A python3 caption eval lib, for MS COCO image caption challenge and custom task caption evaluation.
- Linux with java-1.8
For coco caption eval:
fork from ruotianluo/coco-caption
- You will first need to download the Stanford CoreNLP 3.6.0 code and models for use by SPICE. To do this, run:
bash get_stanford_models.sh
- Note: SPICE will try to create a cache of parsed sentences in ./pycocoevalcap/spice/cache/. This dramatically speeds up repeated evaluations. The cache directory can be moved by setting 'CACHE_DIR' in ./pycocoevalcap/spice. In the same file, caching can be turned off by removing the '-cache' argument to 'spice_cmd'.
- You will also need to download the Google News negative 300 word2vec model for use by WMD. To do this, run:
bash get_google_word2vec_model.sh
By running get_stanford_models.sh
& get_google_word2vec_model.sh
will appear in pycocoevalcap/spice/lib
& pycocoevalcap/wmd/data
For custom caption eval:
Script to evaluate Bleu, METEOR, CIDEr and ROUGE_L for any dataset using the coco evaluation api. Just requires the pycocoevalcap folder.
Each image_id can only have one hypothesis caption, but can have multiple reference captions(ground truth)
Repeated reference captions will not affect the BLEU & METEOR score, but can lower CIDer score.
from custom_caption_eval.pyimport calculate_metrics
rng = range(2)
# label caption
datasetGTS = {
'annotations': [{u'image_id': 0, u'caption': u'the man is playing a guitar'},
{u'image_id': 0, u'caption': u'a man is playing a guitar'},
{u'image_id': 1, u'caption': u'a woman is slicing cucumbers'},
{u'image_id': 1, u'caption': u'the woman is slicing cucumbers'},
{u'image_id': 1, u'caption': u'a woman is cutting cucumbers'}]
# your generated caption
datasetRES = {
'annotations': [{u'image_id': 0, u'caption': u'man is playing guitar'},
{u'image_id': 1, u'caption': u'a woman is cutting vegetables'}]
# calculate score
calculate_metrics(rng, datasetGTS, datasetRES)
and in custom_caption_eval.py
select what are the criteria of your task.
# =================================================
# Set up scorers
# =================================================
print('setting up scorers...')
scorers = [
(Bleu(4), ["Bleu_1", "Bleu_2", "Bleu_3", "Bleu_4"]),
(Meteor(), "METEOR"),
# (Rouge(), "ROUGE_L"),
(Cider(), "CIDEr"),
(Spice(), "SPICE"),
# (WMD(), "WMD"),
Fixed bugs in ruotianluo/coco-caption
First use command which java
to get absolute java path, such as /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_191/bin/java
for error like:
No such file or directory: 'java': 'java'
replace 'jave' with absolute java path.
Replace the path of java
, and add shell=True
in subprocess.Popen()
cmd = ['java', '-cp', STANFORD_CORENLP_3_4_1_JAR, \
'edu.stanford.nlp.process.PTBTokenizer', \
'-preserveLines', '-lowerCase']
p_tokenizer = subprocess.Popen(cmd, cwd=path_to_jar_dirname, \
cmd = ['/***absolute java path***/java -cp stanford-corenlp-3.4.1.jar edu.stanford.nlp.process.PTBTokenizer -preserveLines -lowerCase ']
cmd[0] += os.path.join(path_to_jar_dirname, os.path.basename(tmp_file.name))
# add shell=True
p_tokenizer = subprocess.Popen(cmd, cwd=path_to_jar_dirname, \
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
ERROR like:
File "/..your project path.../pycocoevalcap/meteor/meteor.py", line 71, in __del__
AttributeError: 'Meteor' object has no attribute 'lock'
Replace the path of java with absolute path.
self.meteor_cmd = ['java', '-jar', '-Xmx2G', METEOR_JAR, \
'-', '-', '-stdio', '-l', 'en', '-norm']
self.meteor_cmd = ['/***absolute java path***/java', '-jar', '-Xmx2G', METEOR_JAR, \
'-', '-', '-stdio', '-l', 'en', '-norm']
In pycocoevalcap/spice/spice.py
spice_cmd = ['java', '-jar', '-Xmx8G', SPICE_JAR, in_file.name,
'-cache', self.cache_dir,
'-out', out_file.name,
spice_cmd = ['/***absolute java path***/java', '-jar', '-Xmx8G', SPICE_JAR, in_file.name,
'-cache', self.cache_dir,
'-out', out_file.name,