This repository contains the pre-trained network implementation of the following paper:
Please cite this publication whenever you use the implementation:
author = {Hichem Abdellali, Robert Frohlich, Viktor Vilagos, Zoltan Kato},
title = {{L2D2:} Learnable Line Detector and Descriptor},
booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV)},
address = {{United kingdom, London} (online)},
year = {2021},
The repository contains the full L2D2 pipeline which includes: the pre-trained detector/descriptor python code, the line extraction matlab code and the patch creation matlab code.
For the Matlab code, the Package contains all the necessary functions.
You just need a conda environment with Python 3.7.9
conda env create -f l2d2.yml
The full L2D2 pipeline needs input images of 512x512 pixels (an example is provided inside IN_OUT_DATA/INPUT_IMAGES/
To obtain the detected lines and the descriptors, run the 4 programs which compose the full L2D2 pipeline in the following orders
(l2d2) > python
>> line_extraction_heatmap.m (matlab code)
>> main_Patch_creation.m (matlab code)
(l2d2) > python
located inside1_Pre_trained_detector
: loads the images from the folderINPUT_IMAGES
and provides a heatmap of 512x512 for each input image in HEATMAPS_DIRline_extraction_heatmap.m
located inside2_Line_extraction
: loads the heatmaps fromHEATMAPS_DIR
and provides the detected lines in a.mat
file in the EXTRACTED_LINES foldermain_Patch_creation.m
located inside3_Patch_extraction
: reads the lines from the folderEXTRACTED_LINES
of each image and provides a patch of 48x32 for each 2D line, the patches are stored in theEXTRACTED_PATCHES
located inside4_Pre_trained_descriptor
: loads the patches from the folderEXTRACTED_PATCHES and provides the descriptor in folder
All the input/output data is located inside the folder IN_OUT_DATA
We provided the pre-trained models in the IN_OUT_DATA/INPUT_NETWEIGHT/
: this is the pre-trained model for the line
: this is the pre-trained model for the line descriptor.
NOTE: the detector/descriptor training code and the training data generation code will be released later