This is a PyTorch Lightning-based pipeline for training EfficientDet on COCO 2017 dataset. For better efficiency, it logs with Wandb, configures training with yaml files and manages them with Hydra, and defines augmentation with Albumentations. But if you want to train a different model, you can easily create a new training by slight modifications to the template.
pytorch >= 1.11.0
pytorch-lightning >= 1.6.5
wandb >= 0.12.21
hydra >= 1.2.0
albumentations >= 1.2.1
Warning : There is an issue that on pytorch 1.12, checkpoints from Adam and AdamW cannot be resumed for another training.
We run training on GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER.
model | mAP 0.5:0.95 | paper | Params | FPS | checkpoint |
D0 | - | 34.6 | 3.9M | - | - |
D1 | - | 40.5 | 6.6M | - | - |
D2 | - | 43.9 | 8.1M | - | - |
D3 | - | 47.2 | 12.0M | - | - |
D4 | - | 49.7 | 20.7M | - | - |
D5 | - | 51.5 | 33.6M | - | - |
D6 | - | 52.6 | 51.8M | - | - |
D7 | - | 53.7 | 51.8M | - | - |
D7X | - | 55.1 | 77.1M | - | - |
Training is running now! 🔥🔥🔥
- [22.09.12] Initial commit
Configure pl.Trainer with a single yaml file. The file will pass to it its arguments and every modules in Callbacks, Profiler, Logger, Strategy, and Plugins of PyTorch Lightning through a Config_Trainer object.
max_epochs: 100
accelerator: gpu
accumulate_grad_batches: 8
log_every_n_steps: 100
monitor: AP
patience: 10
check_on_train_epoch_end: False
logging_interval: step
Define every hyperparameters involved in training and how to log on Wandb. COCO_EfficientDet class is a template that defines the training, validation and test process, and it contains all the hyperparameters required for training, such as foreground threshold for focal loss or learning rate.
What's new about logging here is that you can also log artifacts in Wandb, which are not supported by original WandbLogger of PyTorch Lightning.
- _self_
- dataset: COCO2017
- trainer: default
batch_size: 4
num_workers: 0
coeff: 0
fore_th: 0.5
back_th: 0.4
iou_th: 0.5
max_det: 400
lr: 0.0001
name: exp0-run0
project: COCO_EfficientDet
save_dir: ./log
artifact_type: find_lr
artifact_name: experiment_0
artifact_description: lr=0.0001 | scheduler=ReduceLROnPlateau | monitor=AP
trainer: config/trainer/default.yaml
If you want to continue the previous training, give the checkpoint file from Artifacts of Wandb or local directory to ckpt_path.
Once you've configured the trainer and experiment, type the command line like below. The experiment file must be located under config directory and its name must be typed without .yaml.
python --config-name experiment_0
Enter the checkpoint file of the model's weight that you want to test to ckpt_path. Then the result converted to COCO-style will be saved as a json file.
python --config-name experiment_0
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