We accept all kind of links (1 per attendee) as long as you found it interesting in some fashion. All types of links are fine (video, article, blog post, etc...).
Please follow this format to submit your links:
https://url.to/your/link : message regarding this link (provided by -- your name here --).
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jn8b3E9oUHY&list=PLfdj8oy5zeoHB8cqu7pJxKLlO4n-bTOJO : Putin's new Russian MHD weapons explained (By Nicolas Borrallo)
https://www.savoir-sans-frontieres.com/JPP/telechargeables/English/the_silence_barrier.htm : The silence barrier(free pdf) (By Nicolas Borrallo)
https://apjjf.org/2019/18/Yamaguchi-Yoshida-Compel.html : the role of the atomic bombs on Japan and the decision of Japan to surrender at the end of the war, with the soviet context (By Raphael Guyot)
https://blog.trello.com/manage-up : How To 'Manage Up' And Gain Real Influence At Work (By Jimmy Crequer)
https://www.codota.com/ AI completions for your Java IDE (By Abiral Khanal)
https://github.com/phoenixframework/phoenix_live_view : Phoenix LiveView enables rich, real-time user experiences with server-rendered HTML. Maybe no more React/Vue/Angular work on frontend. (By Frank Xu)
https://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/tea-bags-plastic-study-mcgill-1.5295662 : Some tea bags may shed billions of microplastics per cup shudder (provided by Iain Barnett)
https://www.mongodb.com/blog/post/time-series-data-and-mongodb-part-1-introduction : Time Series database with MongoDB (provided by Hatem)
https://university.mongodb.com/ : MongoDB University (shared by Kyle)