- PDF files
- Microsoft Office files (Word, Excel etc)
- X509 Certificate files
- Image files (Jpg, Png, Gif etc)
- Java packages (Jar and war)
- Disassembly APK Files with APKTool
- Compressed files (zip, tar, gzip etc)
- SQLite3 database
- Containers (docker saved at tar.gz)
- AWS credentials
- Github and gitlab credentials
- URL credentials
- Authorization header credentials
- Azure systems (Devops etc)
- Keystore passwords
- Certificates and passwords inside of code and binaries
- Database credentials
- LDAP credentials
- Web System credentials
- System/API Tokens
- Proxy data (credentials and address)
- Credit card numbers
- Brazilian documents (CPF, CNPJ etc)
- Elasticsearch
- Stand-alone local files
- Splunk
- Other databases and log systems
- Telegram