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linguistic typology | discourse analysis | nominalization | demonstrative | clitic | Languages of Taiwan

Contributed Talks

  • Huang, Ruiling & Haowen Jiang. 2022. A corpus-based study of minimizers in Taiwanese Southern Min: the case of sió-khuá and tām-po̍h, presented at the 16th International Conference on Min Dialects (ICMD-16), University of Macau, Macau, Nov 18-21.
  • Jiang, Haowen & Ruiling Huang. 2022. A corpus-based study of minimizers in Taiwanese Southern Min: the case of sió-khuá and tām-po̍h, presented at the 28th Annual Conference of International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IALC-28), the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, May 20-22. slides
  • Chen, Sihwei & Haowen Jiang. 2020. Update now: Decomposing “iamitive”, presented at the 38th meeting of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL-38), University of British Columbian, Canada, March 6-8.
  • Jiang, Haowen & Ruiling Huang. 2019. A comparative study of paucal expressions in Min Chinese (Chinese title: 闽南方言小量表达的对比研究), presented at the Workshop on Language Variation and Change, Changshu Institute of Technology, China, December 21-22.
  • Jiang, Haowen. 2019d. Verb classes in Central Amis: Evidence from grammatical nominalizations, presented at the Workshop on Verb Classes in Formosan Languages and Beyond: Cross-linguistic, Comparative, and Diachronic Perspectives, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, November 15-16.
  • Jiang, Haowen. 2019c. A typological study of associative plurals in Formosan languages (Chinese title: 台湾南岛语连类复数的语言类型学研究), presented at the 3rd Symposium on Neo-descriptivism, Hangzhou Normal University, China, November 9-10.
  • Jiang, Haowen. 2019b. Speaking of speaking: Construction-coerced change of semantic roles for verbs of speaking in Puyuma (Austronesian), presented at the 15th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-15), Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan, August 6-11.
  • Jiang, Haowen. 2019a. A typology of possessive substantives in Formosan languages, presented at the 4th International Symposium on Language Typology (ISLT-4), Renmin University, China, July 5-7.
  • Jiang, Haowen & Masayoshi Shibatani 2019. Nominal-based nominalization: The case of (numeral) classifiers, presented at the 27th Annual Conference of International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IALC-27), Kobe City University of Foreign Studies, Japan, May 10-12.
  • Jiang, Haowen. 2018. On the function of PAn *nu and its implication on the development of possessive NPs, presented at the 28th Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society (SEALS-28), Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Taiwan, May 17-19.
  • Chen, Sihwei & Haowen Jiang. 2018. Ways of talking about the past: The semantics of -in- and =in in Bunun, presented at the 25th Annual Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA-25), Academia Sinica, Taiwan, May 10-12.
  • Jiang, Haowen. 2016. Subject indexes in Budai Rukai, presented at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA-23), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan, June 10-12.
  • Jiang, Haowen & Loren Billings. 2015. Evidence from Puyuma for only a single clitic-pronoun paradigm in Proto Austronesian, presented at the panel on “Topics in the morphosyntax of higher-order Austronesian subgrouping: Considering the Nuclear Austronesian hypothesis” at the 13th International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan; July 18-23.
  • Jiang, Haowen & Loren Billings. 2014. Case closed: Positionally conditioned pronoun allomorphy (+ an inverse clitic) in Rikavung Puyuma, presented at the 5th International Conference on Phonology and Morphology (ICPM-5), Chonnam National University, South Korea, July 3-5.
  • Jiang, Haowen. 2014. What’s in there? On the non-place-denoting function of locative demonstratives in spoken Mandarin, presented at the Bloomsbury Round Table: The Third International Symposium on Chinese Language and Discourse (ISCLD-3), Birkbeck, University of London, United Kingdom, June 11-13.
  • Jiang, Haowen & Loren Billings. 2014a. Person-based ordering of pronominal clitics in Rikavung Puyuma: An inverse analysis, presented at the 21st Annual Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA-21), University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, USA, May 23-25.
  • Jiang, Haowen. 2012b. Demonstratives and nominalization: On the differential scope of the two sets of demonstratives in Isbukun Bunun, presented at the 19th Annual Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA-19), Academia Sinica, Taiwan, June 26-29.
  • Jiang, Haowen. 2012a. This also is the case: An intralingual study of two additive focus particles (ia3 and me3) in Hakka, presented at the Second International Symposium on Chinese Language and Discourse (ISCLD-2), Nangyang Technological University, Singapore, June 9-11.
  • Jiang, Haowen. 2011. On the grammaticalization of nominalization marker =ay in Kavalan and Amis: A contrastive study, presented at the 85th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA-85), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, January 6-9.
  • Jiang, Haowen. 2010. Appearances can be deceiving: A preliminary corpus study of de yangzi ‘appearance of’ in Mandarin, presented at the First International Symposium on Chinese Language and Discourse (ISCLD-1), University of California at Los Angeles, USA, October 29-31.
  • Jeng, Hengsyung & Haowen Jiang. 2010. The spatial and temporal conceptualizations of Isbukun Bunun, presented at the 4th Conference on Language, Discourse and Cognition (CLDC-4), National Taiwan University, Taiwan, May 1-2.
  • Jiang, Haowen. 2009. Spatial deixis as motion predicates and aspect markers: The case in Kavalan, presented at the 11th International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics (ICAL-11), Aussois, France, June 22-26.
  • Jiang, Haowen. 2008b. Motion in narratives: finding the way in Kavalan, presented at the 10th Philippines Linguistics Congress (PLC-10), University of the Philippines at Diliman, Philippines, December 10-12.
  • Jiang, Haowen. 2008a. How can Cognitive Linguistics help us with Second Language Acquisition? A case study of the Russian motion verb idti, presented at the 8th High Desert Linguistics Society Conference (HDLS-8), University of New Mexico, USA, November 6-8.
  • Jiang, Haowen. 2005. Spatial language in Kavalan, presented at May Day Festival: Workshop on Discourse and Cognition (II), National Taiwan University, Taiwan, May 7.

