This document is used to discuss how clock or vlc can be combined or optimized with p2p protocols.
Suppose there were n
nodes in cohort network, n is three in below graph. It looks like below, when start node running.
commit tag: "1, 0, 0"
commit tag: "2, 0, 0"
branch B
branch C
commit tag: "2, 0, 1"
checkout B
commit tag: "2, 1, 0"
commit tag: "2, 2, 0"
checkout main
merge B
commit tag: "3, 2, 0"
checkout C
merge B
commit tag: "2, 2, 2"
commit tag: "2, 2, 3"
checkout main
merge C
commit tag: "4, 2, 3"
- Purpose
- Display clock’s state & change in global view.
- Related data structure as below:
- Message (Ref P2P Design) or Transaction
- VLC: Verifiable logical clock
- node_id
- MergeLog as edge, ClockInfo as vertex.
- main data structure for db saving and recovering the dag propagation graph about clocks.
- Message (Ref P2P Design) or Transaction
note for Message "Message or tx in network"
note for MergeLog "Merging log save to db, as the edge"
note for ClockInfo "ClockInfo save to db, as the vertex"
Message <-- Clock
ClockInfo <-- Clock
Message: +vlc Clock
Message: +isZK bool
Message: +from/toAddr str
Message: +signature str
Clock: -value map(id, u128)
class Clock {
class ClockInfo {
-nodeID u128
-eventCount u128
-createAt u128
-Clock Clock
-messageId String
class MergeLog {
-fromID u128
-toID u128
-startCount u128
-endCount u128
-startClockHash ClockHash
-afterClockHash ClockHash
-mergeAt u128
Clock data save to the KV db, LMDB for persistence for now.
Maybe the postgreDB
or influxDB
is a better choice for next step
- ClockInfo
- key:
, value:serde(ClockInfo)
- key:
- MergeLog
- key:
, value:serde(MergeLog)
- key:
- CurCount, not must
- key:
, value:current_count
- key:
- When needs to rebuild the dag of clock propagation,
- first use ClockInfo node to construct participant event line,
- then use MergeLog info for constructing the edge of the dag.
Because global data state is much big, so can’t gossip to other participants with so big data package. Separate full state and clock is must to do.
- But clock needs to reference transactions or message.
- So
needs add to ClockInfo.
- So
There are two methods for state increment sync, make events organize to merkle tree or just the native vlc structure.
- 1、Event merkle tree
- Transactions merkle tree in block header, just for light client quick verify.
- whether there is a transaction block in our design ?
not must
- whether there is a transaction block in our design ?
- World state MPT or merkle tree in memory
- whether there is a world state tree in our design ?
- Must be consensus algorithm & full transaction order.
not must
- if not, it will cause state not consistency.
- Must be consensus algorithm & full transaction order.
- whether there is a world state tree in our design ?
- Transactions merkle tree in block header, just for light client quick verify.
So, we accept second method
, just use native vlc structure to sync state directly.
- 2、direct sync by vlc
- first sync clock, then active pull diff events.
- init setup, pull from many peers neighbor by needs in parallel.
A->>B: Event A-1 happen, send latest C_A
alt if C_A>C_B
B->>A: req diff of C_A minus C_B
A->>B: send [ clocks of C_A - C_B]
else if C_A<C_B
B->>A: nothing to do,reduce msg num
opt if C_A//C_B
B->>A: send [ clocks of C_B - C_A] and C_B
A->>B: send [ clocks of C_A - C_B]
B->>+other-peers: if C_A//C_B,then broadcast C_B
other-peers-)-B: similar to A and B
other-peers->>+B: if D is init setup, req clocks by needs from peers
- All message types:
- ServerMsg:
- EventTrigger
- DiffReq
- DiffRsp
- ActiveSync
- ClientMsg: only send latest clock
- ServerMsg:
- Tips:
refer to the latest clock of node A.C_B
: latest clock of node B.