Mean Variance Optimization by Gradient Descent (PyTorch)
Mean-Variance Optimization to maximize Sharpe ratio using Deep Learning (PyTorch)
1 layer GRU / Transformer / TCN
1 FC layer
loss_fn : minimize negative sharpe (or Risk Parity)
optimizer : SAM (base SGD)
Mean-Variance Optimization
Maximize Annualized Sharpe Ratio
SAM optimizer (base optimizer : SGD with momentum 0.9) was used
the original source is here
Of course, you can use Adam as base optimizer of SAM, or just Adam not SAM
but SAM optim (SGD) shows better performance than other options, empirically
Learning Rate : 5e-3 (No Scheduler)
def max_sharpe (y_return , weights ):
weights = torch .unsqueeze (weights , 1 )
meanReturn = torch .unsqueeze (torch .mean (y_return , axis = 1 ), 2 )
covmat = torch .Tensor ([np .cov (batch .cpu ().T , ddof = 0 ) for batch in y_return ]).to ('cuda' )
portReturn = torch .matmul (weights , meanReturn )
portVol = torch .matmul (weights , torch .matmul (covmat , torch .transpose (weights , 2 , 1 )))
objective = ((portReturn * 12 - 0.02 ) / (torch .sqrt (portVol * 12 )))
return - objective .mean ()
You can configure upper/lower bound for portfolio weights
this bounds are handled in UB and LB key in train_config.json
if you don't need any bounds, just set LB=0 and UB=1
portfolio weights are adjusted by the function below, before backpropagation
def rebalance (self , weight , lb , ub ):
old = weight
weight_clamped = torch .clamp (old , lb , ub )
while True :
leftover = (old - weight_clamped ).sum ().item ()
nominees = weight_clamped [torch .where (weight_clamped != ub )[0 ]]
gift = leftover * (nominees / nominees .sum ())
weight_clamped [torch .where (weight_clamped != ub )[0 ]] += gift
old = weight_clamped
if len (torch .where (weight_clamped > ub )[0 ]) == 0 :
else :
weight_clamped = torch .clamp (old , lb , ub )
return weight_clamped
As of December 27, 2021, stocks with more than 5,000 daily price data were selected.
Survivorship Bias (Look-ahead Bias)
We didn't know in the past that these selected stocks would be in S&P500 until November 2021.
So, the performance might (must) be different in real stock market
Make Dataset for Training model
python dataload/
python dataload/
"MODEL" : " GRU" ,
"BATCH" : 32 ,
"SEED" : 42 ,
"EPOCHS" : 500 ,
"EARLY_STOP" : 50 ,
"LR" : 0.005 ,
"MOMENTUM" : 0.9 ,
"USE_CUDA" : true ,
"N_LAYER" : 1 ,
"HIDDEN_DIM" : 128 ,
"N_HEAD" : 10 ,
"N_FEAT" : 50 ,
"DROPOUT" : 0.3 ,
"LB" : 0 ,
"UB" : 0.2
"START" : " 2001-01-01" ,
"END" : " 2021-12-27" ,
"N_STOCK" : 50 ,
"LEN_DATA" : 5000 ,
"TRAIN_LEN" : 63 ,
"PRED_LEN" : 21 ,
"TRAIN_RATIO" : 0.75
Test Date
From 2017-04-11 To 2021-11-11
GRU (hidden_dim = 128), Dropout (0.3), Lower/Upper Bounds (0, 0.2)
Performance (Transaction costs are NOT considered)
Expected Return : 0.310951 (snp500 : 0.134716)
Volatility : 0.180532 (snp500 : 0.166945)
Sharpe Ratio : 1.722411 (snp500 : 0.806953)
MDD : -0.179543 (snp500 : -0.233713)
You can see the cumulative return plot in result folder