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File metadata and controls

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Training deep learning (DL) models on petascale datasets is essential for achieving competitive and state-of-the-art performance in applications such as speech, video analytics, and object recognition. However, existing distributed filesystems were not developed for the access patterns and usability requirements of DL jobs.

In this white paper we describe AIStore and components, and then compare system performance experimentally using image classification workloads and storing training data on a variety of backends. For details, please see:

Also, for insights and specific requirements from a deep-learning perspective, please watch:

The rest of this document is structured as follows:

At a glance

Following is a high-level block diagram with an emphasis on supported frontend and backend APIs, and the capability to scale-out horizontally. The picture also tries to make the point that AIStore aggregates arbitrary numbers of storage servers with local drives, whereby each drive is formatted with a local filesystem (e.g., xfs or zfs).



AIStore is a hyper-converged architecture tailored specifically to run AI apps. To that end, we are supporting ETL offload: the capability to run custom extract-transform-load workloads close to data on (and by) the storage cluster:


For background and further references, see:

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Design Philosophy

It is often more optimal to let applications control how and whether the stored content is stored in chunks. That's the simple truth that holds, in particular, for AI datasets that are often pre-sharded with content and boundaries of those shards based on application-specific optimization criteria. More exactly, the datasets could be pre-sharded, post-sharded, and otherwise transformed to facilitate training, inference, and simulation by the AI apps.

The corollary of this statement is two-fold:

  • Breaking objects into pieces (often called chunks but also slices, segments, fragments, and blocks) and the related functionality does not necessarily belong to an AI-optimized storage system per se;
  • Instead of chunking the objects and then reassembling them with the help of cluster-wide metadata (that must be maintained with extreme care), the storage system could alternatively focus on providing assistance to simplify and accelerate dataset transformations.

Notice that the same exact approach works for the other side of the spectrum - the proverbial small-file problem. Here again, instead of optimizing small-size IOPS, we focus on application-specific (re)sharding, whereby each shard would have a desirable size, contain a batch of the original (small) files, and where the files (aka samples) would be sorted to optimizes subsequent computation.

Key Concepts and Diagrams

In this section: high-level diagrams that introduce key concepts and architecture, as well as possible deployment options.

AIS cluster comprises arbitrary (and not necessarily equal) numbers of gateways and storage targets. Targets utilize local disks while gateways are HTTP proxies that provide most of the control plane and never touch the data.

The terms gateway and proxy are used interchangeably throughout this README and other sources in the repository.

Both gateways and targets are userspace daemons that join (and, by joining, form) a storage cluster at their respective startup times, or upon user request. AIStore can be deployed on any commodity hardware with pretty much any Linux distribution (although we do recommend 4.x kernel). There are no designed-in size/scale type limitations. There are no dependencies on special hardware capabilities. The code itself is free, open, and MIT-licensed.

The diagram depicting AIS clustered node follows below, and makes the point that gateways and storage targets can be colocated in a single machine (or a VM) but not necessarily:

One AIS machine

AIS can be deployed as a self-contained standalone persistent storage cluster or a fast tier in front of any of the supported backends including Amazon S3 and Google Cloud (GCP). The built-in caching mechanism provides LRU replacement policy on a per-bucket basis while taking into account configurable high and low capacity watermarks (see LRU for details). AWS/GCP integration is turnkey and boils down to provisioning AIS targets with credentials to access Cloud-based buckets.

If (compute + storage) rack is a unit of deployment, it may as well look as follows:

One rack

Finally, AIS target provides a number of storage services with S3-like RESTful API on top and a MapReduce layer that we call dSort.

AIS target block diagram


  • Backend Provider - an abstraction, and simultaneously an API-supported option, that allows to delineate between "remote" and "local" buckets with respect to a given AIS cluster.

  • Unified Global Namespace - AIS clusters attached to each other, effectively, form a super-cluster providing unified global namespace whereby all buckets and all objects of all included clusters are uniformly accessible via any and all individual access points (of those clusters).

  • Mountpath - a single disk or a volume (a RAID) formatted with a local filesystem of choice, and a local directory that AIS can fully own and utilize (to store user data and system metadata). Note that any given disk (or RAID) can have (at most) one mountpath - meaning no disk sharing. Secondly, mountpath directories cannot be nested. Further:

    • a mountpath can be temporarily disabled and (re)enabled;
    • a mountpath can also be detached and (re)attached, thus effectively supporting growth and "shrinkage" of local capacity;
    • it is safe to execute the 4 listed operations (enable, disable, attach, detach) at any point during runtime;
    • in a typical deployment, the total number of mountpaths would compute as a direct product of (number of storage targets) x (number of disks in each target).
  • Xaction - asynchronous batch operations that may take many seconds (minutes, sometimes hours) to execute are called eXtended actions or simply xactions. CLI docs refers to such operations as jobs - the more familiar term that can be used interchangeably. Examples include erasure coding or n-way mirroring a dataset, resharding and reshuffling a dataset, archiving multiple objects, copying buckets, and many more. All eXtended actions support generic API and CLI to show both common counters (byte and object numbers) as well as operation-specific extended statistics.