Invited Talks

  • Shibatani, Masayoshi, Prashant Pardeshi, and Haowen Jiang. 2023. Nominalization-classifier continua and overlaps in languages of China, presented at Classifiers in Asian Languages, Zhejiang University, China, May 20.
  • Jiang, Haowen. 2019d. Inclusory constructions in Formosan languages, presented at Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic, November 27. (Funded by the project “Sinophone Borderlands: Interaction at the Edges”, Olomouc, Czech)
  • Jiang, Haowen. 2019c. Associative plurals and inclusory constructions in Formosan languages, presented at Linguistic Salon for Young Researchers, Fudan University, China, April 3.
  • Jiang, Haowen. 2019b. Associative plurals and inclusory constructions in Formosan languages, presented at Linguistics Colloquium, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan, March 13.
  • Jiang, Haowen. 2019a. Spatial grammar and Austronesian languages: A typological perspective, presented at Education and Research Center for Indigenous Peoples, National Pingtung University, Taiwan, March 7.
  • Jiang, Haowen. 2018. A typological study of nominalization in Formosan languages, presented at at Center for Chinese Linguistics, Peking University, China, October 11.
  • Jiang, Haowen. 2017. Taking function seriously: Argument and event nominalization in Budai Rukai, presented at the Nominalization Festival III, Osaka University, Japan, July 8. (Funded by the Rice-Osaka University joint project)
  • Jiang, Haowen. 2016b. Subject indexes in Budai Rukai and hortative meanings in Austronesian, presented at the Linguistics Colloquium, Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, August 1.
  • Jiang, Haowen. 2016a. Nominalization in Amis: A Formosan language, presented at the Nominalization Festival II, Osaka University, Japan, June 4. (Funded by the Rice-Osaka University joint project)
  • Jiang, Haowen. 2015. A nominalization account of possessive substantives in Formosan languages, presented at the Nominalization Festival I, Osaka University, Japan, August 8. (Funded by the Rice-Osaka University joint project)
  • Jiang, Haowen & Loren Billings. 2014. What dialects with clustered (rather than verb-sandwiching) clitics tell us about argument indexing in Puyuma, presented at the Celebratory Conference for the 20th Anniversary of the Graduate Institute of Linguistics, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, November 8.
  • Jiang, Haowen. 2013. The possession-modification scale and a reappraisal of “genitive” in Paiwan, Rukai, and Puyuma, presented at the Second NTU Workshop on Discourse and Grammar in Formosan Languages, Graduate Institute of Linguistics, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, June 1.
  • Jiang, Haowen. 2012c. Three dichotomies in the Kavalan demonstrative system, presented at Linguistics Colloquium, National Chi Nan University, Taiwan, October 25.
  • Jiang, Haowen. 2012b. Nominalization and stance marking in Kavalan and Amis: A contrastive study of =ay, presented at Linguistics Colloquium, National Chi Nan University, Taiwan, October 24.
  • Jiang, Haowen. 2012a. Demonstratives and nominalization: On the differential scope of the two sets of demonstratives in Isbukun Bunun, presented at Linguistics Colloquium, National Chi Nan University, Taiwan, October 22.
  • Jiang, Haowen. 2011c. Nominalization and stance marking in Kavalan and Amis: A contrastive study of =ay, presented at Stance Marking across Languages: Typological, Diachronic & Discourse Perspectives, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, July 18-20.
  • Jiang, Haowen. 2011b. Appearances are not skin deep: On the development of de yangzi as an inferential maker in Mandarin spoken discourse, presented at Stance Marking across Languages: Typological, Diachronic & Discourse Perspectives, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, July 18-20.
  • Jiang, Haowen. 2011a. On the grammaticalization of the nominalization marker =ay in Kavalan and Amis: A contrastive study, presented at Linguistics Colloquium, Rice University, USA, January 27.
  • Jiang, Haowen. 2009. Three dichotomies in the Kavalan demonstrative system, presented at Linguistics Colloquium, Rice University, USA, September 17.

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