Create and navigate to project directory using following commands
mkdir wmd-ts-calculator cd wmd-ts-calculator
Intilize a node project in the newly created directory using following command, this will create a
file.npm init -y
Create a
file to define typescript configration using following commandtsc --init
Create two more directories to be used as root and out directory using
mkdir src mkdir dist
to include above directories and also change module and moduleResolution"module": "NodeNext", "rootDir": "./src", "moduleResolution": "NodeNext", "outDir": "./dist",
and add following content to it"main": "./dist/index.js", "type": "module", "scripts": { "start": "node ." }, "bin": "./dist/index.js",
Multiple third-party packages to be used in this project so install different dependacies using following commands
npm install inquirer npm install cli-table npm install chalk npm install chalk-animation npm install nanospinner npm install prettier
Install types for the installed dependancies for the development using following set of commands
npm install --save-dev @types/inquirer npm install --save-dev @types/cli-table npm install --save-dev @types/chalk-animation npm install --save-dev @types/prettier
After installation
file will be updated andpackage-lock.json
file along withnode_modules
folder will be created. We don't need git to track newly created files and folders so create a.gitignore
file with the following contentnode_modules package-lock.json
To check if everything is setup properly first create a hello world. All the typescript files should be created
directory. Create aindex.ts
file with the following contentconsole.log('Hello World!');
To transpile our code to javascript we can use any of the following command, one thing to rember we need to use first command every time we make a change and the second one automatically create js files on every change. So we are going to use the latter one. All the js files will be stored in the
folder as we declared in ourtsconfig.json
file earlier.tsc tsc -w
to run the js file we can use any of the following commands
node .\dist\index.js node . npm start
If everything is right we will have a console output.
will the following content to display welcome message to the userimport chalkAnimation from 'chalk-animation'; function welcomeMessage(): chalkAnimation.Animation { console.clear(); const welcomeMessage: chalkAnimation.Animation = chalkAnimation.karaoke( '\n********************************\n***Welcome to CLI Calculator ***\n********************************\n', 2 ); return welcomeMessage; } export { welcomeMessage };
All the functions are called through
so update it with the following content#!/usr/bin/env node import chalkAnimation from 'chalk-animation'; import { welcomeMessage } from './startUp.js'; function runApp(): Promise<boolean> { return new Promise((resolve) => { resolve(true); }); } let appPromise: Promise<boolean> = runApp(); appPromise.then((): chalkAnimation.Animation => { return welcomeMessage(); });
with the following content to define a table of operations to be displayed after welcome messageimport Table from 'cli-table'; var operatorsTable = new Table({ head: ['Sr. No.', 'Operator', 'Description', 'Example'], }); let operations: string[][] = [ ['01', '+', 'Add two numbers', 'x + y'], ['02', '-', 'Subtract a number from other', 'x - y'], ['03', '*', 'Multiply two numbers', 'x * y'], ['04', '/', 'Divide a number by other', 'x / y'], ['05', '%', 'Percentage of a number', 'x % of y'], ['06', '+/-', 'Alternate sign of a number', '+/- (x)'], ['07', '**', 'Square of a number', 'x ** 2'], ['08', '^', 'Find power of a number', 'x ^ y'], ['09', 'sqrt', 'Square Root of a number', 'sqrt(x)'], ['10', '1/x', 'Reciprocal of a number', '1/x'], ]; operatorsTable.push(...operations); export { operatorsTable };
to define a function which displays the table and other detailsimport { operatorsTable } from './operatorsTable.js'; function displayTable(value: chalkAnimation.Animation): void { setTimeout((): void => { value.stop(); console.log( `This CLI based calculator can help you perform any of the following operations.` ); console.log(operatorsTable.toString()); console.log( `Note : \n\t- Result of each operation is input for the next one.\n\t- Clear and start over for new operation\n\t- Undo last operation if something goes wrong\n` ); }, 1600); } export { displayTable };
to use displayTable functionimport { displayTable } from './startUp.js'; .then((value: chalkAnimation.Animation): void => { displayTable(value); });
to define a function which asks the user to open calculator or quit the app.import inquirer from 'inquirer'; import { createSpinner } from 'nanospinner'; function askUserForStart(): void { enum Commands { Use = 'Use Calculator', Quit = 'Quit App', } async function promptUser(): Promise<void> { await inquirer .prompt({ type: 'list', name: 'command', message: 'Do you want to use the Calculator ? ', choices: Object.values(Commands), }) .then((answers): void => { if (answers['command'] === Commands.Use) { const spinner = createSpinner('starting up').start(); setTimeout(() => { spinner.stop(); console.log('Calculator'); // calculator(); }, 1000); } else { console.log('App Closed'); // quitApp(); } }); } setTimeout(() => { promptUser(); }, 2000); } export { askUserForStart };