Traffic Patterns

In AIS, all inter- and intra-cluster networking is based on HTTP/1.1 (with HTTP/2 option currently under development). HTTP(S) clients execute RESTful operations vis-à-vis AIS gateways and data then moves directly between the clients and storage targets with no metadata servers and no extra processing in-between:

Datapath schematics

MDS in the diagram above stands for the metadata server(s) or service(s).

In the picture, a client on the left side makes an I/O request which is then fully serviced by the left target - one of the nodes in the AIS cluster (not shown). Symmetrically, the right client engages with the right AIS target for its own GET or PUT object transaction. In each case, the entire transaction is executed via a single TCP session that connects the requesting client directly to one of the clustered nodes. As far as the datapath is concerned, there are no extra hops in the line of communications.

For detailed traffic patterns diagrams, please refer to this readme.

Distribution of objects across AIS cluster is done via (lightning fast) two-dimensional consistent-hash whereby objects get distributed across all storage targets and, within each target, all local disks.

Open Format

AIS targets utilize local Linux filesystems including (but not limited to) xfs, ext4, and openzfs. User data is checksummed and stored as is without any alteration (that also allows us to support direct client <=> disk datapath). AIS on-disk format is, therefore, largely defined by local filesystem(s) chosen at deployment time.

Notwithstanding, AIS stores and then maintains object replicas, erasure-coded slices, bucket metadata - in short, a variety of local and global-scope (persistent) structures - for details, please refer to:

You can access your data with and without AIS, and without any need to convert or export/import, etc. - at any time! Your data is stored in its original native format using user-given object names. Your data can be migrated out of AIS at any time as well, and, again, without any dependency whatsoever on the AIS itself.

Your own data is unlocked and immediately available at all times.

Existing Datasets

Common way to use AIStore include the most fundamental and, often, the very first step: populating AIS cluster with an existing dataset, or datasets. Those (datasets) can come from remote buckets (AWS, Google Cloud, Azure), HDFS directories, NFS shares, local files, or any vanilla HTTP(S) locations.

To this end, AIS provides 6 (six) easy ways ranging from the conventional on-demand caching to promoting colocated files and directories, and more.

Related references and examples include this technical blog that shows how to copy a file-based dataset in two easy steps.

  1. Cold GET
  2. Prefetch
  3. Internet Downloader
  4. HTTP(S) Datasets
  5. Promote local or shared files
  6. Backend Bucket

In particular:

Existing Datasets: Cold GET

If the dataset in question is accessible via S3-like object API, start working with it via GET primitive of the AIS API. Just make sure to provision AIS with the corresponding credentials to access the dataset's bucket in the Cloud.

As far as supported S3-like backends, AIS currently supports Amazon S3, Google Cloud, and Azure.

AIS executes cold GET from the Cloud if and only if the object is not stored (by AIS), or the object has a bad checksum, or the object's version is outdated.

In all other cases, AIS will service the GET request without going to Cloud.

Existing Datasets: Batch Prefetch

Alternatively or in parallel, you can also prefetch a flexibly-defined list or range of objects from any given remote bucket, as described in this readme.

Existing Datasets: integrated Downloader

But what if the dataset in question exists in the form of (vanilla) HTTP/HTTPS URL(s)? What if there's a popular bucket in, say, Google Cloud that contains images that you'd like to bring over into your Data Center and make available locally for AI researchers?

For these and similar use cases we have AIS Downloader - an integrated tool that can execute massive download requests, track their progress, and populate AIStore directly from the Internet.

Existing Datasets: HTTP(S) Datasets

AIS can also be designated as HTTP proxy vis-à-vis 3rd party object storages. This mode of operation requires:

  1. HTTP(s) client side: set the http_proxy (https_proxy - for HTTPS) environment
  2. Disable proxy for AIS cluster IP addresses/hostnames (for curl use option --noproxy)

Note that http_proxy is supported by most UNIX systems and is recognized by most (but not all) HTTP clients:

WARNING: Currently HTTP(S) based datasets can only be used with clients which support an option of overriding the proxy for certain hosts (for e.g. curl ... --noproxy=$(curl -s G/v1/cluster?what=target_ips)). If used otherwise, we get stuck in a redirect loop, as the request to target gets redirected via proxy.

