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CLI Reference for Buckets

This section lists operations on buckets using the AIS CLI, with ais bucket. For types of supported buckets (AIS, Cloud, backend, etc.) and many more examples, please see the in-depth overview of buckets.

Table of Contents

Create bucket

ais bucket create BUCKET [BUCKET...]

Create bucket(s).


Create AIS bucket

Create buckets bucket_name1 and bucket_name2, both with AIS provider.

$ ais bucket create ais://bucket_name1 ais://bucket_name2
"ais://bucket_name1" bucket created
"ais://bucket_name2" bucket created

Create AIS bucket in local namespace

Create bucket bucket_name in ml namespace.

$ ais bucket create ais://#ml/bucket_name
"ais://#ml/bucket_name" bucket created

Create bucket in remote AIS cluster

Create bucket bucket_name in global namespace of AIS remote cluster with Bghort1l UUID.

$ ais bucket create ais://@Bghort1l/bucket_name
"ais://@Bghort1l/bucket_name" bucket created

Create bucket bucket_name in ml namespace of AIS remote cluster with Bghort1l UUID.

$ ais bucket create ais://@Bghort1l#ml/bucket_name
"ais://@Bghort1l#ml/bucket_name" bucket created

Create bucket with custom properties

Create bucket bucket_name with custom properties specified.

$ # Key-value format
$ ais bucket create ais://@Bghort1l/bucket_name --bucket-props="mirror.enabled=true mirror.copies=2"
"ais://@Bghort1l/bucket_name" bucket created
$ # JSON format
$ ais bucket create ais://@Bghort1l/bucket_name --bucket-props='{"versioning": {"enabled": true, "validate_warm_get": true}}'
"ais://@Bghort1l/bucket_name" bucket created

Create HDFS bucket

Create bucket bucket_name in HDFS backend with bucket pointing to /yt8m directory. More info about HDFS buckets can be found here.

$ ais bucket create hdfs://bucket_name --bucket-props="extra.hdfs.ref_directory=/yt8m"
"hdfs://bucket_name" bucket created

Incorrect buckets creation

$ ais bucket create aws://bucket_name
Create bucket "aws://bucket_name" failed: creating a bucket for any of the cloud or HTTP providers is not supported

Delete bucket

ais bucket rm BUCKET [BUCKET...]

Delete an ais bucket or buckets.


Remove AIS buckets

Remove AIS buckets bucket_name1 and bucket_name2.

$ ais bucket rm ais://bucket_name1 ais://bucket_name2
"ais://bucket_name1" bucket destroyed
"ais://bucket_name2" bucket destroyed

Remove AIS bucket in local namespace

Remove bucket bucket_name from ml namespace.

$ ais bucket rm ais://#ml/bucket_name
"ais://#ml/bucket_name" bucket destroyed

Remove bucket in remote AIS cluster

Remove bucket bucket_name from global namespace of AIS remote cluster with Bghort1l UUID.

$ ais bucket rm ais://@Bghort1l/bucket_name
"ais://@Bghort1l/bucket_name" bucket destroyed

Remove bucket bucket_name from ml namespace of AIS remote cluster with Bghort1l UUID.

$ ais bucket rm ais://@Bghort1l#ml/bucket_name
"ais://@Bghort1l#ml/bucket_name" bucket destroyed

Incorrect buckets removal

Removing remote buckets is not supported.

$ ais bucket rm aws://bucket_name
Operation "destroy-bck" is not supported by "aws://bucket_name"

List buckets

ais bucket ls

List all buckets.

ais bucket ls --regex "ngn*"

List all buckets matching the ngn* regex expression.

ais bucket ls aws:// or ais bucket ls ais://

List all buckets for the specific provider.

ais bucket ls ais://#name

List all buckets for the ais provider and name namespace.

ais bucket ls ais://@uuid#namespace

List all buckets for the ais provider and uuid#namespace namespace. uuid should be equal to remote cluster UUID and namespace is optional name of the remote namespace (if namespace not provided the global namespace will be used).


