS, 3 TTD, 3 Train, exactly 8 steps expect 1 check timers_auto_free_ok for 5 VSS, 2 TTD, 2 Train, exactly 8 steps expect 1 check timers_auto_free_ok for 3 VSS, 1 TTD, 2 Train, exactly 3 steps expect 1 check timers_auto_occupied_ok for 8 VSS, 3 TTD, 2 Train, exactly 8 steps expect 0 /** Visualization auxiliary functions. **/ fun _occupied : set VSS { { vss : VSS | Occupied = vss.state } } fun _unknown: set VSS { { vss : VSS | Unknown = vss.state } } fun _free : set VSS { { vss : VSS | Free = vss.state } } fun _ambiguous : set VSS { { vss : VSS | Ambiguous = vss.state } } fun _VSSs : TTD -> VSS { { t:TTD, v: t.start.*V/next & t.end.*(~V/next) } } fun ZVizTrainC3 : set Train { MissionStarted } fun _MissionOnly : set Train { MissionStarted - Reporting } fun _ReportingOnly : set Train { Reporting - (IntegrityConfirmed + IntegrityLost) }