Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
Before you report any issue, please make sure that you actually deal with an issue of drafter-php and not drafter itself.
You can most likely verify this by running the command you are dealing with manually against your drafter binary.
You can access the command that drafter-php will execute, by not executing \DrafterPhp\DrafterInterface::run
right away; you can call \DrafterPhp\DrafterInterface::build
instead to receive the Process instance.
Call \Symfony\Component\Process\Process::getCommandLine
on the process instance to get the exact command line
that drafter-php would run.
$process = $drafter
$command = $process->getCommandLine();
Prior to contributing to drafter-php, you must be able to run the test suite. To achieve this, you need to acquire the drafter-php source code and install drafter itself:
- Run
git clone
- Get composer
cd drafter-php && composer install
Composer will take care of installing all required dependencies, including drafter. Watch the command output to spot errors.
To quickly verify that drafter was successfully compiled and installed, run vendor/bin/drafter --help
when in the drafter-php directory.
Drafter-php uses robo for a task runner.
You can execute the test suite by running vendor/bin/robo test
or vendor/bin/phpunit
when inside the drafter-php directory.
You can install robo globally for convenience, to just run
robo test
Robo also allows you to watch files during development. Run robo watch
when inside the drafter-php
directory and leave that window open. Change a file in src
or test
to see the test suite auto-run.
Feel free to add useful tasks to the RoboFile.php
in the project root.
Fork the project, create a feature branch, and send us a pull request.
To ensure a consistent code base, you should make sure the code follows the PSR-2 Coding Standards. You can also run php-cs-fixer with the configuration file that can be found in the project root directory.
If you would like to help, take a look at the list of open issues.