Name Type Description Default
--regex string Pattern for matching bucket names ""
--no-headers bool Display tables without headers false

List object names

ais bucket ls BUCKET

List all objects contained in BUCKET bucket.


Name Type Description Default
--regex string Pattern for matching object names ""
--template string Template for matching object names ""
--prefix string Prefix for matching object names ""
--paged bool Fetch and print objects page by page false
--max-pages int Max. number of pages to list 0
--page-size int Max. number of object names per page 1000
--props string Comma-separated properties to return with object names "size,version"
--limit int Max. number of object names to list 0
--show-unmatched bool List objects unmatched by regex and template as well, after the matched ones false
--all bool Show all objects, including misplaced, duplicated, etc. false
--marker string Start listing objects starting from the object that follows the marker alphabetically ""
--no-headers bool Display tables without headers false
--cached bool For a remote bucket, shows only objects that have already been downloaded and are cached on local drives (ignored for ais buckets) false
--use-cache bool Use proxy cache to speed up list object request false
--start-after string Object name (marker) after which the listing should start ""
--list-archive bool List contents of archives (ie., objects formatted as TAR, TGZ, ZIP archives) false
--name-only bool Lightweight and fast request to retrieve only the names of objects in the bucket. If defined, all comma-separated fields in the --props flag are ignored with only two exceptions: name and status false


From the specific bucket

List objects in the AIS bucket bucket_name.

$ ais bucket ls ais://bucket_name
shard-0.tar	16.00KiB	1
shard-1.tar	16.00KiB	1

List objects in the remote bucket bucket_name.

ais bucket ls aws://bucket_name
shard-0.tar	16.00KiB	1
shard-1.tar	16.00KiB	1

From AIS remote cluster with specific namespace

List objects in the bucket bucket_name and ml namespace contained on AIS remote cluster with Bghort1l UUID.

$ ais bucket ls ais://@Bghort1l#ml/bucket_name
shard-0.tar	16.00KiB	1
shard-1.tar	16.00KiB	1

With prefix

List objects which match given prefix.

$ ais bucket ls ais://bucket_name --prefix "shard-1"
shard-1.tar	16.00KiB	1
shard-10.tar	16.00KiB	1

List archive contect

$ ais ls ais://abc/ --prefix log
NAME             SIZE
log.tar.gz      3.11KiB

$ ais ls ais://abc/ --prefix log --archive
NAME                                             SIZE
log.tar.gz                                       3.11KiB
    log2.tar.gz/t_2021-07-27_14-08-50.log        959B
    log2.tar.gz/t_2021-07-27_14-10-36.log        959B
    log2.tar.gz/t_2021-07-27_14-12-18.log        959B
    log2.tar.gz/t_2021-07-27_14-13-23.log        295B
    log2.tar.gz/t_2021-07-27_14-13-31.log        1.02KiB
    log2.tar.gz/t_2021-07-27_14-14-16.log        1.71KiB
    log2.tar.gz/t_2021-07-27_14-15-15.log        1.90KiB

[experimental] Using proxy cache

Experimental support for the proxy's cache can be enabled with --use-cache option. In such case the proxy will cache list object request, so the subsequent calls will be faster.

$ ais bucket ls ais://bucket_name --use-cache
shard-0.tar	16.00KiB	1
shard-1.tar	16.00KiB	1

Evict remote bucket

ais bucket evict BUCKET

Evict a remote bucket. It also resets the properties of the bucket (if changed). All data from the remote bucket stored in the cluster will be removed, and AIS will stop keeping track of the remote bucket. Read more about this feature here.

