Add a check to the area compiler to check for invalid requirement references
two of (CSCI 121, 125, 241, 251) √ X √ [√]
√ – taken, used X - not taken [√] - taken, not used
Get rid of the pure gray results.
Make them green, half-transparent green, or transparent red.
For "taken and used", "taken, not used" and "not taken".
dirty checking is still going to be tricky for Math
No, because I can take my transition courses and they count towards perspectives. Some courses have multiple perspectives that can't be used
add rendering for filters
like, if it's not needed by anything else, then go ahead and check it but if it's used for something else, then don't?
map courses to uses { ART 234: [Studio Art > 3D Media > Ceramics, Art History > Other Requirement] }
we're holding on to the old evaluated areas of study in the history of the student object. they're really big.
WhereExpressions need to accomodate for multiple qualifiers.
- The courses are rendering the fully-qualified indicators on the second computation/render/pass/whatever
- They should never render the fully-qualified indicator
semester '0' is year-long
it's actually a temporary term for abroad programs. it's broken up into the actual semesters once the program is over.
"Students must declare a major by fall semester of the junior year.""
(also should add a blank file for "Individual Major")
They show up in the middle of semesters.
2015 1 GE 1 REG 0150 FOL Proficiency-Arabic NG (0.00) ADJ FOL-Y
6 electives. At most 2 may be level 2.
No level 1 are required. Up to 3 L1 may count, but no more than 2 seminars.
10 math courses, that is, 7 excluding Basics, of which at most 2 may be outside of MATH.
At most 2 level 1 BIO courses.
Collect courses up to the limit, then return. Remove any other matches from the list.
old: dept: $NOR dept: AMCON dept: GCON gereq: HWC year: 2015
new: dept: !AMCON and !GCON gereq: HWC year: 2015
op:: $and
- op: $and
- {op: $ne, key: 'dept', value: 'AMCON'}
- {op: $ne, key: 'dept', value: 'GCON'}
- op: $eq
key: gereq
value: HWC
- op: $eq
key: year
value: 2015
query: dept: !AMCON and !GCON
op: $and
- {op: $ne, key: 'dept', value: 'AMCON'}
- {op: $ne, key: 'dept', value: 'GCON'}
query: dept: !AMCON or !GCON
op: $or
- {op: $ne, key: 'dept', value: 'AMCON'}
- {op: $ne, key: 'dept', value: 'GCON'}
query: dept: !(AMCON or GCON)
op: $not
- op: $or
- {op: $ne, key: 'dept', value: 'AMCON'}
- {op: $ne, key: 'dept', value: 'GCON'}