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FreeAPI Frontend Contribution Guide

Thank you for your interest in contributing to the FreeAPI project by creating frontend applications! Your efforts play a crucial role in enhancing the user experience and expanding the reach of our APIs. Please follow this guide to ensure a smooth and collaborative contribution process.

⚠️ Important Note:

Before starting your contribution

  • create an issue stating the app you will be working on
  • the technology stack you plan to use
  • the platform you intend to target.
  • describe your application in detail

IMPORTANT: Contributor must create an issue with Frontend Contribution issue template.

This ensures coordination and prevents duplicated efforts.

Table of Contents

  1. 🏁 Getting Started
  2. 👆🏻 Choosing a Module
  3. 🗂️ Folder Structure
  4. 📙 Coding Standards
  5. 📝 Dependency Management
  6. 🧪 Testing (optional)
  7. 📨 Submitting Your Contribution
  8. 🌟 Featured Projects Opportunity on FreeAPI
  9. 🌟 How To Get Featured

Getting Started

Fork the Repository

Start by forking the FreeAPI project repository to your GitHub account.

Clone Your Fork

Clone your fork of the repository to your local machine.

git clone<your_username>/apihub.git
cd apihub

Install Dependencies

Make sure you have the necessary dependencies of FreeAPI installed for the frontend framework or library you plan to use.

Follow this section to know more about setting up the FreeAPI environment

Choosing a Module

Decide which module you want to contribute to. Browse the /apps, /public, or /kitchen-sink modules to explore the available modules and APIs. Read the following section carefully to understand the folder structure you need to follow to increase chances to get your PR approved.

Folder Structure

Follow the specified folder structure for your frontend application (The folder names must not follow the camel casing to keep things consistent. Your actual project code folders may have camel casing):


See the following examples with context for above structure:

Example 1: Social Media Web App

Imagine you want to create a web application for the social-media project within the /apps module of the FreeAPI project. You've decided to use React.js for the frontend, manage state with Redux, and style the app with Tailwind CSS. Your project folder name will be a unique identifier for your application because we are not allowing same application to be built using same tech stack.

Folder Structure:


Example 2: YouTube Mobile App

Suppose you are interested in building a mobile application that consumes the YouTube API from the /public folder of the FreeAPI project. For this, you've chosen Flutter as your framework, and you'll be using Riverpod for state management. Again, your project folder name will be a unique identifier for your application because we are not allowing same application to be built using same tech stack.

Folder Structure:


Example 3: Status Code Lookup App

You want to contribute a frontend application to the /kitchen-sink module that allows users to input a numerical HTTP status code. The app will then provide details about that status code, such as its purpose and common usage with elegant UI.

Folder Structure:


Explanation for the examples:

  • ROOT_FOLDER: Refers to the root directory of the FreeAPI project.

  • examples: This directory is designated for frontend examples.

  • {module} - apps or public or kitchen-sink: Denotes the chosen module (/apps for complex apps, /public for public APIs, /kitchen-sink for backend-related static APIs. These folders are already created officially).

  • {app_name} - social-media or youtube or statuscode: Specifies the name of the chosen app or API within the selected module. This folder is also created by default officially.

  • {platform} - web or mobile or desktop: Defines the platform for which the frontend is developed (web or mobile or desktop etc).

  • {frontend-tech-used} - react-redux-tailwind or flutter-provider: Indicates the frontend technology stack used, including the framework, UI-lib and state management tool (at least one tech tool name must be there).

  • <your_project_folders>: Represents the actual project folders that will be coding.

By following this standardized folder structure, contributors can easily organize their frontend projects, making it convenient for others to explore, understand, and replicate the implementation.

Coding Standards

Adhere to the coding standards of the chosen frontend technology and framework. Additionally, consider the following guidelines:

  • Use clear and descriptive variable and function names.
  • Follow best practices for state management, component structure, and code organization.
  • Ensure your code is well-documented by comments wherever necessary.
  • Try to use type safe languages like TypeScript over JavaScript to code the frontend
  • Include comprehensive file for each project on how to do installation and setup for the respective apps

Dependency Management

List all major dependencies/tech tools used in a clear and organized manner in your project Include version numbers to ensure compatibility.

Testing (optional)

Write tests for your frontend application to ensure its functionality. Include instructions on how to run the tests.

Submitting Your Contribution

Click here for detailed contribution guide on submitting a PR.

Thank you for your contribution to FreeAPI! Your dedication helps make our APIs more accessible and valuable to the community. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to our Discord.

🌟 Featured Projects Opportunity on FreeAPI

We value the contributions of our community members, and we want to showcase your work! As part of our effort to highlight the creativity and diversity of the FreeAPI project, we are introducing a Featured Projects section on the official FreeAPI site (under development).

How to Get Featured

  1. Self-Host the FreeAPI Backend:

    • Ensure that you have set up and are self-hosting the FreeAPI backend on your server. Detailed instructions can be found in the Railway one click deploy section. (NOTE: You can deploy this app on server that you are comfortable with. Just make sure it is deployed and your deployed frontend can consume it's apis)
  2. Consume FreeAPI Backend APIs in Your Frontend:

    • In your frontend project, make sure you are consuming the relevant FreeAPI backend APIs from the deployed backend server. This demonstrates the end-to-end functionality of your application.
  3. Deploy Your Frontend:

    • Deploy your frontend application, and ensure it is accessible via a public URL.
  4. Include Deployed Link in

    • Add the deployed link to your frontend application at the top of the file in your project code. This link will serve as the entry point for us to review and feature your project.

Example README Section:

<!-- other content -->
<!-- make sure to keep this link at the top to make it visible -->

## Deployed Link

Visit my app: [](

 <!-- other content -->

Why to get featured?

  1. Contribution in Open Source:

    • Gain recognition and celebrate contributions within the FreeAPI community.
    • Enhance your portfolio with real-world open source projects.
  2. Deployed Project:

    • Gain hands-on experience with real-world deployment challenges.
    • Enhance your portfolio with a deployed and functional application.
  3. Showcasing Your Work:

    • Increase visibility by being featured on the official FreeAPI website.
    • Receive recognition from the FreeAPI community.
  4. Networking Opportunities:

    • Connect with like-minded individuals within the FreeAPI community.
    • Showcase your skills to potential collaborators, mentors, or employers.
  5. Beta Stage Advantage:

    • Gain early recognition as an early adopter and contributor.
    • Influence the future development of the Featured Projects feature.
  6. Skill Showcase:

    • Showcase proficiency in both backend consumption and frontend development.
    • Highlight your preferred frontend tech stack.

What Happens Next:

  • Beta Stage: While this feature is in beta, our team will be actively monitoring deployed links mentioned in files of frontend example projects.

  • Official Rollout: Once the Featured Projects page is officially launched on FreeAPI, we will review and select projects from the submitted links to showcase. So, you can start deploying your apps.

  • Notification: If your project is selected, we will notify you and include your project in the Featured Projects section on FreeAPI.

Important Note:

  • Projects with deployed links mentioned at the top of the file have a higher chance of being featured.
  • This feature is in beta, and we appreciate your early contributions to help shape the future of FreeAPI. The more links we get the sooner this section will get up and running.

Thank you for being part of the FreeAPI community and contributing to the project! We look forward to featuring your fantastic work. 🌟

Happy coding! 🚀