https/ssl raus
klassennamen aus yaml raus
ttl days
ttl is optional, like
, that's not how we do it https://dzone.com/articles/optional-anti-patterns -
ttlDays is nullable Long
ttlDays can be omitted in yaml
email eingabe sollte nicht im link sichtbar sein
utm codes for link, utm_source, utm_campaign, utm_medium, utm_term, utm_content
url without prefix and 8 chars: https://xyz.cc/abcd1234, I used NanoId default
some static text at /index.html
footer with link to privacy bla
move Previous / Next to the right. "Page 1 / 4 Previous Next"
Owner field: Please enter your email to continue. Add "Your data will only be shared with John Doe". http://localhost:8080/00000000
optional download button see http://localhost:8080/00000001
logging download
expired link -> please contact ${owner} to get a new one http://localhost:8080/00000002
Additional checkbox: "Send me monthly updates."
only set form action when email is entered to prevent 🤷
set and validate form key
download always allowed
bug empty mail successful, only frontend check though
preview page should always show footer
xyz.cc is a service of headissue, link imprint and contact
auf der index groß xyz.cc und die footer links
preview: wirklich nur die erste seite ausliefern
donwload als parameter nicht url
set response header on donwload
send 404 for unknown links and don't log
generate preview page as blurry jpeg. extracting the first page from the PDF does not reduce file size much
set proper filename for download
circle e2e test
The content should not be easily accessed by robots or search engines. Maybe the email address should be checked and a PoW implemented
- Preview of first page and popup, after submitting the email address, the scroll function appears
Also no more warning about resubmit ;)