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Tackle-Test Configuration for MacOS Users

Required Prerequisites

Before you start, make sure that the appropriate versions of the following programs are installed in your system.

  • Python: Versions 3.9 or newer are supported.
  • Java Development Kit: Versions 8-11 or newer are supported, JDK-11 is more preferable. JDK-11 can be downloaded here for ARM64, and here for X64.
  • Build Automation Tool: One of the Gradle, Ant or Maven software must be installed on the system. The following parts of the project were progressed using Gradle. Click here for more information about installing Gradle.

Gradle Part

Creating build.gradle

To compile the Java project, the build.gradle file is created in the root directory. The compilation process can be personalized by making changes to the build.gradle provided as a template.

plugins {
    id 'java' // Applies the Java plugin to the project
    id 'application' // Applies the Application plugin to the project

group 'com.example' // Defines the group ID for the project
version '1.0-SNAPSHOT' // Defines the version of the project

sourceCompatibility = '11' // Sets the Java source compatibility to Java 11

repositories {
    mavenCentral() // Specifies Maven Central as the repository to fetch dependencies from

dependencies {
    testImplementation 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api:5.7.0' // Adds JUnit Jupiter API as a test implementation dependency
    testRuntimeOnly 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine:5.7.0' // Adds JUnit Jupiter Engine as a test runtime-only dependency

test {
    useJUnitPlatform() // Configures the test task to use the JUnit Platform

application {
    mainClassName = 'Game._Lancher' // Specifies the main class for the application

sourceSets {
    main {
        java {
            srcDirs = ['src'] // Sets the source directory for Java files
        resources {
            srcDirs = ['src'] // Sets the source directory for resource files

jar {
    manifest {
            'Main-Class': 'Game._Lancher' // Sets the main class attribute in the JAR manifest

Building Project

To build the project, go to the directory where the build.gradle file is located via the terminal and use the code given below.

gradle build

Running Project

After the build process, code in below is used to run the application.

gradle run

TacklTest Installation

There are multiple options for installation, by visiting this link and downloading file, installation can be done in the easiest way by downloading the file containing all dependencies.
After the download is completed, use the terminal to go to the directory where the downloaded file is located, and run the code below through the terminal.

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --editable .

With this step, Tackle-Test installation is completed, you can verify that the program has been installed correctly by running the following code through the terminal. ```sh tkltest-unit --help tkltest-ui --help ``` If any problems arise, you can find more information [here](

Example Test Generation With Tackle-Test

After Tackle-Test is installed, a sample configuration file is provided in the file to see the test generation process. It may be useful to experience Tackle-Test for the first time through this sample program. 1- tackle-test-generator-cli/test/data/irs/tkltest_config.toml file is opened. 2- Although many variables in this file are set for the sample project, you need to find out where the JDK is on your computer and assign it to the java_jdk_home variable. 3- Open the terminal and enter the following code


When the Enter key is pressed, you will get output as follows.


4- The file address we obtained above is assigned to the java_jdk_home variable.

java_jdk_home = "/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-11.jdk/Contents/Home"

5- The code mentioned below is run via the terminal, thus test files are generated according to the configuration in the tkltest_config.toml file.

tkltest-unit --config-file ./test/data/irs/tkltest_config.toml --verbose generate ctd-amplified

6- After generating the tests, you can execute the tests you generated by running the code below.

tkltest-unit --config-file ./test/data/irs/tkltest_config.toml --verbose execute

The tests produced can be accessed by going tackle-test-generator-cli/tkltest-output-unit-irs/irs-ctd-amplified-tests, and you can also view the test reports created with JACOCO and JUnit from irs-tkltest-reports folder.

Creating Configuration File

A configuration file with .toml extension is created for Test generation in the root directory of the Java project. For the Tetris project, I named this file TetrisConfig.toml. You can make it suitable for your own project by changing the parameters in the file given as a template below.


# General options for the TKLTEST configuration
    app_name = "TetrisDeneme"  # Name of the application
    # monolith_app_path = ["test/data/irs/monolith/target/classes"]  # Uncomment to specify the path for monolith application classes
    # app_classpath_file = "test/data/irs/irsMonoClasspath.txt"  # Uncomment to specify the classpath file for the application
    java_jdk_home = "/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-11.jdk/Contents/Home"  # Path to the Java JDK home
    offline_instrumentation = true  # Enable offline instrumentation
    build_type = "gradle"  # Specify the build tool used (Gradle)

# Options for the "tkltest generate" command
    time_limit = 10  # Time limit for test generation in minutes
    add_assertions = true  # Add assertions to the generated tests
    app_build_files = ['/Users/remzialtiparmak/Desktop/havelsan-unit-test-project/build.gradle']  # Path to the application's build file
    target_class_list = [
        # List of target classes for test generation

# Options for the "tkltest generate randoop" command
    no_error_revealing_tests = true  # Do not generate error-revealing tests

# Options for the "tkltest generate evosuite" command
    criterion = ["LINE", "BRANCH", "EXCEPTION", "WEAKMUTATION", "OUTPUT", "METHOD", "METHODNOEXCEPTION", "CBRANCH"]  # Coverage criteria for EvoSuite

# Options for the "tkltest generate ctd-amplified" command
    base_test_generator = "combined"  # Base test generator to use
    interaction_level = 7  # Interaction level for combinatorial testing
    no_ctd_coverage = true  # Do not use combinatorial testing coverage
    num_seq_executions = 3  # Number of sequential executions

# Options for the "tkltest execute" command
    test_class = ""  # Specify the test class to execute
    code_coverage = true  # Enable code coverage reporting
    app_packages = ["Game.*"]  # Application packages to include in the coverage

    build_targets = ['coverage-reports_user-tests']  # Build targets for development tests
    coverage_exec_file = '/Users/remzialtiparmak/Desktop/havelsan-unit-test-project/user-tests/jacoco.exec'  # Path to the coverage execution file

The monolith_app_path and app_classpath_file variables normally included in the configuration file are not necessary since we already have a build file in this project. If you do not have a build file, you need to make appropriate assignments to these variables. To personalize the tests generated for your own project and to produce more detailed tests, you can add various variables to the configuration file example above. You can find detailed information about these variables here.

Generating Test

After the creation of the test configuration file, the following code is run by using terminal.

tkltest-unit --config-file /Users/remzialtiparmak/Desktop/TestProject/tkltest_config.toml  --verbose generate ctd-amplified

Make sure that the configuration file is entered correctly here. The `ctd-amplified` expression used in the above command is a test generation sequence. Tackle-test has two different code generation strategies called `evosuite` and `randoop`. You can find the most efficient test generation strategy for your own project by typing `evosuite` or `randoop` instead of `ctd-amplified` in the command above.

After the test generation process is completed, the tests produced are saved in the tkltest-output-unit-TetrisDeneme folder.

Executing Test

After the test generation process is completed, the generated tests can be executed by running the following command. After the tests are executed, Jacoco and JUnit reports are saved in the tkltest-output-unit-TetrisDeneme directory, where you can analyze the test results.

tkltest-unit --config-file /Users/remzialtiparmak/Desktop/TestProject/tkltest_config.toml  --verbose execute

For more information, you can visit [source repository]( repository and [this]( article.

Documented by Remzi Altıparmak