$ ais bucket evict aws://abc
"aws://abc" bucket evicted

# Dry run: the cluster will not be modified
$ ais bucket evict --dry-run aws://abc
[DRY RUN] No modifications on the cluster
EVICT: "aws://abc"

# Only evict the remote bucket's data (AIS will retain the bucket's metadata)
$ ais bucket evict --keep-md aws://abc
"aws://abc" bucket evicted

Here's a fuller example that lists remote bucket and then reads and evicts a selected object:

$ ais ls gs://wrQkliptRt
NAME             SIZE
TDXBNBEZNl.tar   8.50KiB
qFpwOOifUe.tar   8.50KiB
thmdpZXetG.tar   8.50KiB

$ ais object get gcp://wrQkliptRt/qFpwOOifUe.tar /tmp/qFpwOOifUe.tar
GET "qFpwOOifUe.tar" from bucket "gcp://wrQkliptRt" as "/tmp/qFpwOOifUe.tar" [8.50KiB]

$ ais ls gs://wrQkliptRt --props all
NAME             SIZE            CHECKSUM                                ATIME                   VERSION                 CACHED  STATUS  COPIES
TDXBNBEZNl.tar   8.50KiB         33345a69bade096a30abd42058da4537                                1622133976984266        no      ok      0
qFpwOOifUe.tar   8.50KiB         47dd59e41f6b7723                        28 May 21 12:02 PDT     1622133846120151        yes     ok      1
thmdpZXetG.tar   8.50KiB         cfe0c386e91daa1571d6a659f49b1408                                1622137609269706        no      ok      0

$ ais bucket evict gcp://wrQkliptRt
"gcp://wrQkliptRt" bucket evicted

$ ais ls gs://wrQkliptRt --props all
NAME             SIZE            CHECKSUM                                ATIME   VERSION                 CACHED  STATUS  COPIES
TDXBNBEZNl.tar   8.50KiB         33345a69bade096a30abd42058da4537                1622133976984266        no      ok      0
qFpwOOifUe.tar   8.50KiB         8b5919c0850a07d931c3c46ed9101eab                1622133846120151        no      ok      0
thmdpZXetG.tar   8.50KiB         cfe0c386e91daa1571d6a659f49b1408                1622137609269706        no      ok      0

Note: When an HDFS bucket is evicted, AIS will only remove objects stored in the cluster. AIS will retain the bucket's metadata to allow the bucket to re-register later.

Move or Rename a bucket

ais bucket mv BUCKET NEW_BUCKET

Move (ie. rename) an AIS bucket. If the NEW_BUCKET already exists, the mv operation will not proceed.

Cloud bucket move is not supported.


Move AIS bucket

Move AIS bucket bucket_name to AIS bucket new_bucket_name.

$ ais bucket mv ais://bucket_name ais://new_bucket_name
Moving bucket "ais://bucket_name" to "ais://new_bucket_name" in progress.
To check the status, run: ais show job xaction mvlb ais://new_bucket_name

Copy bucket


Copy an existing bucket to a new bucket. The destination bucket must exist when:

  • the destination bucket is a cloud one
  • a multi-object operation is requested (either flag --list or --template is set)


Name Type Description Default
--dry-run bool Don't actually copy bucket, only include stats what would happen false
--prefix string Prefix added to every new object's name ""
--wait bool Wait until copying of a bucket is finished false
--list string Comma-separated list of objects to copy ""
--template string Copy only objects which names match the pattern ""

Flags --list and --template are mutually exclusive.


Copy AIS bucket

Copy AIS bucket src_bucket to AIS bucket dst_bucket.

$ ais bucket cp ais://src_bucket ais://dst_bucket
Copying bucket "ais://bucket_name" to "ais://dst_bucket" in progress.
To check the status, run: ais show job xaction copy-bck ais://dst_bucket

Copy AIS bucket and wait until finish

The same as above, but wait until copying is finished.

$ ais bucket cp ais://src_bucket ais://dst_bucket --wait

Copy cloud bucket to another cloud bucket

Copy AWS bucket src_bucket to AWS bucket dst_bucket.

# Make sure that both buckets exist.
$ ais bucket ls aws://
AWS Buckets (2)
$ ais bucket cp aws://src_bucket aws://dst_bucket
Copying bucket "aws://src_bucket" to "aws://dst_bucket" in progress.
To check the status, run: ais show job xaction copy-bck aws://dst_bucket

Copy only selected objects

Copy objects obj1.tar and from bucket ais://bck1 to ais://bck2, and wait until the operation finishes.