to call inquirer functionimport chalk from 'chalk'; import { askUserForStart } from './startUp.js'; .then((): void => { askUserForStart(); }).catch((): void => { console.log( chalk.magenta('\nThere is some Internal Error.\nPlease Try Again Later') ); setTimeout((): void => { console.clear(); }, 1000); });
to define a function which quits the app when called. Dont forget to un-comment function call from the last stepimport chalk from 'chalk'; function quitApp(): void { console.log(chalk.bgRed('\nClosing CLI Calculator, please wait.')); setTimeout((): void => { console.clear(); }, 1500); } export { quitApp };
to define a function which is actullay the calculator we are planning on using. Intially it is just a console message. Also update function call instartUp.ts
function calculator() { console.log('Welcome to calculator'); } export { calculator };
ro define a class which stores data during application runntimeinterface Data { statement: string[]; getStatements(): string[]; addStatements(v: string): void; removeStatements(): void; results: number[]; getResults(): number[]; addResults(v: number): void; removeResults(): void; temp: number; setTemp(v: number): void; getTemp(): number; reset(): void; } class OperationsData implements Data { statement: string[] = []; public getStatements(): string[] { return this.statement; } public addStatements(v: string) { this.statement.unshift(v); } public removeStatements() { this.statement.shift(); } results: number[] = []; public getResults(): number[] { return this.results; } public addResults(v: number) { this.results.unshift(v); } public removeResults() { this.results.shift(); } temp: number = 0; public setTemp(v: number): void { this.temp = v; } public getTemp(): number { return this.temp; } public reset(): void { this.statement = []; this.results = []; this.temp = 0; } } let data = new OperationsData(); export { data };
to define a function which ask user for a number and store it to the data classimport inquirer from 'inquirer'; import chalk from 'chalk'; import { data } from './appData.js'; let askforNumberPromise: (firstEntry: boolean) => Promise<void | boolean> = ( firstEntry: boolean ): Promise<void | boolean> => { return new Promise((resolve) => { async function askForNumber( firstEntry: boolean ): Promise<void | boolean> { let userInput = await inquirer.prompt([ { name: 'aNum', type: 'number', message: `Enter ${firstEntry ? '1st' : '2nd'} Number : `, }, ]); if (isNaN(userInput.aNum)) { console.log(chalk.red('Entered value is not a number ')); askForNumber(firstEntry); } else { if (firstEntry) { data.addResults(userInput.aNum); data.addStatements(userInput.aNum); } else { data.setTemp(userInput.aNum); } resolve(true); } } askForNumber(firstEntry); }); }; export { askforNumberPromise };
to include above function in the appimport chalk from 'chalk'; import { data } from './appData.js'; import { askforNumberPromise } from './calculatorUtilities.js'; async function calculator(): Promise<void> { let iter: boolean = true; while (iter) { if (data.getResults().length === 0) { console.clear(); console.log(chalk.greenBright('CLI Calculator\n')); await askforNumberPromise(true); } } } export { calculator };
to define all the operations the calculator is capabale of performingimport { data } from './appData.js'; function addStatementBinary(p1: string, p2: string, p3: string): void { let statement: string = `(${p1}) ${p2} ${p3}`; data.addStatements(statement); } function addStatementBinaryR(p1: string, p2: string, p3: string) { if (p2 === '') { let stat: string = `${p3} (${p1})`; data.addStatements(stat); } else { let stat: string = `${p3} ${p2} (${p1})`; data.addStatements(stat); } } function addition(): number { let temp1: number = data.getResults()[0]; let temp2: number = data.getTemp(); addStatementBinary(data.getStatements()[0], '+', temp2.toString()); let operationResult: number = temp1 + temp2; return operationResult; } function subtraction(): number { let temp1: number = data.getResults()[0]; let temp2: number = data.getTemp(); addStatementBinary(data.getStatements()[0], '-', temp2.toString()); let operationResult: number = temp1 - temp2; return operationResult; } function multiplication(): number { let temp1: number = data.getResults()[0]; let temp2: number = data.getTemp(); addStatementBinary(data.getStatements()[0], '*', temp2.toString()); let operationResult: number = temp1 * temp2; return operationResult; } function divison(): number { let temp1: number = data.getResults()[0]; let temp2: number = data.getTemp(); addStatementBinary(data.getStatements()[0], '/', temp2.toString()); let operationResult: number = temp1 / temp2; return operationResult; } function power(): number { let temp1: number = data.getResults()[0]; let temp2: number = data.getTemp(); addStatementBinary(data.getStatements()[0], '^', temp2.toString()); let operationResult: number = temp1 ** temp2; return operationResult; } function percent(): number { let temp1: number = data.getResults()[0]; let temp2: number = data.getTemp(); addStatementBinaryR(data.getStatements()[0], '% of', temp2.toString()); let operationResult: number = temp1 * (temp2 / 100); return operationResult; } function square(): number { let temp1: number = data.getResults()[0]; addStatementBinary(data.getStatements()[0], '**', '2'); let