This is a backend for a Christmas lottery app we use in my family. Rules it follows:
- each family member buys a gift for someone else every year. If person A gifted B 2 times and C 3 times an algorithm shold prefer B over C.
- each user has a wishlist where they can note what they want and order their wishes from the least to the most important.
- every change on a wishlist triggers an e-mail to assigned santa.
- wishlist might be locked by santa so assigned recipient does not modify it after buying.
- there must an option to forbid certain matches e.g. wife and husband.
One of the goals of this project was to host it without expenses, so right now the setup is:
nvm use 10.16.3
sdk use java 21.0.1-tem
## or if you already did clean deploy once
docker run --name lottery-pg -e POSTGRES_USER=santa -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=example -e POSTGRES_DB=p1030_loteria -p 8543:5432 -d postgres
docker run -it -e NGROK_AUTHTOKEN=<TOKEN> --net=host ngrok/ngrok http 8080 --domain=<DOMAIN>
For sending e-mails.