This module provides a sample implementation of an Amazon S3 connector for AWS IoT TwinMaker. It includes the following.
- A CDK stack (IoTTwinMakerCookieFactoryS3) that creates an AWS Lambda Function that implements the AWS IoT TwinMaker UDQ Connector interface to retrieve data from s3 json file
- A sample script to create an S3 document connector in AWS IoT TwinMaker.
- A sample script to attach an IoT TwinMaker entity with preceding connector.
- A sample json file for operation status on a sample IoT TwinMaker entity.
- Python3
- Your current working directory is the same as this README (e.g.
is set to the workspace to add this content to. This should already be set if you came here from the README at root of this project.- jq
Init current path
If you came here from the base cookie factory README
Build + deploy the CDK stack
(Enter 'y' when promted to accept IAM changes.)
cd cdk && npm install && cdk deploy
Save the following output from the stack deployment. We need the value of CdkStack.S3ReaderUDQLambdaArn as --attribute-property-value-reader-by-entity-arn in next step.
export S3_CONNECTOR_STACK_OUTPUTS=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name IoTTwinMakerCookieFactoryS3 | jq '.Stacks[0].Outputs') export S3_CONNECTOR_UDQ_LAMBDA_ARN=$(echo $S3_CONNECTOR_STACK_OUTPUTS | jq -r '.[] | select(.OutputKey=="S3ReaderUDQLambdaArn").OutputValue')
Create the s3 document connector within the workspace.
cd $S3_MODULE_DIR/deploy-utils && \ python3 ./ \ --workspace-id $WORKSPACE_ID \ --component-type-id com.example.s3connector.document \ --attribute-property-value-reader-by-entity-arn ${S3_CONNECTOR_UDQ_LAMBDA_ARN} \ --region ${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}
Create sample S3 status document
WORKSPACE_S3=$(aws iottwinmaker get-workspace --workspace-id $WORKSPACE_ID | jq -r .s3Location | cut -d ":" -f 6) && \ cat $S3_MODULE_DIR/component-types/operation_status.json | jq '.propertyValues[0].workspaceId = "'$WORKSPACE_ID'"' > /tmp/operation_status.json && \ aws s3 cp /tmp/operation_status.json s3://${WORKSPACE_S3}/operation_status.json
Attach an entity with s3 document connector.
Use the same component-type-id specified in step 2, which is
upload a simple json file $PWD/component-types/operation_status.json to s3 likes3://workspace-cookiefactory/operation/operation_status.json
then run the following cmd.python3 ./ \ --workspace-id $WORKSPACE_ID \ --entity-id Mixer_0_cd81d9fd-3f74-437a-802b-9747ff240837 \ --component-type-id com.example.s3connector.document \ --s3-url-json s3://${WORKSPACE_S3}/operation_status.json \ --region ${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}
verify that the value can be read from IoT TwinMaker:
aws iottwinmaker get-property-value \ --component-name S3Connector \ --entity-id Mixer_0_cd81d9fd-3f74-437a-802b-9747ff240837 \ --selected-properties operationStatus \ --workspace-id $WORKSPACE_ID
It should return operationStatus value of
maintaining demo
specified in json file we stored in S3
- Delete s3 document connector from entity-id = Mixer_0_cd81d9fd-3f74-437a-802b-9747ff240837 in the IoT TwinMaker console.
- Delete s3 document component
from the workspace - Delete the IoTTwinMakerCookieFactoryS3 CloudFormation stack.
- Delete s3 file in the preceding S3 url.
This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.