The following steps describe the process of backing up the old DB in to the new DB. These steps can be ignored in the case of building a new environment from scratch
- Get your old DB container id, for instance: a210d7e11a5b
docker ps | grep compose_ccd-shared-database_1
- Backup all DBs to a dumpfile file. Verify the dumpfile is stored in your current directory
docker exec -it a210d7e11a5b /usr/bin/pg_dumpall -U postgres > dumpfile
Note: If you want to keep your current database data, please go the step above, Backup old database
- Make sure images/volumes of microservices are deleted with the following. This has to be in place to be able to migrate from postgres V9 to v11.
./ccd compose down
- Make sure all microservices are running the same branch, for instance: 'master'.
./ccd status
- Please ensure you've exported/updated the required environment variables using the script,
- Start ccd-docker and make sure ccd-shared-database is up and running.
./ccd compose up -d
Note: Skip Step 3 and go to Step 4 if you did not make a backup of your DB data
- Get the container id of the new v11 DB for instance: 36a8eb5cccba
docker ps | grep compose_ccd-shared-database_1-V11
- Copy the dumpfile from your directory to the v11 DB container
docker cp dumpfile 36a8eb5cccba:/home
- Open a shell into your v11 DB container
docker exec -it 36a8eb5cccba bash
- Change the permission of the dumpfile file
chmod 777 /home/dumpfile
- Import the dumpfile and wait .....
su - postgres
cd /home/
psql < dumpfile
- Check the v11 DB data
SELECT datname FROM pg_database;
select * from event;
The following steps should be done to define the microservices dependency to the new V11 DB container
Stop and restart the old DB container.
- Get the DB container id, for instance: 36a8eb5cccba.
docker ps | grep compose_ccd-shared-database
- Stop the container.
docker stop 36a8eb5cccba
- Restart using.
./ccd compose up -d
- In case you did not use the back-up from your old DB, you have to set up CCD users again, following the main guideline steps shown below:
- CCD Quick Start