$ ais bucket cp ais://bck1 ais://bck2 --list obj1.tar, --wait
copying objects operation ("ais://bck1" => "ais://bck2") is in progress...
copying objects operation succeeded.

Copy object with pattern matching: copy obj2, obj3, and obj4 from ais://bck1 to ais://bck2. Do not wait for the operation is done.

$ ais bucket cp ais://bck1 ais://bck2 --template "obj{2..4}"
copying objects operation ("ais://bck1" => "ais://bck2") is in progress...
To check the status, run: ais show job xaction copy-bck ais://bck2

Show bucket summary

ais bucket summary [BUCKET]

Show summary information on a per bucket basis. If BUCKET is specified in the command line, the output gets narrowed down to this specific bucket.

Depending on the command line options (listed below), per-bucket information includes total number of objects, size of the bucket in bytes or megabytes, and percentage of the total capacity used by the bucket.

A recently added --validate option is intended to analyze integrity of the stored distributed content. The questions that we ask at validation time "cover" location of stored objects and their replicas, the number of replicas (and whether this number agrees with the bucket configuration), etc.

In particular, location of each objects stored in the cluster must at any point in time correspond to the current cluster map and, within each storage target, to the target's mountpaths (disks). A failure to abide by location rules is called "misplacement"; misplaced objects - if any - must be migrated to their proper locations via automated processes called global rebalance and resilver:

As far as the option --validate a non-zero misplaced objects in its output would be a direct indication that the cluster requires rebalancing.

Note that --validate may take considerable time to execute, depending, of course, on sizes of the datasets and capabilities of the underlying hardware.


Flag Type Description Default
--fast bool The option is designed primarily for internal usage. The output may not accurately reflect user-accessible content. false
--validate bool Check objects for errors: misplacement, insufficient number of copies false
--cached bool For buckets that have remote backends, list only objects stored in the AIS cluster false

Start N-way Mirroring

ais job start mirror BUCKET --copies <value>

Start an extended action to bring a given bucket to a certain redundancy level (value copies). Read more about this feature here.


Flag Type Description Default
--copies int Number of copies 1

Start Erasure Coding

ais ec-encode BUCKET --data-slices <value> --parity-slices <value>

Start an extended action that enables data protection for a given bucket and encodes all its objects. Erasure coding must be disabled for the bucket prior to running ec-encode extended action. Read more about this feature here.


Flag Type Description
--data-slices, --data, -d int Number of data slices
--parity-slices, --parity, -p int Number of parity slices

All options are required and must be greater than 0.

Show bucket properties

Overall, the topic called "bucket properties" is rather involved and includes sub-topics "bucket property inhertance" and "cluster-wide global defaults". For background, please first see:

Now, as far as CLI, run the following to list properties of the specified bucket. By default, a certain compact form of bucket props sections is presented.

ais bucket props show BUCKET [PROP_PREFIX]

When PROP_PREFIX is set, only props that start with PROP_PREFIX will be displayed. Useful PROP_PREFIX are: access, checksum, ec, lru, mirror, provider, versioning.

Note: Like many other ais show commands, ais show bucket is aliased to ais bucket show for ease of use. Both of these commands are used interchangeably throughout the documentation.


Flag Type Description Default
--json bool Output in JSON format false
--compact, -c bool Show list of properties in compact human-readable mode false


Show bucket props with provided section

Show only lru section of bucket props for bucket_name bucket.

$ ais bucket props show ais://bucket_name --compact
checksum	 Type: xxhash | Validate: ColdGET
created		 2020-04-08T16:20:12-08:00
ec		 Disabled
lru		 Watermarks: 75%/90% | Do not evict time: 120m | OOS: 95%
mirror		 Disabled
provider	 ais
versioning	 Enabled | Validate on WarmGET: no
$ ais bucket props show ais://bucket_name lru --compact
lru		 Watermarks: 75%/90% | Do not evict time: 120m | OOS: 95%
$ ais bucket props show bucket_name lru
lru.capacity_upd_time	 10m
lru.dont_evict_time	 120m
lru.enabled		 true
lru.highwm		 90
lru.lowwm		 75
lru.out_of_space	 95

Set bucket properties


Set bucket properties. For the available options, see bucket-properties.

