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How To: Create Haml and Slim Views

eric-hu edited this page Jul 21, 2013 · 8 revisions

The Haml/Slim view generators were removed from Devise 1.2. Here is a tutorial how to create Haml/Slim views with Devise 1.2 or later.


rails generate devise:views

gem install html2haml
for file in app/views/devise/**/*.erb; do html2haml -e $file ${file%erb}haml && rm $file; done

gem install html2slim
for file in app/views/devise/**/*.erb; do erb2slim $file ${file%erb}slim && rm $file; done

On Windows

rails generate devise:views

gem install html2haml
for /r app\views\devise %I in (*) do html2haml -e %I %~dpnI.haml
del /f /s /q app\views\devise\*.erb

gem install html2slim
for /r app\views\devise %I in (*) do erb2slim %I %~dpnI.slim
del /f /s /q app\views\devise\*.erb


Create Haml views

First you need run the generator to create the devise ERB files.

rails generate devise:views

Now we need a tool called 'html2haml' which was formely a part of the 'haml' gem but is now separate.

gem install html2haml

Now for each erb file, convert it to Haml and removing the erb if successful.

for file in app/views/devise/**/*.erb; do html2haml -e $file ${file%erb}haml && rm $file; done

Create Slim views

We use a gem called 'html2slim' to create the Slim-views.

gem install html2slim

Now for each erb file, convert it to Slim and remove the erb if successful.

for file in app/views/devise/**/*.erb; do erb2slim $file ${file%erb}slim && rm $file; done
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