To use spotty, please sign up on GCP and create a project if you dont have one. Please refer here for more details on GCP Account Preperation for spotty.
Create a service account and generate a key for the account. Download the key and add the path to the environment variable:
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/path/to/the/service/account/key/file.json"
helps to sync the local files to the instance. Ensure gsutil is installed (already present in requirements) and configure it:
gsutil config -f
Running the above command will prompt to follow a link to authorise
with the gmail account used for google cloud. Please copy the
authorisation code
from this browser back to the console. It will
also ask for the project id string
, which can be found in the project seletion dropdown on google cloud console.
Please refer here for more details on gsutil installation.
Copy over the spotty.yaml.tmpl
file to generate a spotty.yaml
cp spotty.yaml.tmpl spotty.yaml
Change the instance name in the copied file. Specifically, change "USERNAME"
in instances: name
to allow for multiple users in the same project to
make separate gcp instances and volumes to avoid conflicts within the project.
Run the below command:
spotty start
spotty sh
It runs a tmux session, so you can always detach this session using
Ctrl + b
, then d
combination of keys. To be attached to that session
later, just use the spotty sh command again.
The spotty.yaml
is configured to automatically
- Create a gcp cloud instance by the name
- Associate disks to the instance by the name
- Setup CUDA (Without any hassle)
- Sync the local files to the instance
- Install the docker image for heareval
After the evaluation is complete, the instance can be terminated by:
spotty stop
Delete the disk(volume) associated with the instance after the evaluation is complete. Automatic Disk Deletion policy is not supported by spotty for GCP, this has to be done manually here
Disks can also be deleted from cli. Please ensure gcloud is installed and configured before running the below command for deleting disks:
gcloud compute disks delete disk-name --zone=zone
The default name of the disk created by spotty start
here is spotty-heareval-spotty- heareval-i1-workspace