If JSON_SPECIFICATION is used, all properties of the bucket are set based on the values in the JSON object.


Flag Type Description Default
--force bool Ignore non-critical errors false

When JSON specification is not used, some properties support user-friendly aliases:

Property Value alias Description
access ro Disables bucket modifications: denies PUT, DELETE, and ColdGET requests
access rw Enables object modifications: allows PUT, DELETE, and ColdGET requests
access su Enables full access: all rw permissions, bucket deletion, and changing bucket permissions


Enable mirroring for a bucket

Set the mirror.enabled and mirror.copies properties to true and 2 respectively, for the bucket bucket_name

$ ais bucket props set ais://bucket_name 'mirror.enabled=true' 'mirror.copies=2'
Bucket props successfully updated
"mirror.enabled" set to:"true" (was:"false")

Make a bucket read-only

Set read-only access to the bucket bucket_name. All PUT and DELETE requests will fail.

$ ais bucket props set ais://bucket_name 'access=ro'
Bucket props successfully updated

Connect/Disconnect AIS bucket to/from cloud bucket

Set backend bucket for AIS bucket bucket_name to the GCP cloud bucket cloud_bucket. Once the backend bucket is set, operations (get, put, list, etc.) with ais://bucket_name will be exactly as we would do with gcp://cloud_bucket. It's like a symlink to a cloud bucket. The only difference is that all objects will be cached into ais://bucket_name (and reflected in the cloud as well) instead of gcp://cloud_bucket.

$ ais bucket props set ais://bucket_name backend_bck=gcp://cloud_bucket
Bucket props successfully updated
"" set to: "cloud_bucket" (was: "")
"backend_bck.provider" set to: "gcp" (was: "")

To disconnect cloud bucket do:

$ ais bucket props set ais://bucket_name backend_bck=none
Bucket props successfully updated
"" set to: "" (was: "cloud_bucket")
"backend_bck.provider" set to: "" (was: "gcp")

Ignore non-critical errors

To create an erasure-encoded bucket or enable EC for an existing bucket, AIS requires at least ec.data_slices + ec.parity_slices + 1 targets. At the same time, for small objects (size is less than ec.objsize_limit) it is sufficient to have only ec.parity_slices + 1 targets. Option --force allows creating erasure-encoded buckets when the number of targets is not enough but the number exceeds ec.parity_slices.

Note that if the number of targets is less than ec.data_slices + ec.parity_slices + 1, the cluster accepts only objects smaller than ec.objsize_limit. Bigger objects are rejected on PUT.

In examples a cluster with 6 targets is used:

$ # Creating a bucket
$ ais bucket create ais://bck --bucket-props "ec.enabled=true ec.data_slices=6 ec.parity_slices=4"
Create bucket "ais://bck" failed: EC config (6 data, 4 parity) slices requires at least 11 targets (have 6)
$ ais bucket create ais://bck --bucket-props "ec.enabled=true ec.data_slices=6 ec.parity_slices=4" --force
"ais://bck" bucket created
$ # If the number of targets is less than or equal to ec.parity_slices even `--force` does not help
$ ais bucket props set ais://bck ec.enabled true ec.data_slices 6 ec.parity_slices 8
EC config (6 data, 8 parity)slices requires at least 15 targets (have 6). To show bucket properties, run "ais show bucket BUCKET -v".
$ ais bucket props set ais://bck ec.enabled true ec.data_slices 6 ec.parity_slices 8 --force
EC config (6 data, 8 parity)slices requires at least 15 targets (have 6). To show bucket properties, run "ais show bucket BUCKET -v".
$ # Use force to enable EC if the number of target is sufficient to keep `ec.parity_slices+1` replicas
$ ais bucket props set ais://bck ec.enabled true ec.data_slices 6 ec.parity_slices 4
EC config (6 data, 8 parity)slices requires at least 11 targets (have 6). To show bucket properties, run "ais show bucket BUCKET -v".
$ ais bucket props set ais://bck ec.enabled true ec.data_slices 6 ec.parity_slices 4 --force
Bucket props successfully updated
"ec.enabled" set to: "true" (was: "false")
"ec.parity_slices" set to: "4" (was: "2")

