Software for the NavCoffee Twitch livestream, running on a Raspberry Pi
The livestream can be found at
This project was created by the NavCoin Core summer interns of 2018/19 to engage with the community
This repo has been created to allow community members to recreate the livestream themselves
To recreate this project you will need:
- A raspberry pi (Raspberry Pi 3 Model B was used) with Raspbian
- A usb webcam
- A breadboard and components to create a controller (If not wanting to control through software)
- A Twitch account
- A NavCoin wallet
To run your own crypto-coffee livestream (or similar), follow the instructions below:
- Clone this repo into the /home/pi/Documents/ directory of your Pi
- Open in your text editor of choice
- On line 6 enter the address you wish to receive NavCoin donations at, into the URL
- Open in your text editor of choice
- On line 10 enter your stream key for twitch, be sure not to show this on stream or to anyone you don't trust
- Replace nav_qr.png with a picture of a payment request to your address, name it nav_qr.png also
- Wire up a breadboard with buttons and LEDs if you plan to use hardware to control your stream (example picture given as breadboard_example.jpg)
- I recommend following the guide here: if you are not familiar with the pi and electronics
- Be sure to wire the start button to GPIO pin 17, stop to 27 and redeem coffee to 22, the start LED to 6 and coffee available LED to 13
- To activate the stream run "sudo python3" in the Documents directory and press your physical start button
- Alternatively, run "./" and "./" to control via the terminal ( is not necessary for software control, but is necessary to get up to date wallet information)
In the event of a power cut, simply rerun "sudo python3" to activate your control board