If you find some quirks in the documentation or found something worth mentioning, please don't hesitate to extend the documentation and send in pull requests.
Our repository for the documentation is located at:
We use Markdown to write the documentation and the great GitbookIO tools to write and publish it.
You can either use the GitBook Editor or write the Mardown directly in your favorite editor. If you are going to add Chapters or Articles manually, make sure to include them in the file SUMMARY.md.
If you want to convert HTML documentation to Markdown, you can for example use the online tool heckyesmarkdown.com or to-markdown.js
To compile the HTML version of the documentation, use this command:
gitbook build . --title="Kimai Documentation" --github=kimai/kimai
Output can be found in the _book/ folder. Team member can use the build.sh file to create a new book version and commit it directly (it will be published directly).