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Dhaval Heruwala edited this page Apr 7, 2020 · 20 revisions

Welcome to the SFLogging wiki!

Deploy the package

Once the package is deployed, to test the functionality, paste the following code in Execute Anonymous Developer console

` SavePoint sp = Database.setSavepoint(); Log.push('MyClass.methodA'); insert new Account (name = 'Test'); Log.push('MyClass.methodB'); Log.message('Doing something'); insert new Account (name = 'Test'); Log.pop();

List<Account> accounts = [select Id from Account];

    List<Account> accounts2 = [select Id from Account];

Log.message('Doing something else');

Log.pop(); Database.rollback(sp); Log.emit(); `

Example of embedding logger in your Apex Code

Add a Demo Class

`public class MalformedQuery {

public static void TestMalformedQuery(){
		Log.message('Testing Malformed Query');
    	Opportunity[] opps = [SELECT Name,NextStep FROM Opportunity];
    	opps = [SELECT Name,Probability,StageName FROM Opportunity];


Test the class by pasting MalformedQuery.TestMalformedQuery(); in the developer console.

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