$ export http_proxy=<AIS proxy IPv4 or hostname>

In combination, these two settings have an effect of redirecting all unmodified client-issued HTTP(S) requests to the AIS proxy/gateway with subsequent execution transparently from the client perspective. AIStore will on the fly create a bucket to store and cache HTTP(S) reachable files all the while supporting the entire gamut of functionality including ETL. Examples for HTTP(S) datasets can be found in this readme

Promote local or shared files

AIS can also promote files and directories to objects. The operation entails synchronous or asynchronus massively-parallel downloading of any accessible file source, including:

  • a local directory (or directories) of any target node (or nodes);
  • a file share mounted on one or several (or all) target nodes in the cluster.

You can now use promote (CLI, API) to populate AIS datasets with any external file source.

Originally (experimentally) introduced in the v3.0 to handle "files and directories colocated within AIS storage target machines", promote has been redefined, extended (in terms of supported options and permutations), and completely reworked in the v3.9.

Data Protection

AIS supports end-to-end checksum protection, 2-way local mirroring, and Reed-Solomon erasure coding - thus providing for arbitrary user-defined levels of cluster-wide data redundancy and space efficiency.


The scale-out category includes balanced and fair distribution of objects where each storage target will store (via a variant of the consistent hashing) 1/Nth of the entire namespace where (the number of objects) N is unlimited by design.

AIS cluster capability to scale-out is truly unlimited. The real-life limitations can only be imposed by the environment - capacity of a given Data Center, for instance.

Similar to the AIS gateways, AIS storage targets can join and leave at any moment causing the cluster to rebalance itself in the background and without downtime.


AIS features a highly-available control plane where all gateways are absolutely identical in terms of their (client-accessible) data and control plane APIs. Gateways can be ad hoc added and removed, deployed remotely and/or locally to the compute clients (the latter option will eliminate one network roundtrip to resolve object locations).

Fast Tier

AIS can be deployed as a fast tier in front of existing Amazon S3 and Google Cloud (GCP) storage.

As a fast tier, AIS populates itself on demand (via cold GETs) and/or via its own prefetch API (see List/Range Operations) that runs in the background to download batches of objects.

Other Services

The (quickly growing) list of services includes (but is not limited to):

Load balancing consists in optimal selection of a local object replica and, therefore, requires buckets configured for local mirroring.

Most notably, AIStore provides dSort - a MapReduce layer that performs a wide variety of user-defined merge/sort transformations on large datasets used for/by deep learning applications.


DSort “views” AIS objects as named shards that comprise archived key/value data. In its 1.0 realization, dSort supports tar, zip, and tar-gzip formats and a variety of built-in sorting algorithms; it is designed, though, to incorporate other popular archival formats including tf.Record and tf.Example (TensorFlow) and MessagePack. The user runs dSort by specifying an input dataset, by-key or by-value (i.e., by content) sorting algorithm, and a desired size of the resulting shards. The rest is done automatically and in parallel by the AIS storage targets, with no part of the processing that’d involve a single-host centralization and with dSort stage and progress-within-stage that can be monitored via user-friendly statistics.

By design, dSort tightly integrates with the AIS-object to take full advantage of the combined clustered CPU and IOPS. Each dSort job (note that multiple jobs can execute in parallel) generates a massively-parallel intra-cluster workload where each AIS target communicates with all other targets and executes a proportional "piece" of a job. This ultimately results in a transformed dataset optimized for subsequent training and inference by deep learning apps.


AIStore includes an easy-to-use management-and-monitoring facility called AIS CLI. Once installed, to start using it, simply execute:

$ export AIS_ENDPOINT=http://G
$ ais --help

where G (above) denotes a hostname:port address of any AIS gateway (for developers it'll often be localhost:8080). Needless to say, the "exporting" must be done only once.

One salient feature of AIS CLI is its Bash style auto-completions that allow users to easily navigate supported operations and options by simply pressing the TAB key:


AIS CLI is currently quickly developing. For more information, please see the project's own README.

AIS no-limitations principle

There are no designed-in limitations on the:

  • object sizes
  • total number of objects and buckets in AIS cluster
  • number of objects in a single AIS bucket
  • numbers of gateways (proxies) and storage targets in AIS cluster

Ultimately, the limit on object size may be imposed by a local filesystem of choice and a physical disk capacity. While limit on the cluster size - by the capacity of the hosting AIStore Data Center. But as far as AIS itself, it does not impose any limitations whatsoever.