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An attempt at a user-friendly PyTorch implementation of a Generative Adverserial Network (GAN). The user only needs to supply the data (images) in order to train their own GAN, and parameters such as learning rates and optimizer properties can be tweaked by the user.

GANs are trained by letting two different models compete against each other. The generator model attempts to create images that the discriminator model struggles to distinguish from real images. During training, the discriminator learns by attempting to classify real images as real and fake images (created by the generator) as fake. The generator learns from the feedback provided by the discriminator on how real the fake images look. If the two models are trained properly, the generator should be able to create images that look like real images, without ever being exposed to the real data directly.

The default generator and discriminator is built for handling 128x128 RGB images. If the user wants to work with different image sizes, or just with different model architectures in general, the user can supply their own generator and/or discriminator when training the GAN. The Usage-section covers an example on how to use such custom-defined models.

Most of the testing of this package has been done in a Jupyter Notebook environment, so I highly recommend using this package in an equivalent environment.


Install using pip with pip install git+ .

Alternatively: Clone this repository, navigate to the root folder containing and run python -m pip install . .

Training a GAN

Using default parameters

With imgs provided as a list or NumPy array of images, the following code will create a class instance and train a GAN using the default parameters:

import easygan as eg

# Resize images to 128x128, normalize pixel values and return as tensor
imgs_tn = eg.preprocess(imgs, h=128, w=128)

mygan = eg.GAN()          

By default, the models (generator and discriminator) will be saved to a folder inside models in your working directory. Some results will also be generated and saved to the folder results, also placed in your working directory.

Training can be resumed by running train_gan again. Note that this will save a new set of models rather than overwriting the previous models.

Using other parameters

Parameters can be supplied to the train_gan function (a list of tweakable parameters is provided in the final section of this Readme), providing some control over the training procedure and more:

mygan.train_gan(imgs_tn, batch_size=16, epochs=50, DiffAugment=True)       

Using custom generators and discriminators

If you want to use a different generator and/or discriminator than the default ones, you can provide the models as an additional parameter to the train_gan function. Simply import the desired model (should be a class that is a subclass of torch.nn.Module) and pass it as a keyword argument:

from MyGenerator import MyGenerator
from MyDiscriminator import MyDiscriminator

mygan.train_gan(imgs_tn, custom_G=MyGenerator, custom_D=MyDiscriminator)       

If the provided models take any input arguments (such as base_channels in the default models), they can be set by passing them as a keyword argument in the train_gan call.

Loading trained models

In order to load a generator and discriminator, provide the name of the folder inside models that contains the models:

folder = '2021-08-28-1345'    # name of folder inside models/

Accessing the generator and generating images

The generator can be accessed with self.G. The module also has a function generate_image that can be used to create an image. Below is an example showing how to synthesize images with the model and displaying it with the matplotlib module:

import torch
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
z = torch.randn(1, 100)          # input latent space
img = mygan.generate_image(z)    # generated 128x128x3 image

# Display the image

Example notebook

A notebook that demonstrates the usage of this package is provided in the easygan/easygan/example folder.

Training a CGAN

Images and their corresponding class labels must be supplied in order to train a CGAN. For example, with labels as an array of integers (0, 1, ... , num_classes-1) and imgs containing the training images, the following code will train a CGAN using default parameters:

import easygan as eg

# Resize images to 160x90, normalize pixel values and return as tensor
imgs_tn = eg.preprocess(imgs, h=90, w=160)

mygan = eg.CGAN()          
mygan.train_cgan(imgs_tn, labels, batch_size=16, epochs=50)       

The default generator and discriminator are only suitable for 160x90 images (width x height).

As with training a GAN, the models are automatically saved and training can be resumed later. When generating an image using a CGAN, the class label must also be given, for example:

import torch
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
z = torch.randn(1, 100)          # input latent space
y = torch.Tensor([2]).long()       # class label of desired image
img = mygan.generate_image(z, y)   

# Display the image


The user can tweak a variety of parameters that affect the training procedure, network architecture and more.

batch_size: How many images that are passed through the model at a time. Smaller batch sizes lead to slower training but can yield better results. Default: 128

epochs: Number of complete passes through the data to perform during training. Default: 100

use_cuda: Train model using GPU if enabled. Default: True

lr_g: Learning rate when optimizing generator. Default: 0.0002

lr_d: Learning rate when optimizing discriminator. Default: 0.0002

beta1: Parameter for the Adam optimizer. Default: 0.5

beta2: Parameter for the Adam optimizer. Default: 0.999

shuffle: If True, shuffle the data before feeding it into the models. Default: True

loss: Which PyTorch loss function to use. Default: BCELoss

DiffAugment: If True, use data augmentation methods provided by Zhao et al. in Differentiable Augmentation for Data-Efficient GAN Training (2020). Helpful when training on a small dataset. Default: False

augment_policy: If DIffAUgment is True, perform data augmentation with these methods (available options are color, translation, cutout). Default: 'color,translation'

z_size: Size of the input vector to the generator (the latent space vector). Default: 100

base_channels: Defines the minimum number of channels in the convolutional layers inside the generator and discriminator. Default: 64

add_noise: If True, adds gaussian noise to the input images when training the discriminator. Helps regularize the discriminator. Default: True

noise_magnitude: Factor to multiply the gaussian noise with if add_noise is True. Default: 0.1

custom_G: None

custom_D: None

do_plot: Plots some examples of generated images during training. Recommended to set to False if not running in a notebook, as the plotting will otherwise pause the training procedure. Default: True

plot_interval: If do_plot is True, defines the number of epochs during training between each set of generated images. Default: 1

manual_seed: 0

save_gif: True

model_folder: 'models'