Query ‘SANS’ ‘DShield’ ‘API’
The ‘DShield’ project provides early warning attack data and host/‘IP’ metadata to the information security community. Tools are provided to query various ‘DShield’ ‘API’ https://isc.sans.edu/api/ endpoints.
The following functions are implemented:
: IP infoport_date
: Port information at a point-in-timeport_history
: Historical activity for a given portport_info
: Port info
# current verison
## [1] '0.1.0'
## List of 14
## $ number : chr ""
## $ count : int 1
## $ attacks : int 1
## $ maxdate : chr "2018-06-10"
## $ mindate : chr "2018-06-10"
## $ updated : chr "2018-06-10 06:15:59"
## $ comment : NULL
## $ maxrisk : NULL
## $ asabusecontact: chr "abuse@comcast.net"
## $ as : int 7922
## $ asname : chr "COMCAST-7922 - Comcast Cable Communications, LLC,"
## $ ascountry : chr "US"
## $ assize : int 66192817
## $ network : chr ""
## List of 3
## $ number : int 5555
## $ data :List of 8
## ..$ date : chr "2018-07-09"
## ..$ records: int 96165
## ..$ targets: int 5017
## ..$ sources: int 35216
## ..$ tcp : int 67
## ..$ udp : int 0
## ..$ datein : chr "2018-07-09"
## ..$ portin : int 5555
## $ services:List of 2
## ..$ udp:List of 2
## .. ..$ service: chr "personal-agent"
## .. ..$ name : chr "Personal Agent"
## ..$ tcp:List of 2
## .. ..$ service: chr "personal-agent"
## .. ..$ name : chr "Personal Agent"
str(port_date(5555, "2018-06-23"))
## List of 2
## $ number: int 5555
## $ data :List of 8
## ..$ date : chr "2018-06-23"
## ..$ records: int 8106
## ..$ targets: int 1423
## ..$ sources: int 4211
## ..$ tcp : int 49
## ..$ udp : int 0
## ..$ datein : chr "2018-06-23"
## ..$ portin : int 5555
str(port_history(5555, "2018-06-01"))
## Classes 'tbl_df', 'tbl' and 'data.frame': 39 obs. of 6 variables:
## $ date : Date, format: "2018-06-01" "2018-06-02" "2018-06-03" "2018-06-04" ...
## $ records: int 10998 11852 9460 11901 13087 12525 14803 15486 23398 14761 ...
## $ targets: int 2158 2149 1965 2056 2061 1841 2267 2392 2649 1260 ...
## $ sources: int 5021 5439 4536 5192 5542 5293 5975 5622 6198 5483 ...
## $ tcp : int 53 53 55 52 52 56 52 54 64 46 ...
## $ udp : int 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 ...