Once erasure encoding is enabled for a bucket, the number of data and parity slices cannot be modified. The minimum object size ec.objsize_limit can be changed on the fly. To avoid accidental modification when EC for a bucket is enabled, the option --force must be used.

$ ais bucket props set ais://bck ec.enabled true
Bucket props successfully updated
"ec.enabled" set to: "true" (was: "false")
$ ais bucket props set ais://bck ec.objsize_limit 320000
P[dBbfp8080]: once enabled, EC configuration can be only disabled but cannot change. To show bucket properties, run "ais show bucket BUCKET -v".
$ ais bucket props set ais://bck ec.objsize_limit 320000 --force
Bucket props successfully updated
"ec.objsize_limit" set to:"320000" (was:"262144")

Set bucket properties with JSON

Set all bucket properties for bucket_name bucket based on the provided JSON specification.

$ ais bucket props set ais://bucket_name '{
    "provider": "ais",
    "versioning": {
      "enabled": true,
      "validate_warm_get": false
    "checksum": {
      "type": "xxhash",
      "validate_cold_get": true,
      "validate_warm_get": false,
      "validate_obj_move": false,
      "enable_read_range": false
    "lru": {
      "lowwm": 20,
      "highwm": 80,
      "out_of_space": 90,
      "dont_evict_time": "20m",
      "capacity_upd_time": "1m",
      "enabled": true
    "mirror": {
      "copies": 0,
      "burst_buffer": 0,
      "util_thresh": 0,
      "optimize_put": false,
      "enabled": false
    "ec": {
        "objsize_limit": 256000,
        "data_slices": 2,
        "parity_slices": 2,
        "enabled": true
    "access": "255"
Bucket props successfully updated
$ ais show bucket ais://bucket_name --compact
checksum	 Type: xxhash | Validate: ColdGET
created		2020-04-08T16:20:12-08:00
ec		 2:2 (250KiB)
lru		 Watermarks: 20%/80% | Do not evict time: 120m | OOS: 90%
mirror		 Disabled
provider	 ais
versioning	 Enabled | Validate on WarmGET: no

If not all properties are mentioned in the JSON, the missing ones are set to zero values (empty / false / nil):

$ ais bucket props reset ais://bucket_name
Bucket props successfully reset
$ ais bucket props set ais://bucket_name '{
  "mirror": {
    "enabled": true,
    "copies": 2
  "versioning": {
    "enabled": true,
    "validate_warm_get": true
Bucket props successfully updated
"versioning.validate_warm_get" set to: "true" (was: "false")
"mirror.enabled" set to: "true" (was: "false")
$ ais show bucket bucket_name --compact
checksum	 Type: xxhash | Validate: ColdGET
created		2020-04-08T16:20:12-08:00
ec		 Disabled
lru		 Watermarks: 75%/90% | Do not evict time: 120m | OOS: 95%
mirror		 2 copies
provider	 ais
versioning	 Enabled | Validate on WarmGET: yes

Reset bucket properties to cluster defaults

ais bucket props reset BUCKET

Reset bucket properties to cluster defaults.


$ ais bucket props reset bucket_name
Bucket props successfully reset

Show bucket metadata

ais show cluster bmd

Show bucket metadata (BMD).


$ ais show cluster bmd
ais                  test                 2                         25 Mar 21 18:28 PDT
ais                  validation                                     25 Mar 21 18:29 PDT
ais                  train                                          25 Mar 21 18:28 PDT

Version:        9
UUID:           jcUfFDyTN