Heckel Algorithmでは、以下の様に3つのデータを考えます。
- symbol table
- old element references
- new element references
まずsymbol tableから説明します。symbol tableは配列O, Nの各要素をkeyとするテーブルです。以下の様に実装的には、配列O, Nの各要素のハッシュ値をKey、symbol table entryをValueとする辞書型のデータです。 要素をKeyとしますので、同じ要素であれば、同じValueが返ってきます。そのため、symbol tableは、全登場人物を管理する辞書型データとなります。
symbol table entryは**配列O, N内におけるそれぞれのKey要素の数(Counter)とKey要素の配列O内でのインデックス(OLNO)**を持つ値です。Counterは配列O, Nそれぞれに対して管理するので2つ必要で、OLNOと合わせると、symbol table entryは3つのデータを持つことになります。
実は、このカウンターが持つ値としては 0, 1 or many(.zero, .one, .many) の3つだけを考えれば十分です。これは、Heckel Algorithmが配列O, Nそれぞれで、共通でユニークな要素(shared unique element)を起点として、差分を取ることを考えるからです。そのため、実装的にはenum Counterにassociated valueを持たせれば大丈夫です。以下のコードのSymbolTableEntryがそれに該当します。
詳細については後ほどの 6-Steps で説明します。
let O: [Int] = [1, 2, 3, 3] // 1 and 2: unique, 3: not unique
let N: [Int] = [1, 2, 2, 3] // 1 and 3: unique, 2: not unique
<E: Hashable>
var symbolTable: [Int: SymbolTableEntry] = [:]
enum Counter {
case zero
case one(index: Int) // OLNO
case many
mutating func increment(withIndex index: Int) {
switch self {
case .zero:
self = .one(index: index)
self = .many
class SymbolTableEntry {
var oldCounter: Counter
var newCounter: Counter
1. symbol table
- 配列O, Nの各要素がそれぞれでどのくらいの数(Counter)含まれているのか
- それは配列Oのどこに(OLNO)含まれているのか
それでは、2, 3: old element references, new element references
についてです。まず前提として、これら2つは、配列O, Nの各要素と1:1対応する
別の配列です。慣習的に配列OA, NAとします。
今、元々の配列O, Nの要素の情報を持っているデータは、配列O, Nに加えて先ほどの symbol table
(Keyとして情報を持っている) があります。old, new element references
配列OA, NAにはその参照が格納されます。全体で3つある配列O, 配列N, 辞書SymbolTable参照元の内、自分自身以外を考えるので、参照元は .symbolTable
と .theOther
enum ElementReference {
case symbolTable(entry: SymbolTableEntry)
case theOther(index: Int)
- symbol table :
- 2つの配列O, Nの各要素をKeyとする辞書型データ
- 配列O, Nで共通
- symbol table entry: key-valueのvalueを管理
- その要素がそれぞれの配列にどのぐらい含まれてるのか。
- その要素が配列O内で何番目のインデックスなのか。
- Old
- O: 配列 (oldArray)
- OA: ElementReferenceを管理する配列 (oldElementReferences)
- New
- N: 配列 (newArray)
- NA: ElementReferenceを管理する配列 (newElementReferences)
()内はswiftで書いた時の変数名とします。 これ以降、他の登場人物は登場せず、これらをうまく組み合わせることで差分を取ることが出来ます。差分を取るまでに6つのStepが必要であり、その組み合わせ方と手順がHeckel Algorithmの核です。
それでは、1-6 Stepの内 Step-1から見て行きましょう。手順は以下の通りです。 配列Nの各要素を、SymbolTableに登録していく作業です。
newArray.forEach { element in
let entry = symbolTable[element.hashValue] ?? SymbolTableEntry()
entry.newCounter.increment(withIndex: 0)
newElementReferences.append(.symbolTable(entry: entry))
symbolTable[element.hashValue] = entry
ここで、withIndex: 0としているのは、SymbolTableEntryが管理するインデックスは、配列Oに対して管理すれば十分なので配列Nに対しては0を代入しています。
oldArray.enumerated().forEach { index, element
let entry = symbolTable[element.hashValue] ?? TableEntry()
entry.oldCounter.increment(withIndex: index)
oldElementReferences.append(.symbolTable(entry: entry))
symbolTable[element.hashValue] = entry
oldCounter.incrementに渡しているindexは、case .oneのassociated valueとして管理されます。
これからStep-3, 4, 5に移りますが、その前にこの3つのStepを大まかに説明します。
Step-1, 2では newElementReferences, oldElementReferences
に .symbolTable
だけを登録していました。この段階では一旦全て .symbolTable
これから、それらの参照を可能な限り .theOther
に変えて行きます。しかし、その要素がもう片方の配列に存在していなければ、切り替えはできません。その場合はそのまま .symbolTable
そうなると、最終的には .symbolTable
