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npm package

English | 中文

A vite plugin for lazy loading i18n resources

NOTE: This plugin is independent of the language framework. Whether you use React or Vue (or any other language), as long as it is vite, you can implement lazy loading of internationalization resources based on this plugin


  • Seamless development experience, no need to manually import resource files
  • Lazy loading language resource files to reduce the size of the first screen resource
  • Read the configuration items of i18n-ally by default, no additional configuration is required
  • Support vite hmr out of the box


pnpm add vite-plugin-i18n-ally -D

Online Demo


Plugin Options

If is configured, the plugin will read the configuration by default

Option Type Default Description
localesPaths string[] i18n-ally.localesPaths The directory of language resources, relative to root
root string process.cwd() The project root path
namespace boolean i18n-ally.namespace || false Enable namespace
pathMatcher string auto detected by structure Resource file matching rule
parserPlugins ParserPlugin[] Built-in plugins Resource file parsing plugin
useVscodeI18nAllyConfig boolean | { stopAt: string } true Whether to automatically use i18n-ally configuration, if stopAt is passed in, it will stop detecting in the specified directory

Config Reference


import path from 'node:path'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import { i18nAlly } from 'vite-plugin-i18n-ally'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [i18nAlly()],

Client Options

Option Type Description
language string The current language
namespaces string[] Initial namespaces
onInited Function Callback after initialization
onResourceLoaded Function Callback after resource loaded
fallbackLng string Fallback language
detection Array Language detection and cache, like i18next-browser-languagedetector

Use with i18next


import React from 'react'
import { initReactI18next } from 'react-i18next'
import i18next from 'i18next'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client'
import { i18nAlly } from 'vite-plugin-i18n-ally/client'
import App from './App'

const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.querySelector('#root') as HTMLElement)

const { asyncLoadResource } = i18nAlly({
  onInit() {
      resources: {}, // !!! important: No resources are added at initialization, otherwise what's lazy loading :)
      nsSeparator: '.',
      keySeparator: '.',
      fallbackLng: 'en',
  onInited() {
        <App />
  onResourceLoaded: (resource, currentLang) => {
    // Once the resource is loaded, add it to i18next
    Object.keys(resources).forEach((ns) => {
      i18next.addResourceBundle(language, ns, resources[ns])
  fallbackLng: 'en',
  detection: [
      detect: 'querystring',
      lookup: 'lang',
      detect: 'cookie',
      lookup: 'cookie-name',
      detect: 'htmlTag',

const i18nextChangeLanguage = i18next.changeLanguage
i18next.changeLanguage = async (lang: string, ...args) => {
  // Load resources before language change
  await asyncLoadResource(lang)
  return i18nextChangeLanguage(lang, ...args)

Full Example

Please refer to i18next example

vscode i18n-ally configuration reference

.vscode => settings.json

  "i18n-ally.localesPaths": ["src/locales"],
  "i18n-ally.keystyle": "nested",
  "i18n-ally.pathMatcher": "{locale}/{namespaces}.{ext}",
  "i18n-ally.namespace": true // If you use `namespace` above, you need to configure

⚠️ Warm Tips

Built-in support for json / json5 / yaml / yml / ts / js resource files, customizable plugin parsing language

