On this example question type we will show you how to define your own question types.
Define a new type like
which is meant to be "pick an answer or write your own if no answer fits"./** * The same as multiple choice plus a free text input */ public static final String MULTIPLE_FREE = "multiplefree";
As we are creating a question of that type, we need to make sure, that there are at least two possible answers. Because a multiple choice question without any choice at all does not make any sense, does it? We must use a different QuestionValidator as the MultipleChoice QuestionValidator.
QuestionValidate choiceMultiple = new QuestionValidate() { @Override public void check(Question q) { if (q.getAnswers().size() < 2) { throw new BeanException(q.getType() + " question must have more then 1 answers"); } } }; addValidation(QuestionType.CHOICE, choiceMultiple); addValidation(QuestionType.MULTIPLE, choiceMultiple); addValidation(QuestionType.MULTIPLE_FREE, choiceMultiple); // the new question type
An AnswerTransform has to be created as inner class
static class MultipleOneFreeAnswerTransform extends AnswerTransform { public boolean transfer(Answer _answer, UserAnswerValue _value) { List<Integer> _values = new ArrayList<Integer>(); List<String> _texts = new ArrayList<String>(); int _lastIndex = _value.getValues().size() - 1; for (int _index = 0; _index < _value.getValues().size(); _index++) { String _key = _value.getValues().get(_index); if (_index < _lastIndex) { try { _values.add(Integer.parseInt(_key)); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } else { _texts.add(_key); } } _answer.setAnswerValues(_values); _answer.setAnswerTexts(_texts); return true; } }
Connect the AnswerTransform with the QuestionType and you are ready to ... wait, we need to extend the client side first.
public class QuestionAnswerTransformFactory extends AnswerTransformFactory { { AnswerTransform _oneTransform = new OneKeyAnswerTransform(); add(QuestionType.BOOL, _oneTransform); add(QuestionType.CHOICE, _oneTransform); add(QuestionType.MULTIPLE, new IntAnswerTransform()); add(QuestionType.FREE, new OneTextAnswerTransform()); add(QuestionType.MULTIPLE_FREE, new MultipleOneFreeAnswerTransform()); } }
Create new PigeonQuestion
-based class for your new question type
The class needs an type defined in @::type
- it must be the same you set on the server side in step 1.
If the user can choose multiple answers in this step, you should set @::hasNextButton
to true and add an next-button in toHTML
This ensures clicks on a single answer don't get submitted immediately and the next question would be displayed.
Your class must have a toHTML
function, bind
is an option function that gets called after creation of the dom for this question so you could bind additional event handlers.
class PigeonMultipleFreeQuestion extends PigeonQuestion
@::type = "multiplefree"
@::hasNextButton = true
toHTML: ->
html = ""
i = 0
for answer in @answers
html += "<label for='pigeon-answer-#{@id}-#{answer.id}'>
<input type='checkbox' id='pigeon-answer-#{@id}-#{answer.id}' class='pigeon-answer' name='pigeon-answer-#{@id}' value='#{answer.id}' />
if @answers.length == ++i # if this is the last answer, add the freetext field
html += "<div class='pigeon-answers-free'>
<input type='text' id='pigeon-answer-#{@id}-#{answer.id}-free' class='pigeon-answer' name='pigeon-answer-#{@id}-free' value=''/>
# Multiple Checkbox + Freetext Questions need a next button so the user can access the next question
html += "<button name='pigeon-next-#{@id}' class='pigeon-next'>Weiter</button>"
@wrapHTML html
checkedValue: (event) ->
el = event.target || event.srcElement
id = el.id
checkboxEl = document.getElementById(id.replace(/-free$/, ''))
if checkboxEl?
checkboxEl["checked"] = (el.value != "")
bind: (el) ->
Gator(el).on 'focus', '.pigeon-answers-free input', @checkedValue
Gator(el).on 'blur', '.pigeon-answers-free input', @checkedValue
super el