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This version is in beta & relies on Carbon v11. If you're using Carbon v10, see the legacy demo site


Carbon Charting Svelte Wrappers

Storybook demos

Storybook demo sources

Maintenance & support

These Svelte wrappers have been developed by Eric Liu.

Please direct all questions regarding support, bug fixes, and feature requests to @metonym.

Getting started

Run the following command using npm:

npm install -D @carbon/charts-svelte d3

If you prefer Yarn, use the following command instead:

yarn add -D @carbon/charts-svelte d3

Note: you'd also need to install carbon-components if you're not using a bundled version of the library.


This is an overview of using Carbon Charts with common Svelte set-ups.


SvelteKit is fast becoming the de facto framework for building Svelte apps that supports both client-side rendering (CSR) and server-side rendering (SSR).

For set-ups powered by vite, add @carbon/charts to the list of dependencies for vite to optimize.

If using a SvelteKit adapter, instruct vite to avoid externalizing @carbon/charts when building for production.

// svelte.config.js
import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-node';

const production = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production';

/** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Config} */
const config = {
	kit: {
		adapter: adapter(),
		vite: {
			optimizeDeps: {
				include: ['@carbon/charts'],
			ssr: {
				noExternal: [production && '@carbon/charts'].filter(Boolean),

export default config;


vite-plugin-svelte is an alternative to using SvelteKit. Similarly, instruct vite to optimize @carbon/charts in vite.config.js.

Note that @sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte is the official vite/svelte integration not to be confused with svite.

// vite.config.js
import { svelte } from '@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte';
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';

export default defineConfig(({ mode }) => {
	return {
		plugins: [svelte()],
		build: { minify: mode === 'production' },
		optimizeDeps: { include: ['@carbon/charts'] },


sapper is another official Svelte framework that supports server-side rendering (SSR).

Take care to install @carbon/charts-svelte as a development dependency.

No additional configuration should be necessary.


ReferenceError: process is not defined

Install and add @rollup/plugin-replace to the list of plugins in rollup.config.js to avoid the process is not defined runtime error.

This plugin statically replaces strings in bundled files with the specified value.

In the example below, all instances of process.env.NODE_ENV will be replaced with "production" while bundling.

// rollup.config.js
import replace from '@rollup/plugin-replace';

export default {
	// ...
	plugins: [
			preventAssignment: true,
			'process.env.NODE_ENV': JSON.stringify('production'),

this has been rewritten to undefined

Set context: "window" to address the this has been rewritten to undefined Rollup error.

export default {
+  context: "window",

Circular dependency warnings

You may see circular dependency warnings for d3 and @carbon/charts packages that can be safely ignored.

Use the onwarn option to selectively ignore these warnings.

// rollup.config.js
export default {
	onwarn: (warning, warn) => {
		// omit circular dependency warnings emitted from
		// "d3-*" packages and "@carbon/charts"
		if (
			warning.code === 'CIRCULAR_DEPENDENCY' &&
		) {

		// preserve all other warnings

Dynamic imports

If using dynamic imports, set inlineDynamicImports: true in rollup.config.js to enable code-splitting.

Otherwise, you may encounter the Rollup error Invalid value "iife" for option "output.format" - UMD and IIFE output formats are not supported for code-splitting builds.

export default {
+  inlineDynamicImports: true,


webpack is another popular application bundler used to build Svelte apps.

No additional configuration should be necessary.


snowpack is an ESM-powered frontend build tool.

Ensure you have @snowpack/plugin-svelte added as a plugin in snowpack.config.js.

No additional configuration should be necessary.

// snowpack.config.js

/** @type {import("snowpack").SnowpackUserConfig } */
module.exports = {
	plugins: ['@snowpack/plugin-svelte'],


Styles must be imported from both @carbon/charts and @carbon/styles.

import '@carbon/styles/css/styles.css';
import '@carbon/charts/styles.css';


  import "@carbon/styles/css/styles.css";
  import "@carbon/charts/styles.css";
  import { BarChartSimple } from "@carbon/charts-svelte";

    { group: "Qty", value: 65000 },
    { group: "More", value: 29123 },
    { group: "Sold", value: 35213 },
    { group: "Restocking", value: 51213 },
    { group: "Misc", value: 16932 },
    title: "Simple bar (discrete)",
    height: "400px",
    axes: {
      left: { mapsTo: "value" },
      bottom: { mapsTo: "group", scaleType: "labels" },


@carbon/styles uses CSS custom properties for dynamic, client-side theming. Update the Carbon theme using the theme prop.

Supported themes include:

  • "white"
  • "g10" (Gray 10)
  • "g90" (Gray 90)
  • "g100" (Gray 100)

The default theme is "white".

  data={/* ... */}
  options={/* ... */}

Dispatched events

Each Svelte chart component dispatches the following events:

  • on:load: fired when the chart is instantiated
  • on:update: fired when data or options are updated
  • on:destroy: fired when the component is unmounted and the chart is destroyed

Dynamic import

Dynamically import a chart and instantiate it using the svelte:component API.

  import "@carbon/styles/css/styles.css";
  import "@carbon/charts/styles.css";
  import { onMount } from "svelte";

  let chart;

  onMount(async () => {
    const charts = await import("@carbon/charts-svelte");
    chart = charts.BarChartSimple;

    { group: "Qty", value: 65000 },
    { group: "More", value: 29123 },
    { group: "Sold", value: 35213 },
    { group: "Restocking", value: 51213 },
    { group: "Misc", value: 16932 },
    title: "Simple bar (discrete)",
    height: "400px",
    axes: {
      left: { mapsTo: "value" },
      bottom: { mapsTo: "group", scaleType: "labels" },

Event listeners

In this example, an event listener is attached to the BarChartSimple component that fires when hovering over a bar.

  import "@carbon/styles/css/styles.css";
  import "@carbon/charts/styles.css";
  import { onMount } from "svelte";
  import { BarChartSimple } from "@carbon/charts-svelte";

  let chart;

  function barMouseOver(e) {

  onMount(() => {
    return () => {
      if (chart)"bar-mouseover", barMouseOver);

  $: if (chart)"bar-mouseover", barMouseOver);

    { group: "Qty", value: 65000 },
    { group: "More", value: 29123 },
    { group: "Sold", value: 35213 },
    { group: "Restocking", value: 51213 },
    { group: "Misc", value: 16932 },
    title: "Simple bar (discrete)",
    height: "400px",
    axes: {
      left: { mapsTo: "value" },
      bottom: { mapsTo: "group", scaleType: "labels" },

Codesandbox examples

Sample use cases can be seen here.

When opening the link above, click on the Edit on Codesandbox button for each demo to see an isolated project showing you how to reproduce the demo.

Charting data & options

Although we will definitely introduce new models in the future as we start shipping new components such as maps, Data and options follow the same model in all charts, with minor exceptions and differences in specific components.

For instance in the case of a donut chart you're able to pass in an additional field called center in your options configuring the donut center.

For instructions on using the tabular data format, see here

There are also additional options available depending on the chart type being used, see our demo examples here.

Customizable options (specific to chart type) can be found here

TypeScript support

Svelte version 3.31 or greater is required to use this library with TypeScript.

TypeScript definitions are located in the types folder.