は共通で持たない要素を .theOther
->delete, insert
Step-3では、oldCounter == newCounter == .one
の場合のみ、つまり、shared unique elementに対して計算を行います。
newElementReferences.enumerated().forEach { newIndex, reference in
guard case let .symbolTable(entry: entry) = reference,
case .one(let oldIndex) = entry.oldCounter,
case .one = entry.newCounter else { return }
newElementReferences[newIndex] = .theOther(index: oldIndex)
oldElementReferences[oldIndex] = .theOther(index: newIndex)
Step-4に移りましょう。Step-3はshared unique elementに対してのみ、参照元を.symbolTable
newElementReferences.enumerated().forEach { newIndex, _ in
guard case let .theOther(index: oldIndex) = newElementReferences[newIndex],
oldIndex < oldElementReferences.count - 1, newIndex < newElementReferences.count - 1,
case let .symbolTable(entry: newEntry) = newElementReferences[newIndex + 1],
case let .symbolTable(entry: oldEntry) = oldElementReferences[oldIndex + 1],
newEntry === oldEntry else { return }
newElementReferences[newIndex + 1] = .theOther(index: oldIndex + 1)
oldElementReferences[oldIndex + 1] = .theOther(index: newIndex + 1)
Step-4と同じことを、descending loopで行います。
newElementReferences.enumerated().reversed().forEach { newIndex, _ in
guard case let .theOther(index: oldIndex) = newElementReferences[newIndex],
oldIndex > 0, newIndex > 0,
case let .symbolTable(entry: newEntry) = newElementReferences[newIndex - 1],
case let .symbolTable(entry: oldEntry) = oldElementReferences[oldIndex - 1],
newEntry === oldEntry else { return }
newElementReferences[newIndex - 1] = .theOther(index: oldIndex - 1)
oldElementReferences[oldIndex - 1] = .theOther(index: newIndex - 1)
ここまでで、配列O, Nに対応した配列OA, NAが決定されました。配列OA, NA内の各referenceが .symbolTable
- 共通で無い要素で配列Oに含まれているものは、配列Nに編集するためには削除しなければなりません。よって
。 - 共通で無い要素で配列Nに含まれているものは、配列Oに加えなければなりません。よって
。 - 共通要素の場合は、順番を変える編集が必要です。よって
になります。 Step-6では、これらの計算を行います。
enum Difference<E> {
case delete(element: E, index: Int)
case insert(element: E, index: Int)
case move(element: E, fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int)
var differences: [Difference<T>] = []
oldElementReferences.enumerated().forEach { oldIndex, reference in
guard case .symbolTable = reference else { return }
differences.append(.delete(element: oldArray[oldIndex], index: oldIndex))
newElementReferences.enumerated().forEach { newIndex, reference in
switch reference {
case .symbolTable:
differences.append(.insert(element: newArray[newIndex], index: newIndex))
case let .theOther(index: oldIndex):
differences.append(.move(element: newArray[newIndex], fromIndex: oldIndex, toIndex: newIndex))
を参照します。よって、この様な計算で、delete, insert, moveのdiffが得られます。
ここで、moveに関しては注意が必要です。元々の配列Oの各要素に対応して、配列OAがありました。もし配列Oと配列Nが同じであった場合、この配列は全ての参照先が .theOther
になります。これをそのまま move
このように、Heckel Algorithmでは、必ずしも最短の編集距離には成り得ません。しかし、線形時間で差分が取れるということは最大の特徴では無いでしょうか。
Myers Difference Algorithm is an algorithm that finds a longest common subsequence(LCS) or shortest edit scripts(SES) of two sequences. MDA can accomplish this in O(ND) time, where N is the sum of the lengths of the two sequences. The common subsequence of two sequences is the sequence of elements that appear in the same order in both sequences.
