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Swagger Generate is a collection of plugins that generate Swagger documentation and provide Swagger-UI access for debugging HTTP and RPC services. This project is compatible with the CloudWeGo ecosystem frameworks such as Cwgo, Hertz, and Kitex. It offers a convenient toolset for developers to automatically generate Swagger documentation, simplifying the API documentation and debugging process.
- protoc-gen-http-swagger: Generates Swagger documentation and provides Swagger UI debugging for HTTP services based on Protobuf.
- thrift-gen-http-swagger: Generates Swagger documentation and provides Swagger UI debugging for HTTP services based on Thrift.
- protoc-gen-rpc-swagger: Generates Swagger documentation and provides Swagger UI debugging for RPC services based on Protobuf.
- thrift-gen-rpc-swagger: Generates Swagger documentation and provides Swagger UI debugging for RPC services based on Thrift.
- Automated Generation: Supports generating complete Swagger documentation from Protobuf and Thrift files, simplifying API documentation maintenance.
- Integrated Debugging: The generated Swagger UI can be used directly for service debugging, supporting both HTTP and RPC modes.
- Hertz and Kitex Integration: Provides seamless documentation generation and debugging support for Hertz and Kitex.
- Flexible Annotation Support: Allows extending the generated Swagger documentation through annotations, supporting OpenAPI annotations such as
, etc.
You can install the plugins using the following methods:
# Install from the official repository
git clone https://github.com/hertz-contrib/swagger-generate
cd <plugin-directory>
go install
# Direct installation
go install github.com/hertz-contrib/swagger-generate/<plugin-name>@latest
For HTTP services based on Protobuf:
protoc --http-swagger_out=swagger -I idl hello.proto
For HTTP services based on Thrift:
thriftgo -g go -p http-swagger hello.thrift
For RPC services based on Protobuf:
protoc --rpc-swagger_out=swagger -I idl idl/hello.proto
For RPC services based on Thrift:
thriftgo -g go -p rpc-swagger hello.thrift
In a Hertz service:
func main() {
h := server.Default()
swagger.BindSwagger(h) // Add this line
func register(r *server.Hertz) {
swagger.BindSwagger(r) // Add this line
In a Kitex service:
func main() {
svr := example.NewServer(new(HelloService1Impl), server.WithTransHandlerFactory(&swagger.MixTransHandlerFactory{})) // Modify this line
err := svr.Run()
if err != nil {
For more examples, please refer to kitex_swagger_gen and hertz_swagger_gen.
Refer to the README of each plugin for more detailed usage information.