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203 lines (162 loc) · 11.7 KB

Sexpr syntax

sexpr = "(" (ATOM | boolean | INT | STRING)* ")"
boolean = "true"|"false"

// Tokens
ATOM: (^ '(' | ')' | '"' | '0' .. '9' | '-' ) (^ TAB | LF | CR | SPACE | ')' )*
STRING: '"' ((^ '"')* ('\' '"')?)* '"'
INT: '-'? ('0' .. '9')*

Basic types

Ballerina Syntax Sexpr
() ()
boolean boolean
int int
float float
decimal decimal
string string
error error
ffunction function
(any|error)[] list
map<any|error> mapping
table<map<any|error>> table
xml xml

Named types

Ballerina Syntax Sexpr
any any
never never

Boolean subtypes

Ballerina Syntax Sexpr
true true
false false

Int subtypes

Ballerina Syntax Sexpr
1 | 2 (| 1 2)
1 | 2 | 3 (int-range 1 3)
1 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 6 | 7 (| (int-range 1 3) (int-range 5 7))
int:Signed8 (int-range -128 127)
int int

Float subtypes

Ballerina Syntax Sexpr
1.0 (float "1.0")
ffloat:NaN (float "NaN")
float & !5.0 & !8.0 (& float (! (float "5.0") (float "8.0")))

Decimal subtypes

Ballerina Syntax Sexpr
12d (decimal "12")

String subtypes

string:Char is represented by sexpr char. A string single shape is represented by the value itself. Every other string subtype is represented by a disjunction of (at most) two conjunctions (one per char and non-char subsets).

Ballerina Syntax Sexpr
"A" "A"
string:Char char
"ABC" | "A" (| "A" "ABC")
string & !"ABC" &!"A" (& string (! "A" "ABC"))
"ABC" | string:Char (| char "ABC")
string:Char & !"Y" & !"Z" (& char (! "Y" "Z"))
"ABC" | string:Char & !"Z" (| (& char (! "Z")) "ABC")
"A" | (string & !string:Char) (| "A" (& string (! char)))
"A" | (string & !string:Char & !"XYZ") (| "A" (& string (! char "XYZ")))

List/Mapping/Function subtypes

Each list/mapping/function types consist of multiple atoms. Atoms are created as below and each atom is given a name. Those atom references are then combined as a disjunction of conjunctions.


Internal representation: (A & !B & !C) | D

Sexpr: (| (& A (! B C)) D)

List atoms

Ballerina Syntax Sexpr Atoms
[int, string] (list (int string))
[int, string, float...] (list (int string) float)
[int, string, string] (min-length-list (int string) 3)
[int, string, string, boolean...] (min-length-list (int string) 3 boolean)
string[0] (list ())
int[10] (array int 10)
int[] (array int)
()[] (array ())
Ballerina Syntax Sexpr
(any|error)[] & !int[] (& list (! LT.9))

Mapping atoms

Ballerina Syntax Sexpr Atoms
map<int> (map int)
record {| int...; |} (map int)
map<()> (map ())
record {| int x; string y; |} (mapping (("x" int) ("y" string)))
record {| string x; string y; int...; |} (mapping (("x" string) ("y" string)) int)
record {| |} (mapping ())

Table subtypes

Ballerina Syntax Sexpr
table<record {| int k; int v; |}> (table MT.10) where (MT.10 (mapping (("k" int) ("v" int))))
table<record {| int a; |}> & !table<record {| int b; |}> (& table (table MT.10) (! (table MT.13))) where (MT.10 (mapping (("a" int))))(MT.13 (mapping (("b" int))))
table<record {| int a; |} | record {| int b; |}> | table<record {| int c; |}> (| (table (| MT.10 MT.11)) (table MT.14)) where (MT.10 (mapping (("a" int))))(MT.11 (mapping (("b" int))))(MT.14 (mapping (("c" int))))
table<map<any|error>> & !table<record {| int a; |}> (& table (! (table MT.10))) where (MT.10 (mapping (("a" int))))

XML subtypes

Following symbols can appear as the second symbol of the xml subtype sexpr

  • 0 xml never
  • 1 single item
  • * one or more, sequence
Ballerina Syntax Sexpr
xml<never> (xml 0)
xml:Element (xml 1 element)
xml:Element|xml:Comment (xml 1 element comment)
xml<xml:Element> (xml * element)
xml & !xml<xml:Element> (& xml (! (xml * element)))
xml & !(xml<xml:Element> | xml:Comment) (& (& xml (! (xml * element))) (! (xml 1 comment)))
(xml & !xml<xml:Element>) | xml:Element `(
xml & !xml:Element (& xml (! (xml 1 element)))
xml<xml:Element> & !xml<never> (& (xml * element) (! (xml 0)))
xml<xml:Element> & !xml:Element (& (xml * element) (! (xml 1 element)))
fxml<xml:Element> & !xml:Element & !xml<never> (& (xml * element) (! (xml 0) (xml 1 element)))
`xml & !xmlxml:Element xml:Element
`xmlxml:Element (xml & !xmlxml:Comment)`
xml<xml:Comment|xml:Element> & !xml<xml:Comment> (& (xml * element comment) (! (xml * comment)))
xml<xml:Comment|xml:Element> & !xml:Comment (& (xml * element comment) (! (xml 1 comment)))

Error subtypes

Ballerina Syntax Sexpr
ferror<record {| int code; |}> (error (& readonly MT.9)) where (MT.9 (mapping (("code" int))))
ferror<record {| int a; |}> | error<record {| int b; |}> (error (| (& readonly MT.9) (& readonly MT.10))) where (MT.9 (mapping (("a" int))))(MT.10 (mapping (("b" int))))
ferror<record {| int a; |} | record {| int b; |}> (error (| (& readonly MT.9) (& readonly MT.10))) where (MT.9 (mapping (("a" int))))(MT.10 (mapping (("b" int))))

Function subtypes

Ballerina Syntax Sexpr
function(int, boolean) returns string (function string (int boolean))
function(int, int) returns float (function float (int int))
function(int, int...) returns float (function float (int) int)


Ballerina Syntax Sexpr
never never
fany|error<record {| int code; |}> (| any (error (& readonly MT.9))) where (MT.9 (mapping (("code" int))))
freadonly & map<any|error> (& readonly mapping)
!string (! string)
!string:Char (! char)
!"A" (! "A")
(any|error)[] & !int[] (& list (! LT.9)) where (LT.9 (array int))