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cm-t edited this page Nov 5, 2012 · 4 revisions

** Work in progress**

Example with multiple select with remote data

Customize your jquery.jqGrid-4.4.1.js

Add a formatter for the grid

Before $ = function(cellval, opts) { close to line 5115, add the following code:

$.fn.fmatter.select2remotemultiple =function(cval, opts) {
	var op = $.extend({},opts.checkbox), ds;
	if(opts.colModel !== undefined && !$.fmatter.isUndefined(opts.colModel.formatoptions)) {
		op = $.extend({},op,opts.colModel.formatoptions);
	if(op.disabled===true) {ds = ""; "disabled=\"disabled\"";} else {ds="";}
	if($.fmatter.isEmpty(cval) || $.fmatter.isUndefined(cval) ) {cval = $.fn.fmatter.defaultFormat(cval,op);}
	return "<input type=\"hidden\" class=\"select2remotemultiple\" value=\""+ cval+"\" offval=\"no\" "+ds+ "/>";

Add a formatter for edit


jqGrid settings

In your page.html where you set jqGrid, be aware to have the colModel the new formatter and the loadComplete function name to call to build select2:

$(function() {
    editurl: 'ajax_mod.php',
    datatype: 'json',
    mtype: 'GET',
    height: "300px",
    colNames:[(...) 'moa'],
    colModel :[ 
      {name:'moa', index:'a.moa', align:'left', sortable: false,
	      		editable:true, edittype:"select2remotemultiple",formatter: 'select2remotemultiple',
	      		formoptions:{ rowpos:4, label: "Responsable MOA"},editrules:{required:false} }
    loadComplete:doSelect2, // call the select2 builder when a load is performed

Select2 init

This function will be called every time a page/scroll is performed. Note initSelection

function doSelect2(){
		minimumInputLength: 1,
        placeholder: 'No MOA',
        width: 100,
        hright: 24,
        multiple: true,
        ajax: {
            url: "inc/ajax/ajax_user.php",
            dataType: 'json',
            quietMillis: 100,
            data: function (term, page) {
                return {
                    term: term, //search term
                    page_limit: 10 // page size
            results: function (data, page) {
                return { results: data.results };

        initSelection: function(element, callback) {
        	return $.getJSON("inc/ajax/ajax_user.php?q=" + (element.val()), null, function(data) {
        		if ($.isFunction(callback)) {
        			var data = [];
        	        $(element.val().split(",")).each(function () {
        	            data.push({id: this, text: this});
        			return callback(data);
        	 /*var data = [{id: "CA", text: "California"},{id:"MA", text: "Massachusetts"}];
	            return callback(data);*/

**TODO ** this code no yet working: it will display id from the original input, but not the text for example your hiden input will have value="CA,MA" and will display in the generated select2: x CA x MA instaed of x California x Massachusetts

Discussion opened at

How it looks

In situ: select2 with jqGrid

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