For example, let's assume you have two arrays:
A = [1, 2, 3]
B = [2, 3, 4]
The common subsequences of these two arrays are [2]
, and [2,3]
. The longest common sequence in this case is [2,3]
MDA uses an Edit Graph to solve the LCS/SES problem. Below is a illustration depicting an edit graph:
The x-axis at the top of the graph represents one of the sequences, X
. The y-axis at the left side of the graph represents the other sequence, Y
. Hence, the two sequences in question is the following:
X = [A, B, C, A, B, B, A]
Y = [C, B, A, B, A, C]
MDA generates the edit graph through the following steps:
- Line the element of sequence
on the x axis. And do forY
on the y axis. - Make grid and vertex at each point in the grid (x, y),
x in [0, N] and y in [0, M]
is the length of sequenceX
is ofY
- Line for
x - y = k
, this line called k-line. - Check the points
(i, j)
, whereX[i] = Y[j]
, called match point. - Connect vertex
(i - 1, j - 1)
and vertex(i, j)
, where(i, j)
is match point, then diagonal edge appears.
Each elements on the figure shows that,
Red number and dotted lines
: The red number is the value of k and dotted lines are k-line.Green dots: The match points
, which is the point(i, j)
whereX[i] == Y[j]
Blue line
: The shortest path from source to sink, which is the path we are going to find finally.
Note: Here, the sequences' start index is 1 not 0, so
X[1] = A
,Y[1] = C
We discuss about which path is the shortest from source
to sink
. Can move on the edges on the graph. I mean we can move on the grid, horizontal and vertical edges, and the diagonal edges.
The movements are compatible with the Edit Scripts
, insert or delete. The word Edit Scripts
appeared here, as referred at Introduction, SES is Shortest Edit Scripts.
Let's get back on track. On this edit graph, the horizontal movement to vertex (i, j)
is compatible with the script delete at index i from X
, the vertical movement to vertex (i, j)
is compatible with the script insert the element of Y at index j to immediately after the element of X at index i
. How about for the diagonal movement?. This movement to vertex (i, j)
means X[i] = Y[j]
, so no script needs.
- horizontal movement -> delete
- vertical movement -> insert
- diagonal movement -> no script because both are same.
Next, add cost 1 for non-diagonal movement, because they can be compatible with script. And 0 for diagonal movement, same means no script.
The total cost for the minimum path, exploring from source
to sink
, is the same as the length of the Longest Common Subsequence or Shortest Edit Script.
So, LCS/SES problem can be solved by finding the shortest path from source
to sink
As mentioned above, the problem of finding a shortest edit script can be reduced to finding a path from source (0, 0)
to sink (N, M)
with the fewest number of horizontal and vertical edges. Let D-path
be a path starting at source
that has exactly D
non-diagonal edges, or must move non-diagonally D-times.
For example, A 0-path consists solely of diagonal edges. This means both sequences are completely same.
