This is the hackintosh for the NUC8I5BEH
- OS: macOS 11.1 20C69 x86_64 / Macmini8,1
- OpenCore: 0.6.7
- CPU: Intel® Core™ i5-8259U Processor (6M Cache, up to 3.80 GHz)
- RAM: 8GB x 2 ADATA DDR4 2400
- Monitor: DELL
Please join Telegram Join Telegram, if you have any questions
- Disable Secure Boot
- Enable Legacy Boot
- Disable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
Soldered Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are not stable yet, will integrate later🍻. Please enable the USBInjectAll.kext and disable the USBPorts.kext on the Config.plist if you get some USB issues.
- Feel free to Buy Me a Coffee
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sudo pmset -c sleep 30
sudo pmset -c displaysleep 30
sudo pmset -c disksleep 30
sudo pmset -c hibernatemode 0
sudo pmset -c standby 0
sudo pmset -c autopoweroff 0
sudo pmset -c tcpkeepalive 1
# disable the Spotlight indexes
sudo mdutil -a -i off
# change host name
sudo scutil --set HostName mini
sudo scutil --set ComputerName mini
sudo scutil --set LocalHostName mini
sudo spctl --master-disable