operationResult: number = temp1 ** 2; return operationResult; } function squareRoot(): number { let temp1: number = data.getResults()[0]; addStatementBinaryR(data.getStatements()[0], '', 'sqrt'); let operationResult: number = Math.sqrt(temp1); return operationResult; } function reciprocal(): number { let temp1: number = data.getResults()[0]; addStatementBinaryR(data.getStatements()[0], '/', '1'); let operationResult: number = 1 / temp1; return operationResult; } function negate(): number { let temp1: number = data.getResults()[0]; addStatementBinaryR(data.getStatements()[0], '', 'negate'); let operationResult: number = -1 * temp1; return operationResult; } function revert(): string { data.removeResults(); data.removeStatements(); return 'r'; } function clear(): string { data.reset(); console.clear(); return 'c'; } function quitCalculator(): string { data.reset(); console.clear(); return 'q'; } export { addition, clear, quitCalculator, subtraction, multiplication, divison, power, percent, square, squareRoot, reciprocal, negate, revert, };
to create a function which ask a user to select from given list of operations to performlet askforOperationPromise: () => Promise<string> = (): Promise<string> => { return new Promise((resolve) => { async function askForOperation(): Promise<string> { enum Commands { addition = '( + ) addition', subtraction = '( - ) subtraction', multiplication = '( * ) multiplication', divison = '( / ) division', percentage = '( % ) percentage', negation = '( +/- ) negation', square = '( ** ) square', power = '( ^ ) power', squareRoot = '( sqrt ) square root', reciprocal = '( 1/x ) reciprocal', revert = '( < ) undo last operation', quit = '( q ) quit calculator', clear = '( c ) clear and startOver', } let userInput = await inquirer.prompt({ type: 'list', name: 'command', message: 'Select an operation to perform : ', choices: Object.values(Commands), }); return userInput.command; } resolve(askForOperation()); }); }; export { askforOperationPromise };
to use above function and ask for second number based on selected operationimport { askforOperationPromise } from './calculatorUtilities.js'; let operation: string = await askforOperationPromise(); if ( operation === '( + ) addition' || operation === '( - ) subtraction' || operation === '( * ) multiplication' || operation === '( / ) division' || operation === '( % ) percentage' || operation === '( ^ ) power' ) { await askforNumberPromise(false); }
to create a function which performs the operation asked by userimport { addition, clear, divison, multiplication, negate, percent, power, quitCalculator, reciprocal, revert, square, squareRoot, subtraction, } from './operations.js'; let performOperationPromise = ( operation: string ): Promise<number | string> => { return new Promise((resolve) => { function performOperation(operation: string): number | string { let result: number | string; switch (operation) { case '( + ) addition': result = addition(); data.addResults(result); break; case '( - ) subtraction': result = subtraction(); data.addResults(result); break; case '( * ) multiplication': result = multiplication(); data.addResults(result); break; case '( / ) division': result = divison(); data.addResults(result); break; case '( ^ ) power': result = power(); data.addResults(result); break; case '( % ) percentage': result = percent(); data.addResults(result); break; case '( ** ) square': result = square(); data.addResults(result); break; case '( 1/x ) reciprocal': result = reciprocal(); data.addResults(result); break; case '( +/- ) negation': result = negate(); data.addResults(result); break; case '( sqrt ) square root': result = squareRoot(); data.addResults(result); break; case '( < ) undo last operation': result = revert(); break; case '( q ) quit calculator': result = quitCalculator(); break; case '( c ) clear and startOver': result = clear(); break; default: result = 0; break; } return result; } resolve(performOperation(operation)); }); }; export { performOperationPromise };
to call the operations function and quit app based on operationimport { performOperationPromise } from './calculatorUtilities.js'; import { quitApp } from './startUp.js'; let operationResult: number | string = await performOperationPromise( operation ); if (operationResult === 'q') { iter = false; quitApp(); break; }
to create a function which displays results in the form of a statementimport prettier from 'prettier'; let showResultPromise: () => Promise<string> = (): Promise<string> => { return new Promise((resolve) => { if (data.getStatements().length > 1) { resolve( `\nResult (1st number for next operation) \n\n\t` + chalk.cyan( prettier .format(data.getStatements()[0], { semi: false, parser: 'babel', }) .replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, '') .replace(';', '') ) + ` = ${chalk.blue(data.getResults()[0])} ` ); } else { resolve( `\nResult (1st number for next operation) \n\n\t` + chalk.cyan(data.getStatements()[0]) + ` = ${chalk.blue(data.getResults()[0])} ` ); } }); }; export { showResultPromise };
to call the display functionimport { showResultPromise } from './calculatorUtilities.js'; let result: string = await showResultPromise(); if (data.getResults().length !== 0) { console.log(result); }
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