This project's goal is to make tool & library for converting wmf to svg.
java -jar wmf2svg-[version].jar [options...] [wmf filename] [svg filename]
- -compatible: output IE9 compatible style. but it's dirty and approximative.
- -replace-symbol-font: replace SYMBOL Font to serif or sans-serif Unicode SYMBOL.
If you need to compress by gzip, you should use .svgz suffix as svg filename.
It now requires Java 6.0 or later.
This project uses Gradle to build a wmf2svg jar file.
./gradlew jar
- 2021-07-12: Fix a bug about images with palette.
- 2021-06-30: Fix a bug that occured when using Symbol type fonts.
- 2018-11-24: Changed to gradle build system.
- 2015-07-04: wmf2svg now requires Java 6.0 or later.
- 2014-07-19: Fixed pie method bug.
- 2014-02-23: Added -replace-symbol-font option.
- 2013-09-29: Fixed a invalid css property.
- 2012-08-28: Improved arc radious and Fixed negative size image bug.
- 2012-07-05: Improved arc problem, and fixed TextOut? background position bug.
- 2012-02-11: Improved arc problem, and fixed font-size bug.
- 2011-09-28: Fixed restoreDC and cyrillic bug. And add wmf writer function.
- 2011-08-20: Some bugs fixed.
- 2011-03-10: Arc bug fixed and extTextOut is enhanced.
- 2011-01-08: Arc bug fixed and add fillRgn/paintRgn support.
- 2010-12-01: Some bugs fixed.
- 2010-11-20: Text position bug fixed.
- 2010-09-11: Some bugs fixed.
- 2009-05-24: wmf2svg version 0.8.3 is supported on Google App Engine/Java.
Copyright (c) 2007-2021 Hidekatsu Izuno, Shunsuke Mori All right reserved.