Called when a new CSSdoc object is created.
$doc = new \hexydec\css\cssdoc($config);
A optional array of configuration options that will be merged recursively with the default configuration. The available options and their defaults are:
Option | Description | Default |
nested |
An array of at-directives that are expected to contain nested rules | [@media , @supports , @keyframes , @-webkit-keyframes , @-moz-keyframes , @-o-keyframes ] |
spaced |
An array of properties, sub-properties, or at-directives that must have their direct values delimited with spaces | [calc ] |
quoted |
An array of properties, sub-properties, or at-directives that must remain quoted | [content , format , counters , @charset ] |
casesensitive |
An array of properties, sub-properties, or at-directives who's values are case-sensitive | [url ] |
none |
An array of properties where the value none can be represented as 0 |
[border , outline ] |
colors |
An array of replacement colour Values | [#f0ffff => azure , #f5f5dc => beige , #ffe4c4 => bisque , #a52a2a => brown , #ff7f50 => coral , #ffd700 => gold , #008000 => green , #808080 => grey , #4b0082 => indigo , #fffff0 => ivory , #f0e68c => khaki , #faf0e6 => linen , #000080 => navy , #808000 => olive , #ffa500 => orange , #da70d6 => orchid , #cd853f => peru , #ffc0cb => pink , #dda0dd => plum , #f00 => red , #fa8072 => salmon , #a0522d => sienna , #c0c0c0 => silver , #fffafa => snow , #d2b48c => tan , #008080 => teal , #ff6347 => tomato , #ee82ee => violet , #f5deb3 => wheat ] |
A new CSSdoc object.