- LargeEA: Aligning Entities for Large-scale Knowledge Graphs
- Parallel Training of Knowledge Graph Embedding Models: A Comparison of Techniques
- Automated Relational Data Explanation using External Semantic Knowledge
- SmartBench: Demonstrating Automatic Generation of Comprehensive Benchmarks for Question Answering Over Knowledge Graphs
- Deep Indexed Active Learning for Matching Heterogeneous Entity Representations [Paper] [Code]
- Deep Transfer Learning for Multi-source Entity Linkage via Domain Adaptation
- Entity Resolution On-Demand
- Analyzing How BERT Performs Entity Matching
- A Critical Re-evaluation of Neural Methods for Entity Alignment
- CERTEM: Explaining and Debugging Black-box Entity Resolution Systems with CERTA
- DADER: Hands-Off Entity Resolution with Domain Adaptation
- Blueprint: a constraint-solving approach for document extraction
- MATE: Multi-Attribute Table Extraction
- Modern Techniques for Querying Graph-Structured Relations: Foundations, System Implementations, and Open Challenges
- Automated Relational Data Explanation using External Semantic Knowledge
- SANCUS: Staleness-Aware Communication-Avoiding Full-Graph Decentralized Training in Large-Scale Graph Neural Networks (Best Paper)
- Linking Entities across Relations and Graphs
- Deep and Collective Entity Resolution in Parallel
- Provenance-aware Discovery of Functional Dependencies on Integrated Views
- Unsupervised Matching of Data and Text
- Effective Few-Shot Named Entity Linking by Meta-Learning
- Synthesizing Entity Resolution Datasets
- Effective Explanations for Entity Resolution Models
- Semantic Driven Embedding Learning for Effective Entity Alignment
- Boosting Entity Mention Detection for Targetted Twitter Streams with Global Contextual Embeddings
- Crowdsourced Fact Validation for Knowledge Bases
- Attentive Knowledge-aware Graph Convolutional Networks with Collaborative Guidance for Personalized Recommendation
- Personalized Graph Summarization: Formulation, Scalable Algorithms, and Applications
- Aggregate Queries on Knowledge Graphs: Fast Approximation with Semantic-aware Sampling
- Exploration of Knowledge Graphs via Online Aggregation
- Accelerating Entity Lookups in Knowledge Graphs Through Embeddings
- Clustering-based Partitioning for Large Web Graphs
- HET-KG: Communication-Efficient Knowledge Graph Embedding Training via Hotness-Aware Cache
- LAN: Learning-based Approximate k-Nearest Neighbor Search in Graph Databases
- Estimating Node Importance Values in Heterogeneous Information Networks
- Academic Expert Finding via (K,P)-Core based Embedding over Heterogeneous Graphs
- HybridGNN: Learning Hybrid Representation in Multiplex Heterogeneous Networks
- Evaluating Complex Queries on Streaming Graphs
- SMORE: Knowledge Graph Completion and Multi-hop Reasoning in Massive Knowledge Graphs
- Ultrahyperbolic Knowledge Graph Embeddings
- RLogic: Recurrent Logical Rule Learning from Knowledge Graphs
- LinE: Logical Query Reasoning over Hierarchical Knowledge Graphs
- Mask and Reason: Pre-Training Knowledge Graph Transformers for Complex Logical Queries
- Evaluating Knowledge Graph Accuracy Powered by Optimized Human-machine Collaboration
- Dual-Geometric Space Embedding Model for Two-View Knowledge Graphs
- Multi-View Clustering for Open Knowledge Base Canonicalization
- Joint Knowledge Graph Completion and Question Answering
- SagDRE: Sequence-Aware Graph-Based Document-Level Relation Extraction with Adaptive Margin Loss
- Unsupervised Key Event Detection from Massive Text Corpora (Haiyaa, why use sensitive example??)
- TaxoTrans: Taxonomy-Guided Entity Translation
- Few-Shot Fine-Grained Entity Typing with Automatic Label Interpretation and Instance Generation
- Disentangled Ontology Embedding for Zero-shot Learning
- Communication-Efficient Robust Federated Learning with Noisy Labels
- FederatedScope-GNN: Towards a Unified, Comprehensive and Efficient Package for Federated Graph Learning
- Learning Causal Effects on Hypergraphs
- Searching and Mining Trillions of Time Series Subsequences under Dynamic Time Warping
- Discovering Regions of Different Functions in a City Using Human Mobility and POls
- Towards Expressive and Scalable Deep Representation Learning for Graphs
- Graph Representation Learning: Spectral Theory and Self-supervised Learning
- Adversarial Robustness of Graph Neural Networks
- Compact Walks: Taming Knowledge-Graph Embeddings with Domain- and Task-Specific Pathways
- Explaining Link Prediction Systems based on Knowledge Graph Embeddings
- Domain Adaptation for Deep Entity Resolution
- Entity Resolution with Hierarchical Graph Attention Networks
- Hierarchical Entity Resolution using an Oracle
- Leva: Boosting Machine Learning Performance with Relational Embedding Data Augmentation
- Saga: A Platform for Continuous Construction and Serving of Knowledge At Scale (Industrial)
- Pythia: Unsupervised Generation of Ambiguous Textual Claims from Relational Data (Demo)