Mondroid is an unofficial Mondo Android Client. It allows you to:
- Login to your Mondo account via oAuth
- View your account balance and todays spend
- View a list of your transactions
Mondo are due to release an Android app over the coming months, so I quickly put this together for the meantime. Because of this, I haven't spent too much time building it so there's bound to be some bugs etc.
In-order to use this app, you'll need to setup a few things first:
- You'll need a Mondo card, you can't use this application without one.
- Sign in to the [Mondo Developer Console] ( and create a new Client.
- In the file of this project, replace the clientId and clientSecret with your client values
And now you should be all set 🐵
- Android SDK.
- Android 5.0 (API 21) .
- Android SDK Tools
- Android SDK Build tools 23.0.3
- Android Support Repository
- Android Support libraries
To build, install and run a debug version, run this from the root of the project:
./gradlew assembleDebug
For example I've included a couple of unit and functional tests, these can be run using:
Unit tests can be run using:
./gradlew testDebugUnitTest
and functional tests:
./gradlew connectedDebugAndroidTest