By a simple induction, D-path must consist of a (D-1)-path followed by a non-diagonal edge and then diagonal edges, which called snake
. The minimum value of D is 0, both sequences being same. To the contrary, the maximum value of D is N + M because delete all elements from X and insert all elements from Y to X is the worst case edit scripts. For getting D, or the length of SES, running loop from 0 to N + M is enough.
for D in 0...N + M
Next, thinking about, where is the furthest reaching point for D-path on k-line. Like below, moving horizontally from k-line reaches (k+1)-line, moving vertically from k-line reaches (k-1)-line. Red chalky line shows that.
So, threre are several end points of D-path, or D-path can end on several k-line. We need the information to get the next path ((D+1)-path) as mentioned above. In fact, D-path must end on
k-line, where k in { -D, -D + 2, ....., D - 2, D }. This is so simple, starting point, source
is (0, 0)
on (k=0)-line. D is the number of non-diagonal edges and non-diagonal movement changes current k-line to (kpm1)-line. Because 0 is even number, if D is even number D-path will end on (even_k)-line, if D is odd number D-path will end on (odd_k)-line.
Searching loop outline will be below.
for D in 0...N + M {
for k in stride(from: -D, through: D, by: 2) {
//Find the end point of the furthest reaching D-path in k-line.
if furthestReachingX == N && furthestReachingY == M {
// The D-path is the shortest path
// D is the length of Shortest Edit Script
The D-path on k-line can be decomposed into
- a furthest reaching (D-1)-path on (k-1)-line, followed by a horizontal edge, followed by
. - a furthest reaching (D-1)-path on (k+1)-line, followed by a vertical edge, followed by
. as discussed above.
The Myers Algorithm key point are these.
- D-path must end on k-line, where k in { -D, -D + 2, ....., D - 2, D }
- The D-path on k-line can be decomposed into two patterns
thanks for these, the number of calculation become less.
public struct MyersDifferenceAlgorithm<E: Equatable> {
public static func calculateShortestEditDistance(from fromArray: Array<E>, to toArray: Array<E>) -> Int {
let fromCount = fromArray.count
let toCount = toArray.count
let totalCount = toCount + fromCount
var furthestReaching = Array(repeating: 0, count: 2 * totalCount + 1)
let isReachedAtSink: (Int, Int) -> Bool = { x, y in
return x == fromCount && y == toCount
let snake: (Int, Int, Int) -> Int = { x, D, k in
var _x = x
while _x < fromCount && _x - k < toCount && fromArray[_x] == toArray[_x - k] {
_x += 1
return _x
for D in 0...totalCount {
for k in stride(from: -D, through: D, by: 2) {
let index = k + totalCount
// (x, D, k) => the x position on the k_line where the number of scripts is D
// scripts means insertion or deletion
var x = 0
if D == 0 { }
// k == -D, D will be the boundary k_line
// when k == -D, moving right on the Edit Graph(is delete script) from k - 1_line where D - 1 is unavailable.
// when k == D, moving bottom on the Edit Graph(is insert script) from k + 1_line where D - 1 is unavailable.
// furthestReaching x position has higher calculating priority. (x, D - 1, k - 1), (x, D - 1, k + 1)
else if k == -D || k != D && furthestReaching[index - 1] < furthestReaching[index + 1] {
// Getting initial x position
// ,using the furthestReaching X position on the k + 1_line where D - 1
// ,meaning get (x, D, k) by (x, D - 1, k + 1) + moving bottom + snake
// this moving bottom on the edit graph is compatible with insert script
x = furthestReaching[index + 1]
} else {
// Getting initial x position
// ,using the futrhest X position on the k - 1_line where D - 1
// ,meaning get (x, D, k) by (x, D - 1, k - 1) + moving right + snake
// this moving right on the edit graph is compatible with delete script
x = furthestReaching[index - 1] + 1
// snake
// diagonal moving can be performed with 0 cost.
// `same` script is needed ?
let _x = snake(x, D, k)
if isReachedAtSink(_x, _x - k) { return D }
furthestReaching[index] = _x
fatalError("Never comes here")