Unofficial ENTSO-e REST API Client for Deno and Node. Comprehensive. User-friendly. Minimalistic.
Check out the full documentation at
- Supports all requests listed in Entso-e REST API Documentation
- Supports zip-file endpoints and transparently unzips documents
- Includes examples that support both Deno and Node
- Supports both Deno and Node (>=18.0)
- Written in fully typed TypeScript
- Offers ESM (for Deno and Node) and CommonJS (for Node) support
- Adds descriptions to codes while parsing the documents
Here's a quick example on how a entsoe api query is made using entsoe-api-client.
// Run ENTSO-e transparency playform query
const result = await QueryPublication(
typeof process !== "undefined" ? // Your entsoe api-token by environment variable
process.env.API_TOKEN // ... in Node
: Deno.env.get("API_TOKEN"), // ... in Deno
documentType: "A44", // A44 - Price document
processType: "A01", // A01 - Day ahead
inDomain: Area("BZN|SE2"), // In_Domain: For A44 - Electricity price area
outDomain: Area("BZN|SE2"), // Out_Domain: For A44 - Electricity price area
startDateTime: dateToday, // Start date
endDateTime: dateTomorrow // End date
For full documentation on installation and usage, refer to the full documentation at
Examples can be found in the /examples directory.
To run the examples, pass your ENTSO-e API key as an environment variable called API_TOKEN
$env:API_TOKEN="your-api-token"; deno run -A .\spot-prices-today.ts
API_TOKEN="your-api-token" deno run -A .\spot-prices-today.ts
$env:API_TOKEN="your-api-token"; node .\spot-prices-today.ts
API_TOKEN="your-api-token" node .\spot-prices-today.ts
entsoe-api-client is founded and actively maintained by Hexagon. If you find value in entsoe-api-client and want to contribute:
Code Contributions: See our Contribution Guide for details on how to contribute code.
Sponsorship and Donations: See
Your trust, support, and contributions drive the project. Every bit, irrespective of its size, is deeply